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 Anyone use essential oils for house cleaning?
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Rapid City SD
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Posted - Nov 05 2009 :  5:55:23 PM  Show Profile
I do. I like the idea that they are non-toxic and they make my house smell heavenly. Everyone always asks what I use to clean with, but when I tell them they act as though they've never heard of such a thing.

I like to make a blend called 4 Thieves. There is a good story attached to that oil, but I'll let y'all search out the story yourselves! It's antibacterial and a great germicidal cleanser for hands, too. Not nearly as drying to my hands as soap, even good quality soaps. I add it to my mop bucket to clean our wood floors, I use it in the bathroom to clean the sink, tub, "terlet" and floors.

Whenever we have dry, stuffy noses or feel a cold coming on, I mix together coconut oil and a few drops of peppermint oil and eucalyptus oil and rub it on chests and necks, and even on the bottoms of feet at night before bed.


Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss you'll land amongst the stars. - Anonymous

Edited by - twink on Nov 05 2009 7:44:40 PM

True Blue Farmgirl

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Seagrove NC
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Posted - Nov 06 2009 :  04:12:23 AM  Show Profile
I do and use a lavender oil spray on the vacuum bag.

I smell lavender then instead of dirt.

And when I'm done, I'll light a sweetgrass incense stick
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Polka Dot Apron
Farmgirl in Training

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Beautiful Lancaster County PA
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Posted - Nov 06 2009 :  04:35:53 AM  Show Profile
Hi Gals~ ~

This question is right down my ally. I have been marketing an essential oil product for many years now for the original company that invented the Thieves essential oil blend. I love how well the product cleans and the fact that there are no harmful chemicals involved. "Thieves Household Cleaner" is made with Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils (TGEO) so it is antibacterial and antiviral and keeps you home safe as well as clean! Moms with young children especially love this product. It's a concentrate that you mix with water so a bottle lasts a long time. I mix mine up in spray bottles and keep them around the house. One in the kitchen and one in each bethroom.

If you would like to learn more about TGEO please visit my website and watch the videos. I would be happy to send you more information. I use this product to clean my home and really like the way it cleans and I love that I am using a product that is safe for my family and safe for the environment! If you are interested in purchasing the product I would be happy to send it to you.
~ ~Ahrisha~ ~

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True Blue Farmgirl

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wappingers falls new york
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Posted - Nov 06 2009 :  04:55:36 AM  Show Profile
Those are my favorite oils! The four thieves is amazing.. and there are different recipes for it and lavender is my all time favorite.
I use myrrh oil on my tooth brush. I also put the four thieves oil in a diffuser.
I use an oil called olbas... it is amazing when I have a head ache I put a little on my forehead and my temples and my nose and my gums and it relives it.
In fact I use it a lot cause my sinus are stuffy a lot... we live in the Hudson Valley and it is known for its affect on the sinuses.
I would like to find the sweetgrass stick ... what does it smell like? Does it smell nice of like the indian incenses from the 60s? I am always afraid to buy incense because of that.
I have burned frankincense resin before.. I liked that.
I heard burning rosemary is good for keeping mice and bugs away. I did it in my basement once. We still had mice. Then I was told to put cloves around..... I did that in our cabin .....still had mice. Then peppermint oil... it worked for as long as the oil was potent .... but we couldn't see from the fumes he he.
Sorry I went off the subject.

To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven
Farmgirl sister # 34
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Polka Dot Apron
Farmgirl in Training

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Beautiful Lancaster County PA
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Posted - Nov 06 2009 :  05:21:15 AM  Show Profile
I must agree. Many of my clients love the Thieves essential oil. One of my friends has 4 young children and each night they all sit on the sofa and she sits on the floor. The TV is off. She allows each child to choose an Essential Oil from her box and while they talk about their day she will rub each childs feet with our wonderful Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils (TGEO). What a wonderful quality time event for everyone. The children look forward to this time every night. If they are pretty wound up she will use our Peace & Calming blend to calm them down for a good nights sleep.

The oils are so good for the body and assist in building the immune system. Doesn't it make sense, putting organic oils on an organic human body is synergistic. They work to assist the body to balance. To learn more about our TGEO please visit my website. Thanks for allowing me to share.
~ ~Ahrisha~ ~

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I have been a "Woman in Business from Home" for 12 years teaching folks how to live a more Natural life. Please visit my website:
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Ellenwood GA
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Posted - Nov 06 2009 :  05:30:59 AM  Show Profile
I use them all the time. This week my house smelled like rosemary and it was heavenly! I change them up all the time. You never know what my house will smell like- lavender, vanilla, geranium, allspice or grapefruit, with a little tea tree oil added. Makes mopping much more pleasant.

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Rapid City SD
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Posted - Nov 06 2009 :  06:25:10 AM  Show Profile
I have also been buying a product called Anti-BacAtcha from a company where I buy my Microcrystal Refining Creme stuff for my face. It has lots of different oils with germicidal qualities and goes a long way, too. Smells heavenly. Spendy, but nice. Here's the link for the product itself:

And here's the link for her home page:

She makes the greatest Kettle soap. Smells very lightly like lemon and my dishes love it. I use it even on my cast iron pans sometimes.

I still prefer to make my own oil blends for cleaning, though. I have a box of oils in my closet to use up and there's everything in there! I just find it a lot cheaper in the long run to make my own blends.

I also order from these two companies, depending on what I want to spend. and

Both good companies but the Mt. Rose Herbs has mostly organic oils. Someone once told me that there is no difference between regular oils and food grade oils. Is that true? She said the word therapeutic is not applicable in terms of oils.

Olbas -- I LOVE their stuff. I use the nasal inhaler thinger all the time. It's my favorite item from them, and now my local HFS sells it, so I have better access. I'm trying NOT to buy so much stuff online and not using my credit card so often. The interest doubled last month -- eeek.


Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss you'll land amongst the stars. - Anonymous
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Polka Dot Apron
Farmgirl in Training

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Beautiful Lancaster County PA
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Posted - Nov 06 2009 :  08:09:59 AM  Show Profile
Hi Deb and Farmgals~ ~ ~
Yes, there is a huge difference in the quality of essential oils. You will not get therapeutic results if you use lesser quality oils and you may be poluting your body or even making the problem worse by not using top quality, therapeutic grade essential oils(TGEO)on or in your body.

One factor that determines the purity of an oil is its chemical constituents. These constituents can be affected by a vast number of variables, including: the part of the plant from which the oil was produced, soil conditions, chemicals used on the plants (no way!) harvesting methods, distillation process, climate, region. Biochemically unique varients can occur within one species, like Thyme, depending on growing conditions, climate or altitude. Varients can also occur depending on the time of year the plant material is distilled. Our company Young Living, which I market for, takes all of this into consideration when distilling and processing our oils.

The key to producing a TGEO is to preserve as many of the delicate aromatic compounds within the essential oil as possible. Even concerning cleaning with oils, if you are wanting to clean and disinfect the surfaces without chemicals you want your oils to be of the highest grade so that they will effectively kill germs and bacteria.

Our oils are the only oils available in the US that meet or exceed the AFNOR Standard for essential oils.

Also if you prefer to watch videos this is the site for you.
Also my personal site.

Feel free to contact me privately if you would like more information or info about purchasing at member prices like at Sams Club.

You can read about my illness that lead me to the path of natural healing many years ago here:

I still use these TGEO every day to build my immune system. If you would like a copy of my newsletter "DISEASE PROOFING YOUR HOME" email me with your email address.
Thanks for this opportunity to share about my lifes passion with you.
~ ~Ahrisha~ ~

Stop by for a visit at:
I have been a "Woman in Business from Home" for 12 years teaching folks how to live a more Natural life. Please visit my website:
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Georgetown OH
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Posted - Nov 06 2009 :  1:14:16 PM  Show Profile
Ahrisha. I use YLEO too. THey have a wonderful product. I keep Joy & Peace & Calming in my desk for those tense work times. & drink Thieves(a few drops, it doesn't bother me) whenever I have been around someone sick.
For times when I am not worried about food grade, I use Mountain Rose herbs; they have a good product as well, but they do not advertise as being food grade, and I am one who likes to drop a few drops of oil on my tongue! (most of them anyway)
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Rapid City SD
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Posted - Nov 06 2009 :  2:01:08 PM  Show Profile
I like Mountain Rose Herbs essential oils, but I have no intention of ingesting them by mouth. Of course, we all know that whatever we use on our skin is absorbed into our bodies, but in an entirely different ratio. I wouldn't ingest any oils by mouth, actually, but I'm still in the learning stages.

I've heard good and bad about Young Living. I read some questionable things about Gary Young several years ago, thus I use various companies, YL among them, regardless. I didn't then, and don't now, have the time or inclination to do further follow-up research, but I mostly use oils for cleaning purposes, so quality isn't as big an issue for me as it would be for those of you using this stuff internally.

I did, however, find this information recently. I'm slowly but surely putting some ideas together and will continue to do research until I'm satisfied about what I have learned.

"Few companies display the scientific name of the herb on the bottle, which allows them to substitute oils from different plants, with different medicinal properties, in place of what a customer believes they are purchasing.

Marjoram (Origanum majorana), for instance, is often marketed as Oregano (Origanum compactum). Lavandin (Lavandula x hybrida) is usually sold as Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia). Real lavender is known to heal burns while lavandin will actually worsen them.

What Does Labelling Tell Me?
Most essential oil labels have very little in the way of concrete information. But the type and intensity of warnings (e.g. “do not apply directly to skin”, “not for internal use”) can sometimes be used to gauge how adulterated an essential oil may be.

The term “therapeutic-grade,” originally intended to describe organic, genuinely 100% pure oils, is not regulated. But standards groups (such as AFNOR) may be used as a third-party to test and certify the quality of some companies’ essential oils. The “AFNOR” or other such marks on labels usually indicates quality oil.

The purest oils actually display “nutrition facts” like any food or supplement because they are safe to be used internally."

Taken from this link:

I'm constantly learning. I have, in the past, used the YL Peace and Calming (I think that was the name) and loved it. I also really liked their Ylang Ylang.

Thanks for all the information so far, ladies!


Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss you'll land amongst the stars. - Anonymous
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Polka Dot Apron
Farmgirl in Training

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Beautiful Lancaster County PA
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Posted - Nov 06 2009 :  3:54:44 PM  Show Profile
Deb~ ~Sounds like you found some really good info about labeling etc. and are doing your homework. You are so right about deceptive labeling being a big issue with essential oils. When you mention concentration of oil, Young Livings are 100% essential oil as printed on the bottle unless otherwise stated on bottle. Concentration is not an issue. Not 60% oil and 40% filler. If it says PURE essential oil on the bottle by law it only needs to be 5% oil the rest of the ingredients can be anything, and often they are very watered down with inexpensive chemicals. You really need to trust the company you are dealing with specially if you injest your oils as we do.

Some of our blends have specificly been mixed with a carrier oil and then they say so on the label.

I spent a week at one of our farms, there are 4, during harvesting and actually worked at distilling oils during that time. I saw first hand how careful Gary Young is, as he was there working with us for the week. The process of getting the growing plant to the bottle is amazing and we are the only company that does it all. . .Plant to Bottle that meets AFNOR standards. I love it that my company has the ties to farming that it does cause we are all farmgirls at heart, right?

If you have the desire to learn more about our TGEO there is a lot of correct information on my website:

My intention is not to attempt to convince anyone of anything. I have such a passion for what these oils can do for the human body. I could not sell these oils if I did not believe 100% in them and it shows in my everyday life. We live a vital & joyous life. My goal is to teach. To share my knowledge with others of like mind so that they have the information they need to make an intelligent decision about weather to use these oils for their family or not.

Hope all of you have a great weekend~ ~Ahrisha~ ~

Stop by for a visit at:
I have been a "Woman in Business from Home" for 12 years teaching folks how to live a more Natural life. Please visit my website:
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True Blue Farmgirl

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North Rose NY
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Posted - Nov 14 2009 :  3:31:12 PM  Show Profile
I've been wanting to do this!!!
Husband wouldn't notice the difference, nor care, except maybe to say it smells good in the house, lol!
BUT, my middle daughter is back at home temporarily, and while she is open to what I tell her, she believes in Mellaleuca products so that is what she uses to clean, when it is her turn to clean!!!
I have a Rainbow vacuum and have always put essential oils in the water to help purify the air. I have gone from many, many toxic chemicals in my home last year to using, vinegar, windex(ammonia, hey I am slowly learning!) and hydrogen peroxide and baking soda.
I am going to be starting from scratch here with the essential oils, although I do have lavender, and tea trea, bought for my soaps, but now have many different uses. I do also make my own laundry soap.
Deb- I know Mt. Rose Herbs, from soap making, but have not bought from them yet.
I will have to look up four thieves.
Can you all give some general guidelines for different oils and what you would use them for? Say, what would you use to scrub out the toilet?

FarmGirl # 711

If you rest, you rust. Helen Hayes
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Polka Dot Apron
Farmgirl in Training

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Beautiful Lancaster County PA
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Posted - Nov 14 2009 :  5:47:39 PM  Show Profile
Hi Brenda~ ~Nice to meet you.
You commented about the essential oils for cleaning and I wanted to share one thing. We have one product called Thieves Household Cleaner that is a concentrate and you can use it to clean and disinfect everything in your home, even the toilet. All you need is this one product not a different product for each different job in the house and it saves you money because it is concentrated and you mix it with water yourself. I keep mine in spray bottles around the house.
The Theives Blend of essential oils, invented by our company president, is antibacterial, antiviral and antiseptic and is documented to kill over 99.96% of bacteria it comes into contact with. It will help protect your family against virus and bacteria throughout your home. If you would like more info about this product please contact me. I would love to share the story of how the essential oil got the name Thieves.
Have a great weekend~ ~Ahrisha~ ~

Stop by for a visit at:
I have been a "Woman in Business from Home" for 12 years teaching folks how to live a more Natural life. Please visit my website:
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Our Dairy Farm Pennsylvania
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Posted - Nov 19 2009 :  7:20:14 PM  Show Profile  Send Claude09647 an AOL message
i do what anna does with the whole vacuum thing and i put a little in my spray bottle and spray it after i'm finished cleaning so the house doesnt smell like cleaners

"My ideal day is sitting on the back porch, cup of green tea in hand, slippers on, and just watch the cows in the pasture"
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Rapid City SD
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Posted - Nov 20 2009 :  09:06:00 AM  Show Profile
Originally posted by Annab

I do and use a lavender oil spray on the vacuum bag.

I smell lavender then instead of dirt.

And when I'm done, I'll light a sweetgrass incense stick

Is this lavender spray something you buy or something you make up on your own? If so, do you just use the oil mixed with water?


Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss you'll land amongst the stars. - Anonymous
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Nov 20 2009 :  09:19:37 AM  Show Profile
Thank you all for so much information! I am trying to move away from commercial and toxic cleaners and make my home a truly clean and wholesome place.

Farmgirl & sister #13

Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. ~Leonardo DaVinci
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Webster Texas
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Posted - Dec 21 2009 :  12:06:27 PM  Show Profile
I just want to second the information about Thieves. Although I haven't been involved with YLEO for some time as a distributor, i do still use the oils on a regular basis. My son caught a really bad case of the flu a few years ago. I didn't want to get sick, so I diffused Thieves, sprayed it in the house and used the lozenges and never even got a case of the sniffles. it also smells yummy!

Essential oils are great for healing.

Farmgirl #648

"Turn your face to the sun, and the shadows will fall behind you" - Maori Proverb

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Edmonton Alberta
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Posted - Jan 02 2010 :  12:20:22 PM  Show Profile
I add peppermint oil to my floor wash, especially in summer. Ants don't like it and it makes the house smell nice.

"There is no foot so small that it cannot leave an imprint on this world"
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Chapin SC
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Posted - May 25 2010 :  2:52:17 PM  Show Profile
I love experimenting with different oils, I own many different kinds. For cleaning I mainly use tea tree oil.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Seabrook TX
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Posted - May 26 2010 :  07:48:41 AM  Show Profile  Send MrsRooster a Yahoo! Message
Thanks for all the great info.

Farmgirl #1259
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