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 Canning "refried" beans?

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MelodyRose Posted - Aug 15 2012 : 8:39:26 PM
I'm pretty new to canning--I guess this is my second year--and I was hoping someone could tell me 1-that I CAN preserve refried beans, and 2-how. I'm confused as to whether or not you are supposed to can your own recipes to begin with, but usually my husband goes off of the ingredients (how to can tomato products, for example, considering the other ingredients) and sometimes cooks it for a little longer than a similar recipe would instruct.

So, I have a gallon of pinto beans, cooked with my own beef stock (they are HEAVEN!), and I'm hoping that I can season them, run them thru the food processor to turn them into refried beans, and can them. I have both a water bath canner and a pressure canner, and a husband with working knowledge of both, I'm just not finding much on canning a refried bean recipe. However, I know you can put up pinto beans and black beans, and I used pinto, so I'm hopeful that it'll work and that we won't have to freeze this large amount of beans!

TIA for your help.
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Okie Farm Girl Posted - Aug 21 2012 : 8:48:14 PM
Unfortunately, canning refried beans is not a good idea. Because they get air bubbles in them, they can cause the jars to explode and because they are so thick, there can be uneven heating and expansion. You can do pinto beans, but they must be cooked first and then put into the jars with liquid. Then you can make your refried beans from those. Good question!! :-)

Mary Beth
The Sovereign Lord is my strength - Habakkuk 3:19
AlyssaMarie Posted - Aug 16 2012 : 12:51:18 PM
It isn't canning but i make my own refried beans and freeze leftovers without any problems. I like the idea of canning whole beans though too!

AlyssaMarie @ Link'd Hearts Ranch
MelodyRose Posted - Aug 16 2012 : 08:08:28 AM
From what I've found on a more extensive Google search, you're not actually supposed to can prepared refried beans because they're too dense. :( So now I'm looking into canning pinto beans cooked with beef stock. I know the directions are different when meat is involved. Guess it's time to learn to use the pressure canner by myself!
windypines Posted - Aug 16 2012 : 04:07:52 AM
NOt sure on canning refried beans, but you can do the beans themselves. It is simple after that to make up the refried beans.
It is alot nicer have them canned, as then they are cooked.

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