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 Processing game meat

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Kammi Posted - Aug 21 2012 : 10:00:35 AM
Has anyone processed any game meat recently? My DH and nephews are going archery hunting for dear next week and want to be prepared if/when they bring one/two home. They do have a butcher in mind what does their processing, but DH wants me to can some. Any ideas ladies. Am open for any and all recipes.

Best always

Farmgirl 4256

Remember… Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well-preserved body. Instead, you should slide in sideways, glass of wine in one hand and chocolate in the other, in a body thoroughly used up, worn out and screaming “Woohooo! What a ride!”

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Kammi Posted - Aug 22 2012 : 07:12:48 AM
Thank you all, you have been a great help.

Farmgirl 4256

Remember… Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well-preserved body. Instead, you should slide in sideways, glass of wine in one hand and chocolate in the other, in a body thoroughly used up, worn out and screaming “Woohooo! What a ride!”

CheesemakerBeth Posted - Aug 22 2012 : 07:08:23 AM
In my chili I use chili powder (if you don't want to use store bought: paprika, salt, garlic powder, red and black pepper to taste...use more paprika than salt, more salt than garlic, etc...)and red pepper flakes. I also like to use cilantro if I have it, but it is not necessary or to every one's taste.
In the stew, I use lots of fresh rosemary and garlic.

Emily, do you can jerky?
Alanna Neupert Posted - Aug 22 2012 : 06:14:06 AM
Hi! I canned vension last yr. for the first time for my daughter. Couldn't believe how delicious it was-tasted like beef. Just vension,salt. Cooked for 3 hours in water bath. Yum.
alterationsbyemily Posted - Aug 21 2012 : 12:40:38 PM
I recommend jerky if you can make it. I love jerky to no end.

Farmgirl #2951
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Kammi Posted - Aug 21 2012 : 12:28:22 PM
Thank you Beth, those two were on my list. Any special seasoning I should use??

Best always

Farmgirl 4256

Remember… Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well-preserved body. Instead, you should slide in sideways, glass of wine in one hand and chocolate in the other, in a body thoroughly used up, worn out and screaming “Woohooo! What a ride!”

CheesemakerBeth Posted - Aug 21 2012 : 11:28:24 AM
Making stew or chili is always a good thing to do with venison and to can

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