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True Blue Farmgirl

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Nampa ID
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Posted - Mar 26 2010 :  11:59:53 AM  Show Profile
Since going back to work F/T, I have made Sat morning my housecleaning,laundrey day. Noon would be my deadline, so whatever didn't get done,had to wait till next week or whenever.Eventualy as kids moved out, and less help around the house, I noticed its been taking me longer to get it all done so my deadline of noon became 1pm, etc... I would get cleaned up, have lunch and go grocery shopping. Then it dawned on me one day, I am not getting any days off, working m-f and now on Sat. Of course HB needs help with something so Sat pm or Sun was working with him. I was complaining about this to a firend who made a suggestion that she tried years ago and is still doing it: she cleans m-th after work. She cleans the bathrooms one eve: takes 30 min max. Another night she sweeps and vaccums, takes her 30 min, another night she dusts, etc.... I have decided to do the same thing. One Sat I did my normal cleaning to get the house cleaned and then started in Mon after work, I cleaned the bathrooms, Tues I dusted, Wed: I did the upstairs dusting, Thurs I grocery shopped and came home and swept and vaccummed. I am free this weekend. ok, so I didnt vaccum this week, however I did pick up all the crap the dog draggs in and even picked up her molting hair balls. I'll get better at this (I hope) and vaccum on one of those nights.

Does anyone do this or do you have another plan that works?

Farmgirl Sister # 302

True Blue Farmgirl

917 Posts

cincinnati ohio
917 Posts

Posted - Mar 27 2010 :  05:29:24 AM  Show Profile
I know what you mean. When you have a full time job outside of the home it is hard to get a day of complete rest. I think you and your friend have the right idea. I try to do some cleaning each night and finish up on Saturday. I want to try to get the grocery shopping finished during the week so I can actually have a stay at home complete day. I also wash my babies ( 2 yorkie poos) 1 night during the week so I don't have to do that on Saturday. Since I am saying that I need to get into the shower as I have a Ladies Bible Study this morning...
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True Blue Farmgirl

3107 Posts

Amy Grace
Rosalia WA
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Posted - Mar 27 2010 :  08:09:21 AM  Show Profile
I try to do about half an hour a day too. I have discovered I really need one day where I don't have to "work" and can just garden or sew or something. Some weeks, like this one, I am less successful than others - it really depends on how much sleep I get. I have to get up at 4am usually so if my sleep gets messed up I don't have the energy -BUT when I do manage to stay on my schedule it makes a huge difference in my enjoyment of life!!
Amy Grace

Farmgirl #224
"use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without"
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True Blue Farmgirl

1675 Posts

Paint Lick KY
1675 Posts

Posted - Mar 27 2010 :  09:22:00 AM  Show Profile
Nampafarmgirl, check out flylady! She's AWESOME. You house isn't clean overnight, but once you get your routines down, the house really does clean itself practically! And I work full time with an hour commute each way!

Starbucks and sushi to green fried tomatoes and corn pudding-I wouldn't change it for the world.
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True Blue Farmgirl

323 Posts

Loveland Colorado
323 Posts

Posted - Mar 27 2010 :  8:52:23 PM  Show Profile
Well, now that I've finished college I should have enough time to get this place clean.
I've been doing a little each day and it made it easier to tackle the big jobs [or when I had to take most of my day off to work on the truck!]
What's nice is for the first time in years I have things organized and in the right place, so I just have to keep up with stuff [if I can keep up with putting things away instead of leaving them around - I like to pile it instead of file it...]
I look forward to having a whole day off where I can just do what I want [remember those when we where younger?]

"You shot it Tarzan-
You eat it."
Dave Ramsey
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True Blue Farmgirl

494 Posts

Nampa ID
494 Posts

Posted - Apr 14 2010 :  06:53:27 AM  Show Profile
Megan, who or what is fly lady?

Farmgirl Sister # 302
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True Blue Farmgirl

22941 Posts

Worland Wy
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Posted - Apr 14 2010 :  07:22:13 AM  Show Profile  Send Alee a Yahoo! Message
We try to do a little bit of work every day too- but we have to wait until Nora is in bed- Since we are both working now, I hate to miss any of our time together!! Just a bit in the morning and a bit in the evening. I am glad that I get two days off and partial on Saturday- All told she only has to be in day care 3 days a week.

I try to keep up with the dishes and the living room picked up. If everything is in ordern then I can spend about 2 hours of concentrated cleaning time and get everything done. I used to clean houses for a living and one thing I learned is if you have a set list and set pattern after a while you can really speed it up- and the less clutter and nick nacks you have the faster it goes as well.

Farmgirl Sister #8
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True Blue Farmgirl

1735 Posts

martinsville indiana
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Posted - Apr 14 2010 :  07:41:40 AM  Show Profile
I use flylady as well. It is on yahoo groups and it has a routine that is emailed daily. I really like it. I needed someone to break down my cleaning into a more managable schedule and stumbled accross the flylady site. It really helped.

God - Gardening - Family - Is anything else important?
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True Blue Farmgirl

494 Posts

Nampa ID
494 Posts

Posted - Apr 22 2010 :  11:56:51 AM  Show Profile

Farmgirl Sister # 302
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True Blue Farmgirl

4810 Posts

Elsmere Kentucky
4810 Posts

Posted - Apr 22 2010 :  11:59:27 AM  Show Profile
We do a bit everyday so that Saturday and Sunday are free to do fun things. I work full time, and my husband is starting back to work so our schedules will be busy--I usually have a goal for one thing a night (besides dishes--they're constant) and by 9:00 (after cleaning, cooking dinner, bathtime for Violet), I can sit down :) But it's all worth it for Saturday and Sunday off!!!

Musings from our family in the Bluegrass
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True Blue Farmgirl

129 Posts

Holland MI
129 Posts

Posted - Apr 27 2010 :  11:46:38 AM  Show Profile
Cleaning m-thu was my habit for many years. I raised 5 kids and worked a 50+ hour a week. My hubby being an over the rode truck driver was very seldom home. Now I'm retired and every day I wonder how I managed to get every done. And I still clean m-thu. We are now empty nesters and love having every week-end free. Just remember if you miss a week doing a certain chore.....who cares. Life is way more important. After I'm dead no one will remember if I missed a week of dusting. Warm hugs to you. Sister #1443 Carmen

Blessings from Heaven and Earth
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