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True Blue Farmgirl

7601 Posts

Terrell TX
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Posted - Dec 31 2023 :  09:31:30 AM  Show Profile  Send quiltee a Yahoo! Message
Welcome to 2024! We all finished a LOT of PhDs in 2023 and I know we can do more this year. It helps when we have the support of your MJF sisters to keep us on track.

Please join with us this year to finish those UFOs and PhDs (Projects Half Done). Doesn't PhD sounds more important? I have so many PhD and I'm always finding (starting?) more. Most of my projects are fabric or yarn related - those are my media of choice.

You can post a list and when you finish a project you can add the date and post a picture so we can all see what you've completed, admire the talents of our farmgirl sisters, and encourage others to complete their projects.

How many projects can you finish each month? Let's try for at least 1 a month, though I know MJF farmgirls are very talented and I'm sure you can do more.

Farmgirl hugs,
Terrell, TX

Farm girl #1919
Farm Girl of the Month
August 2015, April 2017 and June 2023

"Women are Angels, and when someone breaks our wings, we simply continue to fly . . . on a broomstick - we're flexible, like that."

True Blue Farmgirl

7601 Posts

Terrell TX
7601 Posts

Posted - Dec 31 2023 :  09:48:46 AM  Show Profile  Send quiltee a Yahoo! Message
I'll start it off - here are a few of my PhDs for 2024 (not in any particular orderto be completed:

1. Make a skirt from a colorful oval tablecloth. If anyone has done this, please give me a hint. I think I need to start by altering the oval into a circle?
2. I found this Annie's Attic booklet among my mother's older patterns; this one is from 2002. I have quite a few partial and full skeins of cotton yarn and want to make several these to use some of the cotton yarn. Anyone want to join me?

3. Finish numerous kits for seasonal wallhangings: 2 Christmas, 3 Halloween, and at least 1 general. (I'm sure I will find more.

I think this is enough for a start, though I also know that I will add more projects as we go along.

Farmgirl hugs,
Terrell, TX

Farm girl #1919
Farm Girl of the Month
August 2015, April 2017 and June 2023

"Women are Angels, and when someone breaks our wings, we simply continue to fly . . . on a broomstick - we're flexible, like that."
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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
3966 Posts

Posted - Dec 31 2023 :  12:37:07 PM  Show Profile

Maybe this year I will list them one at a time and finish them BEFORE I start, or start to finish, another.

Short term project - An embroidered dish towel with a picture of a cornucopia on it. I believe it is half done. Picture later.

Long term project - My husband's beautifully tailored wool winter coat has passed beyond the point at which it can be easily repaired. I will be taking it apart, using the pieced as a pattern, drafting a pattern (so that I can make it again) and construct a new coat. I have all the materials I need. I just need to 1) finish taking the rest of the coat apart, 2) wash the pieces 3) iron and sort them out 3) take everything to a place with large tables to trace the pattern onto butcher paper, 4) grade the pattern pieces (make marks for other sizes), 5) select a size and adjustments for Lowell's (DH) current figure, 6) cut, sew, hope. The coat has several high quality tailoring features such as batting in the shoulders, light buckram linings and sewn in lining. It will be an epic project.

Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

7601 Posts

Terrell TX
7601 Posts

Posted - Dec 31 2023 :  4:01:37 PM  Show Profile  Send quiltee a Yahoo! Message
That coat sounds like a major project, Marie!

Farmgirl hugs,
Terrell, TX

Farm girl #1919
Farm Girl of the Month
August 2015, April 2017 and June 2023

"Women are Angels, and when someone breaks our wings, we simply continue to fly . . . on a broomstick - we're flexible, like that."
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True Blue Farmgirl

582 Posts

Kent WA
582 Posts

Posted - Dec 31 2023 :  4:30:37 PM  Show Profile
Lots of quilting to do, I mean LOTS. I'll post them when done them one at a time.....
And of course, there's always projects that catch my imagination and off I go.
I do like approaching a new year with lots of zing and the attitude of "can do:"
Will be learning how to machine embroider very soon. The machine comes Wednesday. It's been sitting in its box since 2010, unused. The folks sold it to me cheap. It comes with all original doo dads, instruction manual, etc. I've never bought a brand new machine. This one is the closest I've come. I've cleared a spot for it, made sure the hot water kettle and the coffee machine are ready, lighting good. I have thread, backing, and I'm conjuring up a good sense of humor as I am not always good at following directions. I do know the machine works as I had them make a video of it stitching a design. I did massive research on the machine, so I'm certain it'll do okay. Also check with the Bernina technicians in the area. Many assured me they can service it, replace parts, etc.
I may disappear for a bit so here's my blessing to you for this coming new year: have great health, happiness and the joy of completion.

Kent, WA
Farm Girl #5389
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True Blue Farmgirl

7601 Posts

Terrell TX
7601 Posts

Posted - Dec 31 2023 :  4:32:35 PM  Show Profile  Send quiltee a Yahoo! Message
Crafters are like that, Sylvia. I get bored doing just one craft project or medium, and then I see a project someone else has done and I think "I have the supplies and can try that - somethign new". LOL!

Farmgirl hugs,
Terrell, TX

Farm girl #1919
Farm Girl of the Month
August 2015, April 2017 and June 2023

"Women are Angels, and when someone breaks our wings, we simply continue to fly . . . on a broomstick - we're flexible, like that."
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Audra Rose
True Blue Farmgirl

2323 Posts

Brooksville KY
2323 Posts

Posted - Dec 31 2023 :  5:08:26 PM  Show Profile
A friend and I visited a Mennonite fellow who owns a cute little Bernina shop near Georgetown OH. He had several on sale. I'm a little tempted but with 4 non computerized machines, it would be too much.
Anyway, here's my list for 2024:
Hand quilt peacock quilt
Finish my mother-in-law's hand stitched quilt.
Bind 2 quilts
Get another machine quilted
Heart to Heart swap item
Junk Journal
All this and life with 5 dogs.

Farmgirl Sister #6754
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Red Tractor Girl
True Blue Farmgirl

6697 Posts

Gainesville Fl
6697 Posts

Posted - Jan 01 2024 :  07:41:00 AM  Show Profile
Good luck all of your with your projects that await your time to finish. While I am not in this group of talented crafters, I always enjoy seeing what all of you are doing! There is so much talent and creativity @MJF that it is inspiring . I wish all of you the time you have to squeeze in to your already busy lives. Good luck and I hope these projects turn out just as you had envisioned when you first started!!

Winnie #3109
Red Tractor Girl
Farm Sister of the Year 2014-2015
FGOTM- October 2018
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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
3966 Posts

Posted - Jan 01 2024 :  09:42:43 AM  Show Profile
Today I will be culling my unread email. I would tell you how many I and I am too embarrassed to say. I've been trying to get this managed for some time. Most of the emails are newsletters the bulk of which are crochet blogs. I will be ruthless and try to get a percentage of the total I have deleted.

9% unread emails removed
1 newsletter unsubscribed

Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.

Edited by - churunga on Jan 01 2024 2:24:00 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

1715 Posts

Kennewick WA
1715 Posts

Posted - Jan 01 2024 :  2:45:46 PM  Show Profile
I’m definitely in for doing this again this year. I’m working on my list now. :)

Karen :)

To quote one of my past preschoolers “Not one of those Karens, but a good Karen”! Haha
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True Blue Farmgirl

3201 Posts

Wapakoneta Ohio
3201 Posts

Posted - Jan 02 2024 :  2:59:21 PM  Show Profile
I'd like to participate this year. First thing for me - go through my totes and list my projects. Second is going to be the pair of elf slippers I didn't get finished for myself.

Farmgirl Sister #4701
September 2014 Farmgirl of the Month

"The purpose of life is to enjoy every moment" - Yogi teabag
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785 Posts

Madras OR
785 Posts

Posted - Jan 02 2024 :  3:23:05 PM  Show Profile
Please share a picture of the slippers when you finish, Heather!!!

Debbie Klann
Farmgirl Sister #770
2018 Farmgirl of the Year

"Well behaved women seldom make history"....Laurel Thatcher Ulrich
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True Blue Farmgirl

7385 Posts

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Posted - Jan 03 2024 :  1:29:00 PM  Show Profile
I will be joining again this year and I have my list already written. I finished so many projects last year by staying focused. My plan is to do the same this year. I have a goal again to finish 2 projects a month but these projects are a little bigger so I may need to set my goal to 1 a month. My UFO list of things already started has 9 things (it was 26 last year). My UFO list of things to make that I haven't started but have all the supplies is 19 ( it was 23 last year). Thanks everyone for helping keep me focused and held accountable!

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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
3966 Posts

Posted - Jan 03 2024 :  5:35:44 PM  Show Profile
Well one amazing UFO is finished. I have just gotten the pins out of my toes today and now I can start putting weight on my right foot. How glad I am.

Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

1715 Posts

Kennewick WA
1715 Posts

Posted - Jan 03 2024 :  7:48:39 PM  Show Profile
Marie! That’s wonderful news!! Be sure to take it easy and don’t over do it!! :)

Karen :)

To quote one of my past preschoolers “Not one of those Karens, but a good Karen”! Haha
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True Blue Farmgirl

7385 Posts

7385 Posts

Posted - Jan 05 2024 :  2:44:36 PM  Show Profile
One of my UFO's is a blanket made up of many corner to corner squares. I only have one square done and 21 more to make. So I made a goal of completing at least 2 squares a month in hopes to finish it before the end of the year. This will all be in addition to my other UFO goals.

I also got out one of my other patterns for a blanket on my list and decided I no longer have a desire to make the blanket. That is one less UFO on my list now.

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Terrell TX
7601 Posts

Posted - Jan 05 2024 :  2:57:52 PM  Show Profile  Send quiltee a Yahoo! Message
Doesn't it feel good to whittle down your UFO list, Krista? Good for you!

I have a wall quilt pattern that I was going to make and have lost all interest in it. I had cut many of the pieces. I need to
post it to see if a farmgirl might want to make it for themselves.

Farmgirl hugs,
Terrell, TX

Farm girl #1919
Farm Girl of the Month
August 2015, April 2017 and June 2023

"Women are Angels, and when someone breaks our wings, we simply continue to fly . . . on a broomstick - we're flexible, like that."

Edited by - quiltee on Jan 05 2024 2:58:32 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Terrell TX
7601 Posts

Posted - Jan 06 2024 :  08:15:16 AM  Show Profile  Send quiltee a Yahoo! Message
Congratulations, Krista - I saw that you earned one of the UFO Merit Badges. I'm sure more of you can earn at least one level of the badge for UFOs this year.

Farmgirl hugs,
Terrell, TX

Farm girl #1919
Farm Girl of the Month
August 2015, April 2017 and June 2023

"Women are Angels, and when someone breaks our wings, we simply continue to fly . . . on a broomstick - we're flexible, like that."

Edited by - quiltee on Jan 06 2024 08:17:41 AM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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7385 Posts

Posted - Jan 08 2024 :  1:00:16 PM  Show Profile
Linda, it does feel good. And now I can focus my time on something I am actually wanting to do. Thanks! I finished my beginner and intermediate level UFO badges last year and I have completed all the requirements for the expert level, I just need to apply for it. This group really helped me achieve it! And its really helped me not create any new UFO's.

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Blessed in Colorado
True Blue Farmgirl

6870 Posts

Debbie L.
6870 Posts

Posted - Jan 08 2024 :  2:12:27 PM  Show Profile
Here is a UFO that I have been wanting to hand quilt for over 3 years now. I bought it at goodwill for I believe $20. I have not made or worked on a quilt in years so I am excited to get started. Hand quilting really relaxes me. It is a log cabin design which is a favorite of mine, it is 47 x 81 1/2 so a good size. I will keep you posted on my progress.

I will not be starting for awhile as right now I am knitting a basketweave blanket for my new great nephew. Not sure how long that will take. This is the 4th (don’t laugh) blanket I have started. I did not like the other 3 so hopefully I have more success with this 4 one.

Big Hugs,
Blessed in Oregon
With Colorado on My Mind
Farmgirl of the Month September 2012, February 2018, September 2022
“My altars are My Mountains
and the Ocean.” Lord Byron”

When I am Old I Shall Wear Purple, I am Old now!!

Edited by - Blessed in Colorado on Jan 08 2024 2:14:26 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

1715 Posts

Kennewick WA
1715 Posts

Posted - Jan 08 2024 :  3:48:38 PM  Show Profile
Debbie, your quilt is beautiful! I love the log cabin pattern! :) I can totally understand starting projects more than once! :) I do that quite a bit!

Karen :)

To quote one of my past preschoolers “Not one of those Karens, but a good Karen”! Haha
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Red Tractor Girl
True Blue Farmgirl

6697 Posts

Gainesville Fl
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Posted - Jan 09 2024 :  1:28:12 PM  Show Profile
Debbie, I love your new quilt project! The logcabin print has always been a favorite of mine too. It is a perfect winter project when the weather outside isn't pulling at your heartstrings to enjoy.

Winnie #3109
Red Tractor Girl
Farm Sister of the Year 2014-2015
FGOTM- October 2018
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True Blue Farmgirl

7601 Posts

Terrell TX
7601 Posts

Posted - Jan 09 2024 :  2:23:28 PM  Show Profile  Send quiltee a Yahoo! Message
Nice log cabin quilt, Debbie!

Farmgirl hugs,
Terrell, TX

Farm girl #1919
Farm Girl of the Month
August 2015, April 2017 and June 2023

"Women are Angels, and when someone breaks our wings, we simply continue to fly . . . on a broomstick - we're flexible, like that."
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True Blue Farmgirl

2453 Posts

Galt CA
2453 Posts

Posted - Jan 09 2024 :  5:00:51 PM  Show Profile
Debbie -- Have fun with your new-to-you quilt. Another log cabin quilt is on my want to do list.


7932 FGOTM 6/21
I'm old and I do wear purple
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True Blue Farmgirl

907 Posts

Canal Winchester OH
907 Posts

Posted - Jan 10 2024 :  05:19:01 AM  Show Profile
I'm almost afraid to look at all my unfinished projects... I will try to get a list, but until then I will list one at a time as I grab it (LOL). One of my unfished projects is a southwest mountains quilt. If I can just get all the blocks done this year and assembled, I will be happy. I have so much yarn, it is almost sinful. I have been collecting it to make hats for the Christmas Hat Trees around town, so that is definitely on my list, to make a dozen or more for next year. I'm not sure where on the list the "want to learn how to do" that started in 2023.

There is never a road so long that there isn't a curve in it.
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True Blue Farmgirl

7385 Posts

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Posted - Jan 10 2024 :  1:50:23 PM  Show Profile
Debbie, that looks beautiful. I hope you have a lot of relaxation while making it. I look forward to seeing it once it's done.

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