New farmgirl completely --- here on the board and in real life... I'm looking for someplace that sells day old chicks and ships them to Canada... Anyone know of any?
My name is Denise... My hubby just retired recently and we just bought a farm a month ago. We have 2 Shetland Sheep, 2 horses (one of which we may sell) and two kittens and a Shetland Sheepdog AND 3 children! ;) Thanks for any info!!
Can't help with the chicks but wanted to say hello and welcome! Sounds like this new life is keeping you all quite busy!We'll look forward to hearing more from you, good luck with the chicks! What part of Canada are you from?
welcome Denise, glad to have you with us. You'll learn alot on this site. I'm trying to remember the catalog I used to have that sold chickens. Im not sure about day old chicks. It might be Bantem or something like that. Go online and try typing in something like looking to buy baby chicks.Sorry Im not very helpful. Good luck with the new farm and welcome. Michele
"she selects wool and flax and works with eager hands". prov. 31:13
I would check with Murray McMurray hatchery..that is where I get my chicks..if they don't ship to Canada I bet they would be able to tell you who would..they are so nice! They have a And by the way..welcome!!!!
Hi Denise! Welcome! Where in Canada are you located? We have a few other farmgirls from Canada posting! I don't know much about chickens, but I am glad you found this site! Jenny from Kansas
"Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field. I'll meet you there." Rumi, 13th century.