Does anyone know of a natural remedy for hives? My husband has been suffering for a cople of days now. We went on and found that you can use several things and we have tried some of them. But he is still itching....Does anyone have anything they think might help? Thanks, Deborah
I will be changing my city again when we move to our houseboat
Deborah, Oatmeal baths are great for them. We have used is benadryl. It's not a natural remedy. The one problem we had with it is my oldest daughter had a reaction to the benadryl. She used to get them so badly that they would become one huge one covering like over half her thigh. They did a biopsy of hers one time, unfortunately I don't think they figured out the cause other than stress.
Try calendula- you can make your own strong tea and apply it or get a commercial gel from the health food store. works wonders for me- I've been dealing with rashes and hives all my life and this is one of the only things that works for me.
Long live the weeds and the wildflowers! ~John Muir
Calendula in ointment form is soothing, and we often use Swedish bitters for many kinds of skin irritations. Taken internally and on the skin itself. A rash is just the bodies attempt to rid itself of a toxin or irritant. Your skin is your largest organ !