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Gathered Up: witchy farmgirls?  |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Oct 23 2013 : 5:33:02 PM
That is one lovely besom!!!
Rachel Farmgirl Sister #2753
True enlightenment is nothing but the nature of one's own self being fully realised-- His Holiness the Dali Lama |
True Blue Farmgirl
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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Oct 25 2013 : 6:00:24 PM
The besom is beautiful, Jen. Very dramatic! And Rachel, I just copied your recipe for apple butter from another thread. Can't wait to try it! I still have a huge bag of apples that I picked with a girlfriend two weeks ago. I'd better do something with them while they're still fresh.
Edited by - Rosemary on Oct 26 2013 12:24:57 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Oct 26 2013 : 12:43:45 PM
I've been busy clearing brush this past week -- made only a dent in the property, alas, but its something. Anyway, I have a giant pile to show for my efforts and am looking forward to burning it at Samhain. I used to host ceremonial bonfires fairly often, but now not so much. Anyway, this nice big bonfire-to-be has me remembering all the things I used to do when our circle gathered around a fire.
To mark the sending of power, I would toss something into the flames to make a cloud of fancy sparks. One time, I foolishly used mineral spirits! The less said about that experiment the better :(
Then, to be a more safety-conscious witch, I tried sprinkling ground cinnamon into the fire. That's really very pretty and sparkly and colorful, but it's a rather expensive choice since you need a good handful to make much of a show. Also, it stains your hands, so anything you touch gets paw prints on it. Not nice if you're drumming -- or taking a moment to scratch your white-robed keister. ;)
Then, I discovered plain old flour. Whole wheat or rye flour is best, because it won't clump while you hold it in your hand awaiting the proper moment. Try casting your handful of flour in a wide arc over your fire (be careful not to let trailing sleeves go up in flames). See if you like the effect. It lasts only a moment, but looks lovely. I think such touches are fine for circles, or just for creative meditation.
Do you have some little things you like to do around your witchy bonfires? Please share! Bonfires are perfect for storytelling. |
Edited by - Rosemary on Oct 26 2013 12:46:30 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Oct 27 2013 : 06:25:46 AM
Thanks for sharing that info Mara. I'll definitely have to give it a try. I like to burn my letters to the dead and any other requests that I have for them to help me with.
Rachel Farmgirl Sister #2753
True enlightenment is nothing but the nature of one's own self being fully realised-- His Holiness the Dali Lama |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Oct 27 2013 : 07:41:15 AM
Beautiful idea, Rachel, especially for Samhain. |
Erin Rock
True Blue Farmgirl
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Grand Blanc
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Posted - Oct 27 2013 : 1:09:45 PM
What wonderful ideas Rosemary! My kids are little still so we are enjoying the American holiday with the parties and trick or treating together. Today we had a pumpkin carving party with our Pagan group at the UU church we go to that was a lot of fun.
Erin Rock (sister #4131) Tree Huggin' Bunny Lovin' Dirt Worshipper! |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Oct 27 2013 : 1:41:47 PM
Many of the UU churches provide opportunities for pagans of many kinds to gather and celebrate, whether or not they have an official CUUPs group. (IIRC, that stands for Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans.) It's pronounced like the word "cups." |
True Blue Farmgirl
1257 Posts
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Posted - Oct 27 2013 : 9:35:08 PM
Just wanted to come say hi & that I am finally back from the farm in NY.....what y'all doing for Halloween, anything special?
Chickens RULE! hen #2622 |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Oct 30 2013 : 3:39:43 PM
Hi, Michele, welcome back!!!! you were missed! What are you planning for Halloween? so good to see you! Phyllis |
True Blue Farmgirl
1257 Posts
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Posted - Oct 30 2013 : 3:51:04 PM
This year since I am still trying to unpack Halloween will be mild but it is our 20th anniversary so we plan to go out Friday night to eat Chinese & go see the new movie 'Las Vegas' which I think will be fun to see. hugs, M' & crew
Chickens RULE! hen #2622 |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Oct 30 2013 : 4:02:11 PM
Funny what modern witches do on the one holiday most up our alley. Michele, welcome back. Chinese food and a movie is perfect. Congratulations on 20 years of wedded bliss! |
True Blue Farmgirl
361 Posts
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Posted - Nov 01 2013 : 8:29:05 PM
We're everywhere. We're everywhere. Came out of work today & found a very nice note on the windshield wishing me a Happy Samhein. my "Blessed Be" bumper sticker may have given me away :-)
Some dreams are worth the risk it takes to make them real.
Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footsteps on the moon. |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Nov 16 2013 : 11:59:00 AM
Got the round robin today!!!! Can't wait to read it!!! |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Nov 16 2013 : 1:18:20 PM
Nice, Charlotte! And on a similar note, Full Moon Blessings tonight and tomorrow night. We have rain, alas, so no bonfires. But a quiet night in is also a blessing.
True Blue Farmgirl
361 Posts
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Posted - Nov 29 2013 : 4:52:44 PM
Greetings my witchy farm girl friends. i ask that you keep my mother and father in your thoughts. She is in the final (terminal) stages of the lung disease she was diagonosed with in March. i hope for a peaceful passing for her. My dad has shouldered the responsibity for everything since March. i am more concerned about him. it was a blow to him when the doctor gave them the news last Friday. he is coping, so far, he is 85. this weekend my brother and his family, as well as my sister, are here. Mom and dad are in good spirits. Hospice is to come in Saturday to help him make arrangements. the doctor could not give any kind of time line -- days, weeks, months, we don't know. thank you Charlotte
Some dreams are worth the risk it takes to make them real.
Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footsteps on the moon. |
True Blue Farmgirl
858 Posts

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Posted - Nov 29 2013 : 5:17:14 PM
May your mother have a peaceful transition and all of your family find peace as well. I can't say enough good things about hospice from personal experience with my mom, they are truly a blessing.
Rachel Farmgirl Sister #2753
True enlightenment is nothing but the nature of one's own self being fully realised-- His Holiness the Dali Lama |
True Blue Farmgirl
1825 Posts
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Posted - Nov 29 2013 : 7:48:31 PM
Oh Charlotte, what a difficult time this is for you. Hospice is so wonderful, from everything I've heard. Please accept the gift of loving energy for you and your family from all your witchy Farmgirl sisters. |
True Blue Farmgirl
361 Posts
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Posted - Dec 19 2013 : 06:48:36 AM
Greetings my wonderful witchy friends, it dawned on my yesterday, amongst the current upheaval that is my life that Saturday is the Yule (color me oh so unready) and a week from today is Christmas (ditto).
i am wondering how many signs, portents, signals, does the Universe throw at you before you get the message. Apparenly, a good many small ones, which i very unwisely ignored, and then you get hit with a doozy. as you know my mother is sick, and we have been debating moving South to be closer. we have no real ties to this particular area, but we have the house, friends and have been wavering on the decision. sooooo
last week the company i worked for decided to sever my association with them after 13 and a half years. my opinion? Hooray! we had been without a controller since March, and they were having trouble finding a new one. gee i wonder why?? actually that is not exactly true. one lasted a whole day, the next one lasted three weeks. (I really, really like her. we still keep in touch.) i was trying to do the controller's job, and my job in the interim. the new district controller took a dislike to me, no idea why, maybe because i am not an a$$ki$$er???? (Pardon my language) so since July, she and i have been on the outs. i was trying to do things the way she wanted, but she was a corporate stooge, and has no real clue how it was here. she keep wanting things to be done "Her" way, not realizing that it was not going to work. i kinda feel sorry for her, but she was making it really hard for herself. so she decided i was going to quit. nope, not gonna quit. old age and treachery beats youth and "beauty" everytime. so she finally gave up and let me go. Phew, so glad that game is over and done. and i won. i tried really hard to find some negative emotions-guilt, grief,etc.- in all this but i only felt relief, a very big weight was lifted from my shoulders.
so was this a real slap up side the head or what? like make the decision already. so we will be moving sometime in the next few months. i don't want to think about moving with snow on the ground, and our lawyer says it will take a few months to get things squared away here, but i see a move in our future. and frankly i am tired of days when the high is expessed in single digits, and the wind chill is doulbe digits below zero :-)
thanks for listening. Blessed be
Some dreams are worth the risk it takes to make them real.
Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footsteps on the moon. |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Dec 19 2013 : 12:21:00 PM
Pretty good news, Charlotte. You did that new boss a favor by not doing things her way, because it would have made her look bad. She'll reveal her deficiencies soon enough without you there to cover them up. But hey, be sure to apply for Unemployment Insurance and get your COBRA health care (assuming you had group coverage as an employee) paperwork sorted out. Might as well take FULL advantage of this cosmic nudge! Unemployment Insurance is part of your benefit package. You earned it and should collect it. You might even want to get a letter of recommendation (you can write it and ask for the signature) from the CEO. A lot of times, they will do that if the issue was a conflict of personalities and not "cause." Bright blessings!
True Blue Farmgirl
361 Posts
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Posted - Dec 20 2013 : 4:21:58 PM
thanks Mara, i have been trying to apply for unemployment all week, but keep getting the we're busy call back. i'll get that taken care of eventually. why can't they install a system like the power company, leave your number and we'll call you back when it's your turn?? am still waiting on the paperwork from corporate for the COBRA. it was mailed Wednesday from corporate, so i should get that soon. and i did get references and recommendations from a couple of people at the plant. thankfully.
So last night was a doozy. went to get my last check, go to the bank, groceries, lunch with DH, just a nice afternoon. got home, went inside, saw a fuzzy something on the floor. thougnt Kymo had gotten one of the hats (bad doggie), i stepped over it to let Belle out of the kennel and realized it was not a hat. It had a long,skinny, naked tail and a pointy snout--it was a POSSUM!! A dead possum. IN MY HOUSE. So i think all the pressure, stress, and negativity just spilled out, and i freaked. just plain freaked. Now i realize we live in the country, and we have critters. i don't mind mice, Romeo or BV or Mira usually take care of them for us. but this was a possum, in my house. granted Kymo had taken care of the critter (good doggie). but it was in my house!! anyway i freaked, turned, slipped on a wet spot on the floor, and fell, hard. really hard, and broke my ankle. our house is on a hill, with steps up the deck, and it was freezing rain last night. crutches and steps, bad. cruthces, steps and freezing rain VERY bad. i had to scoot across the deck on my butt, beacuse it was so icy. i am not the most graceful thing under the best of times, and DH was trying so hard to be helpful and not to laugh. it was comical. Belle does not like the cruthches, she growls at them when i hobble around on them.
the couch is now my best friend and using R.I.C.E until next Friday when i see the orthopedics guy. i may or may not need surgery because i may or may not have torn ligaments, torn muscle, etc. the urgent care doc thought it was a real possibility, especially since i fell so hard. i am willing to bet that the way things are going right now, surgery is going to happen. another nudge to slow down, relax, heal, and then i can begin to move forward. okay, i was trying to do that, i did not another nudge. really i didn't. or at least i don't think so. guess i was wrong.
laying on the couch and healing is going to drive me crazy, i am not used to being still; not used to not having my mind going in thirteen directions at once; not used to asking my darling, darling DH to get me this, or bring me that. and he is being so good about it -- when he is not laughing at me.
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Dec 20 2013 : 5:29:19 PM
Oh poor Charlotte! Dear Goddess. How absolutely awful. I just read part of your post to my husband and groaned with me on your behalf. Did you get something for pain, and to help you sleep? Much as we witchy farm girls love our herbal medicine, there's nothing like a nice little bottle of Tylenol 5 or whatever to make baby feel better. Ice is such a treacherous thing, even though beautiful when viewed from the comfort of a warm house. Please promise us you won't take any chances. Please try to relax and let your DH help as much as he can. We'll add a candle to our Yule altar for you, if you say you don't mind.
Possum? In the house? Yeah, that's a bit much. We've had snakes, mice, a rat one time, and lots spiders, but our only possum invasion stopped under the front porch. I never used to hear about possums coming around people's houses, the way raccoons are known to do, have you? I wonder if it's a new thing, brought on my climate change or something. Poor dumb creatures. But on the other hand, poor YOU!
You seem to be keeping your sense of humor going strong. That's so important.
Bright blessings, girl! |
True Blue Farmgirl
361 Posts
361 Posts |
Posted - Dec 22 2013 : 12:57:36 PM
THanks Mara i am taking Tylenol 3, using ice packs, keeping me leg elevated. DH Lit candles for me and kept the fire going. he lit one of my healing candles for me and put it right beside me on the "sick table". he is taking good care of me, kitties sleep with me, Belle tries to but there is just not enough room on the couch, so she winds up sliding down to the floor. except she takes one of my blankets with her.
we had a possum under the deck a couple of summers ago. the only thing we can figure is it got into the house using the opening around the ballast and pump. from there into the bathroom and then in to the side room where Kymo was. i do hope we do not get any more such visitors. today we got about 6 inches of new snow. i am going anywhere until Friday. i am staying put. Believe me i do not want to fall again. :-) |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Dec 22 2013 : 6:10:08 PM
I'm glad to know you're getting good care at home. I hope the new snow won't prevent you from getting good follow-up care from an orthopedist. Kitties are such a blessing, aren't they? Sort of like Tylenol K. ;)
True Blue Farmgirl
858 Posts

858 Posts |
Posted - Dec 30 2013 : 4:50:19 PM
Do any of you have special rituals that you do for new year? I usually celebrate "my" new year on my birthday, then I celebrate the Kemetic New Year in August (so many beginnings!!) and for the calendar new year I usually don't do much (oddly enough). However this year will be different...I am planning a farewell ritual to 2013 and a welcoming ritual to 2014. I am also going to be filling in my workbooks for 2014 to create an amazing year.
Rachel Farmgirl Sister #2753
True enlightenment is nothing but the nature of one's own self being fully realised-- His Holiness the Dali Lama |
Gathered Up: witchy farmgirls?  |