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Author Merit Badge Awardees - Woo-hoo Sisters!:  Farmgirl Sisterhood Merit Badge Awardees 
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Queen Bee

16508 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Sep 13 2011 :  12:00:14 PM  Show Profile
Emily Hack, (alterationsbyemily, #2951) has received a certificate of achievement in Make It Easy for earning a beginner level Make It Pretty badge.

"Inspired as I was looking through one of my Princess Diana books, I decided I wanted to sketch a picture of her. I took a popular image and began my work. I found that I loved doing her hair the most, something about the fluidity of it, I loved how the pencil worked. I tried several times on the neck, it was coming out just a bit too bulky. I finally did get it right and it was perfect.

I was so very proud of my sketch, my mom even knew who I had sketched. It took maybe an hour or so but it was definitely a proud moment."
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Queen Bee

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Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Sep 13 2011 :  12:27:11 PM  Show Profile
Laurie Conner, (Montrose Girl, #1587) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Nellie Make-do badge.

"I made some maternity and nursing clothes for this badge. For the dress I used old pillow cases in my favorite color -- purple -- for the top. For the skirt I found a piece of fabric that I've had for 20 + years. I wear this all the time as it takes the pressure off my stomach.

For the nursing shirts I converted older shirts with flaps and combined old t-shirts. With winter coming on these will be great to have."

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Queen Bee

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Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Sep 13 2011 :  12:39:07 PM  Show Profile
Mary Duffel, (Madelena, #3153) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning a beginner level Bee Good to Your Mother Earth badge.

"This year I cleared my wild flower raised bed, and ammended the soil with extra soil and organic fertilizer and compost from my bin. I planted 4 jalapenos, 1 basil, 4 tomatoes [that did not set blooms], and God did the rest. Appears the compost bin had cantaloupe seeds in it. I got FREE cantaloupe plants galore! I talked about gardening and composting with the grand kids. I also met a master gardener at a family function, and we spent the afternoon talking about plants and soil. Interesting. I read the book Montrose: Life in a Garden.

The peppers and basil did fine. The tomatoes did not set fruit for the second year in a row. Planted them late, though. We had plenty of bees and wasps fertilizing the cantaloupes, though. The cantaloupes were awesome. They left the bed and rambled across the yard, and even tried to trellis on a nearby tree. I had to look through the vines snaking across the yard to find fruits. I did not need any pesticides this year, and the organic fertilizer and compost did the trick. Garden was green, healthy, and well watered during the Texas drought. I talked about gardening and composting with the grandkids. That was the fun part. The book I read although interesting, became tedious and repetious after awhile [sorry]. But the flower pictures and the garden descriptions were priceless. I documented my garden with pictures and started a Badge scrapbook to enjoy the journey.
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Queen Bee

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Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Sep 13 2011 :  12:51:11 PM  Show Profile
Mary Duffel, (Madelena, #3153) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Knitting badge.

"It has been a long time since I have knitted, so I got a pattern for a baby hat. These hats are used by my women's group to go to hospitals and mother's shelters. I made 3 hats and each hat took 4 hours to complete. I showed my girl friend how to cast on stitch and do a simple knit and purl stitch.

The little hats worked out well. They used only knitting and purl stitches, and were made on straight needles. The sides were sewn closed and the top pulled to a point. My girlfriend did not fare so well with her lesson. She struggled with the needles [don't we all at first] and decided knitting was not something she wanted to keep trying. Oh well. I will."

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Queen Bee

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Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Sep 13 2011 :  1:42:47 PM  Show Profile
Marlene Cryar, (Marlee, #3127) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning an expert level The Secret Life of Bees badge.

"When you want to harvest honey, there is a lot that goes into it. First it is best to do the harvesting in the morning. A lot of the bees are out of the hive looking for flowers, etc. as to continue to make more more more honey. We would don our bee suits they are heavy cotton so the bees couldn't get us and hats with netting around them. Then we would duct tape ourselves around the wrist, ankles and necks.
We would then light some paper, wood chips, etc, in a little smoker, which kind of looks like a metal water can but a lot smaller.

At the first hive, smoke in the entrance to the hive and under the lid. Wait for couple of minutes. The bees get a little lethargic. Take the lid off, pick up the first box. If full of honey, set a second box in it's place. Repeat process on each hive you have. But, it's important to leave enough honey to sustain the hive through the winter or to the next harvest. All of my husband's family loved it. I shared with my friend at work.

We have helped a few people get started with hives for their own honey, or for gardens or fruit trees and taught them how to work them.
The person that we helped get started has hives on our place and we have helped him harvest.

I still like to watch the bees and handle them it is so rewarding to see the hives and bees at work, it is like a small community in the hive.

Since I don't belong to a chapter around here (there isn't one here), I have talked to a lot of people and they know we have hundreds of hives. They will call and ask questions all the time. So we think we are the the beekeepers of Beauregard Parish. The name of our business is: Bee My Honey!
I have really enjoyed talking about bees and honey."
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Queen Bee

16508 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Sep 13 2011 :  1:54:53 PM  Show Profile
Marlene Cryar, (Marlee, #3127) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning an intermediate level Buttoned Up badge.

"I was going through a bunch of buttons and I came across an old one that is a black wooden square, so I made a necklace. My husband used to make a lot of Indian necklaces so we have tons of string, twine and wire. I took a light silver twine, put the button on it with two oblong black and silver tubes and then put a fastener on it. I took a picture of it, only using a disposable camera so I can't upload it, but I have a picture.

It turned out really great, I have a black casual outfit that it goes perfect with. Everything matches, I just love it and it changes the whole look.
Something so simple can make a big change."
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Queen Bee

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Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Sep 13 2011 :  2:15:49 PM  Show Profile
Rain Klepper, (Rain K, #3381) has received a certificate of achievement in Farm Kitchen for earning a beginner, intermediate and expert level Get It Together badge.

"I am applying for beginner, intermediate and expert with this post....

Beginner: I went through my container drawer in the house kitchen and matched up every piece, then "donated" any mismatches to my wet studio for dyeing and paper making. I also re-established my back entry baskets where my freezer, canning, and other jars, containers, etc. get sorted before packing away in the barn for the next round of food preservation.

Intermediate: I had fun looking through my kitchen, sorting out extras for two new families in the area and the dye studio. My sister-in-law just lost her home to fire in Texas and I also culled through gifts and family "heirlooms" to send her. I found perfect copper Chill-over molds at the animal shelter thrift shop, 6 for $2 (score!) and an ice cream scoop with a wand for cookie and biscuit dough. These were the only two items on my "needs" list.

Expert: I have 3 methods of knife sharpening: whetstone, electric, and a sharpening wand. I use all three with different types of knives including my pocket knife and garden harvester. All knives are washed, dried, and sharpened immediately after use, definitely inspired by our 27 yr. old son that is a professional chef.

I am thrilled with my clean, sharp, organized kitchen, and it also made me very happy to share with part of our family in the middle of such extreme loss. The two new families in our area are fleeing hurricanes, tornado, and floods, so I feel my efforts are going to good use."

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Queen Bee

16508 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Sep 13 2011 :  2:36:29 PM  Show Profile
Rain Klepper, (Rain K, #3381) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner and intermediate level Knitting badge.

"This application is for all the beginner and intermediate levels of knitting:
Beginner: I have been knitting since early childhood...this last year I taught several teenagers how to knit simple scarves and face cloths for mother's day gifts and charity. I have many items finished that satisfy the requirements for this level, including a lace and bobble scarf I made for myself in the late winter.

Intermediate: I earned this level making an alpaca vest with a stranded, 3 color, faced border. I spent many hours with knitting friends working on this vest.

I think the knit articles are terrific, and I love teaching other people craft skills."

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Queen Bee

16508 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Sep 13 2011 :  2:58:57 PM  Show Profile
Rain Klepper, (Rain K, #3381) has received a certificate of achievement in Farm Kitchen for earning a beginner, intermediate and expert level Self-sufficiency badge.

"This application is for all three levels:
Beginner: Last Christmas, Mother's day, hostess gifts, and two weddings are all occasions where I have given my dried and blended herbs and spice mixes as gifts. I tried some of MaryJane's spice blends with venison out of the freezer...very tasty. Right now I have 50 bundles of herbs hanging to dry, lavender, rose hips, mint, and other tea components mixed and vacuum sealed, and my rosemary salt blends all packaged and ready to go.

Intermediate: I love canned apple pie filling! A friend turned me on to this idea late last fall and I made 40 quarts of apple, 30 of cherry, and 20 of pear for the root cellar. We have 3 quarts of apple left, with a few weeks to go for first apples of the year. Today we picked 20 bushels of pears for juice, fresh pie, pie filling, dried and sauce. It is very handy to have a neighbor with 863 pear trees, 17 varieties of heirloom apples, and all the berries I can manage. I am truly blessed!
Every year I put up 150 quarts of red sauce, vegetable/mushroom tomato sauce, roasted pepper stews, etc. I am within 20 quarts of my goals for this year.
I have been making cucumber pickles this year using the crock brine method, similar to my kim chi, sauerkraut, and dilled green beans. After the vegetables are fermented, I am packing up into clean canning jars, topping off with fresh brine, and putting in the new walk-in root cellar for the winter.

Expert level: I have dried apricots, cherries, peaches, nectarines, plums, this year so far, with apples, pears, more plums, and tomatoes still on the agenda. I dried green beans for the first time last week with great success...I like them a lot, after a few test runs with re-hydrating. I made a soup mix with yellow squash, zucchini, onions, carrots, celery leaf, etc. from the garden...a new use for squash! I made bison jerky, and last fall elk jerky.
Below is a digital image of nectarine, blackberry, raspberry jam from a canning party I hosted yesterday afternoon. We made 7 cases of jam with fruit that was all picked within 1/2 mile of my kitchen. We also froze corn succotash (more snap beans and squash), and I shared the green bean drying technique.

I love my life. I love that I can eat organic, local, homemade food all year round without fear. I live in a wonderful community of mixed age groups that value organic food and farm life. I think it all turned out just dandy!

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Queen Bee

16508 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Sep 13 2011 :  3:28:28 PM  Show Profile
Rain Klepper, (Rain K, #3381) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner and intermediate level Crochet badge.

"This application is for the beginner and intermediate levels:
Beginner: I do know how to crochet, but enjoyed reading the Stitching Room primer none the less. I think it is clearly written and great for a beginner. I taught a group of folks to crochet simple bits to use as a dishcloth or facecloth.

Intermediate level: Pictured below is a handbag I crocheted onto a flexible grid framework. Some of the bits were crocheted first and then slip stitched onto the frame. I learned several new stitches, including a circular bullion and angel wings making this bag. The lining is velvet hand sewed and quilted to the crocheted front and back for stability.
I meet regularly with a group of women to knit, crochet, stitch, or just plain sit.

I love this bag and use it quite a bit. I learned a lot about 3-dimensional fabric creation."

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Queen Bee

16508 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Sep 13 2011 :  3:41:04 PM  Show Profile
Nancy Witko, (Annielaurel, #2301) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning an intermediate level Sew Wonderful badge.

"I took two pieces of fabric and placed them right sides together. Then I sewed a strait stitch and ironed open the seam. I also sewed a seam by hand and by machine. I then sewed sewed a french seam and a flat seam.

I am pleased with the way they turned out. I have made a doll and doll clothes by hand using very tiny stitches. I stuffed the doll very loosely. I also used the french seam on the top of a doll blanket I made for my granddaughter."

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Queen Bee

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Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Sep 13 2011 :  4:15:41 PM  Show Profile
Kristina Nelson, (FieldsofThyme, #800) has received a certificate of achievement in Farm Kitchen for earning an intermediate level Icing on the Cake badge.

"We collected cake decorating supplies.

This year we inherited more supplies from my mother, including more cake pans. I've been decorating cakes since I was teenager. I once decorated a cake to look a bacteria cell, for a biology class in high school. With 8 people in our own family, cakes are baked and decorated with frosting several times a year."

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Queen Bee

16508 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Sep 13 2011 :  4:22:18 PM  Show Profile
Kristina Nelson, (FieldsofThyme, #800) has received a certificate of achievement in Farm Kitchen for earning an expert level Icing on the Cake badge.

"I baked and frosted a cake with decorating frosting (homemade).

I donated the cake to a boy scout cake auction, where it sold for $40.00. It was a double layered 9 inch round strawberry cake, with vanilla frosting. We are now researching recipes for organic frosting."

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Queen Bee

16508 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Sep 13 2011 :  4:30:40 PM  Show Profile
Debbie Hughes, (hughes77, #1223) has received a certificate of achievement in Cleaning Up for earning a beginner level Going Green badge.

"Whenever a non green cleaner is empty it's replaced by its green counterpart...homemade whenever possible. Our family's mission statement is taped to the inside of the cupboard where we keep all of our "green" books, recipes, health care information,etc. With everything in one place its handy to find info to share with others.

It's working very well. Nice to always have what you need on hand when you make your own...baking soda and vinegar are purchased in bulk!!"
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Queen Bee

16508 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Sep 13 2011 :  4:51:28 PM  Show Profile
Debbie Hughes, (hughes77, #1223) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning a beginner level Little Squirts badge.

"All the hinges in our house are now in good working order.
Because our climate is pretty humid we have to keep our tools well oiled. Thankfully, my husband always has a good supply of motor oil to use!

This is working out great...have been doing it for years out of necessity!"

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Queen Bee

16508 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Sep 14 2011 :  10:50:26 AM  Show Profile
Debbie Hughes, (hughes77, #1223) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning a beginner level Community Service badge.

"Since October 2010 I have worked for the Free Clinic in our area. Although I get paid for the administrative work I also volunteer many hours working on fund raising projects. Since I started with the Free Clinic I've volunteered 2 to 4 hours per week. This mainly involves fund raising activities such as collecting donations for benefit auctions and soliciting donations. My Community Service Journal is actually in the form of a timesheet so I know when, where, what and how much time was volunteered.

Although we come up with new ideas all the time donations are declining with the economy in the state it is. With more and more people out of work and unable to pay for their medical care the need for the Free Clinic is steadily rising. We must work harder to keep it going!"
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Queen Bee

16508 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Sep 14 2011 :  10:59:44 AM  Show Profile
Rain Klepper, (Rain K, #3381) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning an expert level Knitting badge.

"To earn the expert level, I designed and knit the vest pictured with 50% silk/ 50% merino yarn using a charted fair isle technique graphed on paper. This took more than the 50 hours required, particularly working out the shaping in pattern.
In the last year I have taught more than 15 people to knit.

I love the vest! I have knit another in a completely different colorway based on the same pattern draft. It fits impeccably and I receive many compliments anytime I wear the vest. I have had two offers to "buy it off my back"!"

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Queen Bee

16508 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Sep 14 2011 :  11:12:05 AM  Show Profile
Peggy Smith, (forever young, #1815) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Buttoned Up badge.

"I asked my sisters if they had any special, old or extra buttons I could look through to earn my badge. Two of them came through for me. We had such fun looking through their button collection, remembering what clothes the buttons came off of, what year, and how they acquired them.
I also spent a lot of time looking through my own collection, finding buttons I had long forgotten about.

I loved looking through all the different buttons and thought of all the crafts I can use some of them for.
I found over 100 buttons to start my collection and to keep adding to it. The best part of it all was spending time with my sisters, making more memories."

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Queen Bee

16508 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Sep 14 2011 :  11:44:27 AM  Show Profile
Peggy Smith, (forever young, #1815) has received a certificate of achievement in Farm Kitchen for earning an expert level Get It Together badge.

"I found a sharpening stone and learned to sharpen my knives.
My 10 year old grandson taught me how to sharpen them properly. He has a knife collection, his Dad taught him, so he in turn taught Grandma.

It is so nice to have sharp knives to slice my fresh tomato."
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Queen Bee

16508 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Sep 14 2011 :  12:19:14 PM  Show Profile
Debbie Hughes, (hughes77, #1223) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning a beginner level I Should Have Been in the Movies badge.

"After learning to tat by watching the Mary Jane's tutorial several of my friends wanted to learn. I followed all the steps to prepare my lesson learning along the way that what is obvious to me may not be to others.

The initial lesson went well and now I'm going to give the presentation to my quilting group!"
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Queen Bee

16508 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Sep 14 2011 :  12:47:37 PM  Show Profile
Debbie Hughes, (hughes77, #1223) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Cross-stitch badge.

"When we were married eighteen years ago I started a monogramed set of cross stitched pillow case. This new cross stitch catagory inspired me to complete them.

They turned out quite nicely considering the length of time from start to finish!"
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Queen Bee

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Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Sep 14 2011 :  1:04:10 PM  Show Profile
Amanda Henning, (mamahenning, #2492) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning a beginner level Gaining Ground badge.

"We started a compost heap in our yard in 2008 when we first moved into our home. We have been maintaining it since then and have had wonderful compost for our vegetable garden over the years. And, I recently finished reading "Worms Eat My Garbage" by Mary Appelhof.

Mary's book was very interesting and so pratical. I am currently in the process of convincing my husband that we NEED a worm bin in our basement. This is not going as well as planned; in the meantime we will use our compost heap to feed our growing veggies."
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Queen Bee

16508 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Sep 14 2011 :  1:14:08 PM  Show Profile
Angela Neikirk, (#2043) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning a beginner level Bee Good to Your Mother Earth badge.

"I am growing "Lazy house wife" beans. I do not use any pesticides and only use organic manure from my animals. When I have an issue with a particular bug, I research ways to get rid of it.

I have gotten lots of my friends to only grow organically and not to use 7 dust .. I even load them up with compost & worms.

Everyone should read "Montrose: Life in a Garden"

So good so far, it's so hot here I water an hour a day but everything is still green."
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Queen Bee

16508 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Sep 14 2011 :  1:23:10 PM  Show Profile
Angela Neikirk, (#2043) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning a beginner level Backyard Farmer badge.

"I have my own chickens. We started out selling organic eggs but the cost of organic feed is high and most people would rather buy cheep eggs. We still have a few loyal customers but with the drought we are going to get down to 20 laying hens ( assorted heratage breads), 10 Royal Palm turkeys, and 50 Free Ranger Reds for meat and then our 10 assorted pet poultry.

We only feed Coyote Creek organic feed from Texas to all of our animals.

Best tasting eggs, chicken & lamb anywhere!"
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Queen Bee

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Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Sep 14 2011 :  1:30:38 PM  Show Profile
Angela Neikirk, (#2043) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning an intermediate level Backyard Farmer badge.

"I have 6 dairy goats I got in to this last year. I have people over and always their height of the trip is milking a goat.

We also have Pineywoods cattle and will be able to breed them next year.

Organic goat milk is really great RAW !!
We also have our Dexter bull calf that drinks most of the milk, we make goat soap, yogurt & cheese and our dogs love it."
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