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Gathered Up: witchy farmgirls?  |
Amy Warwick
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jul 29 2009 : 07:18:53 AM
Have any of you witchy farmgirls read ALice Hoffman books? As an author, she is my hero and her writing is a treat for people who love the earth and everything feminine. Here are a couple of suggestions: Illumination Night, Turtle Moon and Seventh Heaven. Quick reads and if you are an avid reader you will walk away from your time alone with Alice Hoffman's characters feeling empowered as a woman.
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It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it ~Aristotle
Sheep Mom 2
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jul 29 2009 : 08:11:25 AM
I love Alice Hoffman books! It was so funny as I was cutting down a huge stand of wild roses and bull thistles that were encroaching on my raspberry row I kept thinking that it was like being a character in an Alice Hoffman novel....Right now I am re-reading The Probable Future.
Blessings, Sheri
"Work is Love made visible" -Kahlil Gibran |
Greyhound Mom
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jul 29 2009 : 08:24:39 AM
Mara, from one Crone to another...truer words were never spoken! I totally agree with you regarding the protection spell even on your own spells, but then again we go back to the 'Harm none' rede...Sometimes spells backfire and there again, all has to be in balance. When I cast I always wear an amethyst, also I draw down the Moon at midnight, walking with my familiar, before I conjure a spell to balance and ground me. Getting a little deep here - so I think I will end my own lecture.
As for Tea Tree Oil being ingested...ABSOLUTELY NOT!!! Taken internally it could impare immune functions, be potentially fatal to the central nervouse system, causing depression, cause excessive drowsiness, sleeplessness, confusion, coma, diarrhrea, and should never be used if pregnant or brestfeeding and never given to children. Even though there are some indications it can be used as a flea deterrent for dogs and cats, don't!
Jonnie...I like that idea of putting essential oils on the bottom of the feet. Can you imagine how relaxing an Almond/Lavendar oil would be on the soles of your feet! Love it!!!
And my lecturing is done too! I think I'll start a new topic on "How excited is everyone for Fall and Samhain to come"! And for me ~ back to my studio to make Faerie Doors...
Magickally yours, B ~
"The earth does not belong to us; we belong to the earth, and we have a sacred duty to protect her and return thanks for the gifts of life." |
Amy Warwick
True Blue Farmgirl
102 Posts
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Posted - Jul 29 2009 : 08:53:48 AM
Witchy help?
Can someone assist with a couple of ideas on two items of business?
First, I can't freeze the one person I need help with because it is a person my children have to deal with in their lives. Can anyone suggest a way to get her to stop being evil toward me so that she and I can have a better working relationship?
Second, I lost a very important ring in the grass and cannot find it. I even used a metal detector. Our thoughts around here were that I apparently haven't given enough to the earth lately and therefore she swallowed it up. Okay, funny I know, but I really want it back. Any thoughts?
Best Regards...
For information on SUMMER SNOW please visit
It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it ~Aristotle
Amy Warwick
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jul 29 2009 : 08:59:55 AM
I know this should probably be on the reading forum, but what the heck. Alice is good for all women! I loved Probable Future. I have been trying to meet Alice Hoffman at Writers Conferences forever, but she either does not attend, or does not attend around here. Her writing is really a gift to all of us. One of my friends, Randy Sue Coburn, writes a bit like here as well. If you ever have a chance to read "Owl Island" you will not be disappointed.
For information on SUMMER SNOW please visit
It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it ~Aristotle
Edited by - Amy Warwick on Jul 29 2009 09:01:01 AM |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jul 29 2009 : 09:48:35 AM
Barbara - oil on the feet does work well. If you are having trouble sleeping and can stand the smell of valerian (ewwww!!) it will put you right to sleep. But the smell keeps me awake! LOL If you have a special combo for sore throats - rub it on your feet before bed and it should be better in the morning.
Faerie Doors?? what kind of Faerie doors??
"Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything that is beautiful. Welcome it in every face, in every skip, in every flower." Ralph Waldo Emerson
Greyhound Mom
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jul 29 2009 : 10:06:01 AM
Thanks, Jonnie, for that info. I know - why does valerian have to smell so bad? I have a huge plant that when you break a leaf from the stem it doesn't smell much better! But it makes a great tea. Sometimes I dry the leaves and use them in Dream bags with lavendar and hops.
Magickal Faery doors made out of polymer clay. Go to and you can see a few that I have on my website. They range from 4" to 6" high and can be attached to your baseboard, house, or a tree...whatever!
"The earth does not belong to us; we belong to the earth, and we have a sacred duty to protect her and return thanks for the gifts of life." |
True Blue Farmgirl
263 Posts
Glen Burnie
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Posted - Jul 29 2009 : 11:23:36 AM
PrairieHawk, thank you for saying what you said. I am pretty much just like that too in my own beliefs and practices. I am just like you, so I'm part of the minority. I love doing my witchy stuff, my Hoodoo stuff, and I am very proud of my Russian Orthodox family heritage. It took me many many years to realize that it's okay to respect and learn about and even practice certain elements of different belief systems.
And I LOVE LOVE LOVE Practical Magic by Alice Hoffmann. Has anyone read the Ice Queen yet? Or her newest book? I heard the newest book, sorry I can't think of the name of it off the top of my head, is kind of witchy......
You all rock!
Farmgirl Hugs, Carol
Farmgirl Sister #222 Member, Crafty Bay Farmgirl Chapter |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jul 29 2009 : 12:41:52 PM
quote: Originally posted by Amy Warwick#13;#10; Witchy help? #13;#10;#13;#10;Can someone assist with a couple of ideas on two items of business?#13;#10;#13;#10;First, I can't freeze the one person I need help with#13;#10;#13;#10;Second, I lost a very important ring in the grass and cannot find it.#13;#10;#13;#10;
#13;#10;Hi, Amy. First, "freezing" someone is manipulative and potentially harmful. I wish you would reconsider thinking along those lines. As to getting soeone evil to be nice to you, that's an age-old question, and more about etiquette than magick, I think. If I were you, I would be honest with that person about what you expect of them, and draw boundaries for what you will and won't accept from them. It's possible to do this nicely. You don't need to be argumentative or confrontational. Just remember the Goddess within, and let her assert herself when you have this conversation. Make eye contact with the person as you speak with them. Be kind, but firm. If you have reason to distrust this person, be careful what you give them access to. #13;#10;#13;#10;I mentioned Marion Weinstein's book, Positive Magic, a few posts ago. Not only does it eloquently address the first question you had, she also has a couple of great suggestions for locating lost items. They involve visualization, focus, and -- of course -- POSITIVE magic. One of her ideas, if I recall correctly, would have you to draw as accurate a picture of your ring as you can on a piece of paper and fold it three times. Tie a string around it. Place the paper end in the middle of your altar and concentrate on the ring as you use the string to pull it back to you. Recite something like "By the power of three times three/This ring I lost returns to me." Of course, it's always a good idea to state clearly, as you begin any magickal work, that you are doing it for the good of all, with harm to none, and with respect for the free will of all, to avoid creating unintended consequences -- you wouldn't want to find the ring, for example, by stepping on it and squishing it! |
True Blue Farmgirl
1825 Posts
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Posted - Jul 29 2009 : 12:44:10 PM
quote: Originally posted by prariehawk#13;#10; Please be careful how you categorize "Modern day Christians." #13;#10;
#13;#10;You're right. I should have qualified that. |
True Blue Farmgirl
433 Posts
Benton City
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Posted - Jul 29 2009 : 1:44:59 PM
Well Ladies,
It never ceases to amaze me how we wander from one topic to another and it is all relevant to being "witchy".
About the Herbal advice I gave earlier about taking Tea Tree internally to cleanse (just one drop in water a day). There was simultaneously sharing about casting spells and being aware of unwanted side effects.
First off, there are hundreds of synthetic pharmaceuticals that if are taken in execess (or at all) can cause adverse symtoms(allergies or worse). In the rage of corporate capitialism there is a lot of suppressed info so that they can market their goods. With that consideration we must all remember that all knowledge of modern (and past) sciences go censored (even on the internet).
Traditionally Tea Tree (Melaleuca Alternifolia) has been taken internally and externally to treat a WIDE array of illnesses (mostly bacterial and fungal ~huge demographic). There is more said about it being bad to take internally, but I question the varibles and the studies in general. The fact is that Tea Tree oil is highly effective, cheap and available. Anything in excess can be dangerous. Personally, I have seen fantastic results.
It is my understanding that we are mostly water held together by proteins (made from fats/oils). As we age our proteins (cell membranes) harden making it less likely to absorb or exchange fluids, holding onto whatever is binded within the cell. Thus it takes strong medicines (oils/chemicals) to break through the barrier to allow osmosis to occur (letting cleansing/purifying happen).
Medicines are toxic poisons(chemotherapy being an example). The root of homeopathic medicine is to trip one's biofeedback system (with the tiniest amounts of poison/medicine) gently into righting oneself. By taking something that causes a reaction (in minute amounts) encourages the body's natural responses to protect oneself, achieving a balance.
Interestingly, "Pharmaceuticals" literally means "to practice witchcraft or use medicene" and the root "Pharmakon" means "a poison, a medicine" ~Webster Dictionary.
Amy~ about finding your lost ring. I tend to agree that "earth" took it as an offering (especially with it being a good year for harvest). Perhaps in celebration of Lammas, you make jewelry to adorn your dry wheat fields, try to do a trade? Maybe a sculpture of the great wheat god making love to the golden wheat goddess. . .
Lov ya ladies, thanks for the conversation (and givin me a turn on the soap box).
Rowdy Blessin's h
Nude Food Farm ~Grown so good, Dressing is Optional. |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jul 29 2009 : 2:31:44 PM
Witches are a talkative bunch, aren't we? If one thing unites us, it's having strong opinions! ;-) I hear you on the subject of allopathic medicine. My source on the internal use of essential oils is David Hoffman, with whom I studied around the time he was persuading Jim Duke (The Green Pharmacy) to abandon his skepticism and cross over to our side :-). I continue to be inspired by him. His approach is always to use the most gentle herb that will do the job. He teaches that essential oils are too harsh for safe, routine internal use, and I stand by that. You argue effectively for another point of view and that's cool. |
Edited by - Rosemary on Jul 29 2009 2:32:27 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jul 29 2009 : 3:23:24 PM
Hi all, thanks so much for the suggestions. Heide, I appreciate the ideas for cleansing the liver, that should help. I'm not too sure about injesting the essential oil, but I do have some antiviral, antibiotic herbs. I was thinking of clearing the poisons, but with the CFS etc. we could be dealing with a virus. thanks again.
Tasha, so sorry about the problems with the store. I'm sure there are better things ahead for you.
Interesting ideas on the binding. Prarie Hawk, good point. I like your spiritual expression, I'm trying to figure out how to explain that to folks around here that great me with where do you go to church. I just smile and say thanks for inviting us.
to my fellow crones, thank you for sharing your wisdom. blessings to all Phyllis |
True Blue Farmgirl
1825 Posts
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Posted - Jul 29 2009 : 3:43:33 PM
Phyllis, a good, safe way to start would be using Swedish Bitters. This will help your liver do for itself what it was made to do, and strengthen it for further treatment, which should include something for your kidneys as well. Dandelion Root would serve both ends. But as with all things medical, it's complicated. Know what you're doing and why you're doing it. Blessings! |
True Blue Farmgirl
2914 Posts
2914 Posts |
Posted - Jul 29 2009 : 4:10:48 PM
Thanks, Carol, for understanding where I'm coming from. I really believe, that as we learn more about how the Earth evolved, that religion (all religions) will evolve as well. I celebrate the seasons as well as the Christian and some Pagan holidays. In fact, for Lammas, I plan to listen to the Chieftains' soundtrack to "The Irish Horse". I'm definitely a Solitary with a Celtic bent. I don't know much about magick, but I agree that "freezing" someone could have unintended consequences. I take a Buddhist approach to anything I do that involves difficult people--if I do something that causes harm to someone else, that harm will come back in some way, shape, or form to me. And now, I've got to go, as there is a group going on a "prairie walk" this evening, and it's become my Wednesday evening meditation. And if people ask about where I go to church, I tell them that Jesus did his most heartfelt praying alone in the wilderness. Cindy
"Dog is my co-pilot"
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True Blue Farmgirl
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Glen Burnie
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Posted - Jul 29 2009 : 6:20:08 PM
Okay, I didn't mean to send out anything bad by freezing. Honestly, I can think of a lot of other things that could harm people, but I never intended the freezing to harm anyone. I had someone stalking me, making threatening calls to me and my son, trying to get me fired at work, amongst other things, and all I wanted to do was freeze them, make them just stop in their tracks, and leave me me alone. That's all. I never wished them any harm, or wished or ask that bad things happen to them, or anything like that. Just wanted them to freeze, to stop. That's all. And nothing happened to them. They just started leaving me alone, which was all I wanted. Sorry if I offended anyone or upset anyone. I didn't mean to.
Farmgirl Hugs, Carol
Farmgirl Sister #222 Member, Crafty Bay Farmgirl Chapter |
True Blue Farmgirl
1825 Posts
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Posted - Jul 29 2009 : 8:55:32 PM
Hey Carol, I just noticed you live in Glen Burnie! I went to Glen Burnie Elementary. Used to get my Girl Scout supplies at Robinson's. We actually lived in Harundale. I was very very happy there. My father took me horseback riding at Fort Meade, where they used to have great stables. Wow, now you know how old I am! Anyway, don't worry too much about your freezing spell. I hope you've been able to get that stalker off your trail. What an awful thing to have to deal with! I encourage you to seek out Marion Weinstein's classic book, Positive Magic. I think there's a new edition out now, but you can still get the original, too. I don't know a single Witch (and I've worked with hundreds over the years) who wouldn't agree with her philosophy, or at least see the wisdom in it. Certainly there are some Witches, especially elders in the Dianic Craft, who do binding rituals to protect women from rapists and so on, but these are usually done with all kinds of elaborate trappings to prevent unintended consequences -- which I feel can best be avoided by not doing negative work like that at all! Magick is a slippery and powerful thing. We need to handle it with great care. I hope you and your loved ones will be safe and at peace after this awful experience is a thing of the past. You have many Witchy Farmgirl blessings, that's for sure! If you ever happen to find yourself on Kirk Road, say hello to #1704 for me. That was our house. The concrete drain behind that cul-de-sac used to be a thickly forested valley with a little stream running through it where I did my first ritual, though I didn't know at the time that's what I was doing ;-) |
True Blue Farmgirl
2914 Posts
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Posted - Jul 29 2009 : 9:30:00 PM
It's OK, Carol--you haven't hurt anyone. If someone was stalking you, you have the right to take whatever action is necessary to protect yourself. Including legal action. Women have traditionally been taught that they're not supposed to hurt anyone, but that flies out the window if the person is threatening you. I was thinking in terms of people who annoy me, which is entirely different. I took a women's self-defense class years ago and it taught me to trust my intuition--I pick up "vibes" from creepy people and places and avoid them as much as possible. I don't wish them harm, but if they try to hurt me or a loved one--my "she-wolf" side emerges. And that's a good thing. Anyone who invades your boundaries deserves to be dealt with firmly and assertively. I'm glad this person stopped harassing you and if it made you feel better to freeze them, then good for you. I once had to threaten a co-worker with legal action after she slashed a flag on my front porch (couldn't prove it, but I know she did it). It worked. She quit and I got a better job at the same company. Actions taken in self defense are justified by God. I hope you are feeling better by the time you read this. Sending a big farmgirl *hug* your way. Cindy
"Dog is my co-pilot"
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Greyhound Mom
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jul 30 2009 : 07:51:16 AM
Carol...You sound like an experienced, intelligent witch. And you know that casting a spell by putting a name in a freezer bag and freezing it will not literally FREEZE the person who is bothering you! Are you kidding me??? I guess everyone interprets things differently, but really now, we all know that this spell will only stop the person from doing the bad things they do to others. It is nothing more than a Protection spell. I am sure that none of us practice Black Magic...but, I just think that we over-analyze things a bit much. Magick is not complicated, it is natural and when used correctly it teaches us balance and common sense. I am a 4th generation witch from Germany who for the 60 years of my life now, have used these tools that my ancestors have for a very long time. And, the earth didn't swallow up a ring as an offering, our Goddesses don't play tricks with us like that. Scrying will find the ring. It's great to share facts and experiences, but no one wants to be lectured. It is our wisdom, as witches, that should be shared. After I write this, many of you may disagree with me and that's fine, but we aren't a group of fanatical holyrollers, etc. And if this comes to my outcast then so mote it be, I will remove myself fromt this site. Thanks in advance for all of the great information in this short time I was here. Merry meet, merry part & merry meet again...
Magickally yours, B ~
"The earth does not belong to us; we belong to the earth, and we have a sacred duty to protect her and return thanks for the gifts of life." |
Amy Warwick
True Blue Farmgirl
102 Posts
102 Posts |
Posted - Jul 30 2009 : 07:51:43 AM
Hi ladies,
See how many ideas we have when we all come together. Thank you Heide and Carol for the ideas about finding the ring. And everyone else for the ideas on how to get the other lady in my children's lives to work with me. We shall see how it all goes.
Here is another thought: we really need a good wheat harvest this year, maybe my ring is the price to pay for that. I would give that to the earth in order to have the earth give my husband a good wheat harvest. However, I think the key is to give it willingly without continuing to try and get it back. Oh do I have choices to make...
Best to all of you...
For information on SUMMER SNOW please visit
It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it ~Aristotle
Sheep Mom 2
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jul 30 2009 : 10:00:49 AM
Good Morning, I don't think anyone is into "casting out" anyone for a difference of opinion. At least I'm not. It is our differences that make it all so fantastically intreguing. I think in the end intention is the indicator. The power of intention is huge. I choose to only strive for the good of all but I am not going to sit down and get used like a door mat either. There is a fine line between "nice" and "hypocrite". I too don't believe the ring is the offering - it simply fell off while you were working. Sometimes I think we drop things into other dimensions as the veil is thinning. Then they all of a sudden re-appear in this one. That may sound crazy but I've had things "disappear" and re-appear in plain sight (like scissors in the middle of the kitchen counter). It's all such a fascinating ride isn't it? Even the "bad" things are lessons about ourselves if we choose to look at ourselves as much as the other person. There are no victims here only lessons and contracts, in my opinion. Offerings are made with deliberate intention and are not a requirement of blessings bestowed. If you want to make an offering with a full heart then that is what you should do. Gratitude for abundance, however is what I believe should be the basis for everything. It's ok if everyone disagrees with me. That's just how things are sometimes.
Blessings, Sheri
"Work is Love made visible" -Kahlil Gibran |
True Blue Farmgirl
433 Posts
Benton City
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Posted - Jul 30 2009 : 10:49:54 AM
Ahhhhhhh what wisdom is being shared. What great things everyone brings to this topic. How I cherish everyones opinions and experiences.
Barbara~ I truly meant no disrespect or ill intent in offering a different take than you. I most certainly hope you don't feel "casted out". I just have a different perspective.
Sheri~ I love when you talk of dimensions. . . and I love what you wrote, "Offerings are made with deliberate intention and are not a requirement of blessings bestowed. If you want to make an offering with a full heart then that is what you should do. Gratitude for abundance, however is what I believe should be the basis for everything."
Yes, it rings so true (no pun intended). A lesson I am trying to retain, that offerings aren't required for blessings bestowed. Why do I believe there must be hardship for reward? Can I blame my christian influences that we must suffer on earth to receive heaven?
Sheri had once advised not to define positive and negative energy but to strive for neutralism. I thought of this when we were all talking of "freezing" or "flushing" (I also was reminded of Mara's suggestion that if you wash your hands of someone's energy, you are sending it down the drain, out into the open). This valuable obsevations influence my practices of the Art of Neutrality and Gratitude.
I loved the suggestion of a "gift swap" and have planned one for Lammas Sunday. I will be sure to take pics and share them here.
Peace be with us all, h
Nude Food Farm ~Grown so good, Dressing is Optional. |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jul 30 2009 : 12:18:16 PM
Hi Ya'll, know one of the things I love about this group? the williness to share and support each other.
Carol, I don't think anyone was upset or offended by your protection spell. heck , you needed to protect yourself from a stalker. it doesn't hurt though to talk about unintended consequences and remind outselves once in a while. glad you are not having to deal with that woman anymore!
Mara, thanks for the suggestion about the dandelion root. I will give it a try. Dexter is doing a bit better thankfully, but bitters would still be a good idea I think.
great ideas for finding that ring. Hope it works out for you Amy.
thanks again for all your help. Hugs Phyllis |
Amy Warwick
True Blue Farmgirl
102 Posts
102 Posts |
Posted - Jul 30 2009 : 1:19:25 PM
Many thanks to all of you for your suggestions. Now, off to mow the lawn in the 90 degree heat. Maybe I will fall off of the lawn mower and onto my ring! LOL! I am really enjoying this banter. I hope you are all enjoying it as well.
Heide, you are such a wise and good soul and as for the rest of you, I am having a great time getting to know you all...
For information on SUMMER SNOW please visit
It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it ~Aristotle
Amy Warwick
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jul 30 2009 : 1:21:19 PM
Oh yes, and I don't know why this keeps coming to mind, but obviously someone out there needs it so I am going to post this quote...
~And in the end, the love you take, is equal to the love you make~ The last words, of the last song, on the last Beatles Album.
Whoever it is that needed to hear that, I hope it helps... Amy
For information on SUMMER SNOW please visit
It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it ~Aristotle
Gathered Up: witchy farmgirls?  |