I was cleaning out the big drawer of kitchen stuff; the one that holds all the miscellaneous stuff like cookie cutters basters, egg slicers, etc. and found this item that has been kicking around for years. I have no idea what it is or what it does, neither does my husband. I sent a picture of it to my sister who said she has one too and doesn't know what it's for. Does anyone here have a clue?
I've seen it called a butter slicer and a cookie dropper. Butter cutter was our first guess, but upon trying it out it just doesn't work. And really, what is simpler to cut butter than a knife? And I can't see how it would work as a cookie dropper, either. I use a spoon.... So I guess this thingamajig will just remain unknown until I see someone successfully using it on youtube.
I am going to have to try mine with the butter but I was always told it was a cookie drop thingy from pamper chef. It never worked for that so I am going to try the butter with it.
Wow -- thank you for posting this! We tried it with butter but a knife woks better as the blade is smaller than cube of butter. I don't know where I got mine as I've never been to a Pampered Chef party. Could you post a picture of the directions? I'm trying to figure out how it works with cookie dough.
Yesterday I made a batch of low-carb cookies and used the cookie dropper. It works good altho two spoons make a more regular shaped cookie. But it works well enough that I might keep it.