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Author Merit Badge Awardees - Woo-hoo Sisters!:  Farmgirl Sisterhood Merit Badge Awardees 
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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Sep 06 2011 :  3:34:30 PM  Show Profile
Dawn Matthews, (thethankfulgoat, #3383) has received a certificate of achievement in Outpost for earning a beginner level Outstepping badge.

"I went hiking in the Red Canyon valley of the Southwestern most point in Utah near St. George. Beautiful and very different area than where I'm from in North Carolina! We went on a 2 1/2 hour guided hike, 6 days a week, for a whole month. We were lucky to go on a different trail every single day. I posted pictures of my adventure on if you want to see the beautiful scenery. Since I live in North Carolina I can tell you our state bird is the beautiful red Cardinal, our state tree is the pine, and our state flower is the Dogwood. I photographed them many times over on hikes we have taken in our Blue Ridge Mountains. We have a firepit in our backyard and our family goes out and builds fires for smores or roasting our dinner. I learned how to build a fire and can actually get one started faster than my husband sometimes.

We love spending time in the outdoors whether it's hiking in the woods or spending a nice evening at home by the fire pit. It's so much more fun if you can do these things with the family you love.

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Queen Bee

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Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Sep 06 2011 :  3:42:49 PM  Show Profile
Peggy Smith, (forever young, #1815) has received a certificate of achievement in Farm Kitchen for earning an intermediate level Get It Together badge.

"I need a light over my kitchen sink. My kitchen is small, so I'm limited to what I can have.
Unless something wears out or breaks down,I really have everything I need to cook, prepare and can any kind of meal or food.

My kitchen is ideal for me. I have it very well organized, within a few steps I can reach anything I need.
When my daughter bought her home, I gave her all my extras."

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Queen Bee

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Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Sep 06 2011 :  4:06:35 PM  Show Profile
Kristi Groth, (Kristi, #3407) has received a certificate of achievement in Farm Kitchen for earning a beginner level Forage for Food badge.

"I contacted my local extension office and requested information about edible plants in my area. My request was forwarded to their Master Gardener and she in turn sent me a pamphlet in the mail. I was amazed at how quickly they responded and how quickly I had the pamphlet in my hands.

It turned out better than I expected. I've eaten dandelion greens in the past in salads. My daughter and husband dubbed me "weed eater" because of it, though they didn't always realize that they too were eating weeds ;). I am excited to try some different "weeds". "
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Queen Bee

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Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Sep 06 2011 :  4:21:03 PM  Show Profile
Marlene Cryar, (marlee, #3127) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning an intermediate level The Secret Life of Bees badge.

"The health difference between raw and processed honey: Raw honey is taken straight from hive has not been heated and all the nutrients are still there. When it is heated to a certain degree it loses some of the nutrients.

Find a local vender: We had 200 hundred hives and did all the work. It was my resonsiblity to put a white marking on the back of the queen to be able to identify her easily. Sometimes replacing the queen was necessary every two or three years. A varoara mite got into the hives and needless to say we lost most of them. They enter the bee's esophagus and they finally choke to death. It will go through a hive.

I really liked the book. I have read a lot of books about bees for a long time, but this book had some really different facts about them that I hadn't heard about. There are 4000 species of bees in North America if you include the honey bee. They were transported from Europe and Africa. The state of New York alone boasts 477 types of bees.
In a hive, there can be 40 lbs. of pollen and 250 lbs. of nectar, when nectar is mixed with glandular enzymes and thickened it amounts to 130 lbs. of honey.
Except for the honey bees, most species of wild bees haven't been studied.

How doth the little busy bee
Improve each shining hour
And gather honey all the day
From every opening flower

-Isaac Watts, 1716

So I can say I really enjoyed the book.

Since we had hives I knew some about them and what it takes to work them. You wear a suit, and carry a smoker to be able to open the hive and inspect it, or to rob the hive of the honey. The smoke will alarm them, they fill with honey and leave for a while, thinking the hive is in danger. Also it can make them lethargic so they're not so aggressive.
Bees are very interesting and the way they run the hive. Drones are used for several things, but some carry dirt from the hive because they want it clean.
That is my favorite thing about them."
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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Sep 06 2011 :  4:27:42 PM  Show Profile
Breanna Helgesen, (Breanna, #2507) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning an intermediate level Horse Dreams badge.

"I read the book, "The Soul of a Horse" by Joe Camp and enjoyed it very much. I learned a lot about natural horsemanship and how we as humans can better care for these animals who are entrusted into our care. I also researched the American Paint Horse. Since my horse had to be put down a few weeks ago, I have been looking into buying a Paint.

I learned a lot about Paint horses and their history. They have been around since at least the 4th century B.C., and were later brought to the Americas by Spanish explorers. Soon there came to be many wild Paints roaming across the west, and a good number of them were owned by Native Americans. Then, as the West began to be settled, cowboys owned paints. But soon the Paint horse breed began to diminish. Only a few were left. But by 1950 people began to appreciate the beautiful coloring of this breed and many began breeding Paints. Now the Paint Horse is one of the most popular breeds in America. And, in my eyes, one of the most beautiful. "
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Queen Bee

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Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Sep 06 2011 :  4:41:42 PM  Show Profile
Eileen Eckhardt, (ellimae, #3384) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning a beginner level Little Squirts badge.

"I have oiled all the doors in the house and porch, and also my garden tools for getting ready to put away for winter.

Everything is squeak free."

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Queen Bee

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Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Sep 06 2011 :  4:50:22 PM  Show Profile
Breanna Helgesen, (Breanna, #2507) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning an intermediate level Buttoned Up badge.

"I took some twine and made a bracelet with buttons braided into it.

I love it! So Farmgirl-ish. I am not very good at making jewelry, though, so the knots are not very good. But I love how vintage it looks."

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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Sep 07 2011 :  09:59:08 AM  Show Profile
Barbara Roberts, (Healthy Eating, #2237) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning a beginner level Grow Where You're Planted badge.

"There are a number of native plants that are still growing in my area of Georgia this time of year. The ones that I chose are Galax, Butterfly Weed, Joe Pye Weed, Variegated Solomon's Seal, and Common Yarrow. These were all growing along the roadsides or in my yard and I pressed them in the Atlanta phone books, which are quite large and heavy.

I put them on a sheet of paper and then cut out their names, both Latin and common, which I put over them on the sheet of paper. They are in a sheet protector and the information about each one is written on a separate piece of paper which is on the back side of the sheet protector. It makes a nice little collage of my local flora."

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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Sep 07 2011 :  10:13:47 AM  Show Profile
Barbara Roberts, (Healthy Eating, #2237) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning an intermediate level Grow Where You're Planted badge.

"Thanks to Mother Nature, I have Galax growing wild on the bank in front of my house. It is a low-lying ground cover that has spiky, bottle-brush flowers on it that bloom in the early to mid summer. In the Spring, I have violas and irises blooming courtesy of her as well. They put on such a splendid show, and all for free.

This Spring, I planted variegated Solomon's Seal, which became a ground cover even though I was expecting it to grow tall. I also planted Columbine and Bleeding Hearts because this area faces north and is in the shade most of the day.

We are fortunate in that we do not have any endangered plants in our immediate area, although pink lady slippers are somewhat rare."
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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Sep 07 2011 :  10:23:44 AM  Show Profile
Barbara Roberts, (Healthy Eating, #2237) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Dyeing for Color badge.

"On August 6, 2011, I took a class from a local yarn shop on dyeing yarn. We used Koolaid, because it was a safe substance that didn't require you to isolate the utensils used for it so that you don't use them for cooking later. The teacher gave us a choice but we all preferred the simplicity and vibrant colors of the Koolaid.

I love bright colors, so I dyed my yarn all the colors of the rainbow. I made a scarf out of it, which is under the knitting badge, and attached yarn from other projects to it as fringe, because it wasn't long enough otherwise. I had to learn how to knit all over again because it had been about 30 years since I had done it. It was fun getting back into it with such beautiful colors."

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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Sep 07 2011 :  10:27:21 AM  Show Profile
Barbara Roberts, (Healthy Eating, #2237) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Knitting badge.

"It has been about 30 years since I last knitted, so I had to relearn how to do it. Once I started, though, it came back to me fairly easily and I even taught my next-door neighbor how to do it too. I used the yarn that I had dyed in a class and made myself a scarf out of it. It actually took me longer than I expected it to, but it felt good to get back into it after my hands quit hurting.

Actually, I was surprised that knitting caused my hands, arms and shoulders to hurt somewhat, simply because I was not used to it. So I had to pace myself somewhat until my muscles adapted. It feels very relaxing to me to do it now. I added on some fringe from yarn that I had leftover from other projects so that it would be long enough for me."

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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Sep 07 2011 :  10:31:03 AM  Show Profile
Barbara Roberts, (Healthy Eating, #2237) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning an intermediate level Knitting badge.

"For this badge, I knitted a hat with the same yarn that I had dyed in the class. I love hats, and this yarn is pure wool which I am allergic to, so I figured if I wore it as a hat, I wouldn't have a problem. I'll have to wait until cooler weather to try it out, but I sure love how it looks on me right now.

I went to several of our Farmgirl chapter Craft-in nights, which are on Thursdays, to work on this and enjoy the company of other knitters and crocheters. It's so nice to be surrounded by other like-minded people, with us all chatting about our badges and such. It is fun and relaxing and I know I can ask Mary Ann, our chapter leader, if I have questions about my knitting."

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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Sep 07 2011 :  10:38:40 AM  Show Profile
Robin Allen, (#3373) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Sew Wonderful badge.

"I have earned my merit badge by altering an old cigar tin into a sewing kit, I even have an old wooden egg sock darner that I added to the kit.

I do think it turned out well it will be used alot, I hand sew,and misplace needles and my sissors so this will be nice to use just to keep close at hand."

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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Sep 07 2011 :  10:45:04 AM  Show Profile
Janet Ceaglske-Muhich, (sewquiltgirl, #3229) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Sew Wonderful badge.

"I used the original sewing kit I received as a pattern. I made 6 of these mini kits total. The items inside were mini items purchased in a small package at a store and then I added snaps, buttons, and safety pins. I put the two fabrics together with batting in the middle and actually quilted the fabric first and then cut the individual pieces to sew together. Binding was used on the outside edges.

The reason I did these small sewing kits, is because I received a sewing kit from a high school teacher's wife, when I graduated. At the time, it didn't seem to be that big of a deal, but I still have it with me to this day and I am in my 40's. I plan on giving them to my daughter and her friends for their graduation."

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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Sep 07 2011 :  10:55:32 AM  Show Profile
Dawn Mathews, (thethankfulgoat, #3383) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Buttoned Up badge.

"Got my button collection all put together in one place, funny how they migrate all over the house. I collected them into a jar and have over 200 total. I have buttons off of coats that my mom had when I was a kid. Many are vintage buttons from my past. I love looking at them. There are a few from a house coat of my grandmothers. She is the one who taught me how to save buttons.

I love the fact that I finally got all of them put in one place. It feels good to start getting the sewing/art room back together. It gets out of control so fast." :)

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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Sep 07 2011 :  11:01:38 AM  Show Profile
Dawn Mathews, (thethankfulgoat, #3383) has received a certificate of achievement in Farm Kitchen for earning an intermediate level Self Sufficiency badge.

"I canned several quarts of Apple Pie Filling. I also did Pear Pie Filling since our pears are coming in. I also canned Spaghetti Sauces, salsa, enchilada sauce, tomatillos, and chili. We had loads of cucumbers, zuchini, yellow squash and onions in the garden this year, so I made about 40 canned jars of various pickles. Our favorite is the bread and butter zuchini, squash, and onions pickles I made. I guess I should make more as these are almost gone!

We can't wait to sink our teeth into these tasty meals and pies this winter. Might just have to sample some before then."

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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Sep 07 2011 :  11:37:19 AM  Show Profile
Dawn Mathews, (thethankfulgoat, #3383) has received a certificate of achievement in Make It Easy for earning a beginner level Carp-hen-try badge.

"We totally redid my two sons rooms. Our youngest wanted a deep red room with brown trim and a nutmeg colored ceiling. It turned out beautifully since his theme was Vermont Hunting Lodge. His grandfather gave him an old non-working rifle to hang on the wall, and he has a fly fishing rod and basket, deer head, old engineer lantern, and quilt I made with navy, red, and hunter green plaid. Our oldest son wanted a Cape Cod Beach Cottage look. We painted the walls a beautiful deep beach house blue with dark gray trim and light gray ceiling. Looks like a rainy day at the beach. We lined the shelves with beachy memorabilia and hung picture with light houses and crab restaurants. We bought him a metal lighthouse that is 3 feet high and open on the inside with a nightlight. Then hung the outdoor porch light stands with tiki hut covers over them. You feel like you are on vacation at the beach when you go lay on the bed. I bought the book Dare to Repair on and read it. It has many basic tips on how to repair things around the house. I knew how to do most of the things in the book, but it will be a good resource for my boys who are 9 and 11.

The boys love their rooms and we plan on doing the rest of the house soon."

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Queen Bee

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Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Sep 07 2011 :  11:52:13 AM  Show Profile
Dawn Mathews, (thethankfulgoat, #3383) has received a certificate of achievement in Make It Easy for earning a beginner, intermediate and expert level Let's Get Physical badge.

"I set goals last December to lose some weight and get off my diabetes medication. Lofty goals I know, but I didn't want to be under the burden for the rest of my life. I signed up to go to Biggest Loser's Fitness Ridge in Ivins, Utah for a month long stay. The only down side was there was a 6 month waiting period. I started to cut back on eating and eating more whole and organic foods and exercising one to two hours a day. By the time I went to the Fitness Resort I was down 25 lbs. This submission is actually 7 months of eating right and losing a total of 55 lbs. I also have run in two 5Ks and a Warrior Dash mud run since returning from the Ridge in June. This should qualify me for the Beginner, Intermediate, and Expert merit badges.

I feel so much better since losing the weight. I was able to get off ALL my diabetic medicines which were costing me $350 a month. If you want to read about my journey and see pictures of the food I ate, the trails we hiked and pictures of me before and after, check out my blog Everyone can do this! I'm living proof. I learned at the Ridge that I CAN and I'M WORTH IT! Something we moms tend to forget as we take care of everyone else in our lives. I still have about 30 lbs to lose, but I know I will meet my goal. I have signed up to go back to Fitness Ridge next April with a friend. I hope to help her with her journey as well.

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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Sep 07 2011 :  12:02:22 PM  Show Profile
Dawn Mathews, (thethankfulgoat, #3383) has received a certificate of achievement in Make It Easy for earning a beginner, intermediate and expert level Make It Pretty badge.

"I love to draw; always have. I went to Stratford College of Art and Design when I got out of high school. We learned pencil, pen and ink, acrylics, oils, sculpture, fiber arts, design, graphics, and photography. I have done hundreds of works of art since then. I have been commissioned to paint murals for people in their homes and entered many art shows and had two public gallery openings. Last year I won a scholarship to a watercolor workshop of my choice at Cheap Joe's Art Stuff in Boone, NC. I chose one that taught painting with light and water. We did 5 watercolors in a week and I had a show at a local gallery to support my work. While in college I learned how to make my own frames, cut mat board, and frame and wire my artwork. That has saved so much money over the years. I have visited museums all over the world, including NYC, Germany, Paris, Egypt, Israel, Spain, and Belgium.

This entry is for my Beginner, Intermediate, and Expert merit badges in Make it Easy, Make it Pretty. I love art and love to share it with others. I love to teach children's art classes and see the wonder on their faces as they learn techniques. Art is truly a blessing that God has given us."

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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Sep 07 2011 :  12:12:34 PM  Show Profile
Dawn Mathews, (thethankfulgoat, #3383) has received a certificate of achievement in Outpost for earning a beginner level 'Out There' Women badge.

"I made the survival pack and put it in my camelbak. I do a lot of day hiking with my family and we always try to take necessities with us. You never know when you might need them. We bought a book on native plants from the area and shared more than twenty species with our boys. We paid special care to explain the poisionous ones.

Hiking with my family is one of the most fun activities we do together. Having the necessities helps us to be confident we will be prepared for any emergency while out on the trail."

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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Sep 07 2011 :  12:16:01 PM  Show Profile
Dawn Mathews, (thethankfulgoat, #3383) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning an intermediate level Quilting badge.

"I made a quilt for my brother in law last Christmas. It was my first attempt at quilting. I took t-shirts they had passed along to me for our boys. They are huge Minnesota Vikings fans so I had 20 or so t-shirts, pjs, etc. I cut them out into squares, sewed them together, and put a purple and yellow backing on. I even learned how to hand stitch the binding on. It made a quilt big enough for a twin sized bed, but Steve uses it to cover up with when he watches the game.

I really enjoyed making the quilt and Steve loves that it is made with shirts his guys wore when they were little. Since he has everything in life you could want, this was the perfect gift. It was easy to do with the big squares, but still ended up taking me around 30 hours to finish it. I ended up finishing the binding on the 4 hour car ride to their house on Christmas day. Talk about cutting it short!"
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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Sep 07 2011 :  12:21:42 PM  Show Profile
Dawn Mathews, (thethankfulgoat, #3383) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Quilting badge.

"I made a nine square quilt. This is how young girls learned to quilt back in the frontier days so I guessed it was the best way for me as well. I figured out how to piece it together, add the batting and backing and put the binding on. It took me about four hours to finish.

My son uses it for a lap quilt when we are watching movies. He loves that I made it."
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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Sep 07 2011 :  12:26:04 PM  Show Profile
Dawn Mathews, (thethankfulgoat, #3383) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Scrapbooking badge.

"My husband graduated with his Doctorate and to celebrate the event I took lots of pictures, made a scrapbook, and had it at his graduation party. Since the graduation was over 6 hours away, many people at the party were unable to attend the actual event. I gave him the scrapbook and a 9mm for his graduation gift.

He loved having all the picture together. I also took pictures of the party and added them to the end of the scrapbook. Steve is my best friend and I was so proud of his accomplishment."
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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Sep 07 2011 :  12:39:53 PM  Show Profile
Dawn Mathews, (thethankfulgoat, #3383) has received a certificate of achievement in Farm Kitchen for earning an intermediate level Get It Together badge.

"I made a kitchen needs list. Since I have about every gadget under the sun, it wasn't very long. I needed a glass that would measure in ounces for my soap business, a new set of measuring spoons since I couldn't find the whole set, and a small skillet for scrambling eggs. I have collected all of the things that I did not need anymore and was going to have a yardsale, but Hurricane Irene came along at the Outerbanks so I will be donating them to be taken with a group doing a mission down there.

I hope my new found organization will help with streamlining food prep. That is what I spend most of my time on during the day. I am also very excited at being new to the Farmgirl Sisterhood. I have found that in the last month I have been doing little jobs around the house that have gone undone. It has helped me get more organized and clear out some clutter while earning merit badges. I am also excited that with all my extra time I'm able to embellish my merit badges.":)
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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Sep 07 2011 :  12:46:05 PM  Show Profile
Dawn Mathews, (thethankfulgoat, #3383) has received a certificate of achievement in Farm Kitchen for earning an expert level Get It Together badge.

"My husband had a sharpening stone that I slipped into my kitchen, shhhh, and I watched a video on sharpening knives and now all my knives are sharp all the time. I actually sharpen my parents knives when they need it as well. Well, the hubs found the stone, but he was OK with it, especially since I sharpen his hunting knives now too!

I love having sharp knives. When they are dull there is a greater risk of cutting yourself and nothing is as irritating as grabbing a knife that won't do the job. I even installed a magnetic strip to hang my favorite RADA knives on so they are easy to access."
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