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Cleaning Up: fruit flies in my home |
Farmgirl in Training
34 Posts
34 Posts |
Posted - Jan 06 2006 : 12:19:22 PM
I have a worm compost bin in my basement, and I'm having a real problem with fruit flies coming up and into my kitchen. Whenever I have an open bowl of fruit, or food on the counter, they congregate. Any ideas (other than getting rid of my worms?) |
sleepless reader
True Blue Farmgirl
1022 Posts
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Posted - Jan 06 2006 : 1:21:18 PM
I've just been reading a lot about worm composting! (Science Fair potential project) Anyway, one suggestion was to put light cardboard on top of what you are feeding and that may help with flies. Good luck. Sharon
Life is messy. Wear your apron! |
True Blue Farmgirl
1646 Posts
1646 Posts |
Posted - Jan 06 2006 : 1:33:55 PM
We have a heck of a time with fruit flies in the fall. My Mom came up with a good idea that worked. She put a jar with a piece of banana in it on the counter with plastic wrap over the top held tight with an elastic band. She poked tiny holes in it, just enough for the fruit flies to get in, but not back out. It looked really nasty after a couple of days, but it sure worked!
True Blue Farmgirl
1825 Posts
1825 Posts |
Posted - Jan 06 2006 : 4:14:21 PM
Oh Judi, I get fruitflies, too, but just from fruit I bring indoors (organic, natch). I never have this problem with store-bought stuff (too often, alas, not organic). It didn't occur to me to look to a source other than the fruit itself. I try to remember to wash fruit thoroughly and not let it lie about long enough to get "fly-friendly." That seems to help a bit, but it seems those little suckers are a truly determined lot.
Love the idea of your worm compost bin! Our old farmhouse doesn't have a basement, but we do have some poorly insulated storage areas on the first floor that could perhaps house such a work of art. Would you mind telling about yours? (Maybe in another forum, such as Garden Gate?)
Rosemary |
True Blue Farmgirl
2349 Posts
Catherine Farmgirl Sister #76
Houston Area
2349 Posts |
Posted - Jan 06 2006 : 5:23:20 PM
I keep a small bucket in the kitchen to catch all my scraps of the day that will be hauled to the compost heap. I just can't run to the heap each time I cut something up or crack an egg. My husband was on his last nerve with me and my bucket. The plastic bag worked for me, too. I did it a bit differently....At the end of the day, I'd leave the top of the bag open for about 30 minutes and while the kitchen was quiet. I'd grab up the neck of the bag and twist it. I'd laugh my mad scientist laugh and rush out the door with all the little buggies flying around in the bag. What has worked the last 2 months is the old, trustworthy, durable, flystrip! I found some at Walmart for $1 a piece. I haven't had a fly since. Now, I do have the little critters on the strip. But, they're not reproducing. If my compost bucket gets a few bugs, it's just a matter of hours before they make it to the strip. It is in a discreet area in my kitchen....away from food or preparation area. Since you've got the basement, you probably could hang one in there with the worm farm. (I had an Uncle Fred that was a worm farmer....actually made a good living raising worms and selling them to bait shops. One of my jobs every now and then was to break'em in half to increase the population...yick!) Hope this helps a bit!
Blessings! Catherine
One of the best compliments from one of my daughters: "Moma, you smell dirt." |
Farmgirl in Training
34 Posts
34 Posts |
Posted - Jan 06 2006 : 6:03:32 PM
What great ideas you all have! I will try them! I will also post my worm bin info on Garden Gate, although I'm sure I don't do it quite right. Last year I had my kids laying on the basement floor picking worms out of the finished compost for the next batch! There's got to be a better way, and I'm sure I'll hear it! |
Farmgirl in Training
34 Posts
34 Posts |
Posted - Jan 23 2006 : 6:49:09 PM
Daisy Farm,
tried your idea about the banana peel in a jar, and it works! My husband is so impressed with the number of fruit flies we have been getting. I also covered the top of the compost with some heavy paper. It seems to be getting better. Thanks, farm-girl! |
True Blue Farmgirl
90 Posts
90 Posts |
Posted - Jan 30 2006 : 07:00:12 AM
Whenever I get those little pests I put alittle apple cider vinegar and a squirt of dishwashing liquid in shallow containers on the counters. The silly flies fly in and drown. Easy and cheap and nontoxic...I like that! |
Edited by - Krisathome on Jan 30 2006 07:00:53 AM |
True Blue Farmgirl
596 Posts
Rock Falls
596 Posts |
Posted - Jan 30 2006 : 1:54:06 PM
I'm with Kristin - ACV and a drop of dish soap takes care of them around here!
Cyndi Joshua 24:15
Ol 'MacDonald has nothing on us! |
Farmgirl in Training
34 Posts
34 Posts |
Posted - Feb 04 2006 : 7:46:15 PM
I've had similar "success" (?) with wine...learned this when i reach for my wine glass and there are five fruit flies floating in the bottom. Lucky i drink cheap wine. |
True Blue Farmgirl
90 Posts
90 Posts |
Posted - Feb 06 2006 : 7:46:19 PM
It must be the scent of fermented fruit that they like. Nothing like a glass full of bugs! YUCK! |
Cleaning Up: fruit flies in my home |