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Merit Badge Awardees - Woo-hoo Sisters!: Farmgirl Sisterhood Merit Badge Awardees  |
Queen Bee
16508 Posts

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Posted - Aug 19 2010 : 1:09:49 PM
CJ Armstrong (ceejay48, #665) has received a certificate of achievement in Farm Kitchen for earning a intermediate level Know Your Food badge.
"Ominovre's Dilemma" is a very interesting book into which a lot of information was written. While it was a tedious book to read it was also very enlightening.
Consumption of organic food has always been our goal and we have been relatively successful all of our married years (42) to make that our primary basis.
Because of our association with our local Farmers Market group we have information and connections with the CSA's, local growers, etc.
Dessert? Very rare . . and it is usually fruit. We are conscientious to eliminate HFCS from our diet as well as all the "junk."
We started "teaching" with my mother-in-law . . the WORST cook on earth! They were eating the most awful stuff and when we visited we did all the cooking, bringing our own ingredients and teaching as we went.
Then we started working on my daughter and her first husband. The daughter had already learned but the husband was adamant about what he wanted to eat or not eat. We made significant progress with him.
Photo is of that son-in-law, in my kitchen with my hubby (an excellent cook) and myself for a lesson."
Queen Bee
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Posted - Aug 23 2010 : 11:25:54 AM
Lindsey Kirby (AmeliaLin, #1998) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Embroidery badge.
"I hand embroidered eight "fruits" for quilt blocks. I experimented with new stitches and made up some of my own. I learned a Basque stitch that was a bit tedious, but fun to accomplish. The grapes are my favorite, that is the photo I chose to include.
I think the embroidery turned out great, all together the fruits are beautiful, on their own they are nice as well."
Queen Bee
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Posted - Aug 23 2010 : 12:02:02 PM
Lindsey Kirby (AmeliaLin, #1998) has received a certificate of achievement in Farm Kitchen for earning a beginner level Get It Together badge.
"I really needed to increase some storage space in my cabinets. I decided I wanted a pot rack, but researching them found they were a bit pricey. As I was digging around in some of our old buildings I found an old branding iron, a lariat and some meat hooks. Instant Pot Rack! It has worked out wonderfully.
It turned out great, I am pleased with how well it works and happy to have some new space in the cabinets. I get a lot of comments, and it was free!"
Queen Bee
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Posted - Aug 23 2010 : 12:13:53 PM
Lindsey Kirby (AmeliaLin, #1998) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Homespun Christmas badge.
"I found vintage Christmas cards that I thought would make really neat ornaments. I decided to learn how to solder and make them look even more vintage. Using all acid free and lead free products, I have made Christmas ornaments for all of my family.
These turned out really well, I was pleased with the amount of time it took to make them. They are beautiful and individually unique."
Queen Bee
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Posted - Aug 23 2010 : 12:30:20 PM
Rusty McHale (Rusty, #1572) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning a beginner level Community Service badge.
"I gave a report to the Farmgirls of the Southwest on my volunteering at La Bodega. This is a lunch for NMSU students/staff put on by our church. The members contribute the food stuffs and we help cook and serve up individual portions. We are there from 10:30 - 1:30 five days a week. The cost is only $1.00 so this really helps "Starving Students" get a least one good meal a day.
This has been a very rewarding experience for me." |
Queen Bee
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Posted - Aug 23 2010 : 12:43:18 PM
Laura Woodhouse (LauraJane, #2005) has received a certificate of achievement in Make It Easy for earning a beginner level In the Garden badge.
"For my garden, I built a cucumber trellis out of scrap wood (old door framing) and some twine I had laying around. I also made a bean teepee out of bamboo sticks.
They both turned out really well! The bean teepee has worked wonderfully (the beans love it!) and the cucumber trellis worked well even though my cucumbers didn't do as well this year as I had hoped (Think I bought some bum plants to start with). I will reuse this trellis next year, too. With the plants climbing up the trellis, it also creates shade for cooler crop plants below."
Queen Bee
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Posted - Aug 23 2010 : 1:14:25 PM
Laura Woodhouse (LauraJane, #2005) has received a certificate of achievement in Make It Easy for earning a beginner level Build It Green badge.
"For a while now I have been trying to find ways to decorate my home and live in the "green"-est way possible. For example, all the furniture I own is either hand-me-downs from friends or family, found at a thrift store, or just picked up for free. When it comes to furniture/decorations I rarely buy anything new. Thrift stores are the perfect place to find stuff because I have a fun and eclectic style, plus you save SO much money!
I'm also trying to re-purpose old stuff like making planters out of tin cans, old cooking pots, baskets, etc. Something I did just the other day was I made a hanging basket out of an old basket I had lying around and some ribbon! (see photo)
The hanging basket turned out really well, I have it hanging on my front porch, and have gotten lots of compliments. I am going to continue to recycle/re-purpose old stuff, and get "new" items from the thrift store or friends."
Queen Bee
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Posted - Aug 23 2010 : 2:52:05 PM
Corra Jacobsen (Corrabelle, #2004) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning a beginner level Heirlooms Forever! badge.
"I've been a seed saver for quite a while so I had seeds already. I grew all organic tomatoes this year, some of which were from seeds that I cross pollinated over 8 years ago.
I got a beautiful and healthy mix from crossing an ox-heart with a black russian. This rendered MASSIVE slicers...I had to find some really creative ways to stake this crazy plant. I only wish that I had grown more of this one! I also grew cherokee purples, and brandywines, and "hot chocolate" (tiny little chocolate coloured cherry tomatoes.) Also, some hot peppers called "the girl next door." (I love the name!!)
Aside from my crazy cross pollinated mixed breed that had to be monitored really carefully and baby sat like a two year old, the garden this year went really well! I love the heirlooms, as they're always a surprise. Rather than getting perfect, boring round tomatoes with uniform color, they each have their own personality.
And this year we're spoiled with an unusually humid and hot Ontario summer. (not so common to have weather like this here in Ontario.) We're still picking them:)"
Queen Bee
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Posted - Aug 23 2010 : 3:11:34 PM
Nicole Christensen (texdane, #1155) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning a beginner level The Secret Life of Bees badge.
"I first heard of the current plight of bees from my European relatives, before the news hit here in the US that bees were vanishing at an alarming rate. I used to dislike or fear bees, but now I love to hear their little buzzing while I am pulling weeds in my garden, or study their fat little bodies and amaze at how they can fly with such tiny wings. I first read the novel The Secret Life of Bees when it came out as a book club pick, but it has remained a treasured favorite, one I love to reread each year, ever since. I love the characters, and the sensitivity, and the vivid descriptions of the bees and the strong women characters. Even the picture on the cover of the book always makes me smile. Back to the topic of bees, I also have talked to local honey makers about the alarming disappearance of bees. Since then, I do not fear bees, but do fear their plight! In my garden, I have tried to make a "bee haven", and plant bee balm, lilac, echinacea, black eye susans, annuals such as gardenia and geranium, among many others. I also made a pact to myself to remember the flowers aren't just for me, but for the bees and butterflies, so I don't spray them.
Our butterfly bushes are swarming with butterflies and bees, and I have noticed more bees enjoying themselves in my cutting garden! I hope my flowers make them as happy as they do me."
Queen Bee
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Posted - Aug 23 2010 : 3:58:23 PM
Corra Jacobsen (Corrabelle, #2004) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning a beginner level The Secret Life of Bees badge.
"This year we planted and grew all wild flowers, and allowed them to sort of 'naturalize' our lawn. (I'd much rather have clover than grass!!) We also have two bird baths.
I watched the trailer for the vanishing bees (which I think we're going to purchase the entire movie and host a home screening. This is something people really need to be informed of!) I also read "The Secret Life of Bees," which I truly adored! I hadn't seen the movie yet something I've wanted to see for quite some time, but I'm glad now to have read the book first!
We have quite an abundance of bees on our property now. I've seen several different varieties now, Bumble bees, Honey bees, and after a bit of research, I figured out our last bee is called an "orchard mason." (sort of blue/black.)"
Queen Bee
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Posted - Aug 23 2010 : 4:04:15 PM
Denise Meister (Denisemgm, #1976) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner and intermediate level Sew Wonderful badge.
"I've been sewing for a while, so I had all the tools together to earn beginner, EXCEPT that I've never used a pin cushion when I sew, preferring instead to just put pins back in their plastic container.
As for seams, I sew fairly often. Flat seams are a breeze. French seams are wonderful for a finished seam with no "edges" showing on the inside. I used it on garments when I use better fabrics. I also use a welt seam to add strength to the garment and/or to add a decorative touch to the piece.
So, I made a pin cushion from scraps of a felted sweater and embroidered a bird on a branch onto it. It turned out cute."
Queen Bee
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Posted - Aug 23 2010 : 4:19:24 PM
Rusty McHale (Rusty, #1572) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning an expert level Quilting badge.
"I finally finished my quilt. It took me about two months to complete it. My friends Bonnie, Kitty, Ellen, Randi and Katherine all loved it so I will be teaching them how to put one together.
I think it's beautiful and I've put it on our guest bed."
Queen Bee
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Posted - Aug 24 2010 : 10:25:45 AM
Ruby Slider (narjay, #1663) has received a certificate of achievement in Cleaning Up for earning an expert level Shopping Green badge.
"Our chapter (The Maydelle Belles) had a sew-in and we made reusable shopping bags out of t-shirts and reversible bags with pockets for carry-alls or to use as purses. We all carry our own bags when shopping and the t-shirt bags are lightweight and very strong, making them perfect for this use.
In the photo the top shots is a t-shirt bag. The bottom is the same bag, just reversed to show both sides.
I think they are amazing. I’ve already decided to make and use them as ‘gift wrapping’ for holiday gift giving!"
Queen Bee
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Posted - Aug 24 2010 : 1:28:17 PM
Kathleen Lorentz (KathleenL, #1620) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning a beginner level Horse Dreams badge.
"We've owned horses for about 10 years now so when we drive around town we notice the horses and talk about the different breeds and colors.
It's fun to talk about horses with my daughter as this is one of her passions. I myself don't have a favorite breed."
Queen Bee
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Posted - Aug 24 2010 : 1:50:01 PM
Kathleen Lorentz (KathleenL, #1620) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning a intermediate level The Secret Life of Bees badge.
"Raw honey has all of it enzymes, vitamins, and minerals while processed honey destroys the nutritional aspects.
There are a couple of honey producers in Colorado that sell in groceries and there are small honey vendors at farmer's markets around town. There is also a bee hive club at my husband's work that sometimes has honey available.
I really enjoyed "Bees: Nature's Little Wonders." I never knew there was so much complexity in a hive of bees." |
Queen Bee
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Posted - Aug 24 2010 : 2:00:58 PM
Kathleen Lorentz (KathleenL, #1620) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a intermediate level Safe Toys badge.
"I made a Waldorf style doll.
I enjoyed making the doll and my granddaughter loves it." |
Queen Bee
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Posted - Aug 24 2010 : 3:51:40 PM
CJ Armstrong (ceejay48, #665) has received a certificate of achievement in Farm Kitchen for earning an expert level Forage for Food badge.
"As stated in intermediate application we have been and do forage for things that grow naturally in our area. We have taken photos of our outings and the plants and food items we have been able to glean. We also include photos of the surrounding environment and all participants in the outings.
I have a friend, who is a teacher and former co-worker who is an expert on the edible fungi and is able to provide a lot of helpful information.
This season wild mushrooms are abundant in our forest. We have had a very rainy monsoon season and we found about 6 different kinds, including an edible. Took 20 photos of the "shroom hunt" alone.
It was a very fun outing for all of us and such a pleasant trip into the woods to see how green everything is, which is not typical for August. ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL!!!!!
Photo is of the "cutest 'shrooms" in the woods . . .growing out of a cowpie and photo shot through the branches of a Ponderosa pine tree."
Queen Bee
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Posted - Aug 24 2010 : 4:08:53 PM
CJ Armstrong (ceejay48, #665) has received a certificate of achievement in Farm Kitchen for earning an expert level Pay It Forward badge.
"We don't have an "official" food bank, but we do have what is called the Samaritan Center which is operated through a local church. Time and food items have been donated to them repeatedly over the years as we have abundance of produce, canned goods and/or there is a specific urgent need locally.
My letter to the editor included ideas such as donating food items through the Samaritan Center, local churches and "Grace's Kitchen" which is through a church and cooks/provides free meals 3 times a week.
Have helped package food as possible for all the local charities, which include those mentioned.
I have gathered/gleaned excess produce that has exceeded 200 lbs. just in the past 6 weeks alone. Each weekend I have delivered that week's excess to: organization that provides services to diabled clients (our son included); to neighbors who have a disabled child and are not able to raise a garden; churches that we know that serve free meals during the week and/or have very needy families and to the Samaritan Center.
Photo is of some of the freshly picked garden produce that has been donated."
Queen Bee
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Posted - Aug 24 2010 : 4:29:25 PM
Corra Jacobsen (Corrabelle, #2004) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Crochet badge.
"I already knew a little bit of crochet, but had no idea how to actually follow a pattern. My grandma taught me some, but not the names for any of it. I just kind of went "freehand" on everything. I bought a book though of crochet stitches and instructions and actually, for the first time, followed a pattern. (gasp!)
I also taught my 6 year old how to make a simple chain. (We have a lot of friendship bracelets going around now, I'll have to teach him something else!)
I ended up with this sweet little wash cloth made in a popcorn stitch."
Queen Bee
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Posted - Aug 24 2010 : 4:35:07 PM
Corra Jacobsen (Corrabelle, #2004) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning a beginner level Bee Good to Your Mother Earth badge.
"We grew all heirlooms and organic plants this year from seed. We didn't use any pesticides or chemicals in our garden what so ever. We stuck to coffee grounds and eggshells for our tomatoes, and beer for our sluggies!
We have the biggest tomatoes we've ever had! We have some bugs on our plants but heck, something has to feed the birds, right?" |
Queen Bee
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Posted - Aug 24 2010 : 4:40:12 PM
Corra Jacobsen (Corrabelle, #2004) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning a beginner level Gaining Ground badge.
"I already had the book "Worms Eat My Garbage," and I've read it several times! We have an outside composter which we use on a regular basis. We also compost with our city's compost program. (They pick up our green bin every week.) We do veggie scraps in our own composter, and weeds/meat scraps with the city compost program.(To avoid racoons etc!)
We LOVE the soil that comes out of our dear composter every year. I throw a lot of potato peels and coffee grounds in there and stir it frequently with a pitchfork. ;)" |
Queen Bee
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Posted - Aug 24 2010 : 4:46:20 PM
Corra Jacobsen (Corrabelle, #2004) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning a beginner level Backyard Farmer badge.
"I buy all free range eggs from a local farm. If it were legal here, I WOULD have chickens in my backyard. (I'm thinking next year I might get a couple as "pets" and see what happens..) I already know how to dress them, thanks to Grandma! Right now we just have to buy our free range meat from local farmers, but that's ok. I like to keep them in business and know I'm not eating garbage!
Farm fresh eggs from chickens that have had some actual sun and were able to eat some real food are soooo much better tasting, and so much more YELLOW!!"
Queen Bee
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Posted - Aug 24 2010 : 4:55:15 PM
Laura Woodhouse (LauraJane, #2005) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning a beginner level Farmgirl Shutterbugs badge.
"Since I have taken photography classes and have done quite a bit of photography (both darkroom and digital), I know the basics pretty well such as depth of field, shutter speed, f-stop, etc. My parents bought me a wonderful Canon Rebel SLR camera as a college graduation gift, so I have been putting it to pretty good use. I have put about 30 pictures up on my PhotoBucket site of my farmgirl lifestyle, and also posted about it on the Farmgirl Connection.
You can see my photo album here:
Earning this badge has really encouraged me to take pictures of my everyday life, which is something I didn't think anyone would be interested in. But if you know how to take a good picture, even the most seemingly usual stuff can look beautiful!"
Queen Bee
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Posted - Aug 25 2010 : 2:53:01 PM
Christy Harrill (Merry Heart Sister, #1951) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Knitting badge.
"I made a couple dishcloths with simple garter stitch. I added colorwork to make them more interesting.
I made these for a barter with a Sister for Knifty Knitter looms for the children. The first day after receiving the looms, my niece had made a hat for her baby doll and started a hat for herself. I had taught her the basic cast on and knit stitch but it's slow with knitting needles for a 7 yr old. The looms have her super excited about making all manner of different projects."
Queen Bee
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Posted - Aug 25 2010 : 3:21:06 PM
Carrie Meerwarth (CarrieM, #147) has received a certificate of achievement in Cleaning Up for earning a intermediate level Going Green badge.
"I earned this level of the Going Green badge by making my own laundry soap out of borax and baking soda with a touch of essential oils for fragrance. I am going to try another recipe of this again and will add shavings of fels naptha soap which I just found for purchase. I've been making my own all purpose cleaners with baking soda (an abrasive) and vinegar (a disinfectant). I can clean my sinks, tubs, counters, drains, floors, and windows with these two natural, non-toxic ingredients. And....I just took a soap making course at the Adirondack Folk School in Lake Luzerne! The instructor is a woman that I met at the Saratoga Farmer's Market. She taught us to use lye and oils to make one pound of soap that can be cut into five bars. My bars are made with organic coconut oil, olive oil, vegetable oil. I also added organic lemongrass for fragrance. My finished bars will need to air dry for a couple of months before I can use them....I can't wait!
Also, I always share my recipes with anyone looking for alternatives. My favorite to share is window cleaner made with white vinegar (½ cup) in the spray bottle then fill with water. If you've been using store bought cleaner on your windows, you should also add a drip or two of dish soap to remove the waxy residue. Once the bottle is used up you should be able to leave the soap out for the next batch. I use this cleaner at home and at the homes where I do housekeeping. Most of my clients are happy to let me use whatever I am most comfortable with, and it always does the job! (In the photo, Chrissey is using the stick blender on my cooled oils while I add the lye and water.)"
Merit Badge Awardees - Woo-hoo Sisters!: Farmgirl Sisterhood Merit Badge Awardees  |