My three plum trees really put on a show this summer...millions of small cherry sized plums, so many have gone bad, because I cannot process them fast enough. I need to know how much sugar to how much plums is the norm, if possible I would like to can low sugar.And then there is the jams, which I think will turn out better if I make them in small batches
Just how DO farm girls put up big batches? I want to be ready for next year =)
I have canned small plums lots of times and use a syrup that is 1 cup of sugar to every 2 cups water..I think that is a medium syrup. Be sure to prick each plum so they don't get big old cracks in the sides or "blow up" when canned. I heat the plums to boiling in the syrup (I use a big old pot) and then pack them hot into hot jars and fill to 1" from the top of the jar and then after adding the heated lids and screw band water bath them for 25 minutes (quarts) I hope this helps. I don't know a low sugar jam recipe..but there is low sugar pectin that has a recipe on it. I do stuff in big batches all the time..but use two water bath canners so I am not in over the stove all day...jam has to be made in smaller batches..which is a bummer..but the way it is.
I know when I used to can with my grandmother, we had lots of hands to share the work. It was a family event. There were at least 5 of us working all day, chatting, and getting it all done, then sharing the goodies.
We make a difference.
Farm Kitchen: Anyone have recipes for canning large batches?j