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 Who hates fruit flies???
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True Blue Farmgirl

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East Texas
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Posted - May 20 2010 :  6:31:18 PM  Show Profile
Ok, I have a great solution for ending your fruit fly problem! Forget setting out little bowls of vinegar, etc.

1. Plug in your vacuum in a room where the flies are a problem, and get your hose attachment all set up.
2. Get a glass of wine (sounds fun already, right?)
3. Sit by your vacuum with your wine. (drinking it is optional)
4. Wait. If you have any fruit flies, they'll come calling.
5. When you have a sufficient number of the flies buzzing around your wine glass, flip on the vacuum, and suck up the flies with the hose attachment.

See, wasn't that fun AND easy? Lol. Seriously, I do use a vacuum to take care of any fruit fly problem. It works great. As long as you aren't wildly chasing them, the flies buzz around pretty slowly and you just suck them up.

FarmGirl #1390

True Blue Farmgirl

13055 Posts

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Posted - May 20 2010 :  8:18:17 PM  Show Profile
That sounds like how I would do it, too. Great idea. I think it's the wine that bring such great ideas to us. LOL.

"It's only when we truly know and understand that we have a limited time on earth- and that we have no way of knowing when our time is up- that we will begin to live each day to the fullest, as if it was the only one we had." Elisabeth Kurler-Ross
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Northeast Georgia
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Posted - May 20 2010 :  9:13:49 PM  Show Profile
Amanda! I sprayed my lemon ade as I read the 2.!
Thanks for the laugh!

Karrieann ~ Farmgirl Sister #766 (29 Sept 2009)

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True Blue Farmgirl

1145 Posts

East Texas
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Posted - May 21 2010 :  06:13:50 AM  Show Profile
Lol, well we have to keep housework fun and interesting, right???? Of course, I was being 1/2 silly, though wine definitely attracts the little pests, but if you don't 'do' wine, use 1/2 of a banana as bait, and you'll get just as many. :0)

FarmGirl #1390
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True Blue Farmgirl

895 Posts

Houston Texas
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Posted - May 21 2010 :  08:49:50 AM  Show Profile
I loved this post. My daughter has three parrots so they have fresh fruit in their food bowls all the time. We have a terrible time with fruit flies. My DH hates them and once even brought the bug zapper and set it up in the kitchen to get them. It didn't work. I have forwarded this to him and I am sure he will be down here shortly with my white wine in a glass and his vacuum ready for the little beasties.

Farmgirl Sister 572

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True Blue Farmgirl

1145 Posts

East Texas
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Posted - May 22 2010 :  8:32:49 PM  Show Profile
Lol. I had parrots in the house, too, but now they're all in an outdoor aviary. I am even having to put bananas in the fridge (gag) to keep down the flies. Oh, the beauty of living in the South. Lol. That humid weather rolls in and so do the fruit flies.


FarmGirl #1390
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Louisville KY
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Posted - May 22 2010 :  9:43:39 PM  Show Profile
In the summer I basically live in the kitchen swinging a dishtowel at anything flying. We put flypaper up (gross) for a few days to get it under control and then take it down because it is GROSS and try to deal with them from there.

SAHM mom to four great boys.
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urban chickie
True Blue Farmgirl

734 Posts

Niles IL
734 Posts

Posted - May 23 2010 :  11:57:06 AM  Show Profile
I get a lot of fruit flies because I ferment foods and they love the smell. I have found that homemade traps work best. Put a little of something they like in a jar, just a little though at the bottom. Then place a funnel on top that meets the edge of the top of the jar. The fruit flies fly in to eat, then can't seem to find their was to get out. If you put in a liquid and add a few drops of liquid soap, they might drown. I just sort of release them into the wild every day lol. Also,a cotton ball with a few drops of lemon oil placed in a couple corners of the area can help keep them at bay if there aren't too many.

Farmgirl #1370
City Girl By Birth,
Suburbanite By Location,
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