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T O P I C    R E V I E W
vintagediva1 Posted - Jul 27 2009 : 1:20:10 PM
This summer I am rereading some old favorites and would love to hear about yours.
I started with "Little Women" and "little Men'
Right noe I am reading "the Power of one" by Bryce Courtenay. This is one of the best books I have ever read. My book club chose it about 10 years ago and I groaned when I learned it was about South Africa and boxing. But, hey, book clubs are meant to make you step out of your comfort zone. It is terrific.
Next on my list are:
Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver
Bel Canto
Mrs. Mike
The Doll Maker by Harriette Arnow.


Love that good ole vintage junk
13   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
dutchy Posted - Jul 28 2009 : 10:29:13 AM
Little House books, hands down! I have read them over and over again. Also the Love Comes Softly. I have a few and like them a lot.

Anne of Green Gables, a wanna read. But I have stated before they are not available here, so that will be a forever wish, lol

Hugs from Marian/Dutchy, a farmgirl from the Netherlands :)

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FebruaryViolet Posted - Jul 28 2009 : 09:18:53 AM
Originally posted by Aunt Jenny

The Dollmaker and Poisonwood Bible are both two of my alltime favorites! I love Grapes of Wrath, Where the Red Fern Grows, and Cannery Row enough to read them many times over too. Your list is great!

Oh, Where the Redfern Grows is one of my all time favorites, but I don't know if I could read it now (seeing that I'm such a mushy-gushy crybaby since having Violet). I think it might just break my heart!

Musings from our family in the Bluegrass
FebruaryViolet Posted - Jul 28 2009 : 09:17:31 AM
Originally posted by Becsgirl

One of my very old favorites is a book my grandmother read as a child. The Girl of Limberlost and Freckels by Gene Straton Porter. It is about a girl growing up but she is such a part of the natural world. A different time quite enjoyable!

My all time favorite book! I have a first edition that I found in my godmother's barn (she died at 98 a few years ago)...I love Jean Stratton Porter and plan on visiting her homestead and farm in Indiana.

Musings from our family in the Bluegrass
SandyJ Posted - Jul 28 2009 : 09:14:50 AM
Nope not the only one. I also read Anne of Green Gables series if I get anxious. It always calms me.
Suzan Posted - Jul 28 2009 : 08:46:56 AM
Oh my goodness, I am stunned to find other people that read Mrs Mike and Girl of the Limberlost...I thought I was for sure the only one who did...I've had them since I was a kid...
Aunt Jenny Posted - Jul 27 2009 : 9:46:28 PM
Oh I love The Girl of LimberLost..and my oldest daughter (age 14) is reading To Kill a Mockingbird right now. I need to re-read the Love comes Softly series..I have alot of them (thanks Tina!) and I am ready for a re-read..they are wonderful!

Jenny in Utah
Proud Farmgirl sister #24
Inside me there is a skinny woman crying to get out...but I can usually shut her up with cookies visit my little online shop at
nmcrone Posted - Jul 27 2009 : 9:41:49 PM
Poisonwood Bible was a good read with not so good memories. I read that one night when my entire family had the stomach flu but me. I was up all night with the six guys, each in their turn.I read Poisonwood Bible during the calms between storms. Good thing this is such a long book because it was a looonnnnggg night.
Lessie Louise Posted - Jul 27 2009 : 7:01:27 PM
J. Oke's "Love Comes Softly" series, ,mostly if I'm in a slump and need a pick up. To Kill A Monking Bird is great also, I ve never belonged to a book club, sounds like fun.

how sweet it is to love some one, how right itis to care
Tanna Posted - Jul 27 2009 : 6:55:37 PM
"To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee and "The Little House Books" by Laura Ingals-Wilder.

Farmgirl #644
Becsgirl Posted - Jul 27 2009 : 6:54:48 PM
One of my very old favorites is a book my grandmother read as a child. The Girl of Limberlost and Freckels by Gene Straton Porter. It is about a girl growing up but she is such a part of the natural world. A different time quite enjoyable!
Aunt Jenny Posted - Jul 27 2009 : 4:09:13 PM
The Dollmaker and Poisonwood Bible are both two of my alltime favorites! I love Grapes of Wrath, Where the Red Fern Grows, and Cannery Row enough to read them many times over too. Your list is great!

Jenny in Utah
Proud Farmgirl sister #24
Inside me there is a skinny woman crying to get out...but I can usually shut her up with cookies visit my little online shop at
maggie14 Posted - Jul 27 2009 : 1:34:35 PM
I love little women and Mrs.Mike. Wonderful books.
FebruaryViolet Posted - Jul 27 2009 : 1:24:31 PM
I try to do that, too, Michele. I love Little Women..It's my favorite book of all time--and I reread it every year starting at Thanksgiving.

Right now I'm not reading anything as I have a 5 month old, and well, it's a little bit busy :) But, I plan on hitting our study to read a bit more in the autumn (with a quilt on the porchswing!)

Musings from our family in the Bluegrass

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