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Merit Badge Awardees - Woo-hoo Sisters!: Farmgirl Sisterhood Merit Badge Awardees  |
Queen Bee
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Posted - Mar 07 2011 : 3:57:39 PM
Montana Baker (Farmerette of Kyria Baker, 991) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning a beginner level Backyard Farmer badge.
"My mom & I are partners in raising Angora rabbits. We recently bought four English and two French Angoras. All the does are pregnant, so we should have babies by the end of March!
We are feeding them organically as much as possible. They get some pellets, and lots of green grass. I'm growing greens organically in our garden just for them."
Queen Bee
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Posted - Mar 07 2011 : 4:03:32 PM
Lisa Birkner (Lisa Marie, #1196) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning a beginner level Farmgirl Gratitude badge.
"Began a gratitude journal and wrote it daily starting Jan.24, 2011. Did not repeat any item for that period.
Having to note something different each day caused me to really seek out new things to be grateful for. Found that smiles of greeting, sharing an evening of Dulcemer music with friends and my husband grilling dinner all brought feelings of thanksgiving. Am continuing to keep the gratitude journal." |
Queen Bee
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Posted - Mar 07 2011 : 4:18:50 PM
Lisa Birkner (Lisa Marie, #1196) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Aprons badge.
"Made a half apron from a Mary Englebrite book. Took close to 10 hours for me to finish. Instructions were written no paper pattern included. I haven't sewed in many years, everything took awhile to remember how to do.
I love it! The colors are a great pick-me-up.
Have started wearing an apron in the kitchen sure is better then hunting up a towel all the time."
Queen Bee
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Posted - Mar 07 2011 : 4:26:40 PM
Melissa Bailey (MissLiss, #724) has received a certificate of achievement in Cleaning Up for earning an intermediate and expert level Green Energy badge.
"This is for intermediate and expert levels of the badge. I kept an energy expenditures journal for the last 6 months and spent about 40 hours "greening" my routine.
My journal was shocking to me at first, but after checking with friends I found that I am doing well in my usage for my area. We live in an area where April to October puts us at over 100* temps and most people we know have energy bills double what ours runs. Even though we are low in our usage, I was still able to cut 2% back just by paying a little bit more attention. I changed our shower heads and faucets. I moved the toilet floater to change our low flow toilet into a really low flow. I planted two trees in the yard to shade the house and cleaned out the garage so that we can park our cars inside to reduce the need for immediate a/c since internal temps in the cars parked in the driveway has reached 140*! We switched light bulbs and night lights to more efficient versions. I have also become much more aware of the cost of those quick trips to the store. I have regularly saved one tank of gas just by cutting out the extra trips." |
Queen Bee
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Posted - Mar 08 2011 : 11:19:32 AM
Tanya Greenman (threequartershiksa, #1681) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Aprons badge.
"I prefer a bib apron over the half kind. I am unrepentantly creative (messy) in whichever task I have undertaken, especially cooking and dish washing.
Perfectly imperfect! I had never sewn anything with gathers before, so this was a bit challenging. It is, however, my favorite apron in my favorite color (orange, and I wear it daily, save for washdays. I am frequent public apron-wearer, much to my teenager's chagrin, so my apron gets plenty of publicity.
I regret not being able to send a picture of it yet. Perhaps when I get to the Shutterbugs category!" |
Queen Bee
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Posted - Mar 08 2011 : 11:27:51 AM
Megan Salter (HondaRebelGirl, #1383) has received a certificate of achievement in Make It Easy for earning a beginner level Grease Chicks badge.
"I began tracking my mileage and fuel usage on January 31st. I fancied myself a car buff, but it turns out that I know more about the outsides than the insides! When I checked my fluid levels, I was shocked that I was nearly out of coolant, washer fluid, and power steering fluid. I felt so badly! Since refilling all of these fluids last month, I check them all (and the oil) each time I fill up the tank, and so far I’ve only had to refill my washer fluid.
Another shocker was that my two of my tires were less than half inflated – how dangerous! I was very lucky to have not had an accident this way. This was probably also the culprit in my significantly reduced gas mileage. I can’t believe I was wasting so much gas – I was getting 5 mpg less with my underinflated tires. With my 18-gallon tank, that’s 90 extra miles I could have gone on a full tank. Also to help with mileage, my dad changed my spark plugs and my oil for me (both things that I’ve done on my motorcycle but not my car). Next time, I’m helping!
At the risk of being overly dramatic, this badge was a real life saver. EVERYONE needs to do this. Checking my fluids has now become a healthy habit – and it makes you look cool – and I’ve even got fancy new valve stem covers that alert you to low tire pressure. So glad this badge was offered!" |
Queen Bee
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Posted - Mar 08 2011 : 11:35:19 AM
Megan Salter (HondaRebelGirl, #1383) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning a beginner level Farmgirl Grammar badge.
"The fourteen new words I learned were thimblerig, ambisinister, elide, éclat, effluvium, abscond, verdant, desideratum, philomath, doppelganger, daedal, imbroglio, risible, and buss. I was kind of lazy – I used whatever word was’s word of the day. This way I thought I’d be more likely to learn a word I didn’t know that I could actually use.
Having taught college English, I’ve pretty much got the grammar thing all wrapped up. I’m glad that I’m of an age where text-messaging language never became a part of my vocabulary. I don’t even use it when texting. I am going to work on a few words that I never learned to spell correctly (and lazily let spell check catch): accommodate, occasionally, cemetery, embarrass, inoculate, and occurrence.
This is my kind of badge! Grammar/usage and spelling are significant concerns of mine. I try not to harangue others about it, but every now and again I find myself on the same old soap box. What I’m finding is that people try to elevate their vocabulary when you do the same to yours – it works much better than lecturing! I’m really enjoying learning new words. As always, it’s sad that I need someone to dangle a badge in front of me to motivate me to do what I should have been doing all along. I’m looking forward to learning additional words and reading Eats, Shoots and Leaves for the expert level – I bought it when teaching but never read it." |
Queen Bee
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Posted - Mar 08 2011 : 11:41:28 AM
Susan Chenoweth (Coloquilter, #2678) has received a certificate of achievement in Cleaning Up for earning a beginner level Shopping Green badge.
"Like most people I seemed to be accumulating LOTS of plastic grocery bags. I began saving them and taking them to my local thrift store for them to use and recycling the ones that were un fit for reuse. It really began to sicken me to see just how many I still had. Two years ago, my local grocery began giving .05 for every bag I reused. I began collecting re usable shopping bag and love them. I can carry twice as many groceries in each bag making less trips. I keep several in my car and in the storage compartment of my scooter at all times." |
Queen Bee
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Posted - Mar 08 2011 : 11:48:54 AM
Susan Chenoweth (Coloquilter, #2678) has received a certificate of achievement in Cleaning Up for earning an intermediate level Shopping Green badge.
"I began collecting non toxic cleanser recipes and purchased a steam mop to clean my tile and wood floors. I regularly make and use powdered laundry soap and use vinegar as fabric softener and all purpose cleanser. I also make a cleanser from 3 parts water to one part olive oil and a few drops of lemon juice for dusting. It's also great to dust the leaves of plants.
It works great! I have found that the non toxic versions are also very thrifty. My laundry soap costs about .08 a load and using vinegar couldn't be less expensive!" |
Queen Bee
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Posted - Mar 08 2011 : 11:59:11 AM
Rebecca Ashley (rashley1180, #2018) has received a certificate of achievement in Cleaning Up for earning a beginner level Shopping Green badge.
"I have amassed quite a collection of reusable shopping bags. I've purchased some or gotten them free from places. I also purchased reusable produce bags. I keep the bags in my car and one in my purse. I've been working to make it a habit to use them.
I've done a pretty good job of remembering to use the bags once I got in the habit. If I forget to bring one when I go to the store I buy a new one as my punishment! Needless to say I've gained quite a few bags this way! I have the most trouble remembering to use the produce bags. I really like not having to find something to do with all the plastic bags." |
Queen Bee
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Posted - Mar 08 2011 : 12:04:49 PM
Becky Wietzke (#2673) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning an intermediate level Sew Wonderful badge.
"I had forgotten the challenge and pleasure of sewing a seam by hand, but this merit badge encouraged me to give it a try! As a young girl, I took sewing lessons from an expert seamstress who taught me how to make French seams. I haven't used them often, but I recently found a pillowcase pattern using French seams for the 1 Million Pillowcase Challenge.
Creating the pillowcases (donated to shelters, foster care, etc.) with French seams not only brought back my sewing lesson memories, it provided me with a clean, neat seam to sewing something beautiful and comforting for others." |
Queen Bee
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Posted - Mar 08 2011 : 12:13:33 PM
Ginger Bayless (#2468) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Buttoned Up badge.
"I have a button collection of alot more than 50 buttons. I collect different buttons for projects as well as from old clothes that are too well loved to continue repairing. I also have a gallon bag filled with old buttons that my daughter's great grandma gave me from her button collection and many of those are antiques.
I have a beautiful button collection that when I feel creative I use in my craft projects or my sewing, knitting and crocheting. I have been collecting buttons since I first learned to sew when I was eight years old and I still collect them. When I put start dates on something I have been doing since I was young I just give my birthday and a year I think is close." |
Queen Bee
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Posted - Mar 08 2011 : 12:33:39 PM
Jennifer Whiteis (mountaineer, #1602) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Sew Wonderful badge.
"I put together this sewing kit last summer when I was traveling out to NM but needed to bring all my sewing notions with me.
I liked the idea of using a tackle box and this one has all sorts of compartments for keeping notions organized. I used an old canning jar I found in the basement for to store buttons. The pin cushion is made from scraps from the quilt I made for my daughter.
It has kept me very organized. I like the fact that every item has it's own compartment so I can find whatever I'm looking for right away. This is a big deal for me because I can be very disorganized...."
Queen Bee
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Posted - Mar 08 2011 : 12:49:19 PM
Jennifer Whiteis (mountaineer, #1602) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning an intermediate level Sew Wonderful badge.
"I made a pillow case using flat and French seams. I already sewed by hand (since I was a kid) but I didn't know how to use a sewing machine until about a year ago. I am still a novice so I thought these merit badges would be a fun way to improve.
The pillow case came out very well. I used interesting fabrics (three per pillow case) so the one in the picture in uniquely me. I also made pillow cases for my husband and son. My husband's has glow-in-the-dark skeletons and my son's has musical instruments and notes on it.
Sewing my own pillow cases (and other things) is AWESOME because I can create something that really expresses the personality of the person for whom I make it."
Queen Bee
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Posted - Mar 08 2011 : 12:57:31 PM
Barb Delaney (ric-barb, #2710) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Quilting badge.
"I took a quilting class and made this little throw for my son. He still enjoys his quilt today.
The quilt turned out great after much aggravation due to the fact I decided to sew stars in each block after the quilt top was already put together. We live and we learn is all I could say."
Queen Bee
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Posted - Mar 08 2011 : 1:05:05 PM
Barb Delaney (ric-barb, #2710) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning an intermediate level Quilting badge.
"I made a twin size quilt for my daughter. I followed a pattern called Yellow Brick Road.
The quilt turned out absolutely beautiful. My daughter loves it and so do I. I hope the quilt will be around for many generations."
Queen Bee
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Posted - Mar 08 2011 : 1:10:11 PM
Barb Delaney (ric-barb, #2710) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning a beginner level Community Service badge.
"I earned my merit badge by volunteering at a food back for 2.5 hours a week.
I loved volunteering to help people who are in need. I learn so much about others and myself. It is a good feeling to be there and be able to help out my community and do my share. Taking my children with me when possible, so they can get the good feelings of being able to help others." |
Queen Bee
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Posted - Mar 08 2011 : 1:14:41 PM
Barb Delaney (ric-barb, #2710) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning an intermediate level Community Service badge.
"I earned my merit badge by volunteering in the local elementary school. I volunteer once a week in the classroom listening to second graders read and I also help them in memorizing their math facts. Great to be able to be there and help all these kids.
I love volunteering. The smiles on some of the kids faces when I open the classroom door and they find out they get to read to me that day is priceless. Seeing their progress in reading and math makes me so proud of them. I really believe it takes a tribe to raise a child. No parent can do it alone. So once again I feel very fortunate to be able to help." |
Queen Bee
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Posted - Mar 08 2011 : 1:20:37 PM
Beth Lohman (cntybuff, #2591) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Crochet badge.
"I have been teaching myself to crochet. I started with a children's project book just for the fact that I work better with pictures. I created several small projects in the book and then went on to make a simple straight scarf. I have been wanting to learn crochet for years and this was just the start I needed.
I actually made three simple straight scarfs. I was so excited with the first I just couldn't stop. You can definitely see where my stitching improved from scarf #1 to scarf #3." |
Queen Bee
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Posted - Mar 08 2011 : 1:31:11 PM
Debi Harney (Debi H, #2425) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Sew Wonderful badge.
"All of the items came from my sewing room. It was just a matter of putting them all together and in one convenient location. I chose the metal container because it was a special item made for me by my sister. I made the pinkeeper/cushion from scraps. I stuffed the pinkeeper with fiberfil and appliqued and sewed it together with perle cotton thread. There are pins, needles and safety pins in the pin keeper. I also included a thimble, tape measure, small ruler, small scissors, a variety of buttons (that I tacked to a piece of felt) and various colors of thread.
I didn't think that I would enjoy this as much as I did. My sewing kit looks great on the shelf in my room. All in all I think it turned out great and will come in handy I am sure."
Queen Bee
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Posted - Mar 08 2011 : 3:15:45 PM
Christine Clark (#2737) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Buttoned Up badge.
"I started looking around my house and picking up stray buttons, then I remembered I have my great grandmothers sewing machine, its an old Davis treadle, and much to my delight it was filled with old buttons and other sewing notions, what fun I had going through everything, there were enough to fill a small old jar I had!
The jar I found to put all my buttons in is an old jar I don't even remember picking up, I must have gotten it at a yard sale or antique store, it's perfect for buttons and it looks so cute on my piano, there is still room so I will continue to put buttons I find in with all the old ones. What fun!" |
Queen Bee
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Posted - Mar 08 2011 : 3:26:45 PM
Carrie Meerwarth (Carrie M, #147) has received a certificate of achievement in Farmgirl Legends for earning the Schoolmarm Farm Kitchen badge.
Queen Bee
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Posted - Mar 09 2011 : 11:46:11 AM
Diana Vermillion (momofsome, #2454) has received a certificate of achievement in Outpost for earning a beginner level First Aid badge.
"Loaded each necessary room with miniature first aid kits in little white cardboard boxes. I glued a red ribbon cross on each to make them easily recognizable. In the kitchen I purchased a fire extinguisher and read the directions for use. All smoke detectors got new batteries.
Fairly easy to do and was glad to finally force myself to get a fire extinguisher." |
Queen Bee
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Posted - Mar 09 2011 : 11:52:11 AM
Diana Vermillion (momofsome, #2454) has received a certificate of achievement in Make It Easy for earning a beginner level Let's Get Physical badge.
"I quit drinking beer at night in January in order to control the extra pounds I found.
I went to the doctors and I have lost 17 pounds since the first of January." |
Queen Bee
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Posted - Mar 09 2011 : 11:58:08 AM
Diana Vermillion (momofsome, #2454) has received a certificate of achievement in Make It Easy for earning a beginner level Build It Green badge.
"Changed all the light bulbs in the house to energy saving bulbs. Instead of buying new things I have being going to a second hand shop.
The light bulbs take some time to turn on which is a pain but only for a few seconds. I have found some true treasures at the churches donation shop." |
Merit Badge Awardees - Woo-hoo Sisters!: Farmgirl Sisterhood Merit Badge Awardees  |