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Gathered Up: witchy farmgirls?  |
Erin Rock
True Blue Farmgirl
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Grand Blanc
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Posted - Sep 24 2013 : 09:40:28 AM
So what do you ladies think of the new American Horror Story: Coven? Does anyone plan on watching it? Anybody plan on boycotting it?
Erin Rock (sister #4131) Tree Huggin' Bunny Lovin' Dirt Worshipper! |
True Blue Farmgirl
1825 Posts
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Posted - Sep 29 2013 : 1:15:40 PM
Erin, I finally saw a promo for that show on TV. It just looks stupid. I doubt anyone sane would associate real witches with that kind of nonsense. The people who already have it in for us don't need a tv show to confirm their fears. I think sending up hoots and hollers about these kinds of shows/movies/whatever only gives them free publicity. It can be, however, a good opportunity to make friends with the local newspaper in your town (especially around "Halloween" when they often run stories on witchcraft) so that they get it correct. If you do offer yourself up for an interview, you might want to read this. It's useful. |
Erin Rock
True Blue Farmgirl
103 Posts
Grand Blanc
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Posted - Sep 29 2013 : 1:38:25 PM
Wow great tips Rosemary. I have to say that I plan on watching it because it looks creepy spooky. Do you guys think that anyone is out there that will feel this is a real representation of witchcraft or witches in the real world?
Erin Rock (sister #4131) Tree Huggin' Bunny Lovin' Dirt Worshipper! |
True Blue Farmgirl
858 Posts

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Posted - Sep 30 2013 : 5:17:31 PM
In general, people are dumb and will believe the most outlandish, idiotic crap that they are exposed to rather than the plain old truth. I love the AHS series so far (the ones I've seen) and look forward to watching this one. It's also important to remember that not all witches are Wiccans either, there are lots of different practices that still fall under the general category of "witchcraft" and many people who identify themselves as "witches". Personally I say to each her own and don't get my panties in a wad over what someone else does or pretends to do. People will always believe what they want regardless of the information available that presents the truth about anything.
Rachel Farmgirl Sister #2753
True enlightenment is nothing but the nature of one's own self being fully realised-- His Holiness the Dali Lama |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Sep 30 2013 : 6:40:15 PM
Oh Rachel, don't get me started about how unbearably ignorant so many people are, though, especially when it comes to anything with a political tag. The spectacle of the House of Representatives today is a case in point. It's madness.
But I hope you weren't thinking that the Witches' Voice article I linked to promoted any idea that we're all Wiccans here. Quite the opposite, it made the same excellent point you've made about our diversity. I refer to myself usually just as a NeoPagan, sometimes Witch, seldom Wiccan, sometimes just a seeker on the path of Nature spirituality. Within just those broad categories, I could name dozens of variations, so no wonder the average person observing us form the outside is confused! I guess we have to find a way to help unconfuse them without loading them down with information they'll never be able to process.
I find, though, that the more I speak of my Pagan beliefs -- never preaching, just casually mentioning things now and then -- the more people seem to just absorb the information without any obvious discomfort. I've even been pleasantly surprised by how many people feel comfortable opening up about their own unconventional beliefs with me. A couple of Christian friends often consult me about fine points of Biblical scholarship; the discussions that follow are always interesting to me, if sometimes frustrating -- it's astonishing how little some Christians know about their own religion. I'll be a lot of us have experienced something similar. I'd love to hear about others' encounters along those lines.
Erin Rock
True Blue Farmgirl
103 Posts
Grand Blanc
103 Posts |
Posted - Oct 01 2013 : 05:30:51 AM
Oh I wish there was a like button on this I think this is a great conversation. I don't really think of myself as a Wiccan either more of a generic kitchen witch. It does seem like more people are accepting of non-Christian faiths although the government seems to keep getting worse. We started a Pagan group at our local Unitarian Universalist congregation with hopes to offer a place for people to gather and we are going to hold public rituals to let the public see what we do.
Erin Rock (sister #4131) Tree Huggin' Bunny Lovin' Dirt Worshipper! |
True Blue Farmgirl
361 Posts
361 Posts |
Posted - Oct 01 2013 : 10:19:13 AM
this is a wonderful conversation. i agree, there are so many different ways of looking at the same thing. no wonder folks get confused. i think i'm iwth you Erin- i'm kind of a generic kitchen/hedge jsut love the outdoors witch. and by not labeling myself, i open myself to so much more. i find that most poeple really don't care about what you are or do, they are too busy trying to live their own lives. the ones that do are usually operating out of misplaced fear or overblown egos. IMHO
Some dreams are worth the risk it takes to make them real.
Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footsteps on the moon. |
True Blue Farmgirl
858 Posts

858 Posts |
Posted - Oct 01 2013 : 4:12:36 PM
No Rosemary, I was not thinking that at all. Just wanted to add to the conversation is all...and usually when someone hears the word witch they automatically associate it with Wiccan (at least in my own experiences anyway). It does get somewhat confusing though with all of the different labels and overlaps in beliefs!
Rachel Farmgirl Sister #2753
True enlightenment is nothing but the nature of one's own self being fully realised-- His Holiness the Dali Lama |
True Blue Farmgirl
858 Posts

858 Posts |
Posted - Oct 05 2013 : 06:17:16 AM
Any word on the round robin??
Rachel Farmgirl Sister #2753
True enlightenment is nothing but the nature of one's own self being fully realised-- His Holiness the Dali Lama |
True Blue Farmgirl
3602 Posts
Nora Springs
3602 Posts |
Posted - Oct 05 2013 : 5:41:30 PM
Hello, witchy farmgirl friends! I'm back from vac and still catching up with the Connection. (In between planning a wedding for 2 weeks from now). I'm keeping all the amethyst that we gathered on our trip close by to keep me calm I don't know where the round robin letter is either; but, sent out an em to one of our witches to try and catch up with it. Hope we hear soon.
Can you believe I've never heard of Coven? Don't watch much tv. So I looked it up online. Ladies, that show would scare the beejeebees out of me! I honestly make every effort to stay away from the darkness, and the dark craft. To each their own..but, for thank you.
I did enjoy reading all your comments about the show though.
Farmgirl sister #3926
"Courage is not the absence of fear, but the belief that something is more important than fear." Ambrose Red Moon |
Edited by - forgetmenot on Oct 05 2013 5:46:09 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
82 Posts
82 Posts |
Posted - Oct 07 2013 : 05:54:00 AM
OK girls, I need a few brains to pick here... My close friend is getting married. Being a Wiccan, she decided to have a hand fasting. Since I am the only other pagan she knows personally, she asked for my help during her planning and often asks for my opinion about certain things. One thing she asked me to do was decorate her Besom! I am SO honored but so intimidated as well. She said she has asked me for 2 reason... 1)being a pagan, I would be aware of what would be best (magically) for the decorations and 2) I am very crafty and she loves other things I have made. I plan to use dried and (cringe) silk items to give it a real harvest feel (wedding is in 2 weeks!) but would obviously like to in corporate some magickal aspects as well. I ordered a beautiful silver wrapped rose quartz online (since its generally the most OBVIOUS of all the "love" stones) and plan to use some silver charms I already have in my jewelry stash, including silver acorns (abundance and to represent the whole "love starts small as a seed and can grow as mighty as an oak) silver dove (for peace and harmony) silver heart (love) and Tree of life for the joining of their families. I have included Dried wheat for fertility and prosperity, but other than these items, is there anything I'm missing?? I think I have it covered and now I just have to figure out how to attach all this to the broom without damaging it (she is a kitchen witch like me and actually uses it since it is a functioning broom with a rustic handle so she doesn't plan to keep it decorated for long) if anyone has any thoughts or ideas.... PLEASE!! I'm all ears!!! I really want this to be beautiful. I have soft harvest orange ribbon for the handle, dried wheat, small silk fall leaves, silk purple mums, faux acorns and one of those "berry branches" that you find in the floral dept in Michaels in fall orange. I considered adding a few long pheasant feathers as well.. just want to see what you all suggest magically!! |
True Blue Farmgirl
1825 Posts
1825 Posts |
Posted - Oct 07 2013 : 09:25:00 AM
Oh Jen, what a lovely project! I've done priestess service at a few handfastings in my day and have had to come up with similar "correspondence" ideas for the couple. First of all, I would emphasize the natural and downplay (if not eliminate) anything "faux." I think that brings a stronger message to the circle. Keep it simple and meaningful.
Acorns are a great idea -- especially if they are still attached to a leafy branch. Oak is a masculine power touch, so you would want something equivalent for female power. I suggest Rosemary. (Of course I would!) Plus, it's for remembrance, as Shakespeare reminded us in "Hamlet." Mugwort is great for protection and a clean sweep. You might want to think of something that represents the bride and groom individually; for instance, if the bride sews, use a wooden spool of pure cotton thread and if the groom is a farmer, a little sachet of seeds. These could be twined together to symbolize unity. Speaking of twining, I like to use strong, but flexible, honeysuckle vine for binding. Hemp twine is good, though, and possibly easier for you to come by. Wheat is sweet! Barley might be more traditional, though, and less likely to be GMO. Since it's autumn, a nice choice might be a few small ears of colorful dried corn. Your orange ribbon sounds pretty and would look especially good with this "Indian corn."
I'm sure other witchy farmgirls here will have great ideas. I look forward to reading more responses to this great post! Blessings on the couple :) |
Edited by - Rosemary on Oct 07 2013 10:22:38 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
361 Posts
361 Posts |
Posted - Oct 07 2013 : 10:27:21 AM
Jen, how wonderful. i am sure you will do fine. your friend would not have asked if she didn't feel you were the right one for the job.
Rosemary & Jen what is the best method of attaching things to the besom?
Some dreams are worth the risk it takes to make them real.
Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footsteps on the moon. |
True Blue Farmgirl
361 Posts
361 Posts |
Posted - Oct 07 2013 : 10:34:04 AM
Ladies, i have decided it is time to invest in a loom because i really, really want to weave. it has been suggested that the "best first loom" would be a rigid heddle loom. okay, i am fine with that. i have been talking with a weaver about 3 hours north of me, and she offers lessons with her looms, which her DH builds.
i was presented with an opportuinity to purchase a Louet Klik 40 for about half price this weekend, by a lady at a fiber festival who isn't going to use it. it's still in the box. i did some researvh on it, and i am not sure if this loom would be a good place to start. i know some of you weave, so i am asking for some input on this. cost wise it is about the same either way. but i can't get two looms and the Louet "sounds" like a nice loom. but as i don't know much yet. i could use some advice. thanks
Some dreams are worth the risk it takes to make them real.
Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footsteps on the moon. |
Erin Rock
True Blue Farmgirl
103 Posts
Grand Blanc
103 Posts |
Posted - Oct 07 2013 : 5:36:27 PM
I can't offer you any advice but I would love to see what you create when you get to that point. Good luck!
Erin Rock (sister #4131) Tree Huggin' Bunny Lovin' Dirt Worshipper! |
True Blue Farmgirl
1825 Posts
1825 Posts |
Posted - Oct 07 2013 : 6:46:17 PM
Charlotte, I would use hemp twine or, if it's available, a strong, flexible vine like honeysuckle. Since the honeysuckle where I live is the invasive kind, it's considered a noxious weed, so I hesitate to use it magically. If what you have is the native kind, go for it! Other non-invasive vines work too, of course. Jen mentioned having ribbon she plans to use. That's always lovely. Natural yarns are also good. |
True Blue Farmgirl
3602 Posts
Nora Springs
3602 Posts |
Posted - Oct 07 2013 : 9:56:37 PM
Round robin located and moving along. Yay!
We're having a hectic time planning for DGD's wedding on 10/19. At least it will be a lovely, outdoor wedding.
I'm really enjoying the conversation re besom. Have been to several weddings where the couple "jumped the broom". My world must be rather narrow (anyway I love learning so many new things every day) Anyway, I never really noticed the symbolism of the decorations on the brooms. They were really very simple. Now, I can think about it, and understand much more. Thank you, witchey friends, for the lessons.
Hazel, you must be a very good friend to have another trust you so. How sweet.
Rosemary, I am so glad you hang out here. I am learning so much.
Farmgirl sister #3926
"Courage is not the absence of fear, but the belief that something is more important than fear." Ambrose Red Moon |
True Blue Farmgirl
82 Posts
82 Posts |
Posted - Oct 14 2013 : 04:17:41 AM
Well... The besom is finished! Phewwwwwww! I took a few pics on my phone but they stink so I'll try to get a few on my camera today before she comes to pick it up! I tried to find barley but that was an epic fail! Lol. Hopefully I'll get a pic up for you guys soon! I think it turned out nicely! Yay |
Erin Rock
True Blue Farmgirl
103 Posts
Grand Blanc
103 Posts |
Posted - Oct 14 2013 : 09:21:57 AM
Can't wait to see it.
Erin Rock (sister #4131) Tree Huggin' Bunny Lovin' Dirt Worshipper! |
True Blue Farmgirl
3602 Posts
Nora Springs
3602 Posts |
Posted - Oct 15 2013 : 09:00:53 AM
I would love to see a picture of the besom too!
Where or where is our round robing flying off too?
Farmgirl sister #3926
"Courage is not the absence of fear, but the belief that something is more important than fear." Ambrose Red Moon |
True Blue Farmgirl
82 Posts
82 Posts |
Posted - Oct 21 2013 : 8:32:17 PM
.JPG) here's the finished product! Hope it comes up! |
True Blue Farmgirl
82 Posts
82 Posts |
Posted - Oct 21 2013 : 8:34:05 PM
heres a closer view... the charms and crystals are hard to see, unfortunately but my friend love it!
True Blue Farmgirl
3602 Posts
Nora Springs
3602 Posts |
Posted - Oct 22 2013 : 9:14:27 PM
Wow! Absolutely beautiful besom! I was so glad to learn more about it!
So, does anyone know where the round robin is now?
I was just going over some of the previous pages of this thread. Where have all the witchy farmgirls flown off to? I miss the chatter. Was the RR the cause of you leaving? I hope not!:(
Farmgirl sister #3926
"Courage is not the absence of fear, but the belief that something is more important than fear." Ambrose Red Moon |
True Blue Farmgirl
146 Posts

146 Posts |
Posted - Oct 23 2013 : 05:48:09 AM
I just got the round robin!!!!! I hope to have it finished and sent by the weekend!!!
Forever farmgirl Farmgirl Sister #1363
True Blue Farmgirl
3602 Posts
Nora Springs
3602 Posts |
Posted - Oct 23 2013 : 07:30:23 AM
Thanks so much, Kim! Hope you are having fun with it! By the way, I just checked out your blog! Boy! Did I ever get lost in there for about 20 mins! Check it out farmgirl friends!
Farmgirl sister #3926
"Courage is not the absence of fear, but the belief that something is more important than fear." Ambrose Red Moon |
Gathered Up: witchy farmgirls?  |