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True Blue Farmgirl

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The Great North Woods in the Land of Hiawatha
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Posted - Apr 28 2010 :  7:31:45 PM  Show Profile
Yep...I am an old lady and I thought I had seen just about everything.

Today, while emptying out the washer I found a very flat smashed
pop can at the very bottom of the tub

Needless to say, the black pair of "tights" that belonged to my DD was shredded.



"The best mirror is an old friend."
- George Herbert

Farmgirl #525

True Blue Farmgirl

1168 Posts

Seabrook TX
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Posted - Apr 29 2010 :  07:38:37 AM  Show Profile  Send MrsRooster a Yahoo! Message
I have started making my daughter sort her clothes for the wash. She has a two sided hamper. So lights in one side and darks in the other.

When should I start letting her fill the machine??

I haven't let her put clothes away because she just throws them in the drawer. I fold them, and she makes a mess. Isn't five old enough to know to put them in nicely???

I am having trouble with her just dropping her towel on the bathroom floor too. It has a hood so you think that it would be easy to just hang on the door.

Farmgirl #1259
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Houston Texas
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Posted - Apr 29 2010 :  08:44:24 AM  Show Profile
Good luck with the kids and laundry thing. I have three daughters now 21 to 24. They all handle laundry totally differently even though I taught them all the same. One puts everything into one big load no matter what it is. The washer is crammed so full things don't get clean but that is ok with her. She folds things a puts them away nicely though. The next one has a load of black, a load of white, a load of pink, a load of green etc. She has 6 to 8 small loads every time she washes. She folds everything and leaves it in the baskets while leaving her dirty things all over the floor. The youngest has a dark load, a light load and an underwear load. She leaves everything unfolded on the bed and then sleeps on her sofa. The dirty things are in the floor until all the things on the bed are in the floor then she washes. They are all away from home now but they all developed those habits while here even though I nagged at them all the time to do it "My" way. So I wish you all luck in getting them to do it right. LOL

Farmgirl Sister 572

When manure happens just say "WOO HOO Fertilizer".
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True Blue Farmgirl

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The Great North Woods in the Land of Hiawatha
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Posted - Apr 29 2010 :  09:12:53 AM  Show Profile
Beth...LOL!! I can totally relate.

My daughter is 17-----I won't even go into what her bedroom looks like. I just walk by and CLOSE the door!

Funny you should mention "sorting" laundry. I have begged my DH to please NOT do the laundry--He is so dear, but he never sorts, and once I was upstairs and I could hear the washer just sluuuuuuuuging along. When I went to investigate I discovered 12 pair of blue-jeans in the tub!

"The best mirror is an old friend."
- George Herbert

Farmgirl #525
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True Blue Farmgirl

1168 Posts

Seabrook TX
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Posted - Apr 29 2010 :  10:45:33 AM  Show Profile  Send MrsRooster a Yahoo! Message
My hubby is banned from the laundry after pinking my uniforms for my job at the hospital. Yikes. But he fixed it pronto. But he is banned just the same.

My sister in law throws everything together and washes with cold water. There is something about dog blankets, towels, underwear, and socks that makes my skin crawl.

Farmgirl #1259
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True Blue Farmgirl

3332 Posts

The Great North Woods in the Land of Hiawatha
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Posted - Apr 29 2010 :  2:13:05 PM  Show Profile
I agree Amy! Hospital whites-now PINK Oh my....

"The best mirror is an old friend."
- George Herbert

Farmgirl #525
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Houston Texas
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Posted - Apr 29 2010 :  2:32:09 PM  Show Profile
I totally get the dog blankets etc all in one load. My daughters boyfriend does that. We get ferret blankets in with the dog blankets, towels and dish clothes and my daughters good work clothes. That's just disgusting. My husband is good with the washing but everything goes in the dryer. I try to get to the wash before he does. He also throws everything on the bed and waits for me to fold it all. I hang things up and on the clothes line. I try very hard not to use the dryer. Guess we all have our ways. LOL

Farmgirl Sister 572

When manure happens just say "WOO HOO Fertilizer".
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Apr 29 2010 :  7:18:19 PM  Show Profile
I do laundry, but I do it the way my Mom does, which is a pretty good system. Towels, darks, and whites. Sometimes if there are a lot of darks, we'll separate them into two different loads based on color: the lighter 'darks' in one load, the dark darks in the next load. My Grandma does a million little loads of different colors. I could never do laundry like that!
God's Blessings,
Megan aka Loretta Rae

At heart, I am both a sassy city girl and a down-home country gal.
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