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 More surgery . . . whine!

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Past Blessings Posted - Jun 12 2007 : 10:59:17 AM
I won't pretend this post is anything but a whine session . . . pity party . . . poor me . . . whatever you want to call it.

As most of you know I had sinus surgery last week and today I had the packing removed (so I no longer look like the Frito Bandito! LOL!) Anyway, it hurt a ridiculous amount . . . to the point I was in tears, which I wasn't expecting. I found out the reason it hurt so is because it apparently is not healing correctly and I have a hematoma and now have to go back in tomorrow morning and have it fixed surgically.

I really hate being "down" and had tried to plan this time to be as non-interfering with life as I could, but unfortunately now this will be adding at least another week to the recovery. So I have to postpone my first sale at my new "warehouse", and it will mess up other family plans.

I know in the scheme of life, this is a small matter, but right now I can't seem to see beyond my own nose (yes, pun intended!)

Can I have some cheese and crackers to go with my whine? . . .


Past Blessings . . . Celebrating Life as it used to be . . . when people loved God, loved their families and loved their country.
25   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Past Blessings Posted - Jun 18 2007 : 11:16:34 AM
Thanks Michelle,
It was so good to visit with you. No my best on "hospitality" since I was still kind of laying around, but it was such a nice visit. The Iris's are gorgeous and the kids and my husband have LOVED the cookies! I have mananged to snitch one from their "grubby little paws" and they are delicious! Thanks again for the kind visit. It lifted my spirits tremendously!

Hugs & blessings,


Past Blessings . . . Celebrating Life as it used to be . . . when people loved God, loved their families and loved their country.
Huckelberrywine Posted - Jun 17 2007 : 09:30:44 AM
Brenda, Thanks for the lovely visit. You are such a joy to talk with. So comfortable, so graceful (even if you don't feel your best, you made me feel wonderfully happy and at home)... You have given me so much to smile about. 100% Farmgal Goodness! I hope you continue to feel better and better.

We make a difference.
_Rebecca_ Posted - Jun 16 2007 : 7:18:11 PM
That is such a painful and traumatic surgery to undergo. Even if you hadn't had to go back for the second round, you are very welcome to whine! Ouch! Just thinking about it is hurting me!

.·:*¨¨* :·.Rebecca.·:*¨¨* :·.
pinkroses Posted - Jun 16 2007 : 2:38:50 PM
I sure hope this one works for you.
You sure have had it hard. Hugs and prayers for you
Carol Sue Posted - Jun 16 2007 : 1:35:37 PM
Glad the pain medications are helping and that you are resting. Just believin this will do what you need it to.
Take care of yourself.
Carol Sue

Life is short, enjoy every moment.
Tina Michelle Posted - Jun 16 2007 : 11:29:07 AM
aww Brenda..I hope you heal up real fast and no more complications. hugs to you.

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nashbabe Posted - Jun 16 2007 : 09:59:31 AM
I'm a veteran of sinus surgery too. The removal of packing, according to me and to all the people I have talked to, always hurts like Hades even at its best. Splints hurt like Hades too, just more briefly. Recommendation is to take your pain meds before you go and have someone else drive you. Sinus surgery changed my life for the better, and I hope it does for you, too!!!

Grew up on a farm...moved to da city...grew up a farmgirl!
katmom Posted - Jun 16 2007 : 08:39:10 AM
ok, so as soon as I get up there, not only well we be do the the tae party thing,,,but I'm thinking a Martini just might cheer you up!!! tee hee.....
(just e-mailed ya)
hugz, >^..^<

>^..^< Happiness is being a katmom.
Alee Posted - Jun 16 2007 : 08:11:18 AM

I am so glad to hear that you are feeling better! I hope you continue to heal quickly!

Past Blessings Posted - Jun 15 2007 : 11:22:16 PM
Thanks everyone. The second surgery went fine, though I feel like I layed my face down on a railroad track! I mostly have been sleeping the last couple days . . . the pain meds are truly a blessing. Having been intubated twice within a week, my throat has been really sore too, but is getting better. I do look much better now though . . . the "frito bandito" mustache is gone and the "straws" (splints) up my nose don't show, so at a glance I look almost normal! Your love and prayers have been so appreciated.

Hugs & blessings . . .


Past Blessings . . . Celebrating Life as it used to be . . . when people loved God, loved their families and loved their country.
Carol Sue Posted - Jun 12 2007 : 10:15:50 PM
Goodness Brenda,
What a major bummer. Sure do understand about the disappointment and dealing with the challenges of changes you were not expecting. I moved a mirror, a big mirror the first of March and just now am able to do a few things. I still love where my mirror is in my bedroom. LOL.
Will be praying, let me know if there is anything I can do.
Just think of the sale this way, you will be able to let more people know and have a much better sale.
Carol Sue

Life is short, enjoy every moment.
Past Blessings Posted - Jun 12 2007 : 7:20:33 PM
Thanks Girls,
You are all so sweet. I am missing my son's 8th grade graduation as we speak . . . he was very understanding about it, but as a mom you want to be there for all the milestones. Can't sit at the computer very long, but I love to check in with you all. This forum is such a blessing to me. Michelle, you are so sweet! Email me and we can figure out if this works for you. I don't want you to be inconvenienced in any way. Blessings to each of you!


Past Blessings . . . Celebrating Life as it used to be . . . when people loved God, loved their families and loved their country.
Huckelberrywine Posted - Jun 12 2007 : 3:43:45 PM
Oh, Brenda! I'm so very very sorry. I really admire your humor. Wish there was something I could do to help out...Maybe this weekend I can drop off a care package for you...It would be no trouble and would make me so happy to do...

We make a difference.
Maryjane Lee Posted - Jun 12 2007 : 3:19:52 PM
Oh darn Brenda! I am sorry to hear you will be having more surgery! This to shall pass!!!! As before, you will be in my thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery. Big hugs going your way Brenda!

Maryjane Lee

"Cherish the memories and in our hearts they shall live forever!
BotanicalBath Posted - Jun 12 2007 : 3:16:03 PM
Surgery totally stinks... I hope it goes great and this is the last time.


"I do my housework in the nude. It gives me an incentive to clean the mirrors as quickly as possible."
Mumof3 Posted - Jun 12 2007 : 3:05:19 PM
Oh gosh. :( That's terrible. Hopefully things will work this time and you will be on the road to recovery soon. Prayers heading out for you.


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nut4fabric Posted - Jun 12 2007 : 1:27:05 PM
Brenda My daughter said having the packing removed was like "having her brains pulled out through her nose" and that was without a hematoma so that must have been brutal. They give you those pain meds for a reason. Hope the recall goes well.
Hugs, Kathy
JudyBlueEyes Posted - Jun 12 2007 : 1:12:09 PM
Brenda, my sincere sympathies to you. I've never had sinus surgery, but I regularly get sinus headaches, so I can commiserate. Prayers for a smooth fix. Judy

We come from the earth, we go back to the earth, and in between, we garden!
Nancy Gartenman Posted - Jun 12 2007 : 12:56:43 PM
Sorry to hear you had to get a re-call so to speak. Hoping this will go the right way and all will be well soon.
Cindy Lee Posted - Jun 12 2007 : 12:51:03 PM
Poor girl, please let us know how this one goes! We will be thinkin' about you! Cindy

PS I just had a hysterectomy in May and am still having some trouble so I know how you feel!!!!

If life gives you scraps, make quilts!
Alee Posted - Jun 12 2007 : 12:42:34 PM
Hi Brenda-

I am so sorry to hear that you have to have another surgery! I know that sinus surgeries are not fun! I know your grand opening will be spectacular no matter when you do it, but sometimes you just want plans to go as scheduled! Sometimes it isn't that the plans have to be put off, but the disappointment, right?

I hope your family things can be rescheduled as well! And I am sure after a while, the sinus surgeries will be worth it! I know my mom can suffer from horrible sinus pain, so if yours was any thing like hers, it should help!

lamarguerite farm Posted - Jun 12 2007 : 11:48:58 AM
Oh , Brenda!! I'm so sorry, I bet you're feeling very discouraged right now. I think If I was told I had to go back in for surgery again, I'd have a big pity party for myself too. Just know we're thinking of you and praying for you!



If you have a dream, even if you don't feel qualified to accomplish it, just try your hardest.-Maggie Jensen
Aunt Jenny Posted - Jun 12 2007 : 11:44:27 AM
oh Brenda......that just stinks! I guess looking back on this awhile in the future it will seem like a small thing, but it is hard NOT to whine just a little bit now! You take care!!

Jenny in Utah
Inside me there is a skinny woman crying to get out...but I can usually shut her up with cookies visit my little online shop at
Past Blessings Posted - Jun 12 2007 : 11:11:21 AM
Thanks girls! I love knowing I can "whine" to my farmgirl friends and they just give me all the hugs I need. You are a blessing!


Past Blessings . . . Celebrating Life as it used to be . . . when people loved God, loved their families and loved their country.
Kathie Posted - Jun 12 2007 : 11:09:19 AM
OH NO!!!
Sweetie I am So Sorry!

Well Brenda.. I suppose we should be glad to find it has to be done NOW.. rather then several weeks down the line.. Right Kiddo??

i am really SOOO sorry Honey!

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