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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Feb 16 2006 :  05:18:06 AM  Show Profile
I have a gas range/oven. It's a Kenmore and fairly new, but the self-cleaning oven part is broken. I love cooking with gas, but I"m sort of messy. The problem - dirty oven and stovetop.
I have tried baking soda, borax. Nothing seems to work like Easy Off Oven cleaner, as horribly toxic as it is.
Does anyone have any other tips for me?


True Blue Farmgirl

607 Posts

607 Posts

Posted - Feb 16 2006 :  07:04:59 AM  Show Profile
I know what you mean. I've used the baking soda and it's worked but takes a lot of time and elbow grease to get stuff clean. It also seems to make a mess (or maybe it's just me ). Easy Off sure works good but I swear that stuff about kills me everytime I use it. I don't have any other suggestions but hopefully someone will because I'm fed up with the toxic fumes as well.
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Nancy Gartenman
True Blue Farmgirl

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West Seneca New York
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Posted - Feb 16 2006 :  09:53:48 AM  Show Profile
I have good luck with non bleach soft scrub for the stove top and inside the oven door,if you have a glass window. put the soft scrub on , rub it around and let it sit a bit. use an sos or brillo soap pad as well on the inside of the oven door. As far as the inside of the oven, I have never been real big on trying to keep up with that, once in a while I scrape off any burnt on stuff and vacumn it out. funny huh? but it works.
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sleepless reader
True Blue Farmgirl

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1022 Posts

Posted - Feb 16 2006 :  10:00:36 AM  Show Profile
"Old-wives" oven cleaner: Put a pie pan of (straight) amonia in the oven over night. The fumes will work to loosen dirt and grease. I'd air it out a bit before sticking my head in the next day!
I've had good luck using orange-clean concentrate and baking soda on the stovetop.
good luck,

Life is messy. Wear your apron!
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Farmgirl Connection Cultivator

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Anne E.
Elsinore Utah
3579 Posts

Posted - Feb 17 2006 :  10:40:12 AM  Show Profile
When things get crazy around my oven, I use really fine steel wool, baking soda and Dr. Bronner's Sal Suds. It's a bit of work, but the smell is nothing bad and it gets stuff off. You DO have to do some serious rinsing if you use too much soap, however, so if you go that route, watch out!

XOXO, Libbie

"Nothing is worth more than this day." - Goethe
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True Blue Farmgirl

607 Posts

607 Posts

Posted - Feb 17 2006 :  3:55:42 PM  Show Profile
Originally posted by sleepless reader

"Old-wives" oven cleaner: Put a pie pan of (straight) amonia in the oven over night. The fumes will work to loosen dirt and grease. I'd air it out a bit before sticking my head in the next day!
I've had good luck using orange-clean concentrate and baking soda on the stovetop.
good luck,

Life is messy. Wear your apron!

I just saw an episode of 'The Queen of Clean' and she did this. I'm willing to try it. Ammonia isn't my favorite of cleaners but it sure beats Easy-Off.
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