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Merit Badge Awardees - Woo-hoo Sisters!: Farmgirl Sisterhood Merit Badge Awardees  |
Queen Bee
16508 Posts

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Posted - Jan 30 2014 : 2:52:18 PM
Betty Hoffman (Dapple Grey Lady, #5589) has received a certificate of achievement in Each other for earning an Intermediate Level Entrepreneurial Spirit Merit Badge!
“Having been in a home based sewing and embroidery business before, I knew what I needed to get this business started. Several years ago I took an herbs and soaping class at a local herb shop and have never forgotten the joy of making my own soap. All the legal business stuff has been done; DBA, banking set up, business cards made and online store made with a web site and facebook.
Business is beginning to grow more with the website and Facebook.”
MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
Queen Bee
16508 Posts

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Posted - Jan 30 2014 : 2:53:40 PM
Betty Hoffman (Dapple Grey Lady, #5589) has received a certificate of achievement in Each other for earning an Expert Level Entrepreneurial Spirit Merit Badge!
“Lottadoe Soaps has been launched now in a couple of local feed stores and online but the word of mouth sales are the best. I just love creating new scents and designs in the soaps. I have recently bartered some of my soaps with fellow Farmgirls and friends. Letting people know about my business has not been as hard as I would have thought. Talking about our goats brings on conversations of the milk and soaps.
Our future plans are to sell at local farmer's markets this year.”
MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
Queen Bee
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Posted - Jan 30 2014 : 3:07:11 PM
Stella Huff (annieh63, #5358) has received a certificate of achievement in Farm Kitchen for earning a Beginner, Intermediate, & Expert Level Recipes Merit Badge!
“Back in 2009 I made a Huff Family Favorite cookbook using my mother-in-laws recipes. I made sure to get her children and grand-children's favorites and put in there. From her biscuits and gravy to her Christmas cookies. I made copies for her to give to all her grand-daughters that year for Christmas. I'm currently in the process of making more copies for her daughters and daughter-in-laws. I even put old pics of "Granny" in the cookbook.
Turned out great. She's been making these recipes for 40+ years so there were some tears of joy for her family to see them all in one place. Since that Christmas we've gotten the granddaughters together at Christmas to use those cookie recipes. Made some great memories for them.”

MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
Queen Bee
16508 Posts

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Posted - Jan 30 2014 : 3:20:39 PM
Stephanie Lauth (#5699) has received a certificate of achievement in Cleaning Up for earning a Beginner Level Shopping Green Merit Badge!
“I have been using reusable bags for awhile now. With using a grocery store that you have to bring your own or purchase theirs, it has been an easy task. Plus a few stores give you a discount for using your own bags.
It is always a nice feeling to come home and unpack your bags and place them back where they go for the next use. Or when you are at the store and someone says how cute your bag is!”

MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
Queen Bee
16508 Posts

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Posted - Jan 30 2014 : 3:46:42 PM
Stephanie Lauth (#5699) has received a certificate of achievement in Cleaning Up for earning an Intermediate Level Shopping Green Merit Badge!
“I have been using a shower cleaner for awhile that is non toxic and the best cleaner I have found for that task. (I really don't like cleaning the shower) I use a mixture of Dawn dish soap and white vinegar. You let it sit for a little while and then scrub and rise and done.
I have never been more please with this cleaner! I use it all over the bathroom. I use and apple smelling dish soap and it cuts the vinegar smell and everything comes out sparkling!”
MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
Queen Bee
16508 Posts

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Posted - Jan 30 2014 : 4:02:40 PM
Emily Race (Simply Satisfied, #3591) has received a certificate of achievement in Cleaning Up for earning an Intermediate Level Going Green Merit Badge!
“I started making my own laundry detergent about a year ago. I love it. We use so much less and our clothes don't have that detergent smell. I made liquid soap last month and have switched over to it almost exclusively. I don't really use bar soap at all so I haven't tried making bar soap. I also have enjoyed my all purpose cleaner, floor cleaner, and window cleaner.
The laundry soap and window cleaner are my favorites. I have always struggled to avoid streaks on my windows and I have a much easier time of avoiding them with the homemade recipe I have. I love knowing we have less of those harsh chemicals in our house for us to touch and breath in. I have compared recipes with a few ladies and have converted one woman to my laundry soap.”
MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
Queen Bee
16508 Posts

16508 Posts |
Posted - Jan 30 2014 : 4:07:51 PM
Sharon Demers (Calicogirl, #5392) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning a Beginner Level Farmgirl Gratitude Merit Badge!
“Writing a Gratitude Journal (or Joy Journal) is something that is not new to me. I am appreciative of even what may seem like the smallest of blessings. I enjoyed keeping this journal and the challenge of writing a 'new' gratitude each day.
I also read The Book of Awesome by Neil Pasricha. I really enjoyed reading it. There are so many things that we tend to take for granted. Things like finding out that an item you are purchasing at the store was on sale to a good mail day.”

MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
Queen Bee
16508 Posts

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Posted - Jan 30 2014 : 4:13:14 PM
Sharon Demers (Calicogirl, #5392) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning an Intermediate Level Farmgirl Grammar Merit Badge!
“I try my best to use proper spelling and grammar in my post and have been making an even more conscious effort creating either 10 posts or replies to posts on the Farmgirl Chatroom.
I continued discovering new words daily for an additional two weeks and have really enjoyed learning more.
I read the book "Woe Is I: The Grammarphobe's Guide to Better English in Plain English" by Patricia T. O'Connor. I thoroughly enjoyed this book! It is now on my wish list for my library :) It was a good refresher course.”

MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
Queen Bee
16508 Posts

16508 Posts |
Posted - Jan 30 2014 : 4:16:46 PM
Sharon Demers (Calicogirl, #5392) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning an Intermediate Level What's Your Beef? Merit Badge!
“I read the book "BEEF: The Untold Story of How Milk, Meat, and Muscle Shaped the World," by Andrew Rimas and Evan D.G. Fraser. It was an interesting read. I enjoyed the "Culinary Interlude" sections of the book too.
For the past few years we have been purchasing beef from local ranchers through a respectable processor in our area. It is amazing the difference in taste compared to regular store-bought meat. We can even tell the variation of the taste of the beef between the different ranchers and how they feed their cattle. In fact we just had a delicious Grilled Marinated Skirt Steak last evening for dinner.”

MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
Queen Bee
16508 Posts

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Posted - Jan 30 2014 : 4:23:10 PM
Sharon Demers (Calicogirl, #5392) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning a Beginner Level Horse Dreams Merit Badge!
“I am so thankful to be living in the country. I grew up in the suburbs, then moved to the city and for the last 10+ years have been living in a rural area and would not change it for the world!
I have had many opportunities to see a vast amount of horses in our county. I have been able to recognize Paints, Palominos, Arabians, Friesans, QuarterHorses, and more.
A neighbor introduced us to his horses and I fell in love with Judge. He is an Arabian that is a Flaxen Sorrel, just beautiful. I had a not so pleasant experience in my youth the first (and only) time I ever rode a horse and have shied away since then. Through our neighbor I was able to overcome that fear and appreciate the horses for their gentleness and beauty as well as respecting their strength.”
MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
Queen Bee
16508 Posts

16508 Posts |
Posted - Jan 30 2014 : 4:32:27 PM
Sharon Demers (Calicogirl, #5392) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning an Intermediate Level Horse Dreams Merit Badge!
“I researched Arabian horse. While looking at different horses in our community I gravitated toward them.
I discovered that the Arabian horses originated on the Arabian Peninsula and were so prized by the nomadic Bedouin people that the horses were brought in to a family tent for shelter to protect them from theft. This resulted in a cooperative relationship from the horse and it's willingness to please. The Bedouins bred the Arabians as war mounts to enter enemy camps.
Historical figures like Genghis Khan, Napoleon, Alexander The Great and George Washington rode Arabians.
The characteristics of Arabians include: Incredible energy, intelligence, gentle disposition, and athletic talent.
Their physical traits include: finely chiseled bone structure, concave profile, arched neck, comparatively level croup, high-carried tail.
I read the book "The Soul of a Horse" by Joe Camp and loved it! I learned so much about the proper care and training of horses. The only negative thing about the book was that it left me wanting horses :) I also checked out Joe Camp's website.”
MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
Queen Bee
16508 Posts

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Posted - Jan 30 2014 : 4:34:02 PM
Sharon Demers (Calicogirl, #5392) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning an Expert Level Horse Dreams Merit Badge!
“I researched horse rescues in our area (online) and it what ways they help horses.
I was able to help out a neighbor for a few months caring for his horses. I learned feeding, watering, cleaning and mucking stalls and grooming. I also learned what types of things to be aware of concerning the horses. It was a lot of fun. I only wish that I had read Joe Camp's book first.
Unfortunately the closest horse rescues in our area are at least 2 hours away, something that we cannot do at this time. I wish that they were closer so I could physically help. One horse rescue in our area accepts financial donations and is involved with Good Search search engine so I am able to help out a little bit financially, hopefully more in the future.”
MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
Queen Bee
16508 Posts

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Posted - Jan 30 2014 : 4:38:13 PM
Sharon Demers (Calicogirl, #5392) has received a certificate of achievement in Make it Easy for earning a Beginner Level Grease Chicks Merit Badge!
“I am familiar with checking: oil levels coolant level, brake fluid, power steering fluid, transmission fluid and windshield washer fluid. I also know how to check air pressure in my tires and fill as needed.
I have kept a mileage record. In our GMC Diesel pick up the average miles per gallon is 17, 20 mpg on the highway.
Thank you for this merit badge. It is a good reminder and teacher of being able to take care of one's own vehicle.”
MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
Queen Bee
16508 Posts

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Posted - Jan 30 2014 : 4:40:22 PM
Sharon Demers (Calicogirl, #5392) has received a certificate of achievement in Make it Easy for earning an Intermediate Level Grease Chicks Merit Badge!
“I completed my first oil change :) My husband guided me step by step on what to do. Thankfully I didn't get too dirty.
I am grateful to now know how to do this on my own, I feel that this is a great accomplishment :) Oh, and my honey was very gracious in taking my picture...not!:)”

MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
Queen Bee
16508 Posts

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Posted - Jan 30 2014 : 4:41:46 PM
Sharon Demers (Calicogirl, #5392) has received a certificate of achievement in Make it Easy for earning an Expert Level Grease Chicks Merit Badge!
“In addition to changing the oil in our truck I also challenged myself in replacing spark plugs, replacing spark plug wires and changing the engine coolant. Next on the list...tire changing!
Thank you again for the motivation to learn to do these things. :)”
MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
Queen Bee
16508 Posts

16508 Posts |
Posted - Jan 30 2014 : 4:53:42 PM
Sharon Demers (Calicogirl, #5392) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a Beginner Level Homespun Christmas Merit Badge!
“At least 25% percent of our ornaments were homemade.
Our gifts for this Christmas were mostly handmade with only a couple of items purchased.
Some of the items gifted were: ~Homemade Jams, Jellies and Salsas ~Handcrafted Soaps ~Toasted Coconut Marshmallows ~Chipotle Caramels ~Earrings ~Lambs made from wool roving ~Pens made from turned elk antler sheds
I much prefer giving (and receiving) handmade items to store bought and enjoy the challenge of being creative with our gift giving ideas.
I look forward to working on the Intermediate and Expert levels of this merit badge and have ideas in place now.”

MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
Queen Bee
16508 Posts

16508 Posts |
Posted - Jan 30 2014 : 5:07:21 PM
Kim Reineke (#4826) has received a certificate of achievement in Outpost for earning a Beginner Level "Out There" Women Merit Badge!
“At our Farmgirl sisterhood meeting, we all assembled survival kits listing all of the items on the list, and will continue to add to them. Farmgirls in our group generously brought the items to share with everyone. The kit is in my vehicle and ready to go on any hike! We also had a demonstration on "readiness and preparedness" at the meeting, which was very helpful in showing us even more items we can continue to add to our "survival packs". As a group and personally, we identified at least 10 plants as food, medicine, or poison.”
MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
Queen Bee
16508 Posts

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Posted - Jan 30 2014 : 5:10:42 PM
Kim Reineke (#4826) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a Beginner Level Crochet Merit Badge!
“I learned to crochet about 3 years ago, and have continued to practice stitches and make projects since then. My goal on originally starting crochet was to make hats, so finally, I made a hat!
I also spent time with a fellow farmgirl teaching her the single crochet stitch (which she learned very easily, props to Emily Rose) which she used to make a lovely scarf!
Single crochet, made from bright orange red heart, there were no errors and I gifted the hat to someone special when I went on a trip!”
MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
Queen Bee
16508 Posts

16508 Posts |
Posted - Jan 30 2014 : 5:17:16 PM
Emily Rose Yost (EmilyRoseBud, #5070) has received a certificate of achievement in Outpost for earning a Beginner Level "Out There" Women Merit Badge!
“Our Farmgirl Chapter met to earn this badge together. We each brought some of the supplies needed to make a survival kit for your hiking day pack. We brought flashlights, nylon para cord, knives, matches in waterproof containers,energy bars, ponchos, emergency blankets, first aid supplies, whistles and plastic mirrors.
While at our meeting, we discussed and researched native plants that could be used as poison, food or medicine. We looked at pictures of these plants on the internet and talked about where they grow. We were also super lucky to have a survival expert visit our group to teach us many survival skills, particularly what is needed in your 72 hour survival kit. We walked away from this meeting with survival kits and much more knowledge!
Each sister left with a survival kit for her day pack, and many plan to begin putting together their 72 hour survival kits for their homes.”

MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
Queen Bee
16508 Posts

16508 Posts |
Posted - Jan 30 2014 : 5:24:37 PM
Sherrilyn Askew (Sherri, #1350) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning a Beginner Level Greatest Generation Merit Badge!
“I have spent more than 10 hours hanging out with people older than I am (by definition, they are elders now), my parents and their friends. We have eaten meals together, worked puzzles together, solved the world's problems together, and generally had a great time in each others company.
I very much enjoy spending time with my older friends and family members. The general attitude is "getting older is not for wimps" and we live life to the fullest still. I enjoy hearing the stories of their lives and how things have changed, especially how they have adapted to those changes. It is good to see women who continue to be "juicy" as they age.”

MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
Queen Bee
16508 Posts

16508 Posts |
Posted - Jan 30 2014 : 5:29:29 PM
Sherrilyn Askew (Sherri, #1350) has received a certificate of achievement in Outpost for earning an Intermediate Level "Out There" Women Merit Badge!
“I cooked a full meal (mini dogs in croissants, hamburger with rice and broccoli, and stewed caramel apples) over a campfire). I also made my own trail mix using my own home dried fruit.
Making a meal over a campfire was old hat. I have been helping my mom cook on our camp outs since I was a little girl. Making trail mix with my own home dried fruit was special as the fruit I used came from our orchard and local berry patches. It was the fruit I had kept hidden away for just such a purpose as dried fruit is like candy in our house and tends not to last long.”
MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
Queen Bee
16508 Posts

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Posted - Jan 31 2014 : 2:37:59 PM
Erica Sullivan (madhousefrau, #5694) has received a certificate of achievement in Farm Kitchen for earning a Beginner Level Know Your Food Merit Badge!
“Over the past few years, after working at Whole Foods Market, and participating in the sustainable agriculture program at Sterling College, I have designed a food regime for my husband and myself that has removed most processed and refined foods, and focusing on organic minimally processed local foods. I even got him to drink kombucha after reading about it in Nourishing Traditions!
I have made a house rule that whole wheat is king except for 1 bag of white flour which is organic and local, as well as banning white sugar (except for organic powdered cane sugar).
I have been giving copies of Nourishing Traditions and Real Food: What We Eat and Why as gifts for a couple of years now and they seem to be doing some good for the folks who have received them. Most recently a good friend of mine moved into a one room apartment with her 2 year old daughter and they asked me to help them stock their fridge and cupboards with healthy foods (she had never lived on her own and needed some advice).
So far everything is going wonderfully! My husband and I are enjoying our healthy near-organic diets, I am enjoying spreading the word about healthy eating, and my friend is now better informed about what she is putting in her cupboards and her belly. The other night she invited me and some folks over for dinner to show us what she had learned,and I couldn't have been more proud!”
MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
Queen Bee
16508 Posts

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Posted - Jan 31 2014 : 2:45:45 PM
Dena Corry (dena91, #5620) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning a Beginner Level Herbs Merit Badge!
“I love working with herbs but haven't been that successful in growing, drying, or using them consistently.
Five herbs that I love are: Rosemary (good for cooking, especially meats); basil (love it in red sauce); lavender (great for relaxing or skin problems); oregano (great in so many foods -meats, eggs, breads); and parsley (I put it in my stock for extra vitamins and minerals). I picked these five herbs to identify and I used my parsley in my soup this week.
Thinking about specific herbs and their uses brings me back to our ancestors, who used them as their pharmacy and supermarket spice isle. I tried to begin an indoor herb garden last year and struggled to produce much (my thumb isn't all that green sometimes!) I am going to take another stab at it this year and thinking about this beginner merit badge has really inspired me!”
MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
Queen Bee
16508 Posts

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Posted - Jan 31 2014 : 3:29:23 PM
Betty Hoffman (Dapple Grey Lady, #5589) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a Beginner Level Buttoned Up Merit Badge!
“I have saved buttons for years. My mom and grandmothers had button collections. Working on this badge has encouraged me to gather all the buttons I have had stored in various places; boxes, drawers and jars. Through the years I have collected buttons when I made my kids clothes, mine and sewing for others. I recycle buttons from unwanted or worn out garments. Then the garments are cut up and reused as rags.
My mother gave me some of her buttons and also my grandmothers old cigar box of buttons.I leave those buttons in that box. Some are very old. In my button jars are buttons from my daughter and son's baby outfits, extra baby buttons from birth outfits for the grandkids,some from my high school home ec sewing class projects, old covered buttons from decorative pillows long gone my mother made, extra ones from daughters wedding dress, and many more.
Going through my button jars with my grand-daughters (who are starting their own collections as Young Cultivators) gave us an enjoyable time together telling stories of the buttons.”

MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
Queen Bee
16508 Posts

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Posted - Feb 05 2014 : 5:03:37 PM
Denise Meister (Denisemgm, #1976) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a Beginner Level Scrapbooking Merit Badge!
“I made my neighbor a scrapbook of her dog when he turned a year old because her dog is like a child and because he's like always wandering over to my house to play with my dog.
My neighbor also saved the dog who was rejected by its mother. Thus, we babysat when he was really really young and out own dog was a puppy.
I had a bunch of photos of the her dog with my kids and my dog, so I compiled them altogether in a hand-made "smash" photo album and gave it to her.”
MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
Merit Badge Awardees - Woo-hoo Sisters!: Farmgirl Sisterhood Merit Badge Awardees  |