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 DIY Essential Oil Recipes!
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True Blue Farmgirl

7577 Posts

7577 Posts

Posted - Feb 17 2017 :  2:01:59 PM  Show Profile
Hi Girls!

Since becoming a MJ Farmgirl, my family and I have learned so much. MaryJane and all of you have enlightened me with regards to the importance of clean living, and all the scary things that are hidden not only in our foods but also in our beauty products and pretty much everything else we use. We have learned how very important it is to grow our food organically, buy local organic products, etc. We’ve learned how important it is to reduce, reuse and recycle (and have had a LOT of fun getting creative with that!). And we’ve learned the importance – and health benefits - of homemade, all-natural products for beauty care and around our home. We use significantly less with regards to store bought, and make so much more from scratch... It's very satisfying, to be sure. We favor using single products that have multiple uses (for example, organic or homemade apple cider vinegar!). And we have always favored DIY and "formerly enjoyed" items over brand new off the rack or shelves. We even have reduced our electricity and gas consumption (which is a blessing, because the unit cost of energy has really escalated). What a difference all of these things have made in our lives! Our health is better, in general; we are much better prepared when cold and flu season hits; allergies are at a minimum; and, call me crazy, but for some reason, things feel more peaceful. It's as if the chemicals that used to surround us and be ingested really kept our bodies and minds humming. Not so now. A really great added benefit to all of this, though, is that I’m saving quite a bit of money from month-to-month in the process. This is very exciting stuff, indeed!

Over the past year, I’ve begun to incorporate essential oils to our repertoire. I really didn't expect to experience anything significant, to be truthful; but instead, we have experienced amazing, unexpected results. I just can't say enough good about them!

My company of choice is Eden’s Essentials, but there are plenty out there to choose from. Recently I have started receiving their emails featuring some really neat homemade beauty products that I thought you all might be interested in.

Here is a link to their recipe for Homemade Essential Oil Nail Polish Remover:

Now, how cool is THAT?! Along with the recipe, the article explains the concerns about store bought polish remover, as well as the benefits of their natural version!

When you visit their “Recipes” link, you’ll find all sorts of neat ideas from an essential oil shampoo recipe to diffuser blends to hand sanitizer to cleaning products and more:

And their “Go Clean in 2017 Challenge” features interesting information about the types of chemicals in different products many people use, including concerns and a couple of neat recipes you may enjoy:

If you’re interested in learning more, you can also visit their blog and follow more links to recipes, news, tips and information:

Please know that I am absolutely NOT selling anything! This is just the company I purchase my oils from. You definitely can and should use the brands and products you have come to trust and love! I just really think that good things should be shared, and I figured if anyone would be interested in this kind of thing, it would be MaryJane’s farmgirls!

Let me know what you think!

And if you have any more links or recipes or information or recommendations of your own to share, please do!

Hugs -


Farmgirl Sister #1974

God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!

Edited by - Ninibini on Feb 17 2017 2:03:45 PM

True Blue Farmgirl

588 Posts

Alvordton 36
588 Posts

Posted - Oct 22 2019 :  7:57:16 PM  Show Profile
I love using essential oils. I use them in my cleaning products, bath products, and the foaming hand soap that I make. The libraries in the area offer free classes on using essential oils and give out recipes. The classes are free. I am going to be going to one of them next week. I'm always willing to learn something new with the oils. I had an upset stomach the other day and rubbed some peppermint oil around my belly button and it worked.

Farmgirl 7774

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Lori Beck
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Bruce Wisconsin
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Posted - Sep 26 2024 :  03:13:37 AM  Show Profile
Has anyone made a sleep pillow spray? I usually fall asleep easy enough, but then after about 4 hours I start wakeing up every hour or so, if I fall back to sleep and my mind is racing over a million things. I have been looking at recipes and wondering what is the favored combination. I know everyone is different and likes different things. I have found lavender, cedarwood, and frankincense is one combination of eo. I thought I would try using vodka as a carrier or the liquid, since I have some.
Anyone have any ideas that has worked for them?

Farming in WI


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Nancy Joplin
True Blue Farmgirl

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Ontario California
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Posted - Sep 27 2024 :  1:54:41 PM  Show Profile
Michelle, vodka is a great carrier. . .and much cheaper than another oil.

Nancy 8352
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