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 Christmas glass jar decor

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Beverly Gill Posted - Nov 29 2008 : 04:38:33 AM
Here in India I got a hold of these large glass jars with lids---I am going to fill them with Christmas decorations and lights and decorate the hallway......any ideas on how to make the lights not fall to the do I stage this so it really really looks good? Thanks.....I have minature nutcrackers, pearls, gold material ornaments, plaid ribbon----I think plenty to work with---just to do it all justice in a jar. I actually would love to find a minature forest and house to fill onje with......any advice appreciated. Beverly Gill
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Sitnalta Posted - Dec 12 2008 : 7:09:05 PM
I would love to see a picture of these. I am having a hard time getting a mental picture. They sound lovely.:)

Farmgirl Sister #235

Hope begins in the dark, the stubborn hope that if you just show up and try to do the right thing, the dawn will come. You wait and watch and work You don't give up.

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Beverly Gill Posted - Dec 06 2008 : 04:37:12 AM
Gal friends....I did good. snow made out of cotton;;;little trees and 2 reindeer with lights on top taped to the lid.....the second one has a string of pearls, and some victorian type ornaments with lights in the lid also......very very nice.... I have one more I am just going to fill with ornamets and light it.....tomorrow I go to some Christmas fairs so I hope tobuy some neat stuff from various places around the world.
jumpingjuliet Posted - Dec 05 2008 : 9:28:11 PM
my great grandma had a couple of these around her house. One had sand and dried greenery and a nativity. another had an assortment of what nots. I have a smaller whatnot jar full of neat little odds and ends that I find to be pretty. I think lights and ribbon and glass christmas balls would be pretty.
good luck
Merry Christmas

I am one with my inner farm girl!
Beverly Gill Posted - Nov 29 2008 : 10:02:12 PM
Jami, they are like a clear glass cookie jar with heavy glass mil says be careful---they are about50 years various sizes. I have 1 with a minature nut cracker, plaid ribbon, some gold colored ornaments the white lights, and a string of pearls....may take the pearls out and do a victorian one. have a good day. Beverly
Jami Posted - Nov 29 2008 : 08:52:18 AM
I'm having a hard time picturing this but they sound real pretty and I would like to see one. I have lots of canning jars that might work?
Jami in WA

Farmgirl Sister #266
MsCwick Posted - Nov 29 2008 : 08:29:38 AM
pine cones? if they have them there? how about just twigs? that will give you something to wrap the light wires around and drape them on. you could even glue some sparkles ont them so they were pretty when the lights are on.

Do what you can, with what you have, right where you are. - Roosevelt
windypines Posted - Nov 29 2008 : 08:09:03 AM
In the past I have taken cranberries,and balsam boughs, and put them in a quart jar, and fill with water. I used that as decoration on the table, It was actually really pretty.

dutchy Posted - Nov 29 2008 : 05:02:34 AM
Hi Beverly, I usually do that too, lol.
Try to put some lights in, then fill up with whatever you want. And in between put the lights, Works for me!! AT least if you use the string lights ofcourse, duh!!

Show a picture when you're done, oke.

Hugs from Marian/Dutchy, a farmgirl from the Netherlands :)

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