I would say it comes in a close second. It won't bleach like Comet or Ajax but it's amazing how well it works getting out stains or marks. And it's loads cheaper! I ran out of my usual Ajax several months ago and thought I'd give the soda a try and thought WOW! Why am I spending so much money on this other stuff? And for some reason I'm more apt to reach for it and clean the sink when it's not that dirty where as I'd wait until it was gross before I'd use the Ajax. I think it's because it's less irritating to my hands? I say go for it. You can always go back to the Comet if you don't like it.
MustangSuzie can you help me? I have tried a few different things to get my blog spot to appear under any posts I have. I noticed when I click on yours it goes right to your blog. I like that feature a lot and hope to have it work on mine. I should be able to use this.. http://dianebcarter@hotmailcom.blogspot.com/ and a prayer!
We have a septic system and we try to not use a bunch of chemicals to clean with I love the baking soda and vinegar I put a few drops of essential oil in the baking soda and it smells as good as it cleans!! I like the salt addition I'll have to try that on those stubborn stove stains!!
Diane...sorry, I hadn't seen your reply. All I did was type it in the little box at the bottom on the profile page. just put www.then your address. I hope that works for you. :)
I mix up baking soda with a little borax, and add a few drops of grapefruit essential oil. Yesterday I gave my kitchen sink & faucet a good scrubbing with it--when I was done, it was gleaming, and smelled so nice, too!
I keep it in a shaker jar so it's handy to sprinkle.
I'm with Kris; I've cut all cleaning products down to soda and vinegar (and olive oil to polish wood). Works wonderfully and doesn't give me a headache!
For a long while I was using only baking soda and vinegar to clean but then I worried about it not disinfecting the toilet area (the only place that I really worry about disinfection.) I know that some people have used tea tree oil for disinfection but I have to admit that I don't enjoy the smell very much. Does anyone else worry about germies are the toilet, and if so what are you using?