I have used a couple of Mrs. Meyers products -- the dish soap and hand soap. Both were very heavily scented and I didn't like that. Can't remember which scents I used. I also read the ingredients label and there wasn't a whole lot of natural stuff in there. If you're looking for good natural products try 7th Generation or Bio-Kleen.
I use the all-purpose cleaner sometimes and I like it alright. It works wonders on windows and glass. I think we have the lemon scent. The dish soap wasn't that effective at cutting grease, so I use the unscented 7th Generation and love it. Those are really the only cleaners I have and use, other than a bottle of bleach for heavy-duty disinfecting.
I use the lavender scent Mrs Meyers, counter cleaner, ironing spritz and cleanser. I like the product line but, I like the "Cleary Sage all purpose cleaner" that I by from Trader Joes even better.
They do have some great products, just have to watch which ones are natural. I use the lavendar dryer sheets (when I can't line dry) and we love the scent.