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Author Merit Badge Awardees - Woo-hoo Sisters!:  Farmgirl Sisterhood Merit Badge Awardees 
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Queen Bee

16413 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Mar 18 2009 :  10:22:22 AM  Show Profile
Christina Williamson has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning a beginner level Heirlooms Forever! badge.

"I am actually only planting Heirlooms in our vegetable and herb gardens this year. I now just have to patiently wait for the arrival of my seeds so that I can get them started indoors. Nebraska is notorious for throwing in one last good freeze in March.

I loved the book by Lynn Coulter. I was happy when I ran across the spot in the forum where I could read her Q & A session with all of you girls. My other favorite book for heirloom planting is Carrot's Love Tomatoes. I read that one a lot while planning my gardens this season. I am too excited to get started. I know that I will have an overabundance of garden goodies so I will either have to share with the elderly neighbors that live in the community across the street from me or possibly sell some in the front yard. There is a good chance I will be doing both! Especially once my dear hubby sees how much was spent on seeds. Although they are a mere fraction of what I pay at the farmers market.

Well so far so good. The planning is always the most difficult part for me. I'll be sure to post pictures once all my darling seeds get busy doing their part!"
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Queen Bee

16413 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Mar 18 2009 :  11:17:32 AM  Show Profile
Janie Edwards has received a certificate of achievement in Farm Kitchen for earning a beginner level Get It Together badge!

"I had a "to do" list for the week off I would be getting in March. At the top of the list - organize kitchen. I had not been in the kitchen frequently for a couple of years due to accidents I had had previously resulting in emergency room visits. The kitchen in my house is extremely small so space is very precious. I began by pulling out all of the plastic storage containers and tossing any that did not have lids to match. These were then all put into one of the four overhead cabinets. I then went to the only under-counter cabinet and pulled out all of the pots and pans and replaced only the ones that had actually been used in the last year. (Yes, I could tell.) Tossed out one microwave bacon plate and handheld mixer that my husband had stored there in case of need (both were broken) and found my mixing glass handheld jars! Yippee! I then went to the set of drawers on the other side of the sink and started with them. The first drawer had been a catch-all for anything - probably had a dozen jar lids that did not match any jars we had. I tossed out everything except the ice cream scoop, the spaghetti measure, ice pick and the measuring spoons that I had recently purchased. I went to the store and bought new wooden spoons to use and they were also placed in the first drawer. The second drawer, I moved everything to the third drawer and designated it as the spice drawer. All the containers are turned where I can easily see what we have and what we do not have! The third drawer is for dishcloths and towels. The fourth drawer is for dishes not often used, for example deviled eggs (2 of these plates) and a tiered plate set for candies.
I then tackled the only counter top space I have currently and threw away everything that did not need to be on it (extra jars, empty spice containers {my husband loves those things}).

I LOVE MY KITCHEN! That is the fist time I have felt comfortable in it since we moved in 20 years ago. I know where things are, he knows where they belong and we agreed on everything. Important since he is in the kitchen more than I am (but not for long). I cooked not only for my dh and me but also for my crew from work during this week I had off and they had a blast. My dh thinks that I have become the greatest cook ever by just reading the forums! :) "
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Queen Bee

16413 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Mar 23 2009 :  10:30:59 AM  Show Profile
Ashley Meerwarth, Farmerette of Carrie Meerwarth, has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Aprons badge!

"My daughter Ashley has completed the beginner level of the Aprons badge by making a half apron for herself. She chose the fabric at the store and picked out a complimentary fabric for the pockets, waistband and ties. We used Butterick’s See & Sew Pattern #B5125 which comes in small, medium, and large. We made the small. The pattern is very similar to the No Frills Frilly Apron on page 91 of the May-June-July issue of MJF magazine but does not have the small darts at the top and didn’t require redrawing from scale which I was concerned about attempting. We are so pleased with her finished apron, and she remembers to put it on when in the kitchen. She was so darn cute this morning, whipping up a batch of pancakes in her darling apron!

This is what she has to say:

“I enjoyed making this apron very much. The colors were really pretty. I enjoyed ironing the most. I learned how to keep my stitches straight, and how to use a pattern. I made some mistakes but I still love it. I can’t wait to make another one!” "

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Queen Bee

16413 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Mar 23 2009 :  10:44:37 AM  Show Profile
Ashley Meerwarth, Farmerette of Carrie Meerwarth, has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Embroidery badge!

"My daughter Ashley has finally completed her sampler! It is her own “freestyle” design with a blanket stitch border (required by mom) and sampler stitches at the top. She also added some freehand drawings and filled them in with satin stitch and straight stitches. Dad will be helping her build a frame so we can display it on her wall!

This is what Ashley had to say about her stitching:

“With this sampler I learned what stitch best suits me. I enjoyed doing most of it and it was very fun. I made up a stitch of my own. It was hard thinking of things to do. I still got it finished! I can’t wait until it’s on my wall!” "

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Queen Bee

16413 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Mar 23 2009 :  10:56:23 AM  Show Profile
Carrie Meerwarth has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Homespun Christmas badge!

"I usually make most of my Christmas gifts, but this year I made every single gift that I gave! I started on the first day of this year with a pair of socks and didn’t stop until I had made 6 pairs of socks for my friend and her family, hats for two of my boys and a scarf for the third, a sweater for my husband (photo attached), a hat and fingerless glove set for my youngest daughter, a chevron scarf (hours upon hours for this one!) for my oldest daughter, a silk ribbon embroidered bag to store crochet needles in for my cheese-making friend and employer, a silk ribbon-embroidered earring carrier for my mom, a BakeOverTakeOver for another friend, a handful of yo-yos for a quilting friend who is recovering from breast cancer, and, last but not least, a yo-yo covered Christmas stocking for our very own MaryJane Butters!

I just love making gifts... it was such a joy to give each of these items and my children were all so pleased with their hats and gloves and scarves. It was certainly worth the time and effort!"

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Queen Bee

16413 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Mar 23 2009 :  11:14:09 AM  Show Profile
Nicole Meerwarth, Farmerette of Carrie Meerwarth, has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning an expert level Knitting badge!

"My daughter Nicole has finished the requirements for the expert level of the knitting badge by knitting two lace scarves out of alpaca, one for me and one for herself, and four chunky yarn hats for her friends, her sister, and herself. In order to make the scarves she had to learn lace knitting techniques — yarn-overs and leaning knit stitches. For the hats she had to learn how to knit in the round and alter a pattern for different weight yarns and sizes of hats. The process involved many mistakes and “remakes” but she figured it all out and created fabulous wearables!

She has also been sharing her patterns and knowledge with her knitting friend and sister. She’s learning the importance of passing on the blessing of her abilities as she seeks out others for teaching as well. She’s becoming quite the “homespun” young lady!

This is what she has to say about her project:

“I had the greatest time knitting those hats. There have been so many compliments on them, too. I made them from different chunky yarns and used thinner ones to add variation. They aren’t perfect but they keep your head warm. The scarves, on the other hand, are so soft and comfortable, but I did not altogether enjoy making them. I had to take them out so many times although I did eventually get the hang of it. They look wonderful and so lacy... I’m really glad I made them.” "

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Queen Bee

16413 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Mar 23 2009 :  11:30:33 AM  Show Profile
Carrie Meerwarth has received a certificate of achievement in Make It Easy for earning a beginner level In the Garden badge!

"I usually ask my husband to build trellises for my garden, but this year I surprised him by building them myself. I used some long saplings that he had cut down along the edge of the woods, and propped them up teepee style in the spot where I wanted them. I wrapped twine around them to hold them together, then built another one at the other end of the row. Next, I used some screws to attach thinner saplings across for the beans to climb. I used strings, hung from the top pole, to guide the vines up the trellis.

I also built a smaller trellis outside my side door where I planted peas and carrots and marigolds in a small raised bed. This trellis worked well except for the fact that I overplanted my peas and the strings became crowded. I also lost my first planting to a young little bunny, so I enclosed the bed with chicken wire and started over.

It was fun to do these projects and satisfying to see the work of my own hands in my gardens!"

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Queen Bee

16413 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Mar 23 2009 :  12:02:43 PM  Show Profile
Carrie Meerwarth has received a certificate of achievement in Outpost for earning a beginner level Disconnect to Reconnect badge!

"I earned this badge by unplugging not only for the weekend, but for most of the month of July! Whenever it wasn’t raining, we were outdoors—sleeping, cooking, eating, and playing. It was the most relaxing month of my life!! We did some extra garden projects, planted a hill with wildflowers, cut and split wood for next winter, sawed up small sticks for our campfire, read books and played cards, took naps and ate our meals under the canopy. I know that my vitamin D levels went way up from all the sunshine!! And I slept so much more peacefully with the fresh air, even though the road was only 20 feet away and the traffic is usually noisy. It was truly wonderful.

I can’t wait until next summer to do it again!"

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Queen Bee

16413 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Mar 23 2009 :  12:07:57 PM  Show Profile
Carrie Meerwarth has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning a beginner level Lend a Hand to Families badge!

"I earned the beginning level of this badge by spending a day with others from my congregation at a home in Vermont that was destroyed by fire. We spent the whole day hanging sheetrock. Since I am fairly adept at taping, this was my particular contribution. We were able to finish most of the house, ceilings included, leaving it ready for paint!

After the project, we met at a friend’s house where we were served hot soup and homemade bread by some of the volunteers who weren’t able to join us for sheetrocking. It was one of the best meals I’ve eaten, made even more delicious by an appetite built on a hard day’s labor!"
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Queen Bee

16413 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Mar 24 2009 :  10:31:14 AM  Show Profile
Carrie Meerwarth has received a certificate of achievement in Cleaning Up for earning a beginner level Shopping Green badge!

"I have earned this badge with my ‘all ready in the car waiting for my next shopping trip’ reusable shopping bags! I have two huge ones with strong handles, two medium ones that are great for fresh fruit and veggies, and an assortment of other small handled bags, including an insulated one for meat and frozen foods. I am finally getting good at remembering to actually take them into the store with me, instead of always sending my son to grab them while I am in the checkout line!!

I love to use my bags at the farmer’s market because I know that these vendors are trying to keep their costs down. They don’t have to give me bags for my purchases and I don’t have to worry about wasting them later!"
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Queen Bee

16413 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Mar 24 2009 :  10:39:21 AM  Show Profile
Carrie Meerwarth has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning a beginner level 3 Rs Rule (Reuse, Recycle, Revive!) badge!

"I am an avid recycler, so this badge was fun for me to work on. I started by making row markers out of recycled yogurt containers. I cut strips from the sides, about 1 inch wide, from the top down to the bottom. I then used a permanent marker to write on the piece and stuck them into the ground to mark each row. I also used my scavenged sticks from last summer which were carefully stored in my shed.

Next, I purchased a sharpening stone so that I could keep my scythe, ax, hatchet, and shovel nice and sharp. My daughter enjoyed learning this and she now helps me with the job as well. We have developed the habit of cleaning and sharpening our tools when we are finished with them. It is a good feeling to see them hanging in the shop all clean and orderly!"
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Queen Bee

16413 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Mar 24 2009 :  10:47:02 AM  Show Profile
Cheryl Severeide has received a certificate of achievement in Farm Kitchen for earning a beginner level Get It Together badge!

"Organized my food storage cupboard. Removed all empty canning jars and rings. Threw away stained & unmatched lids to containers. Discarded odd containers with no lids. Cleaned shelf.

Beautifully organized and stacked neatly. Easy to find container with matching lid."

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Queen Bee

16413 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Mar 24 2009 :  12:03:22 PM  Show Profile
Sharalyn Paetz has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning an intermediate level Knitting badge!

"I knitted a baby afghan for a friend of mine who finally had a daughter (she got to keep) after 5 sons. The pattern could be done as stripes that were then attached together or knitted as one piece. I decided to knit it as one piece. It took 198 stitches to cast on. I had a few blunders and dropped stitches several times, but I learned how to correct and pick the stitches back up several rows past the mistake.

Overall I was pleased with the results, but I learned that for myself it is difficult to take on a long project. Towards the end I began to dread knitting my blanket and just wanted to be done with it. In the end it didn't matter that it wasn't perfect. My friend was glad to receive it and I was glad to give it to her before her daughter had her first birthday!"

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Queen Bee

16413 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Mar 24 2009 :  12:15:27 PM  Show Profile
Gail Springman has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning a beginner level Backyard Farmer badge!

"I started raising chickens last spring and have more new babies this spring. Feed them only organic feed and vegetable and fruit scraps.

It's been really good. Have had good flock which produces enough eggs to give some away to neighbors and now sell some to friends. I'm hoping to breed a few and maybe have chicks of their own."

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Queen Bee

16413 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Mar 24 2009 :  12:27:39 PM  Show Profile
Ingrid Schoolkate has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Knitting badge!

"Learned how to knit when I was about 5. Now do it as a hobby and have a small shop at home. Knit scarves as part of my inventory for my shop and give them away as gifts as well. I am left-handed and have taught my eldest sister how to knit, as she was unable to follow patterns. So I showed her how to follow patterns to create projects. Now she makes everything from scarves to dishcloths to doggie coats.

I am somewhat of a perfectionist when it comes to projects and therefore work at them until they turn out perfect. No holes, no dropped stitches. If the colors aren't right I redo again until they are."

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Queen Bee

16413 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Mar 24 2009 :  12:35:00 PM  Show Profile
Lora Rosencrans has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Aprons badge!

"I made an apron in an evening. I didn't actually have a pattern unless you can count the one that is in my mind. I came up with the idea one day while shopping at the local Goodwill store. I added extra detail on the apron strings by using the embroidery function on my sewing machine. I used double-fold bias tape for these strings.

It's cute. I love the eyelet detail at the bottom. I also like this skirt, because it wraps farther around than most. I hope to make more and sell them!"

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Queen Bee

16413 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Mar 24 2009 :  12:51:52 PM  Show Profile
Lora Rosencrans has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning a beginner level Heirlooms Forever! badge.

"I have read 'Gardening with Heirloom Seeds' as part of the Mavens book club.

I sent for several seed catalogs that had heirloom varieties. I also joined the Seed Savers Exchange.

Our family decided to plant as many heirlooms as possible, not just the 5%.

We ordered 'collections' to make the decisions easier. This included the Herb collection, Child's wonder garden, canning garden and then ordered some odds and ends I thought looked interesting. I also ordered an almost extinct variety of beans to try to help save them. Oh and don't forget all the wonderful varieties that some lovely Sister's sent to me!!"

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Queen Bee

16413 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Mar 25 2009 :  4:53:08 PM  Show Profile
Susan Arkles has received a certificate of achievement in Farm Kitchen for earning a beginner level Organic on a Budget badge!

"Some time ago I ordered the Budget Mix in bulk and started to use it for all kinds of recipes. I had some recipes that used Bisquick and substituted the Budget Mix. They turned out better than when I used the Bisquick. I also use it for BakeOvers, cookies, cakes, etc. It makes the best waffles. Tomorrow I'm trying tortillas with the mix.

Everything I made was wonderful. I think that regular baking powder has a strange taste to it that isn't in the Budget Mix. Using the Budget Mix for so much saved me trips to the store, which saves on food and gas money."
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Queen Bee

16413 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Mar 26 2009 :  10:33:45 AM  Show Profile
Lora Rosencrans has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning a beginner level Backyard Farmer badge!

"We started a brand new flock of chickens this year after thieves and dogs nearly eliminated our previous flock. We purchased an assortment of brown egg layers, Golden Comets, Aracanas and Banties. In May, we are getting 25 Buckeyes. Currently we have 55 chicks and will have a total of 80 when the Buckeyes get here. We are planning on selling eggs and possibly raising a few of our hatched chicks.

My husband enjoyed building the brooder between the hen house and horse stall. We used all reclaimed and free wood and materials. (Luckily someone had given us an entire trailer full of lumber!!)"

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Queen Bee

16413 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Mar 26 2009 :  11:21:41 AM  Show Profile
Lora Rosencrans has received a certificate of achievement in Farm Kitchen for earning a beginner level Get It Together badge!

"We cleaned out our plastics cupboard and took what we could to the recycling center. The rest were tossed.

The cupboard has stayed organized and we only save containers that we will actually use."

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Queen Bee

16413 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Mar 26 2009 :  11:29:18 AM  Show Profile
Lora Rosencrans has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Buttons badge!

"I started this collection back in December after the death of my step-father. I was helping my mother clean things out and she found a box chock full of buttons. She told me most of them had been grandma's and great-grandma's and that she had added a few here and there. She let me pick out 50 for this badge and said I would get the rest when I cleaned the house out after her death.

I enjoyed going thru the buttons trying to imagine the types of clothing they would have been on. I picked out most mother of pearl and antler buttons. I like them the best. I also found an old button hook in the box. It's like digging for buried treasure!!!"

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Queen Bee

16413 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Mar 26 2009 :  12:35:35 PM  Show Profile
Ingrid Schoolkate has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Aprons badge!

"Used the holiday pattern from the MJ magazine to make this apron. Had some chicken fabric and some orange and mixed them together.
My daughter watched me make this apron and then used the pattern at school for an extra credit sewing project in home economics.

Turned out great. Used my cutting wheel and board for the first time which was a little tricky getting used to. Made the ties a little shorter as they wrapped around twice with lots left over. Made the front top panel double-thickness so there would be less chance of getting my clothes stained or wet."

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Queen Bee

16413 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Mar 26 2009 :  12:49:54 PM  Show Profile
Ingrid Schoolkate has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Crochet badge!

"Got hooked on the hexagon pattern in the MJ magazine and have now made about 40 dishcloths. Use some in my shop and have given some away. I stockpile cotton yarn for dishcloths when it is on sale. So I use that and with the small leftover bit I make a crochet scrubbie to match that is 2 inches finished-size.

When I first started making the hexagon it was slow going as I had to read the pattern line by line every time and double check stitches and rows. Now I don't read the pattern anymore and they turn out great."

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Queen Bee

16413 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Mar 26 2009 :  1:09:05 PM  Show Profile
Susan Arkles has received a certificate of achievement in Cleaning Up for earning a beginner level Shopping Green badge!

"For the past year I have been collecting reusable bags from the grocery store for all my shopping.
I have 8 in my car, my husband has 3 in his car and we have 2 in our truck. We use them whenever we buy anything.

At first we forgot to take the bags back to our cars after we got home. Now as soon as we empty the bags we hang them on the doorknob so we can't forget them."
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Queen Bee

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Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Mar 26 2009 :  1:13:37 PM  Show Profile
Susan Arkles has received a certificate of achievement in Cleaning Up for earning an intermediate level Shopping Green badge!

"I go to the library once a week. While there I have been getting recipes for homemade cleaning products. I have also gotten more info from the farmgirl forums. I now use Borax, baking soda, vinegar, pure soap and washing soda for all my cleaning and laundry. I also use Mrs. Stewart's blueing instead of bleach.

I like making my own cleaning supplies. The laundry soap lasts forever and does a good job. I was really surprised that vinegar softened the wash so well.
Since most of the things come in cardboard boxes it is easily recycled."
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