T O P I C R E V I E W |
Alee |
Posted - Apr 10 2010 : 10:23:30 AM Last week I made a big dent in the laundry crisis at my house- and crisis it was. It felt like every where I looked there was laundry lying about. Ugh. I hate having a messy house but somehow I have less motivation to clean than I need.
So last week I did a laundry marathon and got load after load washed, dried and put away, but I still was playing catch up and had a few loads that didn't get put away and of course more laundry was dirtied this week so again this morning I have been washing, drying and putting away.
I have two huge baskets full that I have to fold still and more in the wash.
I think I both love and hate doing laundry. I love the idea that I am getting things clean literally by the armload, and I love the smell of fresh, clean laundry- but I am not the biggest fan of the fold-put away phase.
Someday I would love to be able to hire a girl to come clean my house for about an hour and a half a week. She could do my dishes, clean my kitchen and bathroom and finish up with folding!
Wouldn't that be great! LOL
Alee Farmgirl Sister #8 www.awarmheart.com www.farmgirlalee.blogspot.com www.allergyjourneys.blogspot.com Put your pin on the farmgirl map! www.farmgirlmap.blogspot.com |
25 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
Dawniamw |
Posted - Jul 04 2010 : 6:54:10 PM Hi Everyone, I can so very much relate! lol I have been without a washer for a week now, (I finally was able to replace the lid switch today), and although it's just me and my two teenagers, I SWEAR the laundry not only breeds and grows, it decides to have a party and invite all of the neighbors piles! As to the baskets for each kid, yep, they do that too, they live out of the basket, and even though I sit and fold it, they grab what they need for that moment, knocking over what they dont and it sits there. If it falls on the floor, its considered dirty and they toss it onto the "laundry fiesta" in the basement! argh! lol sigh.
It's a good thing the weather is nice and I can at least hang stuff outside. small therapy, but hey, I take it where I can get it. Blessings, Dawnia |
phonelady |
Posted - May 01 2010 : 09:24:02 AM I have been doing that. Lost some weight and need new jeans [and am working a temp job where I can dress like a regular person!] so I've had to get a few new things. So I went through drawers and got rid of whatever doesn't fit. Been doin' that for a while. Made lots of room in the house and those clothes are out there for others to use too [instead of sitting in my closet and drawers gathering dust]. Feels good to get rid of dust gathereers! Carla
It's not just life- It's an adventure! |
Alee |
Posted - Apr 30 2010 : 06:36:43 AM That is too funny! It's a good way to look at it though!
I took a big bag of clothes and things down to the thrift shop and bought four shirts and got a free aquarium for our fish. So over all I think I did pretty good!
Alee Farmgirl Sister #8 www.awarmheart.com www.farmgirlalee.blogspot.com www.allergyjourneys.blogspot.com Put your pin on the farmgirl map! www.farmgirlmap.blogspot.com |
bushelnpeck |
Posted - Apr 29 2010 : 6:12:16 PM When I read this thread I thought of this I just read in Real Simple magazine..."I really love to clean. It's not anything compulsive, it's just that you can see a difference when you're through. Not like raising kids or something that you're not sure how it's going to turn out for a couple of decades." Jill Churchill\Farewell to Yarns
duty makes us do things, but love, makes us do things beautifully... |
Alee |
Posted - Apr 27 2010 : 4:41:13 PM That is too funny Melissa!
On Thursday I am emptying my closet and an my dresser drawers of everything I didn't wear in the past 3 weeks and am going to take it down to the thrift shop. Then I am going to spend a little money and buy a few outfits to replace what I just took out with things that fit a bit better ;)
Alee Farmgirl Sister #8 www.awarmheart.com www.farmgirlalee.blogspot.com www.allergyjourneys.blogspot.com Put your pin on the farmgirl map! www.farmgirlmap.blogspot.com |
Butterscotch Grove |
Posted - Apr 27 2010 : 2:10:41 PM I have a dear friend who always has piles of clean laundry on the 4 sofas (!) in her living room. She and her DH have two DDs, the older one is best buds with my DD (6-years old). Now, I think my kid has too many clothes, but she said last week, "Mom, I'm really lucky!" I asked why, and her reply surprised and pleased me: I don't have as many clothes as "Tina." I asked her how that made her lucky, and she said that if she had that many clothes, they'd always be piled on the bed and on top of the dresser and sticking out of the drawers. I think it would make my friend's life, and my life, too, a whole lot easier if we could just see the value of LESS a little more clearly.
My blog:
http://ButterscotchGrove.wordpress.com |
homsteddinmom |
Posted - Apr 26 2010 : 12:04:49 PM what i hate is washing, hanging to dry then taking down then folding then putting away. I know it saves power but i hate the extra steps...lol
Homesteading Mom in East Texas. Raising chickens, Rabbits and goats here on my farm! |
Calicogirl |
Posted - Apr 18 2010 : 6:09:28 PM Thanks Amy :)
By His Grace, For His Glory
http://merryheartjournal.blogspot.com/ |
mrsamy |
Posted - Apr 18 2010 : 5:11:34 PM Sure. It's a modified version of the #3 recipe on tipnut.
6 cups Hot water 1/2 cup Washing Soda 1/2 cup Borax 1/3 cup liquid castile soap (I used Dr. Bronner's Lavender)
* In a large pot, heat 6 cups of water. Add the liquid castile soap and stir well. Then add the washing soda and borax. Stir until powder is dissolved, then remove from heat. * In a 2 gallon clean pail, pour 1 quart of hot water and add the heated soap mixture. Top pail with cold water and stir well. * Use 1/2 cup per load, stirring soap before each use (will gel).
It gelled over night and was not as gloppy as the recipes I've used with grated and melted soaps. It's still a weird consistency, just not as lumpy. I also use plain white vinegar as a fabric softener rinse. My clothes came out really clean and SOFT! I used the dryer for a couple loads and it seemed like there was less lint, too. Not exactly scientific, but I'm happy.
Prayer costs nothing, but is worth the most. |
Calicogirl |
Posted - Apr 18 2010 : 2:34:45 PM Amy,
Could you share your laundry detergent recipe with us? I would appreciate it.
What a concept! Okay, I am ready to downsize the closets :)
By His Grace, For His Glory
http://merryheartjournal.blogspot.com/ |
Alee |
Posted - Apr 18 2010 : 2:28:02 PM Amy- That sounds great! I wish I could use lavendar in our laundry but my husband HATES it. His mom used it quite frequently when he was a kid and over used it I think.
I just made some more dirty clothes- I went out and was gardening. Oh how I love to play in the mud when I get a chance!
Alee Farmgirl Sister #8 www.awarmheart.com www.farmgirlalee.blogspot.com www.allergyjourneys.blogspot.com Put your pin on the farmgirl map! www.farmgirlmap.blogspot.com |
mrsamy |
Posted - Apr 18 2010 : 2:05:52 PM Well, I made a huge dent in MY laundry this weekend just by getting rid of a bunch of stuff. Like Alee I suffer from "but we might need it again". I decided that giving it to charity (one that is cheaper than Goodwill here)would land my stuff in the hands of somebody who needs it NOW. Plus I made some awesome laundry detergent using Dr. Bronner's Lavender Castile soap. My laundry room has never smelled so good without making me sneeze! Going upstairs to make some lavender dryer bags to boot. Happy, happy, happy.
Prayer costs nothing, but is worth the most. |
Alee |
Posted - Apr 17 2010 : 8:26:30 PM I suffer from a certain amount of "But we might need it again sometime." So I have a hard time letting things go, but I am learning that I don't like to clean up all these odd bits and pieces. So I am decluttering too. I am going to take a big load of toys to the thrift shop this coming week. Nora's room needs some help!!
Alee Farmgirl Sister #8 www.awarmheart.com www.farmgirlalee.blogspot.com www.allergyjourneys.blogspot.com Put your pin on the farmgirl map! www.farmgirlmap.blogspot.com |
simplyflowers |
Posted - Apr 17 2010 : 7:10:38 PM I have recently gotten rid of serveral clothes at the goodwill.... And I tell you, it really makes an impact on the laundry... And my closet has been organized for over 3 weeks now... WHICH IS A Miracle!!! :)
If I let it....Laundry will eat my lunch!!! I cant stand the laundry!
"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." -- Thomas Edison
Check out my blog!! http://thehappycalamity.blogspot.com/ |
Alee |
Posted - Apr 16 2010 : 07:34:26 AM Diana- yes, you make a great point about having too many clothes. I have definately made progress. I have taken about 3 huge bags of clothes to the thrift store in the past 6 months or so. I have another that I am going to be taking soon. I need to stop holding onto those "tight" jeans just because I "know" I will fit into them again soon. Well when it happens I can go down to the thrift shop and get some new to me jeans that fit! LOL
In all reality though, I have about 4 pairs of jeans, 3 skirts and some yoga pants. I have a few more shirts but I need more shirts as I have a tendancy to drop food down my front. :(
I think it is just taking me a bit longer to really have my childhood cleaning lessons sink in as daily practices. I just recently emailed my mom that it was finally sinking in to not toss jeans in the wash just because I wore them. If they are clean and have no odor they can be worn again. I mean, I work in an office building. I get dressed, drive to work, sit at a desk for 9 hours and come home. The pants don't really need to be washed after that. I can always wear them a second time to do yard work or go see the horse or whatever. That really helps the laundry load too.
Alee Farmgirl Sister #8 www.awarmheart.com www.farmgirlalee.blogspot.com www.allergyjourneys.blogspot.com Put your pin on the farmgirl map! www.farmgirlmap.blogspot.com |
mrsamy |
Posted - Apr 16 2010 : 06:50:16 AM Diana, Thanks for the stern finish to your post. Just the kick in the (too many)pants I needed to get my fanny in gear getting rid of stuff. I'm not a clothes horse, more of a clothes mule. Thanks for the motivation! Amy
Prayer costs nothing, but is worth the most. |
Amie C. |
Posted - Apr 16 2010 : 02:04:04 AM It's a rare week at my house when the laundry baskets get emptied completely. My husband and I pretty much pick clothes out of the baskets all week. Fortunately, we have a large bedroom and the two baskets just sit on the floor between our dressers. It used to bother me a lot that the clothes never got put away properly. But our cat has come to think of the narrow space between the two baskets as his personal fortress, and it's so funny to see him lurking in his cave that I don't have the heart to tidy up that part of the bedroom too much. |
Alee |
Posted - Apr 15 2010 : 10:03:38 AM Well the laundry is in retreat! The hang up clothes are obediantly handing on their hangers and I only have one more load to wash!!
Alee Farmgirl Sister #8 www.awarmheart.com www.farmgirlalee.blogspot.com www.allergyjourneys.blogspot.com Put your pin on the farmgirl map! www.farmgirlmap.blogspot.com |
gramadinah |
Posted - Apr 15 2010 : 09:18:51 AM Ok so I am very Anal when it comes to laundry. Tshirts light weight shirts, one load hung out to dry then it is sweatshirts and heavy tops one load hung on the line in order then it is sweat pants then jeans and the clothes line always looks the same. Heavy things in the sun longer. Sox/undies are matched and hung on the line. Towels for each bathroom are different and so they get hung in order and everything folded when they come off the line thus I take each type of clothes and in ther respective drawers/bathroom they go. Take of the line and to their home 30 mins I have a HUGH house and it is very interesting to keep it clean and picked up but I have a basket for upstairs trips and one for down stairs trips. Dishes are never left dirty get your self one of the wands that you pour dish soap into and as you dirty one wash and put to dry. You will find instead of getting a new dish/bowl you will use the one on the counter first. Nylgene water bottles I have 2 one in the fridge at all times and one with me at all times when I need more the dirty one gets washed and the one in the fridge come out to play. My grand girls 4/3/2 all do this when they are here they wash the dish they use they love it.
I only use my dish washer when I have dinner guests. My DH does his own laundry and I do mine. MY daughters from when they were about 10 did all their laundry too.
And Get rid of half of what you have nobody needs 20 tshirts 10 pairs of jeans their are only 7 days in the week.
Ok I am off my Soapbox Diana
Farmgirl Sister #273 |
Alee |
Posted - Apr 15 2010 : 08:48:27 AM LOL! Isn't it crazy how the guy clothes explode all over the bedroom?! My husband's do that too!
Alee Farmgirl Sister #8 www.awarmheart.com www.farmgirlalee.blogspot.com www.allergyjourneys.blogspot.com Put your pin on the farmgirl map! www.farmgirlmap.blogspot.com |
graciegreeneyes |
Posted - Apr 15 2010 : 08:19:21 AM I'm enjoying the fact that my husband is working out of town this week - he is big, his clothes are big, and when his dirty clothes are home it takes up a looot of room. I know I'll have to deal with it Friday when he gets here but I'm hoping I can just whisk the clothes into the washer, then back into his out-of-town bag and they won't explode all over the bedroom like they usually do:D Amy Grace
Farmgirl #224 "use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without"
Alee |
Posted - Apr 15 2010 : 07:26:36 AM Well here we go again- I am going to try to power through my laundry in the next couple hours....
Alee Farmgirl Sister #8 www.awarmheart.com www.farmgirlalee.blogspot.com www.allergyjourneys.blogspot.com Put your pin on the farmgirl map! www.farmgirlmap.blogspot.com |
Catherine |
Posted - Apr 15 2010 : 06:14:00 AM I can relate to this ladies! With 3 little girls, the laundry seems to pile up faster than I can get it washed and put away. My oldest has started doing her own laundry most of the time, which is a blessing. Now if she would just take over the rest of the laundry ;) . I frequently toss a load of laundry in just before my husband gets home LOL!
Blessings, Catherine :)
Judge each day not by the harvest you reap but by the seeds you plant. ~Robert Louis Stevenson
Bevb |
Posted - Apr 14 2010 : 07:20:56 AM When my kids were home, I bought milk crates, a different color for each child. After I folded their laundry, it went into their color, and it was their responsibility to put the clothes away.
It worked pretty well, except that as teenagers, they would run from the shower to the laundry room to get their clothes out of the crate -- somehow the crate became their dresser!
Bev |
Calicogirl |
Posted - Apr 13 2010 : 8:55:27 PM That is so funny Debbie :) I confess too!
I know what you mean Alee, I love putting clothes in the washer, taking them out and smell the fresh cleanness and popping them into the dryer (we don't have a clothesline yet). It's the pulling out, folding and putting away that I don't care for. My motivator is the thought of them sitting on a dresser or still in the dryer and THEN having to do that. Hmmm, how can we make this more fun?
By His Grace, For His Glory
http://merryheartjournal.blogspot.com/ |