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True Blue Farmgirl

9452 Posts

Beavercreek Ohio
9452 Posts

Posted - Apr 28 2020 :  05:46:57 AM  Show Profile
All you ladies who love to sit on the porch, the virtual porch that is, come join the fun! We sometimes have tea together here or coffee, whichever you prefer. Just good to get together on the porch and chat with girlfriends!

Sister #43~1/18/2007

"Home is where we find comfort, security, memories, friendship, hospitality, and above all, family. It is the place that deserves our commitment and loyalty." William J. Bennett

"Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path." Psalm 119:105

True Blue Farmgirl

92 Posts

Walhalla SC
92 Posts

Posted - Apr 28 2020 :  06:13:58 AM  Show Profile  Send ChikinsR4dinner a Yahoo! Message
Tea in hand! Thank you Denise!

In laughter & hope,
Farmgirl Sister #8125
It is good to realize that if love and peace can prevail on earth, and if we can teach our children to honor nature's gifts, the joys and beauties of the outdoors will be here forever. -Jimmy Carter
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True Blue Farmgirl

9452 Posts

Beavercreek Ohio
9452 Posts

Posted - Apr 28 2020 :  06:18:38 AM  Show Profile
Me too D! It feels good this chilly morning.
Not much on the agenda today. Laundry keeps calling me as do a few other chores. Then I am going to find a spot, a cuppa and do some reading.

Sister #43~1/18/2007

"Home is where we find comfort, security, memories, friendship, hospitality, and above all, family. It is the place that deserves our commitment and loyalty." William J. Bennett

"Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path." Psalm 119:105
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True Blue Farmgirl

6740 Posts

Vancouver WA
6740 Posts

Posted - Apr 28 2020 :  11:33:49 AM  Show Profile
It feels great to take a break and come sit on the porch. I have a cuppa coffee and need a break from my boredom. This week the whole being inside is getting to me.
My Fibro and the weather have been flaring so I haven't walked for a couple of days. Maybe later today...but right now I am tired. How one can be tired of doing very
little is beyond me. LOL

It looks like somebody started us a new thread! Three cheers huh? It was nice to pop on and not have to go through a bazillion pages.

Denise...what are you reading? I just ordered a couple Audible Books. I love to listen while I walk. It makes 5 miles go by faster. I saw your book give-a-way. I bet Darlene
will enjoy those while she is waiting for her knee surgery. Poor girl!! She has been put through the wringer trying to get that done. Laundry keeps calling me too but I just
keep yelling back at it..."Shut up! Neither one of us is going anywhere...what's your rush!" LOL

D~ is it chilly where you are today. It is warm here...but not Hot by any means. Most days, unless it is raining...I walk outdoors in jeans and a T-shirt. Some people wear jackets
but I am hot blooded I guess. This past Saturday would have been my Mom's 87 birthday and a week before that marked 2 years since she passed. It seems like just last year
to me. Time really flies. Like I said before...she would have hated being cooped up. She was a people person just like me. We both had no problem talking to perfect strangers.
Social Butterflies!!!

Well, I'm going to go work on my bedroom or take a or the other.

I'm leaving some Triple Choc. Chip Cookies on the Porch to go with whatever you are drinking. Enjoy!!!

Love, Hugs, And Joy,

Farmgirl #1326
Member since Feb. 2010
Dec 2011-Farmgirl of the Month
Aug 2018-Farmgirl of the Month


Edited by - LadyInRed on Apr 29 2020 12:00:59 AM
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True Blue Farmgirl

92 Posts

Walhalla SC
92 Posts

Posted - Apr 28 2020 :  12:05:52 PM  Show Profile  Send ChikinsR4dinner a Yahoo! Message
Hi Peggy- Keep it up! So sorry that the fibro has been flaring - that can be SOOOO frustrating. And your Mom sounds awesome. I wish I had had the chance to (virtually) meet her!

It was cold here this am - 42?? Supposed to be in the 70s for the next few weeks. A month ago it was 90, so go figure that out. My round 2 of seeded plants are all on the back porch waiting patiently for the night time temps to stabilize in the 50s. Maybe by the weekend.

Just about finished work work for the day. Then headed off to my half-tiled prison cell (aka Mom's shower). I love her - but did she want to put in a shower head and a valve???? Noooooooooo She wanted something with a rain head, a corded wand, and 4 side jets!! DO I know anything about that???? Nooooooooo. Is that easy to tile around? Nooooooooo. Will my liver stand up to the extra abuse I am putting it through as a result???? I hope so. Some day - pictures.

The cookies were delicious :)

Hugs all around!

In laughter & hope,
Farmgirl Sister #8125
It is good to realize that if love and peace can prevail on earth, and if we can teach our children to honor nature's gifts, the joys and beauties of the outdoors will be here forever. -Jimmy Carter
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True Blue Farmgirl

2422 Posts

Galt CA
2422 Posts

Posted - Apr 28 2020 :  12:32:07 PM  Show Profile
I think I'll take a break from quilting and give my arms a rest from shoving that big quilt around on the machine. It's going to be about 90 here today so I have a tall glass of Constant Comment ice tea and sit here in the sun before it gets too warm and enjoy the flowers in the yard..


Happiness is Homemade
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Red Tractor Girl
True Blue Farmgirl

6677 Posts

Gainesville Fl
6677 Posts

Posted - Apr 28 2020 :  12:47:29 PM  Show Profile
I am here with an afternoon cup of decaf coffee that is a mix of regular and Snickerdoodle flavors wishing everyone a lovely day. Thanks Peggy for the delicious cookies! Today has been busy with chores around the house and a brief grocery store run. I am currently taking the time to make lists of projects and ideas and place them in my planner by month and with reminders to keep me focused. With so much time at home, I have been dreaming up lots of ideas of things to make and change. But if I don't make a list AND a reminder to review the list, the projects are way more likely to actually happen. Gotta remind this old brain with reminders! LOL!

Thanks Denise for bringing this idea here. I always enjoy hearing what others are doing and thinking.

Winnie #3109
Red Tractor Girl
Farm Sister of the Year 2014-2015
FGOTM- October 2018
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True Blue Farmgirl

3470 Posts

Louisville Ohio(Stark Co)
3470 Posts

Posted - Apr 28 2020 :  2:16:02 PM  Show Profile
Hi Girlies *waving madly* Thank you Denise, for the brand new, clean and polished porch with no crumbs or chocolate smears... ahem...(Peg),on the glider or chairs. ROFL
Speaking of... thanks for those yummy cookies! They went well with my choc-rose tea! mmm-mmmm...
Oh, I just ordered 3 more Father Tim books. The first one will tell us why he was so angry with his father. It's sort of a prequel... his life as a youngster. It's called Coming Home. The other 2 continue his life up to retirement... if he ever really does. *giggle*
Judith, ICED Constant Comment... I've never tried it that way. My Sis and I really like that tea.
She'll be on here in a few too, as soon as she realizes that we've moved. heehee
Winnie, reminders for your reminders... too FUNNY!!! Hahaha
D, you had me cracking up at your shower nightmare. You are a funny gal! ...aannndddd I laugh easily. I'm a giggler! Hahaha
OK Gals, make it a Great day!
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True Blue Farmgirl

9452 Posts

Beavercreek Ohio
9452 Posts

Posted - Apr 28 2020 :  3:19:43 PM  Show Profile
Peggy~ I am reading the Tearoom Mysteries right now. The ones done by Guideposts. I ordered more books. Gah! There is no more bookshelf space so I need to downsize. My laundry has been yelling at me all day but I managed to ignore it today.

D ~ I do not envy you that job one bit! We do have plenty of home improvement projects to get done. The roof for one thing. Not sure if that will be a diy or hiring someone to do it.

Winnie ~ so nice to see you here! I understand about needing to keep focused on those projects.

Judy ~ I love the Father Tim books. Have you ever read anything by Phillip Gulley? His are similar I think to those. Though it has been a while since I've read either of the series. Maybe when I get caught I will read them again. (she says as if there is a possibility of ever reading all these books that are in the TBR pile)

Sister #43~1/18/2007

"Home is where we find comfort, security, memories, friendship, hospitality, and above all, family. It is the place that deserves our commitment and loyalty." William J. Bennett

"Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path." Psalm 119:105
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True Blue Farmgirl

545 Posts

Clarkson Kentucky
545 Posts

Posted - Apr 28 2020 :  6:46:50 PM  Show Profile  Send craftbug a Yahoo! Message
I made it to the shiny new place! Thanks for the cookies! Don't go with lemonade but oh well.. love them anyway.

Spent day outside since it was in the 70's. Played in the dirt of my raised beds and put bush bean seeds in.

Also planted Sugar Snap peas! Sure hope we don't go through another drought this year! U G H!

Planted some posy seeds too. Aster, Calendula, Cosmos and Nasturtium so far. Got 2 hills of zucchini done too. Now wait n see.

A shower felt so good after all the work in the hot sun. Was cloudy also but ya it all felt good.

Later gals..

Thomas Edison: "Opportunity is missed by most because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." :)
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True Blue Farmgirl

3470 Posts

Louisville Ohio(Stark Co)
3470 Posts

Posted - Apr 28 2020 :  7:15:48 PM  Show Profile
Denise, I don't know if they are the same but I discovered The Tearoom mysteries on YouTube. I like a good mystery. I've not heard of Phillip Gulley. I'll have to check him out. I watched Father Brown Mysteries on Netflix years ago. Then Peg told me about Father Tim. I couldn't believe how much they were alike. They both did the, "A-ha" remark all the time. I could put one in the place of the other as I was reading Father Tim. Back in the 70s or 80s there was another series I enjoyed on TV like it about a Father and a nun... Tom Bosley and Tracy Nelson were the main actors. Does anybody remember the name of it? I'm blank.
Go Sissy Go!!! Wow! You did get a lot planted. I'm sure you are tired. Why do we think we have to do it all in one day... when God took 6 days! Hahaha It's a thought! Just sayin!' ;)

Sister-chick# 905(Sept.14th 2009)
"We are a hardy bunch of mixed-breed mutts....a little Hillbilly, a little Indian, a little Irish/Welsh.....BUT a Whole Lotta GOD!!!"
"I used to toast marshmallows over my birthday cake. Now I can roast a ham."
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True Blue Farmgirl

17161 Posts

WACAL Gal WashCalif.
17161 Posts

Posted - Apr 28 2020 :  8:00:56 PM  Show Profile
Wish I had turned my computer on earlier today to join you gals,,
I started my morning by sipping my coffee outside of my wee camp trailer... and then later today, after DH and I did some clean up work in the barn,, we both sat outside the trailer and enjoyed an Ice cream bar...

Happiness is being a katmom and Glamping Diva! &

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True Blue Farmgirl

6740 Posts

Vancouver WA
6740 Posts

Posted - Apr 29 2020 :  12:57:42 AM  Show Profile
Well, My Lovelies...I guess all we needed was a New Porch to visit get everyone to take a little break from work and come sit a spell. Thanks, Denise for
for taking the leap and moving us on over!!

Denise...I have read some other books called the exact same thing "Teamroom Mysteries" but they were not Guidepost books. Let me know how you like them.

Judy...I wondered if you had read the other Father Tim Books. I liked them but not as well as the first series. It was kind of a leap for me. I was so content with
the original characters that I wanted them to all stay in the stories. They did a bit...but you will see what I mean. I am glad I read them however! The Phillip Gulley
Books are good too. There was another series of books that were very similar and do you think I can remember them for the life of me? NO! If it comes back to
me I will let you all know. I just recently finished the Motherhood Murders by Diana Orgain, Yappy Hour by Diana Orgain, Ranger Protection by Lynn Shannon,
The Baffling Burglaries of Bath by Leighann Dobbs and Murder on Charles Street by Leighann Dobbs, Carmels with a Side of Murder by Meredith Potts,
If Not For You by Debbie Macomber, and A Spring Time to Remember by Lucy Coleman. have been a busy girl! You will enjoy the Harvest later! And you planted some of those old fashion flowers that I love. Good for you!! I quit doing Veggies
after we had two years in a row of drought conditions. So, I started doing flowers only!! We don't have much room in our little front gardens. Raised gardens are
the way to go. I got too old for all that bending overstuff! LOL

D~People that knew my mother either loved her or hated her. She was a Narcissist to the hilt. If you could put up with everything having to be about her...then you were
her friend. Of us three kids I am the one who got along with her best. But we had our moments too. My dad who was a Saint in my book because loved her beyond words.
They got married at 16 & 17 years old and they were married for 52 years before he passed away. They didn't have to get married they just wanted to. They were so cute
when they were young. Very fashionable for the time period. Any time you saw them together for 52 years they were holding hands. I loved seeing that all my life...growing up.
I loved my mom because she was my mother and I had a healthy respect for her. But I was a daddies girl as was my sister. Well, there is a little bit of my history for you. love to mix those coffees don't you? That mix sounds really good! Hope my cookies went well with that combo! LOL Are you going into the Grocery Stores yourself?
I was until my husband started freaking out that I would bring some "more" home than just-food. So, now he wants me to just do on-line orders and pick up curbside. For a
Social Butterfly...he has clipped my wings but good. LOL

Judith..that sounds way too HOT to Quilt. Are you making this for you or is it a gift? I have never had constant comment tea cold either. I use to drink it years ago hot but
the citrus started messing with my I found other teas that agree with me better.

Grace...I love your little cute. There is one just the same colors on my walk area. I bet yours is cuter on the inside though!! Farmgirls are the best at Glamming
things up!! Is the garden area completed now??? How is the weather your way? A friend of mine in Spokane, said you guys have had a lot of wet weather lately. Must have
been nice today since you were eating ice-cream bars outside.

Okay, I guess I better wrap this up before my MacBook belches and I lose it all. Good Night My Porchies! Sweet Dreams!!

Love, Hugs, and Joy,

Farmgirl #1326
Member since Feb. 2010
Dec 2011-Farmgirl of the Month
Aug 2018-Farmgirl of the Month

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True Blue Farmgirl

92 Posts

Walhalla SC
92 Posts

Posted - Apr 29 2020 :  04:24:12 AM  Show Profile  Send ChikinsR4dinner a Yahoo! Message
Grace - I love your glamper! What a great idea to set that up. Going to have to ponder opportunities for my own (we were considering a tiny home build for an air B&B)
Patsy wins the prize for likely the most productive day - good for you!!!!
Judith - I want to see your quilt when done! It's on my list to learn how. (Yes - a long list)
And good on the rest of you who are reading! I am hoping with completion of the prison cell (some day) and getting a house listed for sale - I will meet summer head on with some high quality hammock & book time. You're helping me with a reading list!

Happy Happy Hump day, make it a great one!

In laughter & hope,
Farmgirl Sister #8125
It is good to realize that if love and peace can prevail on earth, and if we can teach our children to honor nature's gifts, the joys and beauties of the outdoors will be here forever. -Jimmy Carter
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True Blue Farmgirl

9452 Posts

Beavercreek Ohio
9452 Posts

Posted - Apr 29 2020 :  06:48:10 AM  Show Profile
Well it is good to see so many have made out here to the new porch!

Judy~ I remember Tom Bosley in The Dowling Mysteries. I liked that one a lot.

Patsy~ Your garden sounds lovely. I am waiting for the rain to stop for more than one day so I can work in my garden. For now it is work in the house.

Grace~ I love your cute little camper. Wish we could find one.

Well that laundry that was yelling at me yesterday is still at it so I am going to get it done today. My laundry is in the upstairs bathroom so I am planning to clean the room while I am up there anyway.
Time to get moving so have fun on the porch!

Sister #43~1/18/2007

"Home is where we find comfort, security, memories, friendship, hospitality, and above all, family. It is the place that deserves our commitment and loyalty." William J. Bennett

"Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path." Psalm 119:105
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True Blue Farmgirl

17161 Posts

WACAL Gal WashCalif.
17161 Posts

Posted - Apr 29 2020 :  08:47:48 AM  Show Profile
Well, looks like no porch sitting for me today... out here on the West Plains,, looking out my window.. it's windy and sort of overcast...

I'll pop out and water my little garden,, still have plants to plant.. but today might be a play in my craft room...

And depending on the way my day goes,, I could go out to the trailer and read... hmmm, wonder if the cat would like to spend some quality time with me in the trailer...

Welcome to the Flamingo Palace...

Happiness is being a katmom and Glamping Diva! &

Edited by - katmom on Apr 29 2020 09:26:38 AM
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True Blue Farmgirl

92 Posts

Walhalla SC
92 Posts

Posted - Apr 29 2020 :  08:59:35 AM  Show Profile  Send ChikinsR4dinner a Yahoo! Message
Grace - thanks for sharing! That is freakin adorable!

In laughter & hope,
Farmgirl Sister #8125
It is good to realize that if love and peace can prevail on earth, and if we can teach our children to honor nature's gifts, the joys and beauties of the outdoors will be here forever. -Jimmy Carter
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True Blue Farmgirl

6740 Posts

Vancouver WA
6740 Posts

Posted - Apr 29 2020 :  11:56:31 AM  Show Profile
Good Morning My Porchies...Well, just incase you forgot....TODAY IS DAY #47 of the Covid19 Lockdown!! Is it just me or does it seem more like 47 YEARS!!
My Prison Walls are closing in on me. Maybe, I just need to get up and go make some Coffee and eat some cookies or something else indulgent! LOL

Grace...See, I knew your Clamper was going to be glamorous inside too!! What a Nice Little Retreat for Reading! Just too Adorable!!!

Denise...I threw a towel over my laundry basket for another day or two. Best done on a rainy day!! But, at least now I can't hear it screaming at me.

D ~ I always thought I could live in a Tiny home if it was just me. But I don't know now that this 1,000 square foot Apartment is closing in on me.
I probably could if it had a nice deck built off of it.

Okay, Girls...whatever you do or don't do today...try to find something to enjoy and laugh about. OKay, crying is allowable too but not near as much FUN!!

Love, Hugs, and Joy,

Farmgirl #1326
Member since Feb. 2010
Dec 2011-Farmgirl of the Month
Aug 2018-Farmgirl of the Month

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True Blue Farmgirl

2569 Posts

Connie - Farmgirl #673
Hoosick Falls NY
2569 Posts

Posted - Apr 29 2020 :  12:46:36 PM  Show Profile
we dont have a porch here, going a little nuts being in this living room. its a dreary day, i wish the sun would come out. the house we will buy soon will have a porch.

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True Blue Farmgirl

92 Posts

Walhalla SC
92 Posts

Posted - Apr 29 2020 :  1:33:13 PM  Show Profile  Send ChikinsR4dinner a Yahoo! Message

I am sure of that. Quarantine has a way of making ANY space closing in on you. I have huge sympathies for my apartment-dwelling sisters during this unusual time. It can't be easy, fun, or good for anyone's sanity. A tiny home (or an apartment) are ONLY good - I think - if you have the ability to pair them with access to the outdoors. Any 4 walls start to close in pretty quickly when you're stuck there.

The key - perhaps - is to find other outlets - like your sisterhood to help pass the time and spread a little joy.

Here we've had... M O R E rain just now and are expecting storms this evening. It keeps the crops growing I guess {:) Stay strong sisters!

In laughter & hope,
Farmgirl Sister #8125
It is good to realize that if love and peace can prevail on earth, and if we can teach our children to honor nature's gifts, the joys and beauties of the outdoors will be here forever. -Jimmy Carter
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True Blue Farmgirl

9452 Posts

Beavercreek Ohio
9452 Posts

Posted - Apr 29 2020 :  2:52:21 PM  Show Profile
We are in for rain soon as my sinuses are causing headache from the change in the barometric pressure. Happens everytime.

I just saw where one of our state legislators wants to start slowly opening things here. They call it soft opening starting with parks to get people out into the fresh air. We don't frequent the parks as we usually just hike around our property out back. We are not as densely populated as many places in the central and northern part of our state. Not sure if they can go over the governor and his rules or not. We have been exempt from the ban on church meetings, but no one has been meeting at ours.

The wisteria is all starting to bloom. It is growing all through the trees in our woods. So pretty to look out the window and see purple blooms. I am going out this evening and cut some lilac to bring in.

Sister #43~1/18/2007

"Home is where we find comfort, security, memories, friendship, hospitality, and above all, family. It is the place that deserves our commitment and loyalty." William J. Bennett

"Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path." Psalm 119:105
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True Blue Farmgirl

1252 Posts

Fulks Run VA
1252 Posts

Posted - Apr 29 2020 :  4:28:04 PM  Show Profile
Headaches and weather are the worse.
I got my garden planted. I did eggplant and some other things in pots and went out to shut up the chickens last night and found that the chickens had torn up most of the pots. So I had to put fencing around my pots until they come in.
I mowed today and the cows in the field behind me watched the whole time. I got the broom and it was rusted thru in two spots and I got very little grass for them. I felt bad but not bad enough to get a rake and rake the two acres.
I'm ready for tea, think I'll go for mint. Have a good evening.

Farmgirl Sister #7131
Farmgirl of the Month, January 2017
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True Blue Farmgirl

3470 Posts

Louisville Ohio(Stark Co)
3470 Posts

Posted - Apr 29 2020 :  5:51:39 PM  Show Profile
I'm loving all the porch-gab going on. I typed a whole paragraph earlier, but when I hit backspace to back up and fix something***POOF*** gone. grrrrrr...Yup, I was mad!! That's what I hit the last time I lost a whole paragraph. Weird!!!
Grace, cute kitty. What's its name(I peeked at your blog)? Your camper is soooo Ca-uuute!! One birthday(Feb), some years ago, my hubby bought me 6 plastic flamingos n jammed their wire legs into an ice bank outside my back door. The neighbors never forgot it. They still talk about it. Hahaha
Lenora, I'm rooting for you to get a nice BIG back porch, so you can really enjoy it. ;-D
Peg, I knew you could Wrangle that clothes basket an Muzzle it! Good for you! Hahaha
Denise, I get like that too when the barometric pressure changes. Miserable! I wish we could grow wisteria here. It's soooo preeeety n smells soooo wonderful!
Well, have a great evening gals!

Sister-chick# 905(Sept.14th 2009)
"We are a hardy bunch of mixed-breed mutts....a little Hillbilly, a little Indian, a little Irish/Welsh.....BUT a Whole Lotta GOD!!!"
"I used to toast marshmallows over my birthday cake. Now I can roast a ham."
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True Blue Farmgirl

545 Posts

Clarkson Kentucky
545 Posts

Posted - Apr 29 2020 :  5:57:51 PM  Show Profile  Send craftbug a Yahoo! Message
Well, today was dodge the drops day. Got a bunch of sticks out of my yard into the fire pit before the BIG rain came.

Spread some Zinnia and Basil seed around before I had to go in the house. Getting my fresh air for sure.

The reason dear Sis for doing it all yesterday was because I knew it was going to rain today! So glad I did. Now if I can keep the

neighbor cat out of the planters. It likes to use them for a litter box.. ugh.. About as bad as Nora's chickens. That's why I don't

let my chickens out to roam and I only have 3! They love digging stuff up..

So glad I can get outside! That keeps me sane and healthy. Keep your chins up gals.. There IS light at the end of the tunnel..

Thomas Edison: "Opportunity is missed by most because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." :)
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True Blue Farmgirl

3470 Posts

Louisville Ohio(Stark Co)
3470 Posts

Posted - Apr 29 2020 :  6:14:22 PM  Show Profile
Patsy, got any extra screens or wire around. That's what I use to keep squirrels out of my planters until they get established. Squirrel leaves them alone after that.

Sister-chick# 905(Sept.14th 2009)
"We are a hardy bunch of mixed-breed mutts....a little Hillbilly, a little Indian, a little Irish/Welsh.....BUT a Whole Lotta GOD!!!"
"I used to toast marshmallows over my birthday cake. Now I can roast a ham."
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True Blue Farmgirl

17161 Posts

WACAL Gal WashCalif.
17161 Posts

Posted - Apr 29 2020 :  6:45:06 PM  Show Profile
Judy,,, her name is Kiki kitty... a stray/rescue,, that we adopted, got her spayed, her shots and county kitty tags..
She and Ginger get along mischievously..

I sat out a bit, by my trailer,, looking through the mail.. I got an 'April Cornnel' clothing catalogue.. wowzer! dress prices have really gone up!

Happiness is being a katmom and Glamping Diva! &

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