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Gathered Up: witchy farmgirls?  |
True Blue Farmgirl
2552 Posts
St. Paul
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Posted - Jul 30 2009 : 4:16:52 PM
guess who's family is being considered for wife swap!? holy crap!
~*~Brightest Blessings~*~ Tasha-Rose Farmgirl Sister #88
Blogs: Etsy:
"Joyful chaos, working in tune with the seasons, telling itme by the sun, variety, change and self-direction; all this wwas replaced with a brutal, standardized work culture, the effects of which we are still suffering from today." - Tom Hodgkinson in 'How To Be Idle' |
True Blue Farmgirl
1825 Posts
1825 Posts |
Posted - Jul 30 2009 : 4:33:48 PM
quote: Originally posted by Amy Warwick#13;#10;#13;#10;~And in the end, the love you take, is equal to the love you make~#13;#10;The last words, of the last song, on the last Beatles Album#13;#10;#13;#10;
#13;#10;That's a wonderful positive way to express Karmic Law, isn't it? We too often focus on the danger of sending out negative energy and getting slammed for it at some point down the road. Thanks for the nudge, Amy. |
True Blue Farmgirl
539 Posts
539 Posts |
Posted - Jul 30 2009 : 6:24:25 PM
Would it by any chance by Jon and Kate???? OMG!!!
"Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything that is beautiful. Welcome it in every face, in every skip, in every flower." Ralph Waldo Emerson
True Blue Farmgirl
2552 Posts
St. Paul
2552 Posts |
Posted - Jul 30 2009 : 7:49:29 PM
Jonnie...aaaaahno. OUR FAMILY!! I got a random email from one of the producers. She has seen my online presence and asked if our family would be interested in filming an episode. I asked for the particulars and she sent me all fo the info. we filled out the application and sent our photos as requested. IF chosen, we'd film sometime in September. It's quite exciting. Rob and I have speculated in the past after watching the show what it'd be like to be on that show. For it to remotely be a possibility is quite exciting! The chance to show America that not all Pagans are nutty fruit cake looney toons....That'd be fantastic! I'd have t pump quite a bit of milk though, because Degory nurses so I'd have to make sure I had enough for him to last 7 days. OY! I'll keep you updated!
~*~Brightest Blessings~*~ Tasha-Rose Farmgirl Sister #88
Blogs: Etsy:
"Joyful chaos, working in tune with the seasons, telling itme by the sun, variety, change and self-direction; all this wwas replaced with a brutal, standardized work culture, the effects of which we are still suffering from today." - Tom Hodgkinson in 'How To Be Idle' |
True Blue Farmgirl
263 Posts
Glen Burnie
263 Posts |
Posted - Jul 30 2009 : 8:49:51 PM
Yeah, I just wanted this woman to leave me alone and I just froze her name. It worked and that was after the Attorney General's Office and the police got involved. Things were resolved not long after that. Amy, I hope so much that you find your ring. Maybe the fairies are enjoying it and will return to you soon! And OMG Mara! I am going to email you off the board. Yes we are talking about the same Glen Burnie.... and guess what? The big Glen Burnie Carnival opens tomorrow night!
Farmgirl Hugs, Carol
Farmgirl Sister #222 Member, Crafty Bay Farmgirl Chapter |
True Blue Farmgirl
113 Posts
Newbury Park
113 Posts |
Posted - Jul 30 2009 : 8:52:14 PM
Hello there witchy farmgirls! I am so glad to have found you! I was very active on the MJFarmgirl connection a few years ago and drifted away because even though I felt connection on many of the farmy issues I felt very different and I ended up becoming very involved in Tribe where there were many artists and other belly dancers and I felt a like minded connection! A few weeks ago I started coming back to this site and looking around at how much it has grown and hadn't found anywhere to jump in until now! How exciting! I am a very casual Pagan who constantly seeks spiritual growth wherever I find it. Sometimes even in my Catholic upbringing, sometimes in Buddhist readings. Anyway, there is so much to read here and catch up on 29 pages!! I hope it's ok that I jumped in and would like to join you! Brightest blessings!
joyously dancing through life |
True Blue Farmgirl
1825 Posts
1825 Posts |
Posted - Jul 30 2009 : 8:57:44 PM
quote: Originally posted by carolbrigid And OMG Mara! I am going to email you off the board. Yes we are talking about the same Glen Burnie.... and guess what? The big Glen Burnie Carnival opens tomorrow night!
I'm looking forward to hearing from you, Carol. :-) |
True Blue Farmgirl
89 Posts
89 Posts |
Posted - Jul 31 2009 : 04:18:04 AM
Hi Elizabeth! welcome back! And Tasha - how cool! Keep us posted! I almost never watch tv, but I'ld make an exception for that!!! :-)
chickens clucking, bees buzzing, flowers blooming, all is good! |
True Blue Farmgirl
539 Posts
539 Posts |
Posted - Jul 31 2009 : 06:08:09 AM
Hello, Elizabeth and OMG! Tasha! That would be so exciting. Yes, please keep up posted so that we can support you.
Blessings, Jonnie |
True Blue Farmgirl
451 Posts
451 Posts |
Posted - Jul 31 2009 : 08:34:40 AM
Hi Elizabeth, so good to meet you!!!! glad you jumped in, looking forward to getting to know you.
Tasha, wow you are a brave soul!!! Hope all goes well.
blessings Phyllis |
Amy Warwick
True Blue Farmgirl
102 Posts
102 Posts |
Posted - Jul 31 2009 : 09:08:40 AM
You aren't the belly dancer who came to Oakesdale and had me sign my book are you?
Tasha, OMGoddess. We don't watch TV either. Five kids, a farm, and books, who has time right? My husband drove snow plow last winter and I actually caught that show on TV on night whenhe was away. It was a hoot and I have always wanted to be on it. However, I would never wish the running of my life on another person. They would never survive, but I would love to hear more about it.
Ring news: I looked for an hour before my husband said that it was more important to spend time with the children, so we turned on some music outside and taught the kids how to dance (since some of them will be going to their first dances next year). THEN, oh boy never saw this one coming, they got Wave and I on the trampoline! You should have seen it, I could hear the earth laughing and preparing to swallow us whole as we fell on her! Seven of us up on a 14 ft, wide trampoline, each of us taking a turn playing crack the egg and flip the bacon. It was a hoot and I forgot my "personal" problems for a while in favor of spending time with the family. Now back to work. I have decided to take heed the old adage, "if the ring comes back to me it is mine to keep..."
For information on SUMMER SNOW please visit
It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it ~Aristotle
True Blue Farmgirl
433 Posts
Benton City
433 Posts |
Posted - Jul 31 2009 : 09:21:07 AM
Tasha ~ you must keep us posted. I too don't watch tv. But for you I would surely make an exception. PS when you told us, I pictured you pumpin breast milk and suggesting to your host family to use it in their morning cereal and coffee. . .lol. Seriously I think you and your family ROCK!
Amy~ What fun! Always laughter is a better asset than any thing. Life is wild how it inspires us and motivates us to do things we never thought we would (have time for). Kudos.
Elilazbeth, nice of you to join us. Welcome.
And to the rest of our witchy friends, I hope you are having lovely Lammas Eve and enjoyin' the cool life.
Best, h
Nude Food Farm ~Grown so good, Dressing is Optional. |
Amy Warwick
True Blue Farmgirl
102 Posts
102 Posts |
Posted - Jul 31 2009 : 10:46:55 AM
I really need to get back to work, but I am tired from last night's dance party. However, I read Heide's post and it inspired me to peek around on the internet abut Lammas Eve. I found this neat little link..
Here is an excerpt from their Lammas Eve Ritual: ...Throughout this world and all others, and the many strange and the beautiful worlds of watersprites, nymphs and woodsprites, creatures of earth and fire in our many lives and the lives of others, in the great power of knowledge and in the magic of countless centuries of time it is known that all things are cyclic. Kingdoms rise and fall and others rise from them. Land comes from the sea and to the sea returns after aeons. The mountains rise and sink into the waves and rise again in ages later. In all this the story remains the same, holding within it the greatest of truths and the greatest of magics...
As for myself, I am going to bake a loaf of bread. Happy Lammas Eve to you all and happy birthday Juliet! She turned fourteen on the Lammas Eve before she and Romeo died.
Back to work...
For information on SUMMER SNOW please visit
It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it ~Aristotle
True Blue Farmgirl
52 Posts
52 Posts |
Posted - Jul 31 2009 : 11:17:22 AM
Amy I have never met you but I live in malden, & I was wondering if your husband is the amazing artist behind SPOONFOOLERY? If so I have a beautiful story about one of his spoon rings.. hearing you talk of a lost ring reminded me I was selling soap & yarn across from him at the fairfield show 2 yrs ago.. and the yr before that he was the artist next to me at farmfair. Anyway I took my little farmgirl Bee over to his space and she chose a spoon ring, more like the ring chose her, she loved it .. it was the tiniest one he had, she treasured it.. then as all the venders where packing up she lost her ring we searched the grass and dug through the wool and nothing she was heart broken everyone was just about gone all hope lost then he came over and offerd to help look and I told him if it was meant to be it will come back to her but fairfield isnt malden so we were loosing time , then he goes to his van ( after just getting everything in there, that its self was a masterpiece) hehe and he started to dig but he said that those tiny rings are hard to come by and then he found one and said here you are, and truely right then the universe spoke I felt so humbled what generosity then Bee 4rs old says " I hear it mama I see it" and there it was in the grass her ring.. so it just goes to show that they come back to you. Your ring will return maybe try listening for it! I hope this makes you smile I surely will never forget that evening everyone packing up the sun going down MaryJane and Carol sitting at a picnic table laughing so hard what a great way to end the day. The whole way home she just gazed at it, shes 6 now & she still remembers!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!
"May all your weeds be wildflowers"
True Blue Farmgirl
113 Posts
Newbury Park
113 Posts |
Posted - Jul 31 2009 : 11:23:17 AM
Thank you for the all the nice welcomes ladies. Amy, no I don't know where oakdale is except I see it is in Washington. I do go to Olympia regularly as I have family there and taught a dance workshop in Olympia last September. as well. I guess I will have to go out and get your book! As soon as I finish reading Territory (Emma Bull) I'll need a new book to devour!
Yes! Baking a loaf of bread will be a very appropriate Lammas activity, I think I will do it as well. But for now, I'm going to turn off my computer and enjoy an hour of quiet while my family is out of the house!
joyously dancing through life Blog- Etsy-
Amy Warwick
True Blue Farmgirl
102 Posts
102 Posts |
Posted - Jul 31 2009 : 1:53:26 PM
The wonderful and talented Spoonfoolery Master Dick Warwick is my father-in-law. He truly is a gifted man and a wonderful father-in-law. He lives just up the road from me on my husbands family homestead. What a sweet story about the ring. It is so apt to what we have been talking about on here. Dick actually came over from his house three times to help me search in different shades of light, but to no avail. I hope you don't mind me sharing the story about the ring with him when I see him next.
Howdy Elizabeth,
Oakesdale is a little town just west of the Idaho boarder. Have you ever heard about the mill that MaryJane bought? I think it is on the front of the website when you sign on here. That mill is located in Oakesdale. Quint little farming community with about 500 people (I think. )Well, anyway...somewhere on this site there is another belly dancer. She travels the world dancing and teaching and I signed her book in Oakesdale, but I could not recall her name. It is good to meet you online. I will have to check out Territory. I too am out of a good book right now. Let me know if you get my book and I will find a way to sign it for you. I always love to sign books for MJ's farmgirls, and for a witchy farmgirl! Hummm, that will have to be a special signing.
I am going to have to resign your book if I am going to distinguish signatures for witchy farmgirls.
Best to you all! Amy
For information on SUMMER SNOW please visit
It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it ~Aristotle
Amy Warwick
True Blue Farmgirl
102 Posts
102 Posts |
Posted - Jul 31 2009 : 1:57:44 PM
I checked out your website. Wow, you are a talented lady!
For information on SUMMER SNOW please visit
It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it ~Aristotle
True Blue Farmgirl
113 Posts
Newbury Park
113 Posts |
Amy Warwick
True Blue Farmgirl
102 Posts
102 Posts |
Posted - Jul 31 2009 : 9:48:49 PM
Yes, that is her. And, I think we have another belly dancer. Julia Hayes. Fabulous farm girl and I understand now that she dances as well. That is why you all look so fantastic. Maybe I need to take this up!
For information on SUMMER SNOW please visit
It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it ~Aristotle
True Blue Farmgirl
433 Posts
Benton City
433 Posts |
Posted - Aug 01 2009 : 3:32:52 PM
Hello ladies,
I highly recommend y'all order Amy's book "Summer Snow" off Amazon. It is great! I also highly recommend you travel to meet her at a book signing as she is the most humble, talented person I have ever met. Amy You Rock!
I was raised in the city (Seattle) and spent my summers on my dad's farm in rural E. WA. I had little to no exposure to small town politics until these last few years that I have lived here as an adult. Amy's book has been very empowering to me in dealing with small town mentalities and jealous people. I fell in love with her fabulous characters and often have thought of this story in times of having to deal with gossips and deceitful people. Which you can find anywhere but only in a small town do they all connect (in my case at the same church, one I don't participate in). In the city you can have many friends and it is common to have several circles of friends. Since my mother passed this last winter I have tried to make friends and trusted the wrong person who then has told many lies about me to our common friends. Where as I could feel like my life is destroyed and give up, instead I have integrity, knowing who I truly am and refuse to let their ill opinions and wrongful judgements of me matter.
Thank you Amy for writing such a brilliant book full of wonderfully strong women who rise above the nonsense. Inspiring us all to be our best and shine.
Also I wanted to share that instead of having the lovely Lammas party my friends and I planned for yesterday, I almost died. Seriously. My husband and I were working out in the field, trying to get done "suckering" the Vineyard. This is where we prune the starts off the base of the plants so that all of its energy can go to the grapes. We have been doing this all month and were down to our last rows. We start at dawn and try to be done by 11ish. Since we are down to the last 10 rows we were pushing ourselves to finish. The temp was well over 105 by 10 am.
Witchy Note: The day before I had a good friend visiting and we were out suckering and we were talking about my friends X. It occurred to me that while we were talking about him we were cutting the suckers. It seemed a fitting ritual to expel (or severe) those memories and emotions to allow future growth.
SO yesterday while we were out in the field, I was naming the suckers. I gave them names of people and experience I wanted to be rid of. While as I went on and on, my head began to hurt and I grew dizzy.
At noon my husband wanted us to go in, but I was being stubborn wanting to be done, so that we could go celebrate Lammas and the turning point towards harvest. We only had a couple of rows to go. The pounding in my head grew and I realized I was having a hard time balancing.
My husband insisted that we go in but by then I was on the verge of passing out. I started vomiting. It became clear that I had heat stroke!
He called our good friend (who happens to be a midwife) and she came took my vitals and started an IV. They took off all my clothes (good thing I have never been modest) and sprayed me down with cold water, placing a fan at my feet. Then I started shivering.
Thank the Goddess I didn't have convulsions or go into a coma! Since I have been taking it easy (inside) and concentrating on healing my severed veins in my brain.
In the metaphysical it is said that a stroke is wanting to die rather than to change. so I repeated that "I willingly change for miracles". AND what a miracle to be here today! I also feel rid of all those people and experiences (they seem so small in comparison to the realization that I could of died and be gone) . . .now I am free to grow and move on.
I know of all places this experience will be valued here. I look forward to get all of your witchy takes on it.
Bless y'all and please do take care, h
Nude Food Farm ~Grown so good, Dressing is Optional. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2552 Posts
St. Paul
2552 Posts |
Posted - Aug 01 2009 : 11:42:55 PM
Blessed Lammas Ladies! upon posting this it was technically yesterday, but I haven't shut off today it's still Lammas to me! :) Did you bake bread today?
~*~Brightest Blessings~*~ Tasha-Rose Farmgirl Sister #88
Blogs: Etsy:
"Joyful chaos, working in tune with the seasons, telling itme by the sun, variety, change and self-direction; all this wwas replaced with a brutal, standardized work culture, the effects of which we are still suffering from today." - Tom Hodgkinson in 'How To Be Idle' |
Farmgirl at Heart

2 Posts
rancho cucamonga
2 Posts |
Posted - Aug 02 2009 : 12:01:05 AM
+*+*Let's dance and make the wheels turn!+*+* Blowing you all kisses and wishes! ~Buttercupsweetp~+*+* I love to write pretty, real and magical letters if anyone would like a fellow, Sweetpea penpal. ;)+*+*
+*+*Dreams Do Come True+*+* |
Amy Warwick
True Blue Farmgirl
102 Posts
102 Posts |
Posted - Aug 02 2009 : 11:03:06 AM
Oh my gosh! I am glad you are okay (and boy did you stand by your name Nude Food Farms!) Take that as the humor in all of this. Thank you for your kind words about my book and myself. I AM SO GLAD THAT SOMEONE GOT THE POINT OF THE BOOK. If Mystery and Liv give others the peace and understanding that they have given to you, then I have been a success. There are a few women out there who have really gotten the point of what the gals of Glendale were trying to tell all of us and I have seen them move from sadness, confusion, and misunderstanding to empowerment, laughter and insight and it just warms the cockles of my heart to know that we women (we Mystery's) can make the Liv's of the world see the error of thier ways/ You stay strong and get some rest.
When I come down to Prosser for the book signing, can I stay at your house and help with the grapes?
Best to all of you!
For information on SUMMER SNOW please visit
It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it ~Aristotle
True Blue Farmgirl
451 Posts
451 Posts |
Posted - Aug 02 2009 : 3:08:37 PM
Heide, I'm so glad you survived you heat reaction!!! It is so hard to listen to our bodies sometimes isn't it? How are you feeling? I'm going to be checking out Amy's book, sounds great.
Christine, welcome to the group. looking forward to getting to know you.
no bread baking for me this holiday. it was another hanging on to the end of that rope day. LOL.
blessings to all Phyllis |
True Blue Farmgirl
433 Posts
Benton City
433 Posts |
Posted - Aug 04 2009 : 09:45:03 AM
Hello ladies, thanks for your concern. It has been a weekend of healing and mending my mind of hurtful memories for me. My husband and I have decided to take the week off and head to the Ocean. It's a rare luxury to have housesitters and such great weather at the coast. Who can blame us for taking advantage of the present?
Amy~ your welcome any time! It would be an honor to have you as our guest (and extra help in the field is always handy). The grapes have started turning colors and we expect to start harvest of the Chardonnay in the middle of Sept. Until then there is much to do but irrigate. Just let me know when your comin'and I will plan a picnic (in the shade).
Phyllis, keep hangin' on sister. I have a feeling we're all gonna get a huge push. There has been a lot of cosmic pulling and stretching. Goddess knows we are all doing our best.
May there be fantastic rewards revealed to us each soon, h
"Anyone can count the seeds in an apple but only a Goddess knows how many apples are in a seed." ~anonymous |
Gathered Up: witchy farmgirls?  |