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 I apologize.....
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True Blue Farmgirl

992 Posts

Talladega Alabama
992 Posts

Posted - May 22 2019 :  05:03:35 AM  Show Profile
Hay there.

When tragedy happens it truly does send you into a spiral.

I apologize for not getting all the new farmgirl packages sent out months ago. I will get those sent to you this weekend. I have a house full of boarding dogs and will be hanging out closer to home for that reason. I have decided to purchase hay instead of cutting my own this year....lots of things are being tweaked to make life go smoother right now. I have fallen behind on lots of things that need my attention. So this is only one area that will be taken care of while I am home. Our VIRTUAL chapter is growing and I intend to do much better with keeping all you chicks involved. I apologize. I scanned my emails a few days ago for the first time in a long while...I think there have been a few emails sent to me from farmgirls and will respond to them ASAP. For anyone wanting to join a VIRTUAL chapter we are THE POOR HOUSE FARMGIRLS and you can email me at to join.

I love you all and have missed being on here with ya'll. I think I am getting better at handling this most recent tragedy …. until the waves knock me over but I AM learning to get back up.

Love to you all....and hug your loved ones as many times as possible.


Hugs and prayers, Daizy #1093
Poor House Farmgirl Chapter {A virtual chapter open to everyone.}
A good day is when you find ALL your ear tags! I wonder how my cows would like my Farmgirl apron??

True Blue Farmgirl

4444 Posts

Jack Al.
4444 Posts

Posted - May 22 2019 :  05:30:32 AM  Show Profile
Wow, so sorry to hear that you've been thrown into a fiery furnace there Daizy! Seems I can't turn around without someone going through some fierce trials of some sort. The world is in an upheaval for sure. Praying things get situated soon for you and yours! We are here for you! Vietual Hugs!

Farmgirl #7103
FGOTM January 2018
"Blessed are they that see beautiful things in humble places, where other people see nothing." Pissarro
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True Blue Farmgirl

992 Posts

Talladega Alabama
992 Posts

Posted - May 29 2019 :  04:27:37 AM  Show Profile
Hay there.

Thank you, Mz Dianna. I just have to remember to breathe and to put one foot in front of the other. Thank you for the hugs.

Hugs and prayers, Daizy #1093
Poor House Farmgirl Chapter {A virtual chapter open to everyone.}
A good day is when you find ALL your ear tags! I wonder how my cows would like my Farmgirl apron??
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Red Tractor Girl
True Blue Farmgirl

6697 Posts

Gainesville Fl
6697 Posts

Posted - May 29 2019 :  05:33:09 AM  Show Profile
Daisy, sending Farmgirl Hugs your way! Hopefully you can get some changes made that will allow you the time you need to be with friends and enjoy fun projects. Life sure can get complicated in a hurry! Here is to a better more relaxing Summer for you and a less complicated lifestyle!!

Winnie #3109
Red Tractor Girl
Farm Sister of the Year 2014-2015
FGOTM- October 2018
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True Blue Farmgirl

7787 Posts

Loleta California
7787 Posts

Posted - May 29 2019 :  12:53:29 PM  Show Profile
Sending prayers your way Daizy take deep breaths and continue on. We are here for you!


Trust in your faith, not your emotions, when it comes to making life’s decisions.

I have learned that to have a good friend is the purest of all God's gifts, for it is a love that has no exchange of payment.
by Frances Farmer

Just follow God unquestioningly.
Because you love Him so, for if you trust His judgment there is nothing you need to know.

I trust in you Jesus...
FGOTM Nov 2017
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True Blue Farmgirl

992 Posts

Talladega Alabama
992 Posts

Posted - May 31 2019 :  05:50:25 AM  Show Profile
Hay there.

Thank you, Mz Winnie and Mz Darlene. I am relearning what normal is all about. I am so very blessed to have my Farm Girl family. Ya'll are always here and I am trying to show up here more often as reading others posts and learning what others are doing and enjoying is most helpful right now. I love ya'll and appreciate the love that is returned to me. I also love feeling the love that is sent out to all the other sisters in MJF. It is very uplifting …. I believe ya'll are a life line for me and so many others. Be blessed and keep doing what ya'll do....loving each other. Hugs.

Hugs and prayers, Daizy #1093
Poor House Farmgirl Chapter {A virtual chapter open to everyone.}
A good day is when you find ALL your ear tags! I wonder how my cows would like my Farmgirl apron??
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True Blue Farmgirl

7787 Posts

Loleta California
7787 Posts

Posted - May 31 2019 :  06:01:56 AM  Show Profile
You are so right about being a life line on here Daizy, these ladies really are!
Blessings and have a good day and keep safe out there!


Trust in your faith, not your emotions, when it comes to making life’s decisions.

I have learned that to have a good friend is the purest of all God's gifts, for it is a love that has no exchange of payment.
by Frances Farmer

Just follow God unquestioningly.
Because you love Him so, for if you trust His judgment there is nothing you need to know.

I trust in you Jesus...
FGOTM Nov 2017
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True Blue Farmgirl

588 Posts

Alvordton 36
588 Posts

Posted - May 31 2019 :  7:17:13 PM  Show Profile
Hope things settle down some for you, Daizy. Seems like when it rains it pours. Keep the faith.

With God all things are possible

Lori Beck
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