Ran dd to Joanns, checked out Other Mothers resale shop and said can you handle one more stop. There is a second hand book store I have wanted to go check out. Guess what they had, A square foot gardening book for 10.00 in excellent shape. I happy danced and they will hold it till next week which is pay day. They also get the Ball canning book and I am next on the list when one comes in, the older one. Yeaahhhhhhh!!!!!! Just had to share. Carol Sue
That's wonderful Carol Sue! I know you love that book!
Oh and I didn't get your stuff mailed today. Sorry. I have been wiped out. And Nora has started being fussy...if I pick her up! So right now I feel bad that I haven't held her alot today but she is happy hanging out in her swing. Oh and she does NOT want to be of the floor. *shrug*
Alee The amazing one handed typist! One hand for typing, one hand to hold Nora!
Way to go! I have a favorite used book store I try to check out whenever I go to town, and it's so much fun finding a good book for a fraction of the cost.
Some people search for happiness; others create it.