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True Blue Farmgirl

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Alvordton 36
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Posted - Jul 15 2019 :  6:52:53 PM  Show Profile
I don't know how many of you have ever heard about the Historic Sauders Village. I only live about 15 miles from there. They offer some wonderful classes on rug hooking that I would love to take. I wanted to get into the next class but it is booked. I am going to take one of the quilting classes, too. They have a good amount of classes to choose from. It's a great place to take the family as there is something for everyone to do.

Lori Beck

True Blue Farmgirl

2721 Posts

Central Oregon
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Posted - Jul 18 2019 :  12:30:54 PM  Show Profile
I have not heard of Sauders Village, as I live in Central Oregon, however, I love handmade quilts, nothing more special and comforting! When my boys were small, my mother made them each their own quilt for their beds... she embroidered in the corner of each one her name, date and XOXO to personalize it for them. We called those quilts their magic quilts to help keep bad dreams away - that always seemed to add more magic and comfort to the handmade quilt. I'm a very amateur seamstress, but have conjured up a basic square quilt throw or two - would love to learn how to make a more elaborate one, but I'm still trying to master the patience and skill to do so! One day! I did find a handmade sunburst quilt at an estate sale about a month ago for on $2!! I was thrilled and love it!!! What a bargain!! As I've seen handmade quilts at other estate sales for $85-$100 each! I will google Sauders Village this afternoon and see if there is anything on line I can read about! Thanks for sharing Lori!! AND, go take that rug hooking class!!! :-)

Farmgirl Sister #7038
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Bonnie Ellis
True Blue Farmgirl

2474 Posts

Minneapolis Minnesota
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Posted - Jul 18 2019 :  5:09:32 PM  Show Profile
Hand made quilts are precious. I am lucky to be able to carry on the tradition. I love to sew by hand.

grandmother and orphan farmgirl
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True Blue Farmgirl

588 Posts

Alvordton 36
588 Posts

Posted - Jul 18 2019 :  6:12:27 PM  Show Profile
April, the quilt you got for $2 is a steal. You really got a great find there. I love Sauders Village. It is a beautiful place to go through. It's like stepping back 100 years. I love estate sales. I have found some rare treasures at some of them. I hope you was able to check it out online

Bonnie, there is nothing like a homemade quilt. They are so unique and each one has is precious in its own way. I have never sewn by hand but will take a class to learn about it. I think it will be fun

Lori Beck
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True Blue Farmgirl

588 Posts

Alvordton 36
588 Posts

Posted - Aug 07 2019 :  5:43:03 PM  Show Profile
I have officially signed up for my rug hooking class at Sauder's. I am so excited to be doing this. I get 3 one on one hours with the instructor on how to hook rugs. My class will be sometime in Sept.

Lori Beck
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