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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - May 15 2017 :  11:49:01 PM  Show Profile
Bridgette, What is Women's Wilderness Weekend? What type of activities did you do? Did you like the experience? Looking for outings to do in our library. We have a very unique library that offers all sorts of unusual classes. This coming weekend our library is sponsoring a outdoor cooking class. Tonight there is an homemade angel food cake class. Always something going on. I love to go to the classes.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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1123 Posts

Posted - May 15 2017 :  11:51:21 PM  Show Profile
My hustle is to sell decorating items via Facebook and a local buy, sell, and trade group. I have sold one item for fifty bucks. I don't have a goal, other than using cash to pay for extras. Also sell eggs. I don't make enough to do much since I only have 12 chickens.

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True Blue Farmgirl

814 Posts

Southern Indiana
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Posted - May 16 2017 :  09:05:40 AM  Show Profile
WTG!!! Krista

Cozynana, the wilderness weekend included in depth archery lessons, kayaking, Dutch oven cooking, survival, wild edibles and medicine, wilderness 1st aid, basic fishing and fly fishing, firearms safety, trap shooting, rifle, outdoors and camping basics, boat operations, self –defense and wildlife tracking. Meals were provided on Saturday and Sunday. Camping will take place in the modern electric campgrounds. It was from Friday afternoon until Sunday at noon. It was a bunch of fun!! Other than we had some of the worst thunderstorms we had seen in years!!! We made the best of it and luckily my tent survived and stayed dry.

I listed my folding bike on FB, hoping to get more listed. I been super busy I am working to hopefully acquire a houseboat this month. It is a dream of mine to live on it most of the year! So I have been super busy with that. I am hoping it all works out!! This is another reason I have been working really hard to reduce my stuff!!!

Farmgirl Sister #7277
Put your lipstick on & be Happy!
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - May 16 2017 :  10:59:18 AM  Show Profile
Thanks Bridge! That wilderness weekend sounds fantastic. I would love to do something like that. So many of those activities would be helpful to learn as well as fun. Good luck with getting a houseboat. Hopefully you can find the perfect one. I think with your rate, you will reduce your stuff in no time!

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True Blue Farmgirl

814 Posts

Southern Indiana
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Posted - May 28 2017 :  08:28:33 AM  Show Profile
Wow!! already the 28th!!
My hustle has been hindered by all the work for the houseboat. I think I have found her!! I go next week to MO to view and make the final decision. :) :)

I have listed a couple stitching things today and changed my Buy It Now, to Auctions on Ebay. So I am still hopeful that I might make a little hustle cash!
I am still organizing and making lists of all the things I need to rehome. With the boat becoming eyes are seeing even more stuff I don't NEED!

How's your May Hustles finishing up?????? What are your plans for June??

I have a hard time reducing prices on my stuff....but I am contemplating it.
What are your feelings on this, better to hold tight on the price and wait or reduce and sell it fast??

Farmgirl Sister #7277
Put your lipstick on & be Happy!
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True Blue Farmgirl

476 Posts

Midland Michigan
476 Posts

Posted - May 30 2017 :  03:52:03 AM  Show Profile
I'm selling fishing stuff. My hubby has a lot of things still new in boxes. Stuffed here and there in the house. Yesterday I sold a reel for $40 on ebay. I'm also going to try and increase my income selling things I make. I love making potholders, aprons, baby quilts, bibs etc. Think I'll try my hand at Nightgowns made from lightweight Vintage sheets. I'm trying to pay off credit cards without dipping into my nest.

Farmgirl Sister #2315
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Denise Ann
True Blue Farmgirl

831 Posts

Shoreview MN
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Posted - May 30 2017 :  05:26:02 AM  Show Profile
I spent the weekend going through another closet, getting rid of a bunch of stuff, some for my daughters garage sale and some books I'm bring to Half Price Books, they buy books, CD,s and DVDs, so even if I get 5 dollars its 5 dollars more than I had before. What ever does not sell at the garage sale will get donated. I need to go through the kitchen cupboards and get rid of some casserole dishes etc. Its so nice to open a clean closet.

Denise Ann
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - May 30 2017 :  11:32:00 AM  Show Profile
Bridge I feel the same way about reducing prices. But I have finally hit the point that I need it gone so anything is better than nothing. We decided to take a big step and get our new couch yesterday so now we have our old couch to sell. We will see how that goes.

Glad to hear you may have found your new home. Super excited for you!

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True Blue Farmgirl

476 Posts

Midland Michigan
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Posted - May 30 2017 :  2:17:40 PM  Show Profile
A HOUSEBOAT??? How exciting! I'm happy for you. What an adventure :)

Originally posted by Bridge

Wow!! already the 28th!!
My hustle has been hindered by all the work for the houseboat. I think I have found her!! I go next week to MO to view and make the final decision. :) :)

I have listed a couple stitching things today and changed my Buy It Now, to Auctions on Ebay. So I am still hopeful that I might make a little hustle cash!
I am still organizing and making lists of all the things I need to rehome. With the boat becoming eyes are seeing even more stuff I don't NEED!

How's your May Hustles finishing up?????? What are your plans for June??

I have a hard time reducing prices on my stuff....but I am contemplating it.
What are your feelings on this, better to hold tight on the price and wait or reduce and sell it fast??

Farmgirl Sister #7277
Put your lipstick on & be Happy!

Farmgirl Sister #2315
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True Blue Farmgirl

814 Posts

Southern Indiana
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Posted - May 31 2017 :  11:40:08 AM  Show Profile
Sounds like everyone is doing great and have awesome mindsets and ideas.
I sold my cuttlebug die cut machine, so that was $120
I also have a old harddrive that will sell for $7ish
I have a few other items but no hits but they have another 5 days till end.

I am also getting excited to reduce my stuff so, I am reducing items.

I am getting excited for the boat, even DH is getting on board "I think".
Last night I was boxing stuff to ship out. He said, maybe you should sell some of my stuff! I about fell over!! He is not one to let go of things easily.
I have learned in my life that I want to enjoy nature and moments and not STUFF! (Hence the boat)
Next week I go to hopefully close on the boat!!! It is a juggling act to get everything in place. Transport, funds, brokers, surveys etc.... I just keep telling myself it will all be worth it in a few more weeks.

Krista -- Congrats on the new couch. I am sure that will motivate you to de-stash. New big household items always get me in the cleaning purging mood.
Denise -- I wish we had a 1/2 book place. I used to sell books on, but lately it doesn't seem that they move very well. I think the digital books have somewhat hit the re-sell market hard. I agree $5 is $5 :)
Christy -- I'm not telling DH your selling fishing stuff (LOL)

I have a few more stacks and boxes to list, but it takes time and I also must be careful to not have items ending when I will be traveling.

Unless, some of my FB stuff sells I will most likely end May with a hustle total of $135
$128 from sales
$7 from Savings Catcher App

For July—I plan on more selling of the stuff! I will set the goal at $200 (again) I also am adding the challenge of not spending on any non-essential items. If I need something non-essential I must spend bonus/cashback money to purchase it. For some reason I hoard my reward moneies, as silly as that is.
I have the following in my **bonus** money buckets.
$88 Discover cashback
$30 Ibotta
$39 Walmart Savings Catcher
$48 Amazon rewards/gc
$25 Swagbucks

Looking forward to seeing your July goals

Farmgirl Sister #7277
Put your lipstick on & be Happy!
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True Blue Farmgirl

7487 Posts

7487 Posts

Posted - Jun 01 2017 :  11:21:00 AM  Show Profile
Way to go Bridge! I think you mean June instead of July! Lol. I finished May with $32 dollars. Still not my goal but more then I had in April. Last night I listed our couch and tv stand and have had some interest in the couch already so my fingers are crossed.

How does the Walmart savings catcher really work? Might be something I'm interested in.

I'll set my goal for June as $100. I'm hoping to reach this goal since we are having our yard sale this month. I'm also planning to share my recent crochet projects on Facebook to see if I can get anymore orders.

Love participating in this!

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Southern Indiana
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Posted - Jun 05 2017 :  08:20:42 AM  Show Profile
Good job Krista, that is exactly right any $$$ is better than no $$$

Walmart Savings catcher, you just enter your receipts and it then price matches for you.

I did mean June.....this whole month has been a whirlwind LOL

Farmgirl Sister #7277
Put your lipstick on & be Happy!
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jun 10 2017 :  12:10:09 PM  Show Profile
Thanks Bridge! I will look into the Savings Catcher and see if it will work for us.

We were able to sell our couch last Saturday so that was nice and definitely cleared up some space. Our last couch was huge. I love our smaller cozier new couch. We still have 2 more weeks tell the yard sale, so I still have time to get ready.

I hear you on the whirlwind. I can't believe it's even June already.

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True Blue Farmgirl

1650 Posts

DeRidder Louisiana
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Posted - Jun 12 2017 :  3:24:05 PM  Show Profile
I just put change in a large plastic jar. I saved about a year. I turned it in and it was 113.00 and a few cents. Boy that was a surprise. I have always done it. Hubby always takes change out and lays it on the dresser. I like it.

Hugs Marlee

God is the painter, he paints the picture. And his son builds it, for he is the Master Carpenter!

Silly Boys Trucks Are For Girls

Hugs: Heaven's Ultimate
Good Sign
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True Blue Farmgirl

814 Posts

Southern Indiana
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Posted - Jun 19 2017 :  12:34:26 PM  Show Profile
My month of June is "shot"!!! But I got a boat :) :)

It is not as large as some of the boats I looked at but I love her and she is perfect!!!
We decided we wanted a trailer-able boat, she is 30 ft and is of the pontoon style.
I have ditched the idea of complete year round living, but our house is minutes from the marina, so I can stay all spring, summer & fall.
She has a bedroom, bath and kitchen and huge screened front deck.

I have been cleaning and cleaning and cleaning! I have been getting all the needed stuff stowed away.
I will post some pictures once she is spiffed up a bit.

Farmgirl Sister #7277
Put your lipstick on & be Happy!
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Farmgirl in Training

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Posted - Jun 19 2017 :  1:02:31 PM  Show Profile
I"m a change saver too. I weighed my coffee can once and got aprox. 27# and $10/lb. My son was flabbergasted as they counted and counted. A good lesson for a wide eyed kid. My husband leaves change all over so I once in awhile "clean it up" for him. I don't use a lot of cash anymore so it is a little slower to add up so hubby's needs to be cleaned up more often. Last year I used my stash as spending money in Poland.

Christine #7397
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jun 20 2017 :  11:09:35 AM  Show Profile
So exciting Bridge! I can't wait to see pictures of your new boat. I kept wondering if you had found one. I'm sorry you can't do year round living but I bet you will love being on your boat as much as you can.

That's a great way to earn extra money, Christine! Especially when you do laundry and find some in the pockets! LOL

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True Blue Farmgirl

7487 Posts

7487 Posts

Posted - Aug 04 2017 :  11:32:48 AM  Show Profile
How did everyone do for July? What's your new goals for August?

Bridge, how is the boat?


Edited by - MaryJanesNiece on Aug 04 2017 11:33:18 AM
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