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Author Merit Badge Awardees - Woo-hoo Sisters!:  Farmgirl Sisterhood Merit Badge Awardees 
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Queen Bee

16508 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Sep 26 2011 :  12:39:24 PM  Show Profile
Emily Hack, (alterationsbyemily #2951) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning an intermediate level Horse Dreams badge.

"I decided to research the American Quarter Horse. They are a wonderful breed that are excellent at endurance riding and sprint running short distances. I found that the breed originated in the colonies when the horses of Native Americans were cross bred with thoroughbreds from England. In the 19th century as Americans moved west, they found mustangs, now breeding their horses with the mustangs the pioneers found that horses began a sense for cows and herding. This expanded the breed into skills that the cowboys used commonly and the introduction of the rodeo in the later part of the 19th century. I also read “The Soul of a Horse” by Joe Camp. I had been with horses before earlier in my life and I had always accepted, stalls, shoes and pretty green pastures as the rule. I never even thought to question it. The book opened my eyes that there is a much more natural way to have horses.

I had an understanding about the breed but had no idea that the American Quarter Horse was that woven into our history. I love to watch how the horse behaves. I feel very enlightened by reading Joe Camp’s book. I even went on to order the Monty Robert’s series of books to learn more about his manner of training."
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Queen Bee

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Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Sep 26 2011 :  12:47:01 PM  Show Profile
Emily Hack, (alterationsbyemily #2951) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning a beginner level The Secret Life of Bees badge.

"I researched some flowers that were supposed to grow in my area. I planted the seedlings on the first of June. By the beginning of July I accepted that the flowers were not going to grow. At this time I also found much evidence that some rabbits had used my seedlings for a snack. I then put some more mature flowers in a pot to grow. This brought some honeybees around my home. During this time I read “The Secret Life of Bees.” I very much like the novel and the lessons that it gave about life and honesty. While watching the trailer for “Vanishing Bees” I was struck that the bees were disappearing. I have seen plenty in my area but the world is a lot bigger than just my plot of land.

It was a very valuable lesson for me to learn that the bees were disappearing and I am excited to learn more about finding local honey."
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Queen Bee

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Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Sep 26 2011 :  12:56:42 PM  Show Profile
Mary Johnson, (Bag lady #2647) has received a certificate of achievement in Make It Easy for earning a beginner level Make It Pretty badge.

"Before this merit badge came out I checked out a book from my library. It is called, "Anyone Can Draw". I really liked it. I have had it for three weeks now. So, I copied a picture that was in there. Not traced, actually drawn by me. If you see this picture it looks like a beginner.

I found that I like drawing and this one came out pretty well. I used colored pencils. That's why it didn't show up very well. I love using colored pencils. Since I drew this lady I have drawn many other pictures. I really like drawing."

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Queen Bee

16508 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Sep 26 2011 :  1:06:36 PM  Show Profile
Valerie Oliver, (valgirl #2356) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning an expert level Community Service badge.

"For this badge I have assessed the needs of our community in many ways. There have been tornadoes that have swept through, there are people who cannot buy many groceries. The five needs I came up with are....
1. Tornado clean up
2. Help at the local food pantry
3. Help serve food at the local food shelter (Master's Table)
4. Volunteer services at Hickory Hill Park fourth Saturday Gospel Sing for clean up or concessions
5. Volunteer servies with our church needs (phone calls, hospital visits, etc.

I have continued throughout the year working with serving with the church needs. I have spent at least 40 extra hours calling people, arranging the garage for church services and cleaning up, preparing the service music, being sure snacks and beverages are stocked and prepared, and my husband and I have been reaching out in the community with "soul winning" and ministering in the nursing home and local car show events.

I am pleased to say that the year thus far has been very productive. We have seen about 40 salvations, and the hugs and phone calls have produced just as much gratitude for me as for anyone."
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Queen Bee

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Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Sep 27 2011 :  4:01:37 PM  Show Profile
Valerie Oliver, (valgirl #2356) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Cross-Stitch badge.

"I have been cross-stitching for many years, so this was a pretty easy badge. I chose a bookmark that consisted of just one color. I have never worked on a bookmark before, so it was fun. I will be giving it as a Christmas gift. I love small projects because it gives pretty quick gratification.

I am quite delighted at how this project turned out. I used an 18 count aida, which is smaller that I usually use. I like it for the bookmark, but am not so sure I would use anything smaller that 14 count on any larger projects. My eyes couldn't take"
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Queen Bee

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Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Sep 28 2011 :  10:46:34 AM  Show Profile
Peggy Smith, (forever young #1815) has received a certificate of achievement in Make It Easy for earning a beginner level Let's Get Physical badge.

"I set a goal to walk at least 30 minutes, two to three times a week. My husband and I belong to a Wellness Center for Seniors.
While he is at Silver Sneakers I walk the track either inside or out, depending on the weather.

I feel more energetic. I can feel the difference in shaping up. My thighs no longer rub together when I walk.
I have been thinking more about the wrong foods I eat and want to change."
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Queen Bee

16508 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Sep 28 2011 :  10:59:09 AM  Show Profile
Diana Vermillion, (momofsome #2454) has received a certificate of achievement in Farm Kitchen for earning a beginner level Icing on the Cake badge.

"I watched the video and rented additional books from the library.

It was a basic refresher course for me as cake decorating is something I have been doing for years."
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Queen Bee

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Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Sep 28 2011 :  11:08:42 AM  Show Profile
Diana Vermillion, (momofsome #2454) has received a certificate of achievement in Farm Kitchen for earning a intermediate level Icing on the Cake badge.

"I assembled my "kit" and made a cake for a young boy who was having a birthday party.

It was a cute little puppy and the boy was thrilled!"
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Queen Bee

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Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Sep 28 2011 :  11:16:09 AM  Show Profile
Diana Vermillion, (momofsome #2454) has received a certificate of achievement in Make It Easy for earning a beginner level Make It Pretty badge.

"I drew a picture of the barn in my backyard with a pencil.

It turned out wonderfully and I framed it as well."
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Queen Bee

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Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Sep 28 2011 :  11:22:35 AM  Show Profile
Diana Vermillion, (momofsome #2454) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Ink Slinger badge.

"I read the required book and wrote a short story.

I gave it to a farmgirl sister to read and edit."
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Queen Bee

16508 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Sep 28 2011 :  11:31:46 AM  Show Profile
Diana Vermillion, (momofsome #2454) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Cross-Stitch badge.

"As I already know how to cross stitch this was an easy chore.

I made a tiny picture for a dollhouse and gave to a friend for the wall of her dollhouse."
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Queen Bee

16508 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Sep 28 2011 :  11:54:32 AM  Show Profile
Diana Vermillion, (momofsome #2454) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning a beginner level 3 R's Rule (Reuse, Recycle, Revive!) badge.

"I made row markers from slices of wood as the tin can lids were sharp and too hard to punch plus I didn't want children to touch the metal and get cut.

My tools are sharpened and taken care for 3 months and counting.

The markers looked natural and the tools look nice, sharp and clean."
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Queen Bee

16508 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Sep 28 2011 :  12:08:01 PM  Show Profile
Diana Vermillion, (momofsome #2454) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning an expert level Buttoned Up badge.

"I read about buttons and their travels through the years and also collected many more than 10 different antique buttons.

I learned a few things I didn't know about the button and now have some beautiful examples."
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Queen Bee

16508 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Sep 28 2011 :  12:17:15 PM  Show Profile
Diana Vermillion, (momofsome #2454) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning a beginner level Plant It Forward badge.

"I planted extra veggies and gave them to a food bank.

It turned out very well and it felt great to give food to others in need."
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Queen Bee

16508 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Sep 28 2011 :  12:23:24 PM  Show Profile
Diana Vermillion, (momofsome #2454) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning a beginner level Connecting Growers and Eaters badge.

"I helped take care of my father's garden while in was in hospital.

It was nice to help someone, even if it was my dad, but it needed done as he was getting well."
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Queen Bee

16508 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Sep 28 2011 :  12:31:36 PM  Show Profile
Diana Vermillion, (momofsome #2454) has received a certificate of achievement in Farm Kitchen for earning an intermediate level Bustin' Out badge.

"I continued to try new organic food.

It's going ok and I am hooked on organic sugar."
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Queen Bee

16508 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Sep 28 2011 :  12:51:25 PM  Show Profile
Paula Black, (Sheepless in Seattle #2953) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Cross-Stitch badge.

"I took the "Raising Jane Knickers" that I had made out of gingham and added some big cross-stitched flowers to them, using the squares of the gingham as a guide for the cross-stitches. I used a variegated floss hoping to be able to tie in a different colored gingham for a top.

I think they turned out cute. The cross-stitch adds a little fun punch to the garment."

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Queen Bee

16508 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Sep 28 2011 :  1:01:04 PM  Show Profile
Kristina Nelson, (FieldsofThyme #800) has received a certificate of achievement in Outpost for earning an intermediate level Stargazing Chicks badge.

"We kept a log for our star gazing, and held a "family" star gazing party.

We had many cloudy nights, due to rainy days and other odd weather. We resorted to researching M31: The Andromeda Galaxy via the Internet. We use a telescope in place of binoculars. We also had difficulty having a very clear night to view Jupiter's moons. We researched views on-line as well. This was a very interesting badge to work on, and the kids are very interested. I tried taking photos with my camera, but I just don't have the right type of lens for that."

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Queen Bee

16508 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Sep 29 2011 :  11:43:31 AM  Show Profile
Jamie Sweeney, (SunnyJam #2504) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning a beginner level What's Your Beef? badge.

"After watching "Food, Inc." and "King Corn," I've been interested in knowing more about how meat is typically raised in this country. (So thanks for offering this badge!) I'm not a very big beef eater, but one of the images that stuck with the me the most from both films was of the feedlot cows who had a hole in their stomachs to that scientists could analyze the contents. Upon reading more at, I learned more about acidosis, the main complaint that cows develop when fed a cheap corn or grain based diet. I was really appalled to learn that antibiotics are administered to treat acidosis. Cows can also be fed candy, garbage, chicken feathers, and beef - the latter being a suspected cause of Mad Cow Disease. Scary stuff! That's not even mentioning the unhealthy conditions and stress the animals experience in a feedlot.

After taking notes during the films and jotting down some thoughts from, I am more convinced than ever to go "socially vegetarian" - meaning that I won't eat meat when I'm eating away from home and don't know where the meat came from. I dislike being part of a process that supports the inhumane treatment of animals and endangers the health of humans."
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Queen Bee

16508 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Sep 30 2011 :  09:41:47 AM  Show Profile
Valerie Thompson, (#2224) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Crochet badge.

"I have been crocheting for a while. I recently came across a pattern for booties that I wanted to try and enjoyed making the first pair so much that I made several more. My sister saw me making them and asked me to show her how which I was happy to do.

The booties came out great, I was able to give several pairs as gifts to new mothers that I know and had some to share with a women's shelter that had some new mothers staying with them."
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Queen Bee

16508 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Sep 30 2011 :  09:51:30 AM  Show Profile
Valerie Thompson, (Merry Sunshine #2224) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning a beginner level Backyard Farmer badge.

"After checking on city codes and finding I was allowed to keep chickens, I started a small flock in my back yard. In addition to their regular feed they are allowed to forage around the yard all day.

I'm just starting to get eggs from my girls in addition to free fertilizer and pest control. It is also great fun to see them running around my city yard."
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Queen Bee

16508 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Sep 30 2011 :  09:58:38 AM  Show Profile
Gail Springman, (#486) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning a beginner level Connecting Growers and Eaters badge.

"I went to one of our local community gardens that was started by one of our chapter members. It is for the childern and low income families. I weed eated the tall grass and pulled weeds and helped haul wood chips for the pathways.

It looks so much cleaner and nicer as it had been unattended for a while. I love what it is about and hope to keep helping as much as I can. "

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Queen Bee

16508 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Sep 30 2011 :  10:07:29 AM  Show Profile
Gail Springman, (#486) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning an intermediate level Farmgirl Spirit badge.

"Our neighbors had open house today. I brought her a mum plant and a list of our local CSAs and a farmers market quide along with local emergency numbers.

It was a welcomed gift and I received a nice tour of her beautiful home. They begin moving in tomorrow and I will be there to help."

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Queen Bee

16508 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Sep 30 2011 :  10:20:08 AM  Show Profile
Bea Campbell, (Quiltingbea #2575) has received a certificate of achievement in Make It Easy for earning a beginner level Make It Pretty badge.

"I reproduced an embroidery pattern by holding the pattern up to a window and puting muslin on top. I used a red pencil to trace the pattern and I will embroider it with red thread. It's what quilters call red work.

My pattern came out good. I was off in a few places but when I start to embroider it, you won't be able to tell."
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Queen Bee

16508 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Sep 30 2011 :  10:38:13 AM  Show Profile
Kristina Nelson, (FieldsofThyme #800) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning an expert level Cross-Stitch badge.

"I cross-stitched two wall hangings.

These were framed and given to my mother. Although I did not "design" the patterns, I did have to count the stitches and be careful on following the pattern. A tablecloth will be my next project."

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