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True Blue Farmgirl

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Glen Burnie Maryland
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Posted - Jun 14 2010 :  08:41:12 AM  Show Profile  Send carolbrigid a Yahoo! Message
I have a mouse in my kitchen, under the sink. Also I noticed mouse droppings in my basement!! OH NO.... does anyone know the best way to get rid of mice?? I'm never had this problem before. Thank you all.

Farmgirl Hugs,

Farmgirl Sister #222
Member, Crafty Bay Farmgirl Chapter

True Blue Farmgirl

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"Bent Fence Farms" Ca
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Posted - Jun 14 2010 :  08:45:34 AM  Show Profile
A good mouser cat or a tincat live trap

"Treat the earth well, it was not given to you by your parents, it was loaned to you by your children"
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Amy Grace
Rosalia WA
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Posted - Jun 14 2010 :  11:49:38 AM  Show Profile
They don't like the smell of peppermint so spraying/cleaning with peppermint essential oil where you have seen evidence of them will help deter them. Good luck Carol - I hate mice!!!
Amy Grace

Farmgirl #224
"use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without"
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True Blue Farmgirl

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The Great North Woods in the Land of Hiawatha
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Posted - Jun 14 2010 :  11:58:34 AM  Show Profile
Funny story....

When we first moved into our house I was busy at the kichen stove when I heard a "scritching" sound coming from behind my right shoulder as I turned to see what it was. Here in my open cupboard....big as life... was the absolute sweetest looking mouse sitting on top of a box of Manicotti giving me the eye!

---I shiver when I write this now, but he was kinda cute as far as little mice go-

Get yourself a good little mouser!! Or your standard mouse-trap will do nicely---Happy Hunting-

Farmgirl #525
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Worland Wy
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Posted - Jun 14 2010 :  12:04:31 PM  Show Profile  Send Alee a Yahoo! Message
Eek! This topic brings back nightmares from when we had to live 9 months in a mouse infested house. Yuck. I second the peppermint. Get some peppermint essential oil and put it any place you see they have an entry. Maybe even get one of those diffuser things and put peppermint essential oil on the reed sticks. is a US mint farm that does mail orders.

Be extrememly careful of food storage. Get everything you can into air tight containers for things like pasta, bread, etc. Also make sure to wipe down every surface everytime. Even a smidgen of sugar or flour can encourage those nasty beasties.

Good luck!!

Farmgirl Sister #8
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jun 14 2010 :  12:44:19 PM  Show Profile
My cats keep the mice away!

"It's only when we truly know and understand that we have a limited time on earth- and that we have no way of knowing when our time is up- that we will begin to live each day to the fullest, as if it was the only one we had." Elisabeth Kurler-Ross
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Glen Burnie Maryland
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Posted - Jun 14 2010 :  4:57:41 PM  Show Profile  Send carolbrigid a Yahoo! Message
I know this sounds stupid but I looked at mousetraps at Walmart and the idea of killing them kind of upset me, so I didn't buy any. Yet. I thought I would ask my sisters here if they had any ideas first. And you do!! I'm getting the peppermint essential oil, definitely! I didn't know that mice don't like that. Alee, I took everything out of the cabinet except for my canned goods, and have packaged foods in airtight square plastic containers. That was one way I found out about the kitchen mouse. I noticed a package of oatmeal was sprinkled all around the bottom of the cabinet. I guess it had a nice feast, LOL. And Melody, I think they are cute, too. That's partly why I wanted to try an alternative method before doing the traps.

Farmgirl Hugs,

Farmgirl Sister #222
Member, Crafty Bay Farmgirl Chapter
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jun 14 2010 :  9:04:59 PM  Show Profile
Mice, and rodents for that matter, don't like the idea of having people around. My parents used to keep the lights on and play music to get rid of the things in our garage. Hope this helps! Didn't know about the peppermint, though!
God's Blessings,
Megan aka Loretta Rae

At heart, I am both a sassy city girl and a down-home country gal.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Milwaukee WI
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Posted - Jun 15 2010 :  04:23:29 AM  Show Profile
Lights and music in the garage? I have mint planted along one side of my garage and it is of course volunteering to go the distance if you catch my drift. Maybe I'll pick up a little radio and try leaving the lights on in my garage. My cat might not like it if I drive 'em away, but that's tough. I HATE hearing 'em scritching around in the wall! I like to store my classroom supplies in the garage over summer, but YUCKO when I have to clean every container before I touch it!!

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Glen Burnie Maryland
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Posted - Jun 17 2010 :  7:25:58 PM  Show Profile  Send carolbrigid a Yahoo! Message
Hhhmmmm... maybe I'll try the lights and music, too.

Okay, I bought a spray bottle and a bottle of peppermint essential oil. How many drops of the peppermint oil do I use to add to the water?? What's a good measurement? Like 1/2 teaspoon to a cup of water? Does anyone know? Thank you!!!

Farmgirl Hugs,

Farmgirl Sister #222
Member, Crafty Bay Farmgirl Chapter
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Worland Wy
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Posted - Jun 18 2010 :  05:43:39 AM  Show Profile  Send Alee a Yahoo! Message
Carol- I think the half teaspoon to a cup of water should be good. You want to be able to smell it even after it dries.

Farmgirl Sister #8
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True Blue Farmgirl

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East Texas
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Posted - Jun 18 2010 :  06:43:44 AM  Show Profile
If all else fails...we use glue traps. I hate them, but I do make my husband, er, 'dispatch' the mouse quickly. I hate to see anything suffer. Anyway, you have to really stay on top of rodent control or they will take over your house! Good luck!

FarmGirl #1390
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Glen Burnie Maryland
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Posted - Jun 18 2010 :  07:24:16 AM  Show Profile  Send carolbrigid a Yahoo! Message
Thank you, Alee. I can't wait to try it. And my house will smell nice, too! And Amanda, yep you're right, I am on top of it now.... that's my fear, they will take over..... UGGHHHHHH why me??? LOL

Farmgirl Hugs,

Farmgirl Sister #222
Member, Crafty Bay Farmgirl Chapter
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Haysville Kansas
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Posted - Jun 18 2010 :  07:31:59 AM  Show Profile
Well, I lived in infestation twice now here in NYC.

I tried it all, peppermint-several bottles from Whole Foods, put on cotton balls, I'm still finding the cotton balls and didn't even slow the mice down!

Tried traps, they were smart and avoided them! (plus our first infestation we caught 40 that way and it was literally only a drop in the bucket to what we had!) Yeah this is NYC!

As far as them not liking people! Well, well, well, I wish the ones in NYC didn't like people! The ones in our first apartment would have races! Literally up and down the halls1 and be running with each other so fast, they would hit my bedroom door when making the corner! I never seen anything like it. And righ by me as well, not worrying a thing about me! I would scream when I would see them, and instead of them running way they would stop turn around run towards me and look up at me, as if saying what's wrong, can we help? Another time I was on the phone with my husband in the dark and one jumped on my back! I almost had a heart attack! Another night, I thought I was dreaming, and was hearing something under my pillow, then feeling something, then I realized it wasn't a dream! And I ripped off my finger nail cause it was caught on something trying to get away from the thing under my pillow! This last infestation here, they didn't mind getting up in bed with me and snuggling by my feet, or jumping right up by my face while I slept either! Afraid of people, no a chance! NYC mice are a different breed. Of course they are also huge and jump on the mats in front of grocery stores till the doors open too!

Any way, I couldn't take it another minute, so I got a cat (even though we aren't allowed, but I tried EVERY thing else and nothing else was working, and it had been too long already!), I really thought with the amount we had, we would actually probably need two cats, and that I was going to be finding mouse parts/bodies around. But, I just couldn't take it any more, and tried to get two cats, but ended up with one. I brought the baby kitten home, and all mice evacuated on their own with in 24 hours! I do have a stinky persian cat, maybe she has more pheromones then other cats or something, I don't know. I don't care! I am just happy as a lark, she got rid of them with out even having to eat them. (which I was scared quite frankly any way for her to eta these nasty things, as I don't know what kind of diseases they could have, or if they had gotten into poison in another apartment, as I think they run between all the apartments here.)

So now, I just say get a cat! If you have a larger house you may need more. My dad lives on a farm, he says it takes him about 4 cats, for the mice to stay clear! But, it is the only thing he has found as well that works.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Glen Burnie Maryland
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Posted - Jun 18 2010 :  07:37:09 AM  Show Profile  Send carolbrigid a Yahoo! Message
Wow Heather your story is frightening!!! Oh my gosh, I can't imagine and I don't want to!!! Thank you, I am considering all advice, seriously!

Farmgirl Hugs,

Farmgirl Sister #222
Member, Crafty Bay Farmgirl Chapter
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True Blue Farmgirl

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"Bent Fence Farms" Ca
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Posted - Jun 18 2010 :  08:39:11 AM  Show Profile
Do any of you know why a cat leaves the tail til last when he eats a mouse???

Cause he uses it as a toothpick...hehehehehehhehehehehhehehe

"Treat the earth well, it was not given to you by your parents, it was loaned to you by your children"
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Haysville Kansas
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Posted - Jun 18 2010 :  09:03:29 AM  Show Profile
lol Teresa!
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Glen Burnie Maryland
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Posted - Jun 18 2010 :  09:49:51 AM  Show Profile  Send carolbrigid a Yahoo! Message
Ewwwww I don't want to know, LOL !!! I hate this whole topic now, LOL UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH mouse tails....

Farmgirl Hugs,

Farmgirl Sister #222
Member, Crafty Bay Farmgirl Chapter
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Worland Wy
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Posted - Jun 18 2010 :  11:47:57 AM  Show Profile  Send Alee a Yahoo! Message
The house we lived in the mice were pretty bold too. I found them climbing inside my oven more than once and they came out during the day. My husband didn't believe me until I pointed them out while we were watching TV. My dog is a mouse hunter, but only outside where she can did up their nests. Once they are inside she doesn't have much of a chance against them.

Farmgirl Sister #8
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Haysville Kansas
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Posted - Jun 18 2010 :  12:43:32 PM  Show Profile
Yeah exactly Alee. Mine were in the oven too! Hoping to get a scrap of food. The ones in Brooklyn were so crazy they could smell the food in the freezer, and would try to go in the hole for the fan (to keep the freezer cold) and get chopped to bits, burning up the fan! We went through 4 fridges because of that!
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Glen Burnie Maryland
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Posted - Jun 18 2010 :  1:10:57 PM  Show Profile  Send carolbrigid a Yahoo! Message
OMG you guys, these are horror stories. I would barf if I opened the oven door and saw a mouse..... Heather, I just can't imagine what your life was like.

Farmgirl Hugs,

Farmgirl Sister #222
Member, Crafty Bay Farmgirl Chapter
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Worland Wy
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Posted - Jun 18 2010 :  6:02:11 PM  Show Profile  Send Alee a Yahoo! Message
Carol- The one I actual saw was sitting right in the middle of my cast Iron pan that was on the stove top. We lived in the "slums" (long story- it was the only last minute rental we could find) while we looked for something better and the oven didn't actually work for about 4 months until they finally replaced it with a new stove...

There was one mouse that liked to hang out under our blanket box that we had our TV on and they REALLY liked the basement. They also ate holes under the kitchen cabinents but luckily one drawer came out and gave me access to where they were coming in. I must admit I did buy mouse poison. Seeing the little blue poops was great because I knew that meant that mouse's time was limited. But I also had a barely turned 1 year old and it was flat out war!

Farmgirl Sister #8
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Haysville Kansas
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Posted - Jun 18 2010 :  8:34:49 PM  Show Profile
So sorry you had to go through that Alee, I hated living in the slums of brooklyn, with the mice so bad. This last time, we tried poison as a last result, they ate it but we didn't see any less of them!
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True Blue Farmgirl

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bend in the high desert oregon
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Posted - Jun 20 2010 :  09:05:48 AM  Show Profile
oh man mice make me crazy. i have them each spring and fall trying to get in. i went to the goat barn last winter. one went under my boot and pant leg. up my waist under my clothes under my shirt up my bra and was trying to get out my neck hole. i was naked in a N. Y. minute. i now wear rubber bands on my pant legs if its fall or winter. yikes happy days sherrye

the learn as we go silk purse farm
farm girl #1014
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Haysville Kansas
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Posted - Jun 20 2010 :  12:07:45 PM  Show Profile
lol Sherry, again a mouse with no fear of humans apparently!
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Amy Grace
Rosalia WA
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Posted - Jun 21 2010 :  07:23:43 AM  Show Profile
Ohhh, yuck Sherrye
I reached my hand in the dogfood to scoop it out once and saw something out of the corner of my eye - looked down and there was a mouse clinging to my sweater - I had that sweater off in no time, good thing it was a cardigan!!
Amy Grace

Farmgirl #224
"use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without"
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