T O P I C R E V I E W |
wooliespinner |
Posted - Aug 12 2011 : 12:30:14 PM I am getting ready to pickle sweet Italian peppers for the first time. The ball book says to brine it in salt water 12 to 18 hours and then rinse and drain. Why do you have to do this step? Won't the salt make them mushy? I have never canned pickles or peppers before just pickled beets and they don't have you brine them first. I don't want to mess these up and end up with soggy pickled peppers.
Has anyone here ever pickled the peppers before and did your recipe call for brining first? If not how did you do them and how did they turn out?
I have the peppers cut up and rinsed and sitting in the fridge. I will wait to see if anyone has any suggestions before trying to pickle them tomorrow. Thanks for any help you might have. 
Raspberry Run Farm Nubian Dairy Goats |
4 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
wooliespinner |
Posted - Aug 13 2011 : 1:52:16 PM Thanks Jenny,
I will be checking back in a little while. I am almost done with the peaches and will be pulling the peppers out of the fridge to cut up smaller. Thanks so much for your time.
Raspberry Run Farm Nubian Dairy Goats |
Aunt Jenny |
Posted - Aug 12 2011 : 4:42:29 PM no horseradish in mine. I will look it up and post later tonight for ya. It isn't the blue book one.
Jenny in Utah Proud Farmgirl sister #24 Inside me there is a skinny woman crying to get out...but I can usually shut her up with cookies http://www.auntjennysworld.blogspot.com/ visit my little online shop at www.auntjenny.etsy.com |
wooliespinner |
Posted - Aug 12 2011 : 3:22:49 PM Thank you Jenny for your response. Did you use the recipe from the Blue Ball book or one of your own? I would love to know what your recipe is. The one I see in the Ball book calls for ground horseradish. This does not sound good to me.
Raspberry Run Farm Nubian Dairy Goats |
Aunt Jenny |
Posted - Aug 12 2011 : 2:10:27 PM I don't brine mine first. I soak them in ice water for awhile and then pour the hot vinegar and stuff over them in the jars..no brining. I think they WOULD be soggy. Mine are pretty crisp.
Jenny in Utah Proud Farmgirl sister #24 Inside me there is a skinny woman crying to get out...but I can usually shut her up with cookies http://www.auntjennysworld.blogspot.com/ visit my little online shop at www.auntjenny.etsy.com |