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 Cotton Crops behind in Harvest.

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Killarney Posted - Nov 14 2024 : 1:33:36 PM
Crazy growing season affected the Cotton Harvest. Farmer Horn Brothers usually Harvest right before Halloween, couldn't because of excessive rain after the intense heat.Looks like snow!
13   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
AndreaPA Posted - Dec 11 2024 : 05:46:52 AM
The first time I saw a cotton field I had to stop and take pictures. It was about 3 years ago and I was driving home from North Carolina. First I saw peanuts being harvested - never saw that before. Then right down the road from there I saw the cotton field. It was a beautiful sight.

Farmgirl# 8166
FGOTM May 2023
Killarney Posted - Nov 19 2024 : 08:23:20 AM
Thank you Marlene!!
MBurns Posted - Nov 19 2024 : 07:40:53 AM
Interesting to see cotton field. Pretty. Weather does effect harvests. Thankfully we had dry weather here in Iowa so corn and soybeans could be harvested timely. Prayers for farmers in your area. Good harvests are very relevant to local economy.

Farmgirl friends are fun. Farmgirl of the month 8/2016 and 9/2019
Killarney Posted - Nov 18 2024 : 3:24:28 PM
Me too Krista!!
MaryJanesNiece Posted - Nov 18 2024 : 1:36:27 PM
I really hope this is just an off year and not how things will be for the years coming.

Farmgirl Sister #528
Killarney Posted - Nov 15 2024 : 3:55:39 PM
Krista, it is crazy!first time in the 37 years I've lived here that they didn't harvest before Halloween.
MaryJanesNiece Posted - Nov 15 2024 : 12:21:46 PM
That is so crazy Connie. It really has been an off growing year. I hope they can harvest it soon.

Farmgirl Sister #528
Killarney Posted - Nov 14 2024 : 5:07:22 PM
Winnie, that would be back breaking work! My grandparents picked cotton when they were teenagers. Schools were out a whole week and everyone old enough picked cotton.
Red Tractor Girl Posted - Nov 14 2024 : 4:38:52 PM
Cotton is beautiful when it is in full bloom. It sure would be painful to pick by hand and I am sure farmers are glad to have a machine that does it all.

Winnie #3109
Red Tractor Girl
Farm Sister of the Year 2014-2015
FGOTM- October 2018
Killarney Posted - Nov 14 2024 : 2:55:48 PM
Judith, yes!me too! I don't quilt much anymore.Suppose to be no rain here the next 10 days. I bet they will harvest soon. It rained almost every day last week here.
The crop is smaller than usual !
Blessed in Colorado Posted - Nov 14 2024 : 2:19:24 PM
How sad. I hope and pray things will dry out so they can harvest.

Big Hugs,
Blessed in Oregon
With Colorado on My Mind
Farmgirl of the Month September 2012, February 2018, September 2022
“My altars are My Mountains
and the Ocean.” Lord Byron”

When I am Old I Shall Wear Purple, I am Old now!!

YellowRose Posted - Nov 14 2024 : 2:18:46 PM
Hope he can harvest his cotton crop soon. Connie after the harvest if there is any cotton left it makes for good crafting, it can be dyed.

Hugs, Sara "FarmGirl Sister" #6034 Aug 2014
FGOTM Sept 2015 - Feb 2019 - Oct 2023

Lord put your arm around my shoulders & your hand over my mouth.
StitchinWitch Posted - Nov 14 2024 : 2:12:50 PM
As a quilter my first thought was prewashed cotton.....
I hope he can still harvest and the rain didn't ruin the crop.


7932 FGOTM 6/21 6/24
I'm old and I wear purple

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