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Gathered Up: witchy farmgirls?  |
Farmgirl in Training
20 Posts
New Hampshire
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Posted - Jun 19 2009 : 6:25:01 PM
I haven't joined as a sister yet, practicing wiccan for 35 years old so, can an old crone join you gals? Your goddess worshiping farm girl from the White Mountains of NH.
Pink is not just a's an attitude! |
True Blue Farmgirl
5602 Posts

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Posted - Jun 19 2009 : 6:41:17 PM
I'm just sitting a spell and paying a visit to the witchy sisters here, but welcome to the forum and I hope that you have great fun and make many new and wonderful friends =) me I'm kind of a gnostic/Buddhist/mystic/bog Irish earth worshipper, if that makes any sense. I believe in a bit of a lot of things. So pleased to meet you Josephine!
Annika Farmgirl & sister #13
True Blue Farmgirl
895 Posts

895 Posts |
Posted - Jun 19 2009 : 6:48:51 PM
Welcome Josephine. Another crone here, been wiccan for oh, to many years to remember. This is a welcoming group. I never go a day without checking in. I like your line at the bottom. I totally agree. My focus is celtic and a little bit gypsy. So welcome and have fun.
Farmgirl Sister 572
May the force of the horse be with you. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2914 Posts
2914 Posts |
Posted - Jun 19 2009 : 7:00:19 PM
I found a great Summer Solstice poem in the book Earth prayers. Thought you might like to read it:
The heavens bespeak the glory of God (or The Goddess) The firmament ablaze, a text of his (her) works Dawn whispers to sunset Dark to dark the word passes, glory glory
All in a great silence, no tongue's clamor-- yet the web of the world trembles conscious, as of great winds passing.
The bridegroom's tent is raised, a cry goes up: He comes! a radiant sun rejoicing, presiding, his wedding day. From end to end of the universe his progress. No creature, no least being but catches fire from him.
Daniel Berrigan is the author
I love this book. It's edited by Elizabeth Roberts and Elias Amidon
It contains 365 poems, invocations, and prayers from all religions and all parts of the globe. Cindy
"Dog is my co-pilot"
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True Blue Farmgirl
694 Posts
694 Posts |
Posted - Jun 19 2009 : 7:35:37 PM
quote: Originally posted by Faransgirl
Molly - a besom is a broom. Usually made of materials that have some meaning to you and blessed for use in ritual or for decorating or protecting your home. They can be used symbolically for "sweeping negative energies from you home or whatever".
Farmgirl Sister 572
May the force of the horse be with you.
Thank you Annika and Beth for a description, I'm very curious to learn more so will be Googling it tonight!!
Molly "This is love: to fly toward a secret sky, to cause a hundred veils to fall each moment. First to let go of life. Finally, to take a step without feet."~Rumi
Sheep Mom 2
True Blue Farmgirl
1534 Posts
1534 Posts |
Posted - Jun 19 2009 : 7:43:15 PM
My favorite is the Navajo Prayer:
In Beauty I Walk
I will be happy forever, Nothing will hinder me
With Beauty before me, may I walk, With Beauty behind me, may I walk, With Beauty above me, may I walk, With Beauty below me, may I walk, With Beauty all around me, may I walk, My words will be beautiful, Wandering on a trail of Beauty, lively may I walk.
It has become beauty again, It has become beauty again, It has become beauty again.
Happy solstice everyone. May you all walk only in beauty (as we always do) and have the awareness of the beauty that is you.
True Blue Farmgirl
694 Posts
694 Posts |
Posted - Jun 19 2009 : 7:46:53 PM
One of my favorites...
Salutation for the Dawn
Look to this day! For it is life, the very life of life, In its brief course Lie all the verities and realities of your existence: The bliss of growth The glory of action The splendor of beauty, For yesterday is but a dream And tomorrow only a vision, But today well lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness And every tomorrow a vision of hope. Look well, therefore, to this day! Such is the salutation of the dawn.
by Kalidasa
Molly "This is love: to fly toward a secret sky, to cause a hundred veils to fall each moment. First to let go of life. Finally, to take a step without feet."~Rumi
True Blue Farmgirl
348 Posts
348 Posts |
Posted - Jun 19 2009 : 7:53:10 PM
Boy I love you girls!! What inspiring pieces. How groovy is this, that we can find each other and create a cyber circle of strong, loving, wise women? I'm just in awe of all of you. That, and the fact that we seem to be sitting in front of computers at the same time - across the country!
Proud Farmgirl Sister # 267
True Blue Farmgirl
1403 Posts
1403 Posts |
Posted - Jun 19 2009 : 8:04:40 PM
Hi, girls! Wow, you've been active while I've been gone taking care of my sister (she had hip replacement surgery for those who don't know). I really enjoy the poetry for the Summer Solstice as well as the wonderful photos... It's nice to connect here with all of you. :)
~~~~ |
True Blue Farmgirl
694 Posts
694 Posts |
Posted - Jun 20 2009 : 9:44:30 PM
quote: Originally posted by corporatefarmgirl
but here is my truth ~~ i am a wise women, an herbilist, healer, seeker, in tune with the earthly vibrations, who watches the sky and follows the lead of the moon and sun. i find strength in the trees, rivers and plants, i light candles and chant for healing and guidance. i celebrate the seasons of this earth. i am a woman of the moon, the stars and the earth. i am a mother, daughter, wife, sister, and friend. i am a witch.
live well, Tamara "We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children" follow me!
Tamara, I have always been drawn to the "wise women tradition", and I am still on the path to finding myself, but in this I think I have found some of my Truth. Thank you for your beautiful words above.
Molly "As waves upon my head the circling curl, So in the sacred dance weave ye and whirl. Dance then, O heart, a whirling circle be. Burn in this flame - is not the candle He?" -Rumi |
True Blue Farmgirl
2914 Posts
2914 Posts |
Posted - Jun 21 2009 : 8:58:56 PM
We celebrated the Summer Solstice by having a potluck dinner and turning the sun staff to face the south, which signifies youth, fullness, generosity, sensitivity, love, idealism, compassion, kindness ability to express joy and good feelings, etc, etc. to the native Americans, south is the direction of youthful potential. In the fall, it turns to the west, the time of adulthood and wisdom. In the winter, it faces north, the time of old age and honoring the wisdom of the elders. East, of course, is the time of childhood and innocence. We read a poem by Mary Oliver and had ti answer "riddles" about the different vegetables growing in the garden. A barred owl saluted us several times as if voicing his approval.Everyone seemed to enjoy it and good food--mauch of it made with berries and other in season fruit, was had and enjoyed by all. Happy Summer Solstice to you all! Cindy
"Dog is my co-pilot"
Visit my blog at |
True Blue Farmgirl
1403 Posts
1403 Posts |
True Blue Farmgirl
433 Posts
Benton City
433 Posts |
Posted - Jun 22 2009 : 09:13:43 AM
Ahhh the beach sounds nice. Last Solstice I was at the Ocean but this year we stayed home. We also had a BBQ, Mojitos and the giant fire. . .
I wanted to share this excerpt from my daily calender, We'moom 09
Summer Solstice by Vicki Noble C. Mother Tongue Ink 2008
"The polarities have shifted from night to day, as Summer Solstice marks the outermost extension of energy and light. We stay up late, being outdoors, engaged in exercise and activities, and relishing the long, luxurious hours of daylight- often without consciously realizing that on that very day, the light once more begins to wane. Taoists saythat any energy taken far enough in one direction turns into its opposite, as Yin and Yang dance their timeless exchange of essential energies. The rhythm on planet Earth swings like a metronome between dark and light, like the cycle of a bleeding woman. If we think of Winter Solstice as representing menstruation, then Summer Solstice is like ovulation- when somthing creative is released into activity and expression in hopes of ferilization.
This is the night for a drumming and dancing ritual, outdoors under the stars, in total celebration of life's capacity to express itself. Perhaps you can watch the film, The Singing Revolution, depicting how Estonians liberated themselves from the Soviet rule through song. Get you friends, family, or commmunity and make some music together!"
Nude Food Farm ~Grown so good, Dressing is Optional. |
True Blue Farmgirl
348 Posts
348 Posts |
Posted - Jun 22 2009 : 10:21:11 AM
I so envy you gals who can do active things outside during the day of solstice! It was 97 in Atlanta (and no beach ) and we limit our time outside to dusk and the campfire into the night. But I love it anyway! I made a large (pizza size) cookie and covered it in vanilla icecream and on top of that I made the rays of the sun using split banana's. The circle and face of Father Sun was drawn in chocolate sauce. Eyes of Hershey's kisses. A family fave since the kids were little.
Proud Farmgirl Sister # 267
True Blue Farmgirl
451 Posts
451 Posts |
Posted - Jun 22 2009 : 11:34:40 AM
Hi all, welcome to all our new sisters, so good to meet you. love hearing about everyone solstice celebrations. I spent a little time outdoors, but my goodness it was HOT. I spent some time talking to my trees and thanking them for their lovely shade, and picking out my spot to put my spiral.
we did supper on the grill(late in the day, LOL) grilled veggies, tofu. I made homemade bread, and we made homemade ice cream, YUM!!!!
thank you all for sharing , I loved the poems. Looking forward to seeing pictures of celebrations and that spiral garden. Hugs Phyllis |
True Blue Farmgirl
389 Posts
389 Posts |
Posted - Jun 25 2009 : 1:45:58 PM
Hello to all ~ I spent Summer Solstice at a beautiful creek running throught the state park by my house. Sunshine, creekside with Mojitoes, pesto chicken sandwich, a good book and was wonderful. Ended the day hiking to one of the big water falls and later going home and then admiring the night sky from big deck off the back of my house.
live well, Tamara "We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children" follow me!
True Blue Farmgirl
451 Posts
451 Posts |
Posted - Jun 26 2009 : 12:26:05 PM
Hi Tamara, sounds like a wonderful day!! is the park near your house Fall Creek Falls? Dexter and I went there on our 3rd date. I have pictures made by the cascades, as I was reading your post I thought of that being a great place for a picnic.
take care and continue to be happy and do things you enjoy(not an order, just a suggestion : - ) hugs Phyllis |
True Blue Farmgirl
433 Posts
Benton City
433 Posts |
Posted - Jun 28 2009 : 09:01:04 AM
Hello ladies, everyone's solstice sounds wonderful. I have been having issues with energy vampires and am in need of protection. I was curious if anyone has any "superstitions", "meditations" or "rituals" that you use to stay safe? A wise friend shared with me a great meditation of imagining that we are inside an energy bubble and we keep our energy in and protect ourselves from outside vacuumes (the meditation is one of Caroline Myss's about self esteem). This has been very useful for me so I thought I would ask y'all if you have any other good "advice". Or share what "metaphysical garlic garland" you use. . .
Best, h
Nude Food Farm ~Grown so good, Dressing is Optional. |
True Blue Farmgirl
451 Posts
451 Posts |
Posted - Jun 30 2009 : 05:53:35 AM
Hi Heide, I'm sorry you are having difficulty with energy vampires. I have know a few of those in my time. LOL. I'm afraid I don't have any rituals or real help in that department. However, my daughter who is really empathetic is working on making a necklace to help with that and it might help you. I'll be back after she gets up and I can check the details because I can't remember which stone she is using. boy, I miss my brain. LOL. I like your friends suggestion of the meditation. I knew a therapist who after each client would wash her hands while picturing all the negativity draining from her fingertips and draining down the sink. that might help after vampire exposure if you can't avoid them, and sometimes you just can't.
sending blessings and wishes for a wonderful day. hugs Phyllis |
True Blue Farmgirl
433 Posts
Benton City
433 Posts |
Posted - Jul 02 2009 : 06:51:58 AM
Thanks Phyllis, I actually was gifted a beautiful necklace of Kuan Yin (the hindu mother of compassion). She is carved in quartz stone. It is really a wonderful charm, to remind me to stay good and clear and protected. I remind myself throughout the day that if I am doing my best, and staying true to myself, then there is no being in the wrong place at the wrong time. I am safe and where I am suppose to be. Faith is such a powerful tool. I hope everyone's July is starting off well and everyone has a safe fourth of july. Blessings, h
Nude Food Farm ~Grown so good, Dressing is Optional. |
True Blue Farmgirl
465 Posts
465 Posts |
Posted - Jul 02 2009 : 2:01:09 PM
Hey witchy farmgirls... Check out the halloween apron swap in the stitching room. Thought you all might be interested.
barnagainkristin |
True Blue Farmgirl
4247 Posts
Clarks Summit
4247 Posts |
Posted - Jul 02 2009 : 3:02:40 PM
yeah!!  for Halloween! but I can't find any with witches fabric...(yet)
Linda in Scranton, PA
The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world! |
Edited by - yarnmamma on Jul 02 2009 3:04:36 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
895 Posts

895 Posts |
Posted - Jul 02 2009 : 3:36:32 PM
withcy aprons, Yeah. I would love to do that.
Farmgirl Sister 572
May the force of the horse be with you. |
True Blue Farmgirl
1825 Posts
1825 Posts |
Posted - Jul 02 2009 : 5:40:34 PM
About psychic vampires (people who seem to thrive on doing things that drain your energy): be careful about buying into their negative realities. I find I can best protect myself from these people by remaining grounded and nurturing. This frustrates the hell out of such people, and they usually just go away. If they don't, and real harm can come of their interference in your life, it might be wise to consider restraining orders and other mundane (but useful) options. I never want to suggest to someone that they rely only on magick when threatened; sometimes the "magick" is what happens when you call 911, or (for those concerned about reduced financial means) starting a penny jar and cutting down on trips to the bead store. Stuff like that. As a very wise Witch of my acquaintance always says, "the last instruction in any magickal work should always be: Now go and make the magick happen." I have a thought about the therapist who suggests washing negative energy off your hands and letting it run down the drain. That's a great idea! Please remember where that negative energy goes, though. With what river or other major body of water does your waste water eventually blend? Is there a treatment plant between you and it, and does it have more than enough to deal with without adding cast-off negativity to it? If you're on a septic system, that negative energy winds up in your own drain field! If you decide to do a ritual like that -- and it can certainly be wonderfully therapeutic -- please use your wisdom and witchy power to transform the energy from negative to neutral, for Nature to make use of as only She knows best how to do. I realize I might sound a little preachy here. Sorry! I've been teaching NeoPagan ethics and Witchcraft for long time and I kinda can't help myself. (Anybody got a ritual for THAT? LOL) |
Edited by - Rosemary on Jul 02 2009 5:43:09 PM |
Sheep Mom 2
True Blue Farmgirl
1534 Posts
1534 Posts |
Posted - Jul 02 2009 : 5:58:27 PM
Very good advice Rosemary. I don't think there is anyone who hasn't run into an energy vampire from time to time. I find that their motives are usually fear based. You are wise to point out that the negative energy goes into the water and then....I believe that we impart energy into everything we do, everything we create and it is up to us as consciously aware to take care what our own motivations and/or attitude is toward whatever we are creating and being sure we are imbuing our creations with the energy that will uplift the recipient.
Blessings, Sheri
"Work is Love made visible" -Kahlil Gibran |
Gathered Up: witchy farmgirls?  |