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Merit Badge Awardees - Woo-hoo Sisters!: Farmgirl Sisterhood Merit Badge Awardees  |
Queen Bee
16508 Posts

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Posted - Mar 05 2012 : 3:30:42 PM
Christine Johnson, (Misskitty #3760) has received a certificate of achievement in Outpost for earning a beginner level First Aid badge.
"I updated the first aid kits for each of our family vehicles, and assembled new ones for the kitchen, mud room and bathroom. I also got a fire extinguisher for the kitchen and for the mud room. Then I went around our home checking the smoke detectors, replacing the batteries in one.
We are now well outfitted with first aid kits!! But with five children running around, we definitely need to be. I only had one fire extinguisher before but feel much better now with two in the house." |
Queen Bee
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Posted - Mar 05 2012 : 3:44:04 PM
Jennifer Venable, (Bayou Girl #3803) has received a certificate of achievement in Cleaning Up for earning an intermediate level Shopping Green badge.
"I researched this several years ago when I began making my own laundry detergent. However, I conducted a new search while working on this merit badge, and the information available has definitely multiplied since I last searched.
I found a recipe for floor cleaner, and I found information on the Farmgirl chat about a swiffer like tool that has a reusable pad.
It's one more step in the right direction, in my opinion. I love that I can reuse the pad on the broom/mop. I also like that I am no longer purchasing any "store-bought" cleaners. Our family is making them all. My husband even makes what we need if we run out and I haven't gotten around to making anymore!" |
Queen Bee
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Posted - Mar 05 2012 : 3:44:55 PM
Jennifer Venable, (Bayou Girl #3803) has received a certificate of achievement in Cleaning Up for earning a beginner level Going Green badge.
"I made a journal of green living ideas, recipes, plans, and projects. I am adding to it as I find new ideas and recipes.
I have shared my ideas and recipes with a fellow teacher. I also made her a starter basket of all the things she needed to start making her own laundry detergent, dishwasher detergent, and all purpose cleaner.
It's great. The journal idea was great for me. It helps keep all of my recipes and green ideas organized in one place that is not hard for me to locate." |
Queen Bee
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Posted - Mar 05 2012 : 3:45:36 PM
Jennifer Venable, (Bayou Girl #3803) has received a certificate of achievement in Cleaning Up for earning an intermediate level Going Green badge.
"I have been making my own laundry detergent and all purpose cleaner for several years. However, since working on this badge, I have started making my own soap, floor cleaner, and dishwasher detergent. I will NEVER go back to store bought. I absolutely love the fact that I make my own, save money, and do things that are healthy for my family and the environment.
My oldest daughter has extremely sensitive skin and has struggles with eczema. When I started making my own laundry detergent, her outbreaks decreased. I would have never thought laundry detergent would have had such an effect on her.
The all-purpose cleaner and dishwasher detergent I make both clean better than the store-bought counterparts for a fraction of the cost.
I have shared my recipes with co-workers, who are now making their own laundry detergent and all purpose cleaner. They are also purchasing soap from me. It's great!" |
Queen Bee
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Posted - Mar 05 2012 : 4:14:38 PM
Laurie Conner, (Montrose Girl #1587) has received a certificate of achievement in Make It Easy for earning a beginner, intermediate, and expert level Music badge.
"I am applying for all three badges. I joined the band in Junior high and learned how to play the clarinet. Music theory was part of the lessons and I learned about the basic elements of music.
With an new infant and all the talk about classical music, I have learned more about Mozart than I ever expected, so I decided to compare Mozart and Madonna and reported it to the Southwest Henhouse.
I've been playing instruments since grade school when you are first handed a recorder. I learned the clarinet, the tenor saxophone, the guitar, the mandolin and to my surprise returned to the recorder. I've performed on stage and in parades. At football games and in a night club. These days I play and sing a lot for my son and he seems to enjoy it.
Music has been a large part of my life. The surprising thing is that I was never very good. I don't carry a tune very well and I am a very rigid player. I can read music, but I'm not good at improvising. Still, I would miss music if it was not there." |
Queen Bee
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Posted - Mar 05 2012 : 4:15:39 PM
Laurie Conner, (Montrose Girl #1587) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning an intermediate level The Secret Life of Bees badge.
"I read Bees: Natures Little Wonders. I actually read it twice! I had a local honey vendor but had to a find a new one when I moved. The advantage to living in a farming community is that I did not have any trouble and will be picking up another 5 gallon bucket this weekend. I researched raw vs. processed honey.
It always amazes me how we change our food when it is so much better if we just leave it alone. I cook with honey all the time and like that I am supporting a local farmer. Too much of our honey comes from China." |
Queen Bee
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Posted - Mar 08 2012 : 10:05:46 AM
Carrie Meerwarth, (Carrie M #147) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning a beginner level Birds badge.
"This year I am taking part in the Great Backyard Bird Count! Instructions are at and you can print out a list of birds native to your area. Many of the birds on my list I am not familiar with so I am using my Golden Bird Book to identify the ones I will have trouble naming.
I plan to observe in the woods behind my house, as well as from a spot on Cossayuna Lake a few miles from my home. This way I hope to find woodland birds as well as waterfowl." |
Queen Bee
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Posted - Mar 08 2012 : 10:07:05 AM
Carrie Meerwarth, (Carrie M #147) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning an intermediate level Birds badge.
"I have many bird attractions in my yard that I have made, including bluebird houses and bat houses, a bird bath that is not currently outside due to winter weather, and many types of feeders. The feeder I put out for this winter is one that my mother-in-law gave to me. She didn't like using it because the roof was jointed to make it easy to fill, but was not made waterproof. The seed kept getting soggy! So I took a piece of heavy duty contractors plastic and covered the roof, securing each side with a staple gun. The flexibility of the plastic allows the roof to be turned back for filling while keeping rain out. I also made some little bird seed “ornament” feeders, a recipe I found in the Feb/Mar issue of Country Woman Magazine ( I also found some great ideas in the Feb/Mar issue of Birds and Blooms Magazine including kid friendly bird feeders, easy to make birdbath, $1 bluebird feeder, how to grow safflowers, and feeding birds on a budget (
After I got my newest birdfeeder and bird seed ornaments hung outside, I participated in the Great Backyard Bird Count on one of the four days of the count. I identified 10 different species in the hour and a half that I was observing. I went to the GBBC website and reported the species that I found, as well as how many I saw of each. Results may be seen at ."
Queen Bee
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Posted - Mar 08 2012 : 10:08:27 AM
Carrie Meerwarth, (Carrie M #147) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning an expert level Birds badge.
"Because I live in a rural area, I can easily embark on a birdwatching expedition without even getting in my car. In the woods behind my house I can spy on a hawk's nest that has been there for about five years. It yielded two young hawks its first season, and one of the hawks has stayed in the area. I can also walk up the road and wander in the apple orchard, a great place to spy on birds. During my last walk, at the end of January, I was thrilled to see a dozen or so robins!! I also saw a pair of geese fly overhead, the same couple that returns each spring and raises a family near the creek just a stone's throw up the road from me. A little bit further up the road is a very small pond with a beaver house in the middle. I usually see several mallard ducks on this body of water, but it was bare on my expedition.
My best bird viewing spot is my living room window which gives me a great view of my newest feeder. On February 20 I made this early morning observation...2 Eastern pheobes, 5 chickadees, 2 bluejay males, a pair of sparrows and a pair of mouning doves, several finches including purple and gold, a large flock of starlings, one downy woodpecker, and a pair of tufted titmice.
I was able to watch from the warmth of my living room, through a window, with the aid of a pair of binoculars which made identifying much easier. I couldn't believe how quickly word of the new feeder spread!" |
Queen Bee
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Posted - Mar 08 2012 : 10:09:45 AM
Carrie Meerwarth, (Carrie M #147) has received a certificate of achievement in Farm Kitchen for earning a beginner level Recipes badge.
"Collecting recipes has always been a hobby of mine, and collecting family favorites is one of my duties as the only daughter in my family! I have been doing this since I was in my mid-teens and I have a very large collection. I have personal favorites that I have collected from my first job as a waitress, from friends, and even from strangers at parties and other gatherings. I find that most people are very willing to share their recipes, but I have encountered ladies who absolutely WILL NOT reveal their secrets!! I am not this kind of person and have shared my collection with anyone who is interested. In fact, I often make copies of new favorites and enclose them with my Christmas cards, as I did this year with my newest yummy recipe, Buffalo Chicken Dip! Many of these recipes are linked with the source, such as Brett's Pizza, Dana's Salad, Beth's Chocolate Cake. This is how my children ask for these dishes.
One of my quests over the years has been to save family recipes from my grandmothers and from my husband's family. These recipes also keep the name of the family member with them, such as Grandmas' spaghetti, Meme's bread and butter pickles, Great-Grandma's baked beans, Aunt Carol's Chocolate Cake. All of these recipes are kept in a photo album in my recipe cupboard, and they are constantly updated.
I have found my Aunt Carol to be a great source for my grandmother's (Meme) best recipes, and my husband's Aunt Jane kept all of Great-Grandma Nora's recipes. They are faithful to share any with me when I ask!" |
Queen Bee
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Posted - Mar 08 2012 : 10:10:33 AM
Carrie Meerwarth, (Carrie M #147) has received a certificate of achievement in Farm Kitchen for earning an intermediate level Recipes badge.
"I keep my most used heirloom recipes in a photo album, and the lesser used ones are kept in a file box. They are always available to my children for times when they want to copy or use them. I have made up albums for two of my grown children who enjoy cooking, and I also made an album for my brother's wife in the early years of their marriage. These kinds of gifts are always appreciated and cherished!
I am also working with two of my cousins to put together a family cookbook. This is my father's side of the family. He had seven brothers and sisters, and there are 25 cousins, most of which are excellent cooks! We have a good-sized collection of recipes and are hoping to have them printed up so that each family may have a bound copy of family recipes." |
Queen Bee
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Posted - Mar 08 2012 : 10:11:19 AM
Carrie Meerwarth, (Carrie M #147) has received a certificate of achievement in Farm Kitchen for earning an expert level Recipes badge.
"I have two cousins who organize an annual family reunion. Each year we gather together and enjoy many of the foods that we have been eating since we were kids! It is the highlight of our summer and a great time to catch up on family news and swap new recipes, too.
But I don't wait for these annual gatherings to use my recipe collection; they are a part of every holiday that we celebrate. I use these recipes at different times to bring memories of days gone by and my husband and children enjoy the memories that accompany those dishes. We enjoy scalloped onions at Thanksgiving to remind us of Great-Grandma Nora and Iced Rice Pudding at Christmastime always reminds me of gatherings with my own Grandmother who never knew my children. Sometimes I make a chocolate bunny cake with boiled frosting like my mother-in-law used to make at Easter when the children were small. We make grandma's spaghetti for pot-lucks, Aunt Carol's Chocolate Cake for birthdays, Kristin's Hot Fudge Sauce on our Sunday Sundae's in the summertime, Lynne's pickles during cucumber season, Great-Grandma Nora's Scalloped Corn in the fall, and Aunt Alma's dinner rolls at every gathering. Out entire year is speckled with memories of friends, family, and loved ones!" |
Queen Bee
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Posted - Mar 08 2012 : 10:35:02 AM
Melissa Warner-Talcott, (Melissa Warner-Talcott #3555) has received a certificate of achievement in Farm Kitchen for earning a beginner level Forage for Food badge.
"I recently tapped two Maple trees in my back yard for the first time after researching how to identify Sugar Maples, Red Maples, Silver Maples and Black Maples. I tapped two trees, one with two buckets and the other with one bucket. Within my first 6 hours of tapping the trees I had over 2.5 gallons of sap. I collected the sap, stored it, strained it and boiled it down to make maple syrup.
I learned that sap runs a lot faster then I expected and that boiling down the sap takes a long time to get a very tiny amount of syrup. It is worth it though! The project is still on going until the end of the season."
Queen Bee
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Posted - Mar 08 2012 : 10:37:08 AM
Melissa Warner-Talcott, (Melissa Warner-Talcott #3555) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning a beginner level Backyard Farmer badge.
"We bought our flock this weekend! One dozen chickens and two ducks. We bought chicks that would be good egg layers so that we can have fresh organic eggs in about 6-8 months. Right now the chicks are eating chick starter feed, but once big enough we will switch them to an all organic diet.
We love them so much! They are all so happy and love to eat, eat, eat! I am looking forward to this. :)"
Queen Bee
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Posted - Mar 08 2012 : 10:38:25 AM
Christine Johnson, (Misskitty #3760) has received a certificate of achievement in Cleaning Up for earning a beginner level Shopping Green badge.
"I have now collected at least 10 reusable shopping bags and have gotten a great deal of use out of all of them!
I divided all of the bags amongst our three cars so that everyone in the household could participate in our new 'green' shopping practice. I also bought tags for several of the bags, which are scanned by the retailer each time I use the bag/tag combo. Store credit is earned once the tags have been scanned a certain number of times. This is a great incentive! These bags are great for more than just shopping... I have found dozens of other uses for my bags and I'm coming up with more each day. Now I don't know what I ever did without them!" |
Queen Bee
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Posted - Mar 08 2012 : 10:39:07 AM
Christine Johnson, (Misskitty #3760) has received a certificate of achievement in Cleaning Up for earning an intermediate level Shopping Green badge.
"I have spent literally months with my nose in book after book about green living, cleaning, eating, etc. I have absorbed everything to do with green cleaning, like a sponge. I have 5 children, so having safe, natural cleaning products is a priority for me. What I learned is that, if you are on a budget like ours, your basic green cleaning kit only has to include distilled white vinegar, baking soda, borax, lemon juice, and a good, biodegradable soap. So I have collected all of these items and created my kit. In addition, I have included hydrogen peroxide for extra disinfecting when it's needed, and olive oil for polishing furniture. I have not yet entered the exciting world of creating my own laundry detergent (although the day is coming soon!). But I know that baking soda does the job well, so I purchase Arm and Hammer brand laundry detergent for now.
I have enjoyed both the money-saving and the peace of mind that my new household cleaning kit has brought me! I also rest assured knowing that my laundry detergent brand is made from a tried and true ingredient that I can trust." |
Queen Bee
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Posted - Mar 08 2012 : 11:01:56 AM
Evelyn Dalton, (ejanedalton #3694) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Buttoned Up badge.
"I had a good stash of buttons for years now! I found a very cool old jar and used some chalkboard paint to make a 'label' on the front. I'm very happy seeing my buttons rather then when they were just stashed in a drawer.
It's turned out terrific!"
.jpg) |
Queen Bee
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Posted - Mar 08 2012 : 11:03:20 AM
Evelyn Dalton, (ejanedalton #3694) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning a beginner level Entrepreneurial Spirit badge.
Opening April 7, 2012
Hours: 8 am -1 pm Fresh, organic seasonal vegetables, homemade breads, pasta, eggs and a fair trade coffee vendor.
We are on schedule so far! Seeds are planted, double oven installed, my 15 yr old is the coffee vendor." |
Queen Bee
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Posted - Mar 08 2012 : 11:04:51 AM
Lorraine Morris, (Tea Lady #1819) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning a beginner level Farmgirl Gratitude badge.
"With the help of Farmgirl sister EastTXFarmgirl (Victoria), I kept an online gratitude journal for 30 days and read one entry per day of The Book of Awesome.
This was so much fun and easy peasy. I have been keeping a gratitude journal for years - but this exercise helped because I was committed to doing it every day. It also made me more aware of the wonderful things in my life. Life truly is good. And, the little things are the big things. :o)" |
Queen Bee
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Posted - Mar 08 2012 : 11:06:08 AM
Megan Corwin, (MCorwin #3285) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning a beginner level The Secret Life of Bees badge.
"1) Followed the link to the Vanishing Bees movie and watched the video trailer.
2) Researched online plants that attract bees. Discovered many of the plants already planted in my yard fit the bill. I currently have: sedum, lavender, and butterfly weed in my yard.
3) Read the Secret Life of Bees.
As someone who is interested in beekeeping, this was a great start for me. I really enjoyed the touching story of "The Secret Life of Bees," and appreciated how the story and bee information were woven together.
My interest was piqued by the Vanishing Bees trailer, and I would like to watch the entire documentary.
I also can now appreciate some of the plants in my garden as bee attractors and will be sure to nurture them this growing season." |
Queen Bee
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Posted - Mar 08 2012 : 11:24:03 AM
Denise Meister, (Denisemgm #1976) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning a beginner level Community Service badge.
"These are three areas in my community that need volunteers:
Food Pantry Humane Society Public Schools
Since my children are in the public schools, I chose to work specifically with a couple teachers with their art curriculum as my school district cut the elementary art teacher position. Now individual teachers are responsible for planning, prepping, and teaching art concepts in addition to all their other work. I enjoy art, so this was an easy fit for me.
In the fall, I went in almost weekly to help, sometimes planning and prepping the entire lesson for first graders and third graders. We pressed autumn leaves into clay, we studied pointilism, we graphed out a portrait. We will mosiac soon.
It's wonderful when I see students outside of the school and they eagerly ask me what we will be doing for art when I next come in. And it's nice that the teachers appreciate my help.
I continue to go in, though now it's every other week. I know I will continue helping with art next school year as well." |
Queen Bee
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Posted - Mar 08 2012 : 11:24:46 AM
Denise Meister, (Denisemgm #1976) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning a beginner level Lend a Hand to Farm Families badge.
"A friend who has a milking goat went on vacation last week, so my kids and I helped with some of the milking and the feeding of her ducks.
We fed and watered the goat, in addition to milking it four times (she had a schedule of different people milking at different times).
My kids LOVED it. They want a goat and they want to milk even when my friend isn't gone or on vacation!
And I was able to get enough milk to freeze some for soap making. I also made ricotta cheese." |
Queen Bee
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Posted - Mar 08 2012 : 11:25:32 AM
Denise Meister, (Denisemgm #1976) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning a beginner level Blogging badge.
"I read Tara Frey's book, and I loved her tips and glossary the most. However, I couldn't find her blog online, nor could I find several others. One featured blog was retiring. It was a good book, but sadly, it's already a little out-of-date.
My topic is crafting: odes to finishing up the 100's of projects I've started
I've already started the blog, and reading the book was helpful." |
Queen Bee
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Posted - Mar 08 2012 : 11:42:38 AM
Mary Duffel, (Across the Fence #4153) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning a beginner level Farmgirl Gratitude badge.
"A lovely Farm Sister started a Gratitude Chat for a month. She posted readings daily from The Book of Awesome. Although I started a few days late, I kept up with the postings and the reading and continued on my own after their month was reached to make sure I also journaled my gratitude for a month. It was an awesome experience. Wonderful Farm Sisters!
I loved the feeling that I had to support the gratitude link every day and continue to post my "thankful" thoughts. I think it is something I would like to continue for a long time. And the Sisters were awesome. I was sad when the we reached the month mark. I would have loved it to continue." |
Queen Bee
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Posted - Mar 08 2012 : 11:43:33 AM
Mary Duffel, (Across the Fence #4153) has received a certificate of achievement in Make It Easy for earning a beginner level Let's Get Physical badge.
"I have decided to loose weight to improve my health by reducing the amount of food I eat and eliminating Danger Foods from the house. I realized that I was actually eating 30 - 40 percent more food than I needed and much of it fat or calorie laden. By choosing lean protein, whole grains and fruits and veggies, I have been progressing on toward my goals.
So far GREAT ! I have lost at least 10 pounds and still dropping. I walk a lot more than before and do yoga for 20 minutes each morning. I am just 3 pounds away from the next "10 pound block" and hope to reach that goal by April 1st. My next goal will be to continue or increase activity and ramp up veggies and organic choices." |
Merit Badge Awardees - Woo-hoo Sisters!: Farmgirl Sisterhood Merit Badge Awardees  |