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Author Merit Badge Awardees - Woo-hoo Sisters!:  Farmgirl Sisterhood Merit Badge Awardees 
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Queen Bee

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Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Jan 23 2023 :  1:20:13 PM  Show Profile
Rachele Karlovetz (Broken Thyroid, #8511) has received a certificate of achievement in Cleaning Up for earning a Beginner Level Recycling Merit Badge!

“I researched and made a list of what could and could not be recycled. I am ready to start recycling.”

MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
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Queen Bee

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Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Jan 23 2023 :  1:20:53 PM  Show Profile
Rachele Karlovetz (Broken Thyroid, #8511) has received a certificate of achievement in Cleaning Up for earning an Intermediate Level Recycling Merit Badge!

“I made a system in the house to separate my recycling from other trash. It's made it easier to sort recycling.”

MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
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Queen Bee

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Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Jan 23 2023 :  1:21:33 PM  Show Profile
Rachele Karlovetz (Broken Thyroid, #8511) has received a certificate of achievement in Cleaning Up for earning an Expert Level Recycling Merit Badge!

“We signed up for curbside recycling and have been recycling for over a month. We've shared our experience with my parents who signed up for curbside recycling in their community.”

MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
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Queen Bee

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Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Jan 23 2023 :  1:39:41 PM  Show Profile
Hannah Frankowski (Ginnybelle, #6994) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning a Beginner Level Languages/Culture Merit Badge!

“For this merit badge, I've chosen to learn more about the Cajun culture of South Louisiana. I've had an ongoing love affair with the Cajun culture for a very long time. My husband and I even eloped to Louisiana to get married because I wanted to be married in Evangeline Parish. I thought the name was romantic. I read a very informative article on the LSU website that explained how Cajun French differed from Canadian and Parisian French. In addition to pronunciation differences, contributions from English, Spanish, and Native Americans in the area have all blended in to form what is known as the Cajun language.

Counting to 10:
1 Une 2 Deux 3 Trois 4 Quatre 5 Cinq 6 Six 7 Sept 8 Huit 9 Neuf 10 Dix

A common generic greeting would be Bonjour! Comment çava? Translated to Hello! How’s it going? However, I think a real greeting between friends these days might be more English with some French thrown in for seasoning.

I think it went pretty well. The article I read was interesting and learning 1-10 was pretty easy. I found a video on YouTube that went over the numbers Sesame Street style that had been made for kids on one of the TV stations there.”

MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
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Queen Bee

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Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Jan 23 2023 :  1:41:13 PM  Show Profile
Hannah Frankowski (Ginnybelle, #6994) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning a Beginner Level Her-story Merit Badge!

“I chose Dolly Parton as my subject.

She was born on January 19, 1946 in a one room cabin on the banks of the Little Pigeon River in Pittman Center, Tennessee. She graduated from Sevier County High School in 1964 and left for Nashville the very next day. I think what sets her apart is her personality. It goes over and above just charisma. She has something special that reaches people from all walks of life and somehow unites even the most unlikeliest groups of people. I’ve been to one of her concerts and believe me when I say, I have never seen such a diverse group of people willingly in one place getting along and having a good time. She has a real heart for people and it shows in both her songs and the way she relates to people as well as the way she supports her community. She was one of the first women to really make it big in Country music and one of the few still living, let alone remaining relevant.

I read her book, Dolly Parton, Songteller.

I think it turned out pretty well. I’ve been a lifelong fan of her music and knew much of her life story already through songs and interviews and such. I did think it was interesting to hear in her own words what inspired her to write certain songs.”

MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
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Queen Bee

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Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Jan 23 2023 :  1:42:41 PM  Show Profile
Hannah Frankowski (Ginnybelle, #6994) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning an Intermediate Level Lost Art of Letter Writing Merit Badge!

“I read The Art of the Personal Letter.

I wrote letters to three people: one farmgirl sister; one old acquaintance that I’m hoping to catch up with; and one friend her in town that I haven’t seen in a month or so.

I have to admit, I didn’t care much for the book at all. It was too stuffy and formal to be enjoyable. But I read it and did pick up a few tips.

Writing the actual letters went much better. I love writing to people and this was the perfect excuse. Sometimes I struggle because I never feel like I know what to say, but as I enjoy the act of writing, I try anyway.”

MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
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Queen Bee

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Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Jan 23 2023 :  2:02:58 PM  Show Profile
Andrea Garey (AndreaPA, #8166) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning a Beginner Level Farmgirl Gratitude Merit Badge!

“I started reading The Book of Awesome and it's a great book. I really enjoyed it. A few days later, I started writing a gratitude journal, one entry each day. I missed a few days and kept writing for 2 months.

I gave the book to a friend who was having a hard time with some personal things. He needed it more than I did. Then I bought myself a used one. It was a little hard to come up with something every day but then it got easier and I had fun with it. One day I found an old picture of my brother. He put our sister's pink barrette in his hair and red jelly on his mouth and was talking like her. I remembered how hard we laughed. Gratitude journal entry that day was for my jokester brother! Writing in the journal helped me remember I have a lot to be thankful for.”

MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
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Queen Bee

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Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Jan 23 2023 :  2:04:49 PM  Show Profile
Andrea Garey (AndreaPA, #8166) has received a certificate of achievement in Farm Kitchen for earning a Beginner Level Recipes Merit Badge!

“I've been collecting family recipes for a while. A few years ago, I was at my mother's house and asked about a specific cookie recipe her mother used to make. She got a small notebook and pulled out a recipe box. I wrote down several recipes, all cookies. One of my favorites was from the Sunday newspaper. My mother also had a recipe from my other grandmother (her mother-in-law) for a nut and poppyseed roll. She gave me my grandfather's French dressing recipe (father’s side). He was a chef and a well known food company wanted to buy the recipe. He declined the offer. I have a sauerkraut salad recipe and rice salad recipe from my grandfather's second wife.

I asked my sister about a rice pudding recipe and she keeps promising to send it to me. I’ve been waiting for 6 months. I think I'll have to visit her and stay until she hands it over! The picture I’m sending—I started writing it down then my mother put me to work and she finished!

My grandmother (mothers side) measured with a yellow coffee cup and I remember her giving my friend a recipe. She said I’ll give you the recipe but I don’t follow it, it doesn’t need that much baking soda and it needs a little more sugar and I don’t remember what else. My grandfather (fathers side) made spaghetti sauce and my mother still pouts because he didn’t give her the recipe. Every time she asked he went to the kitchen and made some for her to take home. He didn’t have a recipe, he just knew what it needed.

I don’t give anyone recipes I’ve found or created. Long story. But after working on this badge I decided maybe it’s time to share them.”

MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
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Queen Bee

16508 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Jan 23 2023 :  2:05:38 PM  Show Profile
Andrea Garey (AndreaPA, #8166) has received a certificate of achievement in Farm Kitchen for earning a Beginner Level Kitchen Renegade Merit Badge!

“I decided to make kombucha. I did some searching on the internet and joined a FB group to learn more. I also bought The Big Book of Kombucha. I found the website Kombucha Kamp has good information that is easy to follow.

It's very important that all equipment be clean. Jars and bottles can be rinsed with white vinegar. If any mold appears. the kombucha and scoby need to be discarded. Green tea and herbal tea should not be used—due to oils and risk of mold. Clean fruits, vegetables and herbs should be used, meaning no wax or pesticides.

When starting a batch of kombucha it's important that the vessel being used is not cold. The first step is to add almost boiling water to the vessel and it could crack. The vessel needs to be covered to keep fruit flies out—and anything else. The cover should be breathable. When the kombucha is ready, it's bottled with flavoring. It's important to burp the bottles so they do not explode. I read a few stories on FB about bottles exploding and some keep their bottles in a container to keep the kombucha from running all over their kitchen counters. When drinking Kombucha, it's important to drink small amounts until your body gets used to it.

I was little nervous about exploding bottles but ready to dive in!”

MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
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Queen Bee

16508 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Jan 23 2023 :  2:24:32 PM  Show Profile
Carmen Touchette (#8514) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a Beginner Level Cross-Stitch Merit Badge!

“I started cross-stitching when I was about 7 years old, as my mother taught me. Without giving away too much about my age I have been stitching for about 30+ years. I have so many completed projects and I included many in the photos.

I have taught my daughter and my best friend how to cross stitch as well as anyone who shows interest and sits still long enough to learn.

It went well, my daughter lost interest in it but my best friend cross-stitches. I have given so many cross-stitch bookmarks or ornaments over the years I have lost count.”

MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
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Queen Bee

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Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Jan 23 2023 :  2:27:27 PM  Show Profile
Aidan Murphy (AidanM, #7664) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a Beginner Level Buttoned Up Merit Badge!

“I collected 50 buttons. I bought some and found some, but I found some very cute ones.”

MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
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Queen Bee

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Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Jan 23 2023 :  2:29:42 PM  Show Profile
Candy Hogan (Tigger9777, #8283) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning an Expert Level Quilling Merit Badge!

“I chose to do a pattern quilling kit to challenge myself to use different shapes and sizes. The pom pom is layered with two shapes. The hat uses two shapes and the beard has four shapes and different sizes.

It took six hours to complete over the course of three different sit downs working on it. It was a challenge.”

MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
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Queen Bee

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Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Feb 03 2023 :  4:42:18 PM  Show Profile
Carmen Touchette (#8514) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning an Intermediate Level Cross-Stitch Merit Badge!

“My most used type of cross-stitch fabric is Aida. However, you could use linen or canvas. I would imagine if you can get the pattern on the fabric or have a steady enough stitch you could cross-stitch on anything. I have a bolt of 14-count tea-washed Aida since I do 90% of my projects on that.

I have included a picture of my most recent large project. I have not framed it yet as I am considering adding some seed beads to it. This peacock is about 24" x 15", I put the little recipe book for size reference.”

MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
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Queen Bee

16508 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Feb 03 2023 :  4:43:43 PM  Show Profile
Carmen Touchette (#8514) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a Beginner Level Buttoned Up Merit Badge!

“I have always saved buttons and then inherited some vintage buttons from my grandmother. I have well over 50 buttons!”

MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
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Queen Bee

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Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Feb 03 2023 :  4:45:30 PM  Show Profile
Carmen Touchette (#8514) has received a certificate of achievement in Cleaning Up for earning a Beginner Level Going Green Merit Badge!

“I switched over to concentrates and refillable bottles to reduce plastic waste and I clean anything I can with vinegar vs other stuff.

My mission statement is to "Use products more sustainable and affordable."
I have my handy-dandy scrapbook which I keep all of my favorite household cleaning recipes that I share with anyone who shows interest. I love it—love finding cheaper and healthier ways to clean.”

MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
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Queen Bee

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Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Feb 03 2023 :  4:46:25 PM  Show Profile
Carmen Touchette (#8514) has received a certificate of achievement in Cleaning Up for earning a Beginner Level Shopping Green Merit Badge!

“I own and use 6+ reusable shopping bags. I use them for just about everything from quick trips to the store or the farmer's market.

They're easy to use in most cases, but if making large grocery shopping trips they seem to make the checkers cranky.”

MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
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Queen Bee

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Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Feb 03 2023 :  4:49:53 PM  Show Profile
Carmen Touchette (#8514) has received a certificate of achievement in Cleaning Up for earning a Beginner Level Home Insulation Merit Badge!

“Batt & Roll Insulation is the type of insulation in my house.

Our Windows are double-hung storm windows with a green rating, for the life of me I can not remember what it is, but they are energy efficient.

Our electric provider has rebates for many improvements from Insulation to Hot Water Pipe wraps. I'm not interested in those as this house is only 8 years old and we used the best practices available to us at that time.

I have shared this information with anyone interested or anyone I know looking to improve.

It turned out well, the house is nice and cozy in the winter and cool in the summer while I can still enjoy bright sunlight and not skyrocket-high electricity. Wanting to add solar panels in the future.”

MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
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Queen Bee

16508 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Feb 03 2023 :  4:50:54 PM  Show Profile

Carmen Touchette (#8514) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning a Beginner Level Greatest Generation Merit Badge!

“I just spent the evening with my 97-year-old grandmother celebrating her birthday, we talked about what it was like in the home she grew up in. It was a bunch of loud Italian kids in a 3-bedroom home.

I take my grandmother on a golf cart ride every evening when the weather permits around town for at least an hour a night. We talk to old friends who are still around and she tells us stories, many of them are stories we have heard 1000 times, but we let her tell us anyway.

I love riding around in the evening listening to her stories.”

MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
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Queen Bee

16508 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Feb 03 2023 :  4:52:34 PM  Show Profile
Carmen Touchette (#8514) has received a certificate of achievement in Cleaning Up for earning a Beginner Level Recycling Merit Badge!

“We do not have curbside recycling available in my area unfortunately, but we can bring glass and plastic to bins located in parking lots of different stores. We also have an aluminum recycling place which will pay you per pound for aluminum and other metals.”

MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
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Queen Bee

16508 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Feb 03 2023 :  4:53:29 PM  Show Profile
Carmen Touchette (#8514) has received a certificate of achievement in Cleaning Up for earning a Beginner Level Leave It Better Than You Found It Merit Badge!

“Stewardship of Earth is important because we depend on all of Earth's resources to live and breathe so taking care of the Earth is important so it can take care of us.

There are a few reasons it's important to keep our highways, public places, and outdoor recreational ares clean. One is hazards. Keeping spaces like highways or walking trails free of debris allows us to travel and enjoy our world without the worry of injury. Not leaving your litter in public spaces also keeps animals safe from ingesting unhealthy items or becoming entangled in something.

Three different instances where litter can have adverse effects are:
1. Wildlife can drink or eat contaminated food or plastic
2. Animals can become entangled in plastics causing them to damage limbs or worse.
3. Litter can damage habitats making space normally used for wildlife homes unusable and affecting the birthrate of some animals.”

MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
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Queen Bee

16508 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Feb 03 2023 :  4:54:32 PM  Show Profile
Carmen Touchette (#8514) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning a Beginner Level Little Squirts Merit Badge!

“Every January I do a deep or spring cleaning of my house, and I take that time to also walk around and oil all door hinges.

I do not have a bike but I took this opportunity to find a good food-based oil that I could use on my kitchen appliances such as my Kitchen Aid and blender.

Metal garden tools get oiled and cleaned every October, and repeat again right before summer really gets going because, well, I do use them for randomness in the winter.

I have very quiet doors!”

MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
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Queen Bee

16508 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Feb 03 2023 :  4:55:28 PM  Show Profile
Carmen Touchette (#8514) has received a certificate of achievement in Farm Kitchen for earning a Beginner Level Recipes Merit Badge!

“I have all of my family's favorite recipes handwritten by the family person who cooked them. I love having the family favorites at arm's reach. I even framed a few.”

MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
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Queen Bee

16508 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Feb 03 2023 :  4:56:49 PM  Show Profile
Carmen Touchette (#8514) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning a Beginner Level The Secret Life of Bees Merit Badge!

“I watched the trailer for vanishing bees. I have many bee-friendly flowers including a large herb garden and many wildflower patches. I read this book a few years ago and loved it so much that I have read everything Sue Monk Kidd wrote.

We have been thinking about starting our own bee hive soon.”

MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
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Queen Bee

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Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Feb 03 2023 :  4:57:34 PM  Show Profile
Carmen Touchette (#8514) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning a Beginner Level Herbs Merit Badge!

“Sage is good for cooking and high in antioxidants; oregano is good for cooking and has been known to reduce a cough and help with digestion; chives are perfect in soups and have been linked to improved memory; lavender smells amazing and has been known to soothe wounds and pain as a salve; and lemon balm is great as a tea and is known for its calming effect.
I have used my fresh-grown lemon balm for calming teas for a while, love the taste and the smell. I love growing and using my own herbs.”

MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
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Queen Bee

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Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Feb 03 2023 :  4:58:17 PM  Show Profile
Carmen Touchette (#8514) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning a Beginner Level Permaculture Merit Badge!

“Permaculture is growing a garden in a natural ecosystem where plants and space are used to fight against pests and common issues.

A Closed Loop System is when you recycle all nutrients and organic matter material back into the soil that grew the food.

Using permaculture practices will increase soil health, and remove the need for pesticides and chemical fertilizers.

I have researched and plan on using some methods of permaculture in my garden this summer. I created a permaculture herb garden last year and it is very productive with little to no effort.”

MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
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