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Gathered Up: witchy farmgirls?  |
True Blue Farmgirl
694 Posts
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Posted - Jul 02 2009 : 9:07:48 PM
I work with an energy vampire, and I find the best way to deal with her is to be overly nice, even if I have to fake it (which I usually do!). I try to make up for her negative energy by replacing it with VERY POSITIVE energy. There are other ladies in my department that let her get to them, I refuse to let her!!
Molly - Farmgirl #625 "As waves upon my head the circling curl, So in the sacred dance weave ye and whirl. Dance then, O heart, a whirling circle be. Burn in this flame - is not the candle He?" -Rumi |
True Blue Farmgirl
4247 Posts
Clarks Summit
4247 Posts |
Posted - Jul 03 2009 : 07:34:41 AM
testing my new tagline... Happy Independance day to all of us Americans.
Linda in Scranton, PA
The soldier in my family was often saying that they could not do what they do without the support of their families and the sacrifices the families make. |
True Blue Farmgirl
1825 Posts
1825 Posts |
Posted - Jul 03 2009 : 08:44:06 AM
Molly, I wonder if your vamp might think her tactics are a win for her, since it makes you be nicer to her. In a way, that's responding to her negativity by giving her the energy she wants. I mean, I'm not there and can't see it, so I don't know at all. You know better. Just curious about how others handle their issues and what the results are. Has your being nicer to her made her less negative toward you, or are you just finding yourself working harder at being nicer, and her still being a pain in the patoot? |
True Blue Farmgirl
694 Posts
694 Posts |
Posted - Jul 07 2009 : 6:16:11 PM
Rosemary, actually being nicer to her is causing her to be more pleasant with me. She's still a pain in the "patoot", but I can't let myself get dragged down by her negativity. I don't know if this will work for anyone else..mileage may vary 
Molly - Farmgirl #625 "As waves upon my head the circling curl, So in the sacred dance weave ye and whirl. Dance then, O heart, a whirling circle be. Burn in this flame - is not the candle He?" -Rumi |
True Blue Farmgirl
539 Posts
539 Posts |
Posted - Jul 08 2009 : 12:45:28 PM
I want to play, too! I believe like most of you and have read all the posts before replying. I am grateful that I found you and grateful that Beth has been a part of my life since the day she was born! She even shares her "big ole gelding" with me.
Looking forward to getting to know all of you better and blessings to you all . . .
Beth's sister,
Jonnie |
True Blue Farmgirl
451 Posts
451 Posts |
Posted - Jul 08 2009 : 2:47:24 PM
Hi Ya'll, Heide, the Kuan Yin sounds like a great idea. the stone I was trying to remember is a quartz with tourmaline inclusions. I'm sorry it took me so long to get back to you. Having a little health thing(or lack there of, LOL) so I haven't been up to posting. Hope you can keep your self protected from the vampire.
Rosemary, ya know i didn't even think about where all that negativity would go!! thanks for the reminder of the fact that the drain does go somewhere. LOL. good idea about the clearing of the energy.
Jonnie, so glad you could join us!!! welcome. How wonderful that you and Beth could both be here, and support each other as well as the rest of us.
Hugs to all. Phyllis |
True Blue Farmgirl
2552 Posts
St. Paul
2552 Posts |
Posted - Jul 08 2009 : 5:59:55 PM
hey is where I have been:
I'm starting up a metaphysical and conscious creation collective in our town. I've been tremendously busy and I'll be getting back to each of you who have emailed about being part of the cyber witchy way chapter very soon!
I'm busy finding artisans and investors and working magick just to get into this storefront. I've wanted this building for 4 years and I am FINALLY in it!
Gaia Bless you all!
~*~Brightest Blessings~*~ Tasha-Rose Farmgirl Sister #88
Blogs: Etsy:
"Joyful chaos, working in tune with the seasons, telling itme by the sun, variety, change and self-direction; all this wwas replaced with a brutal, standardized work culture, the effects of which we are still suffering from today." - Tom Hodgkinson in 'How To Be Idle' |
True Blue Farmgirl
451 Posts
451 Posts |
Posted - Jul 09 2009 : 09:35:51 AM
Hi Tasha!!!! so good to see you!!! the shop looks wonderful. so glad things are working out for you. I'm really looking forward to checking there regularly.
Hope all goes well and you find lots of investors and artisans and things go just wonderfully. blessings Phyllis |
True Blue Farmgirl
895 Posts

895 Posts |
Posted - Jul 11 2009 : 07:27:00 AM
Can someone tell me how to get to the Witchy Chapter. I know someone set one up a while back and I got there once but now can't find it. Help please
Farmgirl Sister 572
May the force of the horse be with you. |
True Blue Farmgirl
433 Posts
Benton City
433 Posts |
Posted - Jul 11 2009 : 07:41:01 AM
I think it was Linda who found the chapter, she walks you to it a couple of pages ago. I have yet to go check it out myself.
Tasha what great news to hear from you! Cheers to your shop, what an inspiration to all of us. My broom corn is growing tall, interested in some besoms? 
Thanks everyone for the advice about protecting myself. Rosemary you have such good thoughts; here I have been taking baths for years to wash away my worry and negative ju ju, only to be giving it to the ocean. No wonder our world is so polluted.
Now I am working so hard on neutralizing. I know it is working because you would not believe how the energy vampires are repelled from me. People who were latched on so tight I thought they would leech out every drop of goodness, now avoid me like I got leprosy.
I can not tell you how blessed it feel to be free of them. At first I tried to be syrupy nice but it didn't work because at every turn they were sabotaging me while still sucking my energy to claim as theirs. Best to abort that dream and move on.
Now I know the Goddess is lookin out for me because with my free energy I have attracted other (if not better) dreams.
So A HUGE thank you and peace be with y'all, h
Nude Food Farm ~Grown so good, Dressing is Optional. |
True Blue Farmgirl
539 Posts
539 Posts |
Posted - Jul 11 2009 : 1:16:20 PM
Heidi - I am interested in a besom - wondering if we could work some kind of trade - I give you something you would treasure in trade for a besom. . .
"Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything that is beautiful. Welcome it in every face, in every skip, in every flower." Ralph Waldo Emerson
True Blue Farmgirl
1825 Posts
1825 Posts |
True Blue Farmgirl
1825 Posts
1825 Posts |
Posted - Jul 13 2009 : 11:11:05 AM
quote: Originally posted by Tn.Earthmama
Rosemary, ya know i didn't even think about where all that negativity would go!! thanks for the reminder of the fact that the drain does go somewhere. LOL. good idea about the clearing of the energy.
Glad to be of help. That's what Crones are for, after all. :-) |
True Blue Farmgirl
1825 Posts
1825 Posts |
Posted - Jul 13 2009 : 11:15:19 AM
quote: Originally posted by mollymae
Rosemary, actually being nicer to her is causing her to be more pleasant with me. She's still a pain in the "patoot", but I can't let myself get dragged down by her negativity. I don't know if this will work for anyone else..mileage may vary 
Oops! I missed this when you posted it, because my name is actually Mara (I used Rosemary (my favorite herb) as my ID when I signed up for the Farmgirl Connection; somebody else had already used Mara). I gotta be more alert!
I'm so glad that your positive energy is generating a positive response from Ms. Patoot. Let's hope others learn from your good example so the whole place can become more pleasant for everyone. |
True Blue Farmgirl
1825 Posts
1825 Posts |
Posted - Jul 13 2009 : 11:18:41 AM
I've been looking for earlier posts from Linda that might include a clue to where an actual Witchy Farmgirl forum might be developing. Is that something MaryJane's guru (oh dear, forgive me, but I've forgotten his name) has to set up? Do you really think MJ would do that for us? It would be a little risky for her -- maybe more than a little. But anyway, if there actually is a place to go for more of this fine witchiness, could somebody paste it right here where I can see it without squinting too hard? Thanks, ya'll. |
True Blue Farmgirl
4247 Posts
Clarks Summit
4247 Posts |
Posted - Jul 13 2009 : 12:07:22 PM
Hi witchy sisters, I am not sure if there is another Linda that you are refering to but I think I found the chapter in the Henhouse at one time...
This forum can be read by anyone in the general public. We should be careful to not post our whole name and address or especially our personal email address here for that reason.
I think ya have to be a "farmgirl member" to join a henhouse....the indication is the red hexegon by our name and it's $20 for a year and patch, newsletter and info is sent us..
check out that information under the topics on general chat forum.
It is up to the group if we want to go to a private henhouse...a password is required and admittance thru the creator of the henhouse. Make sense? I hope so.
In my experience it is too easy to forget that this is a public forum.
Linda in Scranton, PA
Edited by - yarnmamma on Jul 13 2009 12:26:46 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
1825 Posts
1825 Posts |
Posted - Jul 13 2009 : 1:07:49 PM
quote: Originally posted by yarnmamma#13;#10; #13;#10;I think ya have to be a "farmgirl member" to join a henhouse....the indication is the red hexegon by our name and it's $20 for a year and patch, newsletter and info is sent us.#13;#10;
Thanks, Linda. That would cut me out for now, but I'll pay attention for when things are a little more comfortable here. |
Edited by - Rosemary on Jul 13 2009 1:09:32 PM |
Amy Warwick
True Blue Farmgirl
102 Posts
102 Posts |
Posted - Jul 13 2009 : 2:49:10 PM
You have me intrigued! I'm in! Where do we fly from here?
please visit for more information on Amy's writings and upcoming events. |
True Blue Farmgirl
451 Posts
451 Posts |
Posted - Jul 13 2009 : 3:20:06 PM
Hi Mara, I'm sorry I got your name wrong, I knew it was Mara, but my brain sometimes goes on vacation without me. LOL> about the witchy farmgirl chapter. If you go to the section on chapters and search for Witch way farmgirls it should pop up. I think Tasha is setting it up and has been really busy so is working on it now. so I don't think it's actually working yet, but it will be wonderful when it is.
I do love meeting all these wonderful witchy gals. it's great to have others to learn from and share with. take care hugs Phyllis |
True Blue Farmgirl
451 Posts
451 Posts |
Posted - Jul 13 2009 : 3:22:08 PM
Hey Amy, good to meet you. looking forward to getting to know you. blessings Phyllis |
True Blue Farmgirl
4247 Posts
Clarks Summit
4247 Posts |
Posted - Jul 13 2009 : 4:59:30 PM
The henhouses are something really new...maybe a year old or so. I don't see the online chapter that I joined active like I expected.
Linda in Scranton, PA
True Blue Farmgirl
433 Posts
Benton City
433 Posts |
Posted - Jul 13 2009 : 6:52:12 PM
Hello my witchy sisters, A great big shout out to Amy Warwick! Yo momma, fancy meeting you in here. I have a poem I wanted to share with everyone,
Medicine Woman By Shiloh Sophia McCloud 2007 Printed out of We'moon 2009
Medicine Woman hold tools for healing in her magic basket. Medicine Woman dances in the moonlight and sings her prayers. Medicine woman knows herbs and signs, seasons and stars. Medicine woman is old-is young. is in between maiden and mother, mother and crone. She is the part in each of us that knows deeply. That sees clearly. That listens between words. She moves between worlds. Medicine woman cannot be domesticated, at all. ever. Even when we don't recognize her, She is there. Always. Calling. She has butterflies in her hair. She has on red cowgirl boots. She can be found at the movies with teenage girls on Saturday night. She may get a tattoo of Guadualupe on her bicep in downtown San Francisco. Or rollerskate throught Central Park at 7 am. She may teach workshops on tantra or accounting or raw food or revolution. She definitely runs with wolves and wolfey women. She is fierce about many many things. She is compassionate about, well, almost everything. She plays hard. She takes action. She tree sits and marches and prays. She may paint glitter on her toenails and let the armpit hair grow, and her mustache too. She is not one way, we cannot say, oh yes, that is how she is. Because she is the changing one. She is the place within us that wants it all. And wants to give it all up. And live simply. She swims naked in the ocean. She rides a motorcycle up the coast. She paints, she writes, she dances, she dreams, she runs businesses. She is medicine woman. She heals the unexpressed in us. She asks us the question- Who are you not being?
Nude Food Farm ~Grown so good, Dressing is Optional. |
True Blue Farmgirl
1825 Posts
1825 Posts |
Posted - Jul 13 2009 : 9:53:35 PM
Thanks, Phyllis, not to worry -- I've been answering to Rosemary here for years :-) With every penny spoken for (and then some!) these days, I'm afraid Chapter dues aren't in the picture for me, but I'll keep an eye on the proceedings. It's a wonderful idea! |
True Blue Farmgirl
539 Posts
539 Posts |
Posted - Jul 14 2009 : 06:20:32 AM
Thank you so much for sharing that beautiful writing. It certainly touched something inside me.
Blessed day all!
"Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything that is beautiful. Welcome it in every face, in every skip, in every flower." Ralph Waldo Emerson
True Blue Farmgirl
89 Posts
89 Posts |
Posted - Jul 14 2009 : 3:45:31 PM
quote: Originally posted by GaiasRose
I know there are a few of us here. Shall we gather and have a virtual chapter?
~*~Brightest Blessings~*~ Tasha-Rose Farmgirl Sister #88
Blogs: Etsy:
"Joyful chaos, working in tune with the seasons, telling itme by the sun, variety, change and self-direction; all this wwas replaced with a brutal, standardized work culture, the effects of which we are still suffering from today." - Tom Hodgkinson in 'How To Be Idle'
Witchy ways farmgirls - serendipity!! What an unexpected surprise! Fantastic! Please please count me in! bright blessings! Marianne
chickens clucking, bees buzzing, flowers blooming, all is good! |
Gathered Up: witchy farmgirls?  |