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 Gallon Jars for milk?
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Brew Crew
True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Mar 22 2009 :  3:28:56 PM  Show Profile
I'm on the hunt for more jars. My goats are giving more milk then last year and my supply of gallon and half gallon jars is not quite enough. Does anyone have a good source for the larger canning jars? I found some for an ok price, but the shipping is steep. Mason jars seem to work the best for me, although I'd love to hear if anyone uses something different and how it works for them! Thanks in advance!!

The Biz
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Bruce Wisconsin
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Posted - Mar 22 2009 :  6:13:54 PM  Show Profile
I use gallon glass jars. I have a cow, so she gives more then a goat. I was given a bunch of pickle jars. I think that is about the only things that comes in glass anymore, or at least it seems like it. The only problem is getting the smell out. The worst is the smell in the lid. I end up washing them, everytime I do dishes, until the smell is gone. I wish I knew an easier way, but have not found one yet. Check thrift stores, and yard sales for jars.

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Russell AR
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Posted - Mar 22 2009 :  6:41:24 PM  Show Profile
Check with local restaurants, gas stations and movie theatres. They often get pickles in big glass jars and usually toss them. Likely they will be glad to save them for you.

Farmgirl Sister #17
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kristin sherrill
True Blue Farmgirl

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chickamauga ga
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Posted - Mar 23 2009 :  06:39:31 AM  Show Profile
I ask everyone I know to save jars for me. And I ordered the half gallon mason jars from Ace hardware. They weren't that much. They come in a box of 6. I also save every jug we use. Juice, coke, anything that will hold milk. I like to use those for people who just want to try the milk and don't bring containers.

When I get the pickle jugs, I run them through the dishwasher a few times and that takes care of the smell.


Turn your face to the sun and the shadows fall behind you. Maori proverb
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Brew Crew
True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Mar 23 2009 :  10:52:49 AM  Show Profile
Thanks for the pickle jar idea. I will check out some different places. :) Good ideas! Keep them coming, ok?

The Biz
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Aunt Jenny
True Blue Farmgirl

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middle of Utah
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Posted - Mar 23 2009 :  8:51:07 PM  Show Profile
I have told everyone I talk to that I am looking for gallon glass jars and have about 6 now that I use for milk. (we have a cow) I have had a hard time getting pickle smell out of jars a couple times..but the hardest one was a jar that a gal stored dried chopped onions in. I never could get the smell out of that one and I tried EVERYTHING> pee yew! So finally I let the kids use that one for a bug jar. But usually you can eventually get the smells out. And just a hint..if you ever drop a jar and break the lid. I have had people bring me jars with no lids and it has helped to have a few on hand.THey are not all the same size on the gallon jars. Good luck. I know there is a source to buy new ones but the shipping is awful. I use half gallon canning jars too, but with the cow gallon size is more practical. I let it cool and then skim the cream off from the gallon jars and the pour the milk into quart and half gallon milk bottles for using in the house and then wash the jars so they get rotated really often. I wish I had alot more of them!!

Jenny in Utah
Proud Farmgirl sister #24
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Georgetown OH
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Posted - Mar 24 2009 :  06:17:39 AM  Show Profile
My friend Linda got some refrigerator glass pitchers from the Container Store & was impressed with their low shipping. I went on their web site today & found these glass barrel jars with aluminum lids & handles.
They are $9.99 & when I put 2 in my cart it said shipping was $8.50. That's pretty reasonable I guess.. They have several other selections as well, but these looked kinda farmgirl to me
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Georgetown OH
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Posted - Mar 24 2009 :  06:18:42 AM  Show Profile
Oh yeah, everything in thier store is now 25% off!! Pretty good deal.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Hertford North Carolina
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Posted - Mar 24 2009 :  08:25:29 AM  Show Profile
>> Wow -- those are so cool! <<

I've been toying with the idea of replacing some of my storage containers, and getting larger ones. These may fit the bill nicely!

Very Farmgirl!!

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True Blue Farmgirl

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My. Olive NC
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Posted - Mar 24 2009 :  08:32:14 AM  Show Profile
Thrift stores are a good source for glass jars. I run across Mason jars alot.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Higginsville Missouri
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Posted - Mar 24 2009 :  2:51:39 PM  Show Profile
I use gallon glass jars we got from the local amish store, you can find the wide mouth 1/2 gallon canning jars and they work great I love them. If you have a store that sells canning jars they will usually order them for you I think the 1/2 gallon jars run about $1.00 each and come in a case of either 9 or 6 I forget. You could also place a ad on freecycle if you have that in your area.

Mother to five awesome kids, wife of 17 years and milk maid to two beautiful cows. Living the good life!!!
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Brew Crew
True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Mar 25 2009 :  3:52:49 PM  Show Profile
I went to Amazon and got half gallon jars for now. Since I only have 2 milking does, they should do....I'll keep the word out to all the family and friends, though, to save their big jars for me!! I'm sure they won't mind, especially if I repay them with a full jar of milk every now and then. ;) Thanks!

The Biz
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Scotts Mills OR
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Posted - Mar 25 2009 :  4:11:39 PM  Show Profile
Deffinatly check resturants and bars and you might want to check ice cream shops. Marchino cherries come in gallon jars to those places.

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Farmgirl in Training

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Hedley Texas
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Posted - Apr 01 2009 :  7:58:51 PM  Show Profile
I went to a local Dairy, it's Gandy's in this area and ordered half gallon and gallon milk jugs. They were very reasonable. The gallons were i think 12.00 for about 60 and the half gallons were 108 for around 20.00. They threw the lids in for me. My sister-in-law was amazed that you have to break the seal to open the jug. Just like from the store. It is plastic but I didn't have the gallon jars either. You might want to try it out or you might not, just thought I would throw it out there. Good luck!
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