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 Hair getting some waviness, menopause??
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Central Oregon
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Posted - May 09 2010 :  12:14:48 PM  Show Profile
My formerly straighter-than-straight hair is now doing its very own version of a wave, if not a slight curliness. I have long hair and feathered bangs (yes, very '80's) and you can really see it, especially after I wash it.

The Big M is going pretty good and it's the only thing I can think that has changed with my bod.

Anyone else's hair doing same??

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - May 09 2010 :  12:25:19 PM  Show Profile
I'm 47 and have always had pretty straight hair until a few years ago. I find that using a pre-shampoo conditioner cuts down on the curliness. I leave it in my hair for 15 minutes and then use a very small amount of shampoo. I also made a spritz with apple cider vinegar and glycerin with nettles and rosemary. I spray it on as my hair is drying. My hair still wants to do the wavy thing but not as bad as when I don't use it.

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Central Oregon
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Posted - May 09 2010 :  1:48:48 PM  Show Profile
Thanks for the info!

Actually, I kind of like having a bit of body in my hair. I have the opposite of frizzy hair, my straight hair is like the 500 lb. gorilla, it's gonna do what it wants anyway but this?? Now some body after all these decades...hehehe...

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - May 09 2010 :  7:01:18 PM  Show Profile
My hair is doing the opposite. I've always had super curly, and on high humidity days- very frizzy hair. Now, after the big M (as Winona stated) LOL, my hair is getting straight. LOL!!!! I do miss my curls.

"It's only when we truly know and understand that we have a limited time on earth- and that we have no way of knowing when our time is up- that we will begin to live each day to the fullest, as if it was the only one we had." Elisabeth Kurler-Ross
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urban chickie
True Blue Farmgirl

734 Posts

Niles IL
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Posted - May 09 2010 :  9:18:27 PM  Show Profile
Unfortunately, the lovely waviness in my hair seems to be disappearing with menopause. It's much flatter than ever and I hate that!!

Farmgirl #1370
City Girl By Birth,
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Aunt Jenny
True Blue Farmgirl

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middle of Utah
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Posted - May 10 2010 :  09:42:40 AM  Show Profile
I don't have any other M symptoms yet (I am 51) but my wavy hair is now CURLY! I have alwaysha d "big thick hair with waves and body" but now..heck...if I am not right on it it is practically clown hair!So I think there is something to it.

Jenny in Utah
Proud Farmgirl sister #24
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Victoria BC
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Posted - May 11 2010 :  09:15:03 AM  Show Profile
This is certainly interesting, I thought it was just me!! Full-blown Mentalpause at 54 and my baby-fine, poker straight hair has become curly and frizzy! The humidity we have here on an island certainly doesn't help either...I can relate to Aunt Jenny's clown hair! Mine "grows" as the day goes on! I'm thinking it might be time to just be done with it and get it all cut off.
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urban chickie
True Blue Farmgirl

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Niles IL
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Posted - May 11 2010 :  09:22:49 AM  Show Profile
I guess I won't complain hair doesn't get frizzy, only gets more nicely curly with humidity! That's gotta count for something LOL. Thank you hair!!

Farmgirl #1370
City Girl By Birth,
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True Blue Farmgirl

432 Posts

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Posted - May 12 2010 :  12:36:38 PM  Show Profile
I am pre-m and my formerly wavy hair is now seeming to be straighter and find if I want nice waves I need to put product in it. Weird what our bodies do to us.

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Franklin NC
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Posted - May 12 2010 :  5:53:02 PM  Show Profile
I am 44 but the dr seems to think I am already menopauseal. Anyway my hair is getting more curls all the time. I have been getting my daugther to straitening it after I wash it. It is also becoming dryer so I only can wash it about 2 times a week.

Farmgirl Sister #41

Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.
Henry David Thoreau
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urban chickie
True Blue Farmgirl

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Niles IL
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Posted - May 12 2010 :  8:51:22 PM  Show Profile
Honey, I started the big P at 39. Age actually has very little to do with it. Think of it this way: we will get through it faster, too!

Farmgirl #1370
City Girl By Birth,
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Venus TX
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Posted - May 13 2010 :  06:34:04 AM  Show Profile  Send Melbick a Yahoo! Message
Dr's have actually determined that you can go Pre-M in your mid 20's depending on the number of children you have had (or at least that is what mine told me when I started this phase last year about a month before my 34th birthday). I am at the stage now where mentally I just want it overwith!!! I think my DH would be very happy for it to be over with, the poor guy never knows what mood i will be in. As for the hair, yes I have noticed a change in mine, not so much in the waviness but in the fact that mine is dryer now than it has ever been, I used to have to wash it daily due to the oiliness, now twice a week is it.

Melanie Bickham
FarmGirl Sister #1475
Homegrown Girls
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urban chickie
True Blue Farmgirl

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Niles IL
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Posted - May 13 2010 :  10:01:05 AM  Show Profile
Yeah, I know someone who started perimenapause in her mid 20's. Isn't it funny how it affects us all differently? My hair and skin have always been real dry, despite severe acne in my late 20's-30's. Now, I need to wash my hair more often and my skin is oilier than ever! I have completely abandoned wearing makeup or anything except for special occasions and then only for short times. In college roommates thought I was weird because I only washed my hair every 2-3 days but that was at a doctor's suggestion because my scalp was so dry. Leave it to me to do everything backwards :)

Farmgirl #1370
City Girl By Birth,
Suburbanite By Location,
Farmgirl at Heart
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Southwest Wisconsin
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Posted - May 15 2010 :  1:12:05 PM  Show Profile
My hair is getting fuller than it used to be. I'm 48 and the Big M is in full force...HOT flashes and all.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - May 17 2010 :  04:38:36 AM  Show Profile
My hair is getting thinner! It has always been fine, but thick enough, now it is wispy and flat and I am not thrilled. Oh to have clown hair! Jenny I think your hair looks pretty!

Farmgirl Sister # 31

Psalm 51: 10-13
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Beavercreek Ohio
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Posted - May 17 2010 :  06:28:11 AM  Show Profile
I didn't have any issues with my hair during menopause. I find this very interesting. Of course, maybe I have forgotten because it has been a while since I have been through it. I do still get occasional hot flashes though. I am 48 and was 38 when everything started happening with menopause. I wish something had changed with my hair. I went and got a body wave about 2 weeks ago which just dried it out. It is not give it body or a wave, more like hay.

"All you need is faith, trust and......a liitle bit of pixie dust" ~Peter Pan
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