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 Gluten Free Farmgirls

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Weedy Ways Posted - Jun 24 2009 : 1:00:31 PM
Hello farmgirls!!! I am very new to all of this but VERY excited!! New Chapter ... Gluten Free Farmgirls ... anyone out there gluten free? Looking for new recipes, tricks, tips, etc? I'm looking forward to meeting you and hearing about your adventures!

Weedy Ways, Lynn ~ Farmgirl #626
25   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Weedy Ways Posted - May 03 2010 : 05:31:20 AM
Good morning!

Thank you for the wonderful note ... please tell her to check out the posts for Gluten Free Farmgirls and my website as well ... it's a busy month, being Celiac Awareness month, but I'll be in and out of the web often!

Even those who are not gluten intolerant or celiac can benefit from my posts somewhere along the lines ... like you, they know someone that has to eat gluten free and they may not understand it or understand the importance of NO contamination!

Have a wonderful day - I'd love that recipe if you come across it...

Weedy Ways ~ Lynn (Farmgirl #626) ~ for a healthier happier and better you! Customized herbals, Watkins Products (since 1868!), Nature's Sunshine and Arbonne ... with attention to special needs including Gluten Free!
monicarose Posted - May 03 2010 : 05:26:11 AM
Hi WeedyWays-Lynn,
just stopped in there for a visit, and to see what's going on in the Glutenfree area. I'm not gluten intolerant, but I know a friend that her whole family is but her, she just found out a few years ago, so I keep my ears and eyes open, I can't wait to tell her about this site. Anyway, Congratulations on your new business that's fantastic! Also, I was going to to mention, I had a cherry cheesecake made out of tofu once, it was fantastic......I was at a an herbal weekend workshop and they served it! (several years ago,when I lived in CA) I'll see if I can't get you a recipe or maybe you could just google one! hope that helps a little.

Living for today! aka: Paper Rose
Weedy Ways Posted - Apr 30 2010 : 11:28:01 AM
Tomorrow starts Celiac Awareness month . . .
It's time to educatate those around us that are not familiar with Celiac and gluten free living ...

It's time to teach the restaurants how to safely serve Celiacs and gluten free diets.
It's time to make Celiac Disease as well knows as Diabetes!

... start with your family - understanding is half the battle!
... move onto your friends - teach them what's safe.
... talk to a restaurant - can they safely offer a dish or two?
... talk to your schools/colleges - do they have meals for the kids?

? don't know about Celiac or Gluten free? ?
Find out more ... google it, visit my website, email me ...

Weedy Ways ~ Lynn (Farmgirl #626) ~ for a healthier happier and better you! Customized herbals, Watkins Products (since 1868!), Nature's Sunshine and Arbonne ... with attention to special needs including Gluten Free!
Weedy Ways Posted - Apr 15 2010 : 07:26:07 AM
Saturday, April 17 ... Gluten free baking mixes and Watkins products are available at the Stark Co. Fairgrounds (Ohio) from 9:00 to 1:00 ... Recieve 10% off regular priced items by bringing a newsletter from your celiac support group!

Weedy Ways ~ Lynn (Farmgirl #626) ~ for a healthier happier and better you! Customized herbals, Watkins Products (since 1868!), Nature's Sunshine and Arbonne ... with attention to special needs including Gluten Free!
Weedy Ways Posted - Mar 18 2010 : 3:26:34 PM
I am spreading the word ... Local Roots, Downtown Wooster, OH is now open on Fridays from noon to 7 as well as Saturdays from 9 to 3 ... Stop in grab a gluten free mix and have dessert or a snack in a jiffy!

Weedy Ways ~ Lynn (Farmgirl #626) ~ for a healthier happier and better you! Customized herbals, Watkins Products (since 1868!), Nature's Sunshine and Arbonne ... with attention to special needs including Gluten Free!
Weedy Ways Posted - Mar 10 2010 : 11:35:18 AM
Hi all ... if you're in the Wooster, Ohio area on March 20 - I'll be doing a demo of My Gluten Free Baking Mixes at Local Roots Wooster .... stop in and say hello, pick up a mix or two, some jam - goat milk soap, veggies, meats ... ooooh, good thing dinner is rolling around soon, making me hungry thinking about it!!

Weedy Ways ~ Lynn (Farmgirl #626) ~ for a healthier happier and better you! Customized herbals, Watkins Products (since 1868!), Nature's Sunshine and Arbonne ... with attention to special needs including Gluten Free!
Weedy Ways Posted - Feb 14 2010 : 1:24:14 PM
If you're in Ohio and are searching for tastey Gluten Free Baking Mixes --- I'd like to introduce you to my brand new line, just launched today!! I home-produce a Gluten Free Flour Blend - use as replacement in just about any recipe with success; Gluten Free Bread Mix, Gluten Free Chocolate Chip Cookie Mix and Gluten Free Brownie Mix .... check them out on my website.

These are not only great for the gluten free diet but great for friends and family of a gluten free person - they make it simple to toss in a treat and have it ready without an all day adventure!

Weedy Ways ~ Lynn (Farmgirl #626) ~ for a healthier happier and better you! Customized herbals, Watkins Products (since 1868!), Nature's Sunshine and Arbonne ... with attention to special needs including Gluten Free!
Weedy Ways Posted - Feb 11 2010 : 05:04:23 AM
Hi Marilyn!

It is great to hear you're working on a natural way to fix your asthma! As a consulting herbalist that is music to my ears!!

Email to enter any henhouse, just give him your information and which henhouse(s) you'd like to play - he's wonderful!

I haven't tried the soy cream cheese yet - it's so hard to find in my area - plus I don't get to venture too far from home due to my schdule - but I'll get there!! :)

We're very glad to have you ... I am Celiac so my life is 100% gluten free - meaning no (none, never) wheat, rye, barley, spelt, and oats (plain and flat out of fear on the oats!)

I'm also glad there are other gluten free farmgirls out there - we all need to stick together and make this diet more understood! Celiac Disease is serious, it's easily diagnosed and should be tested for when one is having issues that parallell any of the over 300 symptoms that mimic all other health issues -

It's hard to eliminate triggers, such as in your case, but by taking the time and starting from the bottom from scratch it is well worth it!!

In either event, better health is the key and better living is priceless!!

I look forward to getting to know you!

Weedy Ways ~ Lynn (Farmgirl #626) ~ for a healthier happier and better you! Customized herbals, Watkins Products (since 1868!), Nature's Sunshine and Arbonne ... with attention to special needs including Gluten Free!
edlund33 Posted - Feb 10 2010 : 10:30:50 PM
Hello ladies:

Nice to know there are some gluten free farm chicks in the group!

I avoid gluten and cow milk in my diet as much as possible by choice to keep my seasonal asthma under control with the lowest doses of my medications. My SIL is a naturopathic physician. She convinced me to have blood testing done several years ago when my dependence on inhaler medications was increasing for no apparent reason. I can still eat rye and other grains related to wheat on a rotational basis but I try to avoid them most of the time. Processed wheat flours are the worst - I can usually tolerate mimimally processed flours in moderation now and then. I do a fair amount of baking including bread, cookies and other treats. My latest experimentation has been with a gluten free sour dough starter. So far the results have been pretty good. I mix most of my own flour mixes. We have a nice health food store in town and most of the local grocery stores also have a decent supply of gluten free products.

Sorry Lynn - I don't have a recipe for cheese cake. I don't know if you can eat soy, but if so you can try substituting soy cream cheese. I've used it for frostings and other dishes calling for cream cheese and it works well. I suspect you might also be able to use soft tofu if you drain it well enough. Another possibility might be chill-over powder made with non-dairy milk. I just got some yesterday but haven't had a chance to try it out yet. Also ordered a sample of the gluten free mix. Maybe this weekend I'll give it a go.

I'm new to MFJ so I'm still trying to figure out how to register for the hen houses. I just got my sisterhood packet and badge yesterday. I'll figure it out eventually!

Cheers! ~ Marilyn

Farm Girl No. 1100

Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Kyria Posted - Feb 10 2010 : 09:29:46 AM
Done, Marjean!
marjean Posted - Feb 10 2010 : 08:49:09 AM
Hi Kyria,
I would like to talk to you about how you've dealt with your Lyme disease. I've had it for 5 years now. I can only use alternative med. for treatment. Please email me.

Originally posted by Kyria

Hi ladies! I introduced myself in the henhouse, but just found this and thought I should speak up here, too! I've had Lyme disease for 13+ years now and have been gluten free since April '09 after doing food allergy testing. My daughter is also allergic to gluten. It has made a tremendous difference in our lives. Made things a whole lot better physically and mentally, even though it's more difficult financially. It's worth it!

Farmgirl sister #308
handmade cards, vintage tote bags and more at
Kyria Posted - Feb 10 2010 : 08:42:39 AM
Hi ladies! I introduced myself in the henhouse, but just found this and thought I should speak up here, too! I've had Lyme disease for 13+ years now and have been gluten free since April '09 after doing food allergy testing. My daughter is also allergic to gluten. It has made a tremendous difference in our lives. Made things a whole lot better physically and mentally, even though it's more difficult financially. It's worth it!
Weedy Ways Posted - Jan 30 2010 : 03:40:08 AM
Good Morning Marcie! It's good to see I am not the only early bird! I'm about to get the day moving for real shortly!! ha ha - I'm glad to have your psot! It makes the day start with a larger smile!! I will try to keep up all the good info, please always feel free to jump in at any time!! If you can, join the henhouse so you will get all the updates - chcck out my website, there are new recipes added there quite often. Have a great day!

Weedy Ways ~ Lynn (Farmgirl #626) ~ for a healthier happier and better you! Customized herbals, Watkins Products (since 1868!), Nature's Sunshine and Arbonne ... with attention to special needs including Gluten Free!
wellswillow Posted - Jan 29 2010 : 06:12:25 AM
I have been diagnosed with celiac disease for a year now. I am always looking for new recipes. It was good to see some gluten free ideas in the Feb/Mar issue of MJF. I'll keep checking here for more ideas too. Thanks for starting this forum.

I enjoy chatting with my friends.
Weedy Ways Posted - Jan 07 2010 : 10:03:11 AM
Hi Hannah May!
Sorry, I'm so slow, the new year is alreay flying by!
How's the weather in Lima today?
Wooster is awaiting the blast - a few flakes are staring to fall now.
How long have you been GF?

Weedy Ways ~ Lynn (Farmgirl #626) ~ for a healthier happier and better you! Customized herbals, Watkins Products (since 1868!), Nature's Sunshine and Arbonne ... with attention to special needs including Gluten Free!
hhalleck Posted - Dec 30 2009 : 4:50:10 PM
Hi ladies!
I'm new to ohio, and live in's great to see some of you so close!

Hannah May
Farmgirl #882
marjean Posted - Dec 16 2009 : 09:01:55 AM
I've never had her tested, but I follow the "Eat right for you blood type" and we aren't supposed to eat wheat according to that doctor. It has been very accurate. She has learned to adjust over the years to our way of eating. No sugar, no wheat,
I'll get the brand of that soy cream cheese and maybe that will help you could ask them to order it in for you.

Farmgirl sister #308
handmade cards, vintage tote bags and more at
Weedy Ways Posted - Dec 16 2009 : 05:28:43 AM
Sounds like Christmas will be better for you this year! That's so wonderful!!

Does you daughter have problems with gluten or has she found she likes some of the products?

I haven't found a soy cream cheese yet ... but I am going to take some time to go to a larger town and shop over the next couple weeks, hopefully I can find it there. I have been unsuccessful at keeping my local grocer convinced to stock a dairy free margarine ---- don't know why it's so hard, but it's never on the shelf when I go in and they swear they've stocked it ... hmmmmmmm, that tells me there are more people than me seeking this product, right? ha ha ha "C'est La Vie!"

Weedy Ways ~ Lynn (Farmgirl #626) ~ for a healthier happier and better you! Customized herbals, Watkins Products (since 1868!), Nature's Sunshine and Arbonne ... with attention to special needs including Gluten Free!
marjean Posted - Dec 15 2009 : 2:52:44 PM
Hi Lynn,

How are you doing? I'm finally gaining some weight back, yeah!!! I've been watching what comes into the house and we are finally getting rid of all the gluten products in the house. I have to keep reminding them I can't even smell the gluten when it cooks or floating in the air and they are doing great at remembering. My daughter works at a health food store so she buy gluten free snuff for herself now too.

Farmgirl sister #308
handmade cards, vintage tote bags and more at
marjean Posted - Jul 02 2009 : 07:26:12 AM

Has a good article today about Celiacs disease and resources.


Farmgirl sister #308
handmade cards and jewelry, vintage tote bags and more at
marjean Posted - Jul 01 2009 : 1:28:32 PM
HI Lynn,

Right now we are fighting the Lyme attacking my genetics after a car accident and that caused me to start loosing weight and a whole pyramid of problems. Do the thistles calm down the small intestine?
I will ask her on my next visit how they work?

For your dairy free cheese cake, if you can eat soy, try the soy cream cheese it comes in a round tub at the health food stores. I used to get it years back when I could eat soy. It works great and just add the other ingredients for a cheese cake recipe that you can eat. I use the agave and have no problems with it and it comes in different flavors.


Farmgirl sister #308
handmade cards and jewelry, vintage tote bags and more at
Weedy Ways Posted - Jul 01 2009 : 12:17:29 PM
This may be a trick question, but I've been searching for a while...does anyone have a good recipe for Gluten Free Cheesecake that is also corn free, nut free, bee/honey free AND dairy free? (whew, that's a lot!) ~ even a dairy free recipe will work really, I can substitute out the rest on my own, but I don't know what will replace the cream cheese well - Thanks!

Weedy Ways ~ Lynn (Farmgirl #626) ~ for a healthier happier and better you! Customized herbals, Watkins Products (since 1868!), Nature's Sunshine and Arbonne ... with attention to special needs including Gluten Free!
Weedy Ways Posted - Jul 01 2009 : 12:03:05 PM
Marjean - I am very curious, did the homeopathic doctor have you taking any of the thistles?

Weedy Ways ~ Lynn (Farmgirl #626) ~ for a healthier happier and better you! Customized herbals, Watkins Products (since 1868!), Nature's Sunshine and Arbonne ... with attention to special needs including Gluten Free!
Weedy Ways Posted - Jul 01 2009 : 12:01:05 PM
Good afternoon ladies!!

I am so very glad spelt works for you LynnMarie, it is a very versitile grain and it works so well in place of wheat flour ... unfortunately, Celiacs cannot eat it - if they do eat it and are fortunate not feel badly and have problems arise, it is still damaging the intestinal villa and creating inflammation throughout which our body systems get overloaded with and struggle to fight, ultimately leaving our immune system worn out and vunlerable.

I hope we'll be able to share some great tips and tricks and amazing recipes!!

I mixed up my normal ' butter basted white bread ' last weekend and ran out of one of my flours so I simply tossed in another - WOW! - I have to try it again, I think I've created a new loaf ... it toasts up just like an english muffin --- I so hope once I do it again it's a reality and not a fluke!!

It's nice to meet you Marjean ~ I hope we all have a good time getting to know each other!! There is always room to learn more from one another every day!!
I know exactly how you feel with the struggle of allergies ... I am Celiac, but I am allergic to corn, honey (bee products overall), peanut butter and a few other things too (won't bore you!) ha ha ha --- I tell the newly diagnosed Celiacs that come to the support groups they have it made just removing gluten from their diet ... taking out corn too is just plain ugly some days!

Weedy Ways ~ Lynn (Farmgirl #626) ~ for a healthier happier and better you! Customized herbals, Watkins Products (since 1868!), Nature's Sunshine and Arbonne ... with attention to special needs including Gluten Free!
marjean Posted - Jul 01 2009 : 10:46:12 AM
I've been gluten free for 9 years now from choice. But, have recently started having allergies to wheat and a long list of other foods. I'm really looking forward to your ideas with recipes. I also have to rotate my foods every four days and can't eat sugar so I use agave or stevia. My homeopathic doctor saved my life 4 years ago from Lyme disease and life hasn't been the same since. So, I look for positive people and I really like the forum and getting to know this group.


Farmgirl sister #308
handmade cards and jewelry, vintage tote bags and more at

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