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Author Merit Badge Awardees - Woo-hoo Sisters!:  Farmgirl Sisterhood Merit Badge Awardees 
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Queen Bee

16421 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Oct 13 2011 :  1:30:11 PM  Show Profile
Angela Coffman, (quilting angie #3445) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Buttoned Up badge.

"I have been gifted a quart jar full of all sorts of different buttons, probably over 200. What a thoughtful gift it was.

It is great."
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Queen Bee

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Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Oct 13 2011 :  1:42:25 PM  Show Profile
CJ Armstrong, (ceejay48 #665) has received a certificate of achievement in Farm Kitchen for earning an expert level Icing on the Cake badge.

"I have made many, many cakes for auctions and fundraiser events for school, church, Relay for Life, breast cancer walks and other charities.

Most recent was two cakes, one for a triathlete club charity fundraising auction.

The second was a birthday cake for my daughter, a 2nd grade teacher.

The first cake was a sheet cake but decorated for the charity event purpose.

The birthday cake (pictured) was decorated as a 2nd grader art student would do it for their teacher. The challenge was to be "2nd grade" creative, but use the tools, make the cake and frosting recipes to work well with the design.

I was told it was "adorable", "creative", "excellent" and the TASTIEST carrot cake ever."

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Queen Bee

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Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Oct 14 2011 :  11:23:48 AM  Show Profile
Ashley Meerwarth, (Farmerette of Carrie Meerwarth #147) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Buttoned Up badge.

"Ashley has her own button collection with buttons from many sources including her great-grandmother, old clothing, and me. We have gotten buttons from people who know we sew and from tag sales. They come from all over and are varied...some are new, many are old, and almost all are mismatched.

Ashley says, “I like buttons. I think they are cool. I enjoy making cards with buttons on them and even sewing them on something is kinda fun! Buttons are one of the coolest things!”

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Queen Bee

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Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Oct 14 2011 :  11:30:37 AM  Show Profile
Ashley Meerwarth, (Farmerette of Carrie Meerwarth #147) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a intermediate level Buttoned Up badge.

"Ashley and I made button bracelets and anklets while we were sick and laid up in the dead of winter. It was the bright point in a rather bleak time. She recovered more quickly than I did so she made several bracelets for her doll and her friends. She always loves to learn new skills and enjoys doing whatever I am doing. It is so nice to pass on my knowledge to such an eager learner!

Ashley says, “I liked the bracelets. I still wear mine every now and then, but when I am not, I have it on my desk so I can see it. I even made a matching bracelet for my doll!”

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Queen Bee

16421 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Oct 14 2011 :  11:38:02 AM  Show Profile
Ashley Meerwarth, (Farmerette of Carrie Meerwarth #147) has received a certificate of achievement in Outpost for earning a beginner level Disconnect to Reconnect badge.

"Ashley is always up for an adventure, so when I earned my Disconnect badge, she earned it right along with me. We made a campground in our yard and slept outside for most of the month of July (when it wasn't raining) and we did much of our cooking in our firepit. We don't have a TV or electronic games, so we are pretty good at entertaining ourselves year round; we played cards, chatted by the fire in the evenings, read books in our tents, and just plain slowed down for the month. It was wonderful!

Ashley says, “I liked sleeping outside except for the fact of critters. Snakes, toads, raccoons, possums, and skunks are some of my biggest fears. Oh, and R.O.U.S.'s!!! But I had fun anyways and I never met one of them on my ventures to the indoors. Which was a really good thing!”

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Queen Bee

16421 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Oct 14 2011 :  11:45:41 AM  Show Profile
Ashley Meerwarth, (Farmerette of Carrie Meerwarth #147) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning a beginner level Lend a Hand to Farm Families badge.

"Ashley has helped me at a local farmstead cheese operation by working with me in the aging room. This is a big job as the molds must be kept under control. She has learned how to wash the rinds of the aging cheeses and has helped me turn them during the aging process. She is always a big help!

Ashley says, “Washing the cheeses was fun and funny at first because I didn't know you had to wash cheeses! The wash was smelly because it had cider vinegar in it so I wanted to have a clothes pin for my nose but I soon got used to it.”

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Queen Bee

16421 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Oct 14 2011 :  11:52:41 AM  Show Profile
Ashley Meerwarth, (Farmerette of Carrie Meerwarth #147) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning an intermediate level Lend a Hand to Farm Families badge.

"Ashley has helped our neighbor get ready for Farmer's Market when they are short handed. She knows how to cut, weigh, wrap, and label hard cheeses; she has helped fill yogurt containers and label them; she has done dishes, and many other necessary chores including helping at the market. She is always appreciated!

Ashley says, “I think I like wrapping the cheese most of all. It wasn't that hard and it always went quick with enough people working on it. I really like doing the market too, helping people and giving them samples and telling them about the cheese.”
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Queen Bee

16421 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Oct 14 2011 :  12:02:06 PM  Show Profile
Ashley Meerwarth, (Farmerette of Carrie Meerwarth #147) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning an expert level Lend a Hand to Farm Families badge.

"For three years now Ashley has helped our farmstead cheese making neighbors with the annual Washington County Cheese Tour, from the first one in September 2008 to the most recent one just a couple of weeks ago. She knows enough about the products that she can answer questions, and she knows how to prepare foods to be sold. She stocks bins and fetches anything we need. Not only is she a big help, but she enjoys being part of the project. It makes me proud to have her work with me!

Ashley says, “I enjoyed the last cheese tour the most because since I was a little older I wasn't afraid of talking to people. I like all the people I worked with too. I can't wait 'till next year!!!”

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Queen Bee

16421 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Oct 14 2011 :  12:19:01 PM  Show Profile
Ashley Meerwarth, (Farmerette of Carrie Meerwarth #147) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning an expert level Quilting badge.

"Ashley has finally finished her expert level quilting project. It took her a year to complete and this August it went to the Washington County Fair where it won a blue ribbon, State Fair pick, and a special award which she will receive in November. It came home from state fair with another large ribbon for participation since our fair is too late in the year to have our items judged at State Fair. She is quite proud of her achievement, as is her mother!

Ashley has also had opportunities to teach others to quilt. She always joins me at my Guild meetings in the spring when we invite scouts and 4H'ers to come to a workshop and learn new skills. Ashley makes the project but also helps others with their sewing. She is a good teacher and very patient with the younger students.

Ashley says, “I really liked making the quilt. Every where I went in the fair people were complimenting me on my quilt and one of the 4H people said that a lot of people were saying that a 13 year old girl could not have made it and they thought I cheated. I was very pleased that so many people noticed my quilt!!!!”

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Queen Bee

16421 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Oct 14 2011 :  12:28:31 PM  Show Profile
Ashley Meerwarth, (Farmerette of Carrie Meerwarth #147) has received a certificate of achievement in Outpost for earning a beginner level Outstepping badge.

"Ashley has been to many places with me; she has climbed 5 high peaks in the Adirondacks and visited 7 firetowers in our area. She is a great companion to me on my adventures. She helps me build campfires in our pit and we have cooked several meals over them. She is also good at making marshmallow roasting sticks for everyone!
As a home school project we learned what our state bird, tree and flower are. Ashley drew a picture of each one and placed it on display in our dining room. She got an A on her project!

Ashley says, “I enjoyed hiking to the fire towers. I really liked being able to go up the tower and look at the view from up there! There were little booklets in the top of the towers for people to write in about what they thought about the view. Mom didn't write in it but I did!”

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Queen Bee

16421 Posts

Moscow Idaho
16421 Posts

Posted - Oct 21 2011 :  12:23:37 PM  Show Profile
CJ Armstrong, (ceejay48 #665) has received a certificate of achievement in Make It Easy for earning an intermediate level Make It Pretty badge.

"I've been painting items for gifts, sales, and for myself for years. I have learned how to use watercolors for some of my papercraft projects.

I use acrylic paints in all colors and finishes for projects that include:
- shirts and vests
- sweatshirts and t-shirts
- totebags, wall hangings and similar items
- terra cotta pots for every purpose such as birdbaths, potted plants, decorative storage containers. Pictured are candy jars.
- picture frames and other wooden wall hangings such as small shelves, birdhouses, etc.
Photo includes some of my very recent projects.

My paintings include EVERY kind of motif, such as plants, fruit, vegetables, musical symbols, angels, birds, insects such as butterflies and ladybugs. These are applied to all projects.

Just recently visited our Cultural Center which is a place where local artists can display (and sell) their artwork.

I was able to view and enjoy artwork at our local Winefest about a month ago. Some of the artists included photographers, scratch art, woodturnings (my husband), paintings using all kinds of medium, fabric arts, sculpture and silversmithing.

I am an artist of different kinds and I love being able to create and be artistic. I am engaged in art projects every minute of my life.

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Queen Bee

16421 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Oct 21 2011 :  12:38:40 PM  Show Profile
Janet Ceaglske-Muhich, (sewquiltgirl #3229) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Knitting badge.

"I made dish cloths for my beginning level project. I made 3 to fill my 3 hour minimum. I also have taught my daughter how to knit.

The dish clothes are ok, but I would like to try a different pattern. I enjoyed teaching my daughter to knit."

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Queen Bee

16421 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Oct 21 2011 :  12:45:48 PM  Show Profile
Janet Ceaglske-Muhich, (sewquiltgirl #3229) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning an intermediate level Knitting badge.

"I made a sweater for the intermediate level knitting. It is the basket weave pattern. I knit with people at work so that completes my 5 hours of knitting with friends.

I really enjoyed making it and it is the first thing I have made for myself."

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Queen Bee

16421 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Oct 21 2011 :  12:51:11 PM  Show Profile
Janet Ceaglske-Muhich, (sewquiltgirl #3229) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning an expert level Knitting badge.

"For the expert level, I chose a skirt pattern for my daughter with a pleated skirt and a sweater to go with it. She wore it for her skating lessons. I also made a matching sweater and skirt for the doll. The skirt pattern came with the girl and doll skirt pattern, but I had to create the dolls sweater to match my daughter’s sweater. They also have matching head bands.

The 5 ladies at work requested me to show them how to knit, which I did. It was fun to watch them make their own items. For some it was a struggle to begin with, but they got it in the end."

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Queen Bee

16421 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Oct 21 2011 :  1:04:31 PM  Show Profile
Kristi Groth, (Kristi #3407) has received a certificate of achievement in Make It Easy for earning a beginner level Carp-hen-try badge.

"I refinished a little table my Grandmother had given me. It was a little wobbly and scratched. I sanded it, primered it and painted it antique white. I reinforced the legs with wooden toothpicks. I read the book "Dare to Repair". Who knew I could fix so many things. =)

I think my Grandma's table turned out well. It will live in my house for years to come. It is always such a feeling of accomplishment when I tackle something new and finish it.

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Queen Bee

16421 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Oct 21 2011 :  1:12:40 PM  Show Profile
Colina Washburn, (rubyleesmom #3408) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Quilting badge.

"For my beginner level badge in quilting I chose to make a small block quilt for my daughter to take for naptime at daycare. I used a fabric panel with large squares with pictures of chickens and alternated that with a rich blue fabric with stars. I trimmed it in bright red rose fabric. I learned the basics like basting and batting from and various books I have like "Country Living for Dummies" :)

The quilt itself looks pretty nice for a first time project... it did however grow quite a bit and instead of a small blanket it is a full size bed quilt! (Guess I got carried away lol) I am quite proud of how it turned out and sure learned a lot from the experience. Although it did take me about 2 months to complete, I enjoyed every minute of it."

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Queen Bee

16421 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Oct 21 2011 :  1:20:20 PM  Show Profile
Colina Washburn, (rubyleesmom #3408) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning a beginner level Backyard Farmer badge.

"We have a small flock of about 12 hens and 2 roosters made up of a few different breeds.. buff orpingtons, rhode island reds, and barred rocks. My favorites are the barred rocks because they are so docile. They are all of laying age so we get 7-10 eggs per day which we glady supply to our family and friends. We try to feed them organically as much as possible with lots of fresh veggies and fruits.. they love tomatoes! We have butchered and eaten one and it was delicious in chicken and dumplings.

We love our flock and so does everyone that tries the farm fresh eggs!"
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Queen Bee

16421 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Oct 21 2011 :  1:30:37 PM  Show Profile
Penny McGee, (Acelady02 #3433) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning a beginner level Little Squirts badge.

"Oiled all the doors in the house, my computer chair and sewing chair.
Oiled the chain on my motorcycle.
After digging my sweet potatoes up last week, cleaned up the shovel and readied it for next season.

Nothing squeaks anymore.
My motorcycle is ready to ride and the shovel is ready for next season."
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Queen Bee

16421 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Oct 21 2011 :  1:37:47 PM  Show Profile
Penny McGee, (Acelady02 #3433) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning an intermediate level Little Squirts badge.

"My bedroom door would not catch when I closed it. I found out it needed to be adjusted so I adjusted the hinges with a level and screw driver.

My door now closes easily and latches without having to pick up on the handle."
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Queen Bee

16421 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Oct 21 2011 :  1:43:08 PM  Show Profile
Penny McGee, (Acelady02 #3433) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning an intermediate level Sew Wonderful badge.

"I learned to make a french seam and other seams when I made a pillowcase.

I made the pillowcases for a group called Pillowcases for Rescued Girls.

They turned out very pretty."

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Queen Bee

16421 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Oct 21 2011 :  1:49:46 PM  Show Profile
Penny McGee, (Acelady02 #3433) has received a certificate of achievement in Cleaning Up for earning a beginner level Shopping Green badge.

"I started collecting bags to use with my grocery shopping in August. I now have 7 and have committed to using them on all my shopping trips."
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Queen Bee

16421 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Oct 21 2011 :  1:55:19 PM  Show Profile
Penny McGee, (Acelady02 #3433) has received a certificate of achievement in Cleaning Up for earning an intermediate level Shopping Green badge.

"I use vinegar to clean windows, and my bathroom. I also use it in the final rinse in my laundry.

I really like the way it cleans with no toxic fumes."
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Queen Bee

16421 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Oct 21 2011 :  2:00:37 PM  Show Profile
Penny McGee, (Acelady02 #3433) has received a certificate of achievement in Cleaning Up for earning a beginner level Going Green badge.

"I no longer have toxic cleaners in my home, I use only items like baking soda and vinegar. My mission statement has in it the pledge to not bring harmful, toxic cleaners back into my home. I have a journal where I save green ideas, recipes and other items for my green home.

Going green is a great life style change for my family, my husband has asthma and now that the toxins are gone from the home, he breathes better."
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Queen Bee

16421 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Oct 21 2011 :  2:20:34 PM  Show Profile
Penny McGee, (Acelady02 #3433) has received a certificate of achievement in Cleaning Up for earning an intermediate level Going Green badge.

"I make my own laundry detergent and have been for about 6 months.
Just started making my own soap, all purpose cleaner, window cleaner and hard wood floor cleaner.
I have shared my recipes on Facebook and have talked about it on the MaryJanesFarm forum."
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Queen Bee

16421 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Oct 21 2011 :  2:27:55 PM  Show Profile
Justine Thompson, (JThomp #2904) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning a beginner level The Secret Life of Bees badge.

"I watched the trailer for the Vanishing Bees movie. I also read “The Secret Life of Bees”. I had a few bee friendly plants and flowers in our yard and flower beds already, such as clematis, and chives. I also had lavender and sage. I planted more this spring and summer. I planted mint, rosemary, crocus, sedum, cosmos, and sunflowers. Our backyard usually has a lot of clover.

I liked “The Secret Life of Bees”. There were a lot of good bits about bees that I had no idea about before reading the book. It was an emotional book. I did like the book better than the movie, which I just watched last night.
I love any flowers that attract butterflies and bees. My clematis is a favorite of the bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds. Around August I always look forward to visits from the little hummingbirds. I did notice an increase in the number of bees visiting our yard this year after planting so many of the other plants and flowers. I've enjoyed watching them this summer. I do intend to replace my lavender and sage in the spring and I’d like to add a few more bee attracting plants."
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