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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Feb 25 2016 : 1:34:14 PM
I found an old classic today that I wanted to share! This was one of my favorite books as a child. It brings back such wonderful memories of sitting and reading this book with my grandmother!  The first picture is her original 1947 edition and the second one is my 1975 edition that she gave to me one Easter. What a difference. You can obviously see how many times it was read.
Krista |
True Blue Farmgirl
1509 Posts
Charlestown, IN
1509 Posts |
Posted - Feb 25 2016 : 4:02:26 PM
Oh how lovely!!!
So I have NEWS! Oh my goodness.... :D The money has been withdrawn to buy the farm! Now we will be making an appointment and having everything drawn into a Trust. ALSO! Matt got a call from Ford today! He is scheduled for a physical next Saturday! There is a bit to all this and we need prayers that the right decisions are made. Never-the-less, HERE IS MY EXCITING NEWS!!!! Oh my GOODNESS!!!
Many Blessings- Alicia #5232 Farmgirl Accessories and more! Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass; it's about learning to dance in the rain." |
True Blue Farmgirl
1509 Posts
Charlestown, IN
1509 Posts |
True Blue Farmgirl
7379 Posts

7379 Posts |
Posted - Feb 26 2016 : 2:58:55 PM
Wahoo! Alicia, I am so happy you are finally getting some good news! This is just what you guys needed. I hope the positives keep on coming your way! I seem to be a bit out of the loop. Is the physical for a job?
Krista |
True Blue Farmgirl
626 Posts
626 Posts |
Posted - Feb 27 2016 : 06:23:35 AM
Krista I like peach rings also... Lol! Maybe I just like sugar....
Alicia that's awesome news! I'm so happy things are working out for you.
Not much happening here. We're in the process of buying a bit of land behind our house (just .4 acre) from a farmer. It's currently a corn field, but we plan to put a little barn and chicken coop there, and a fenced in area for our dogs. Also expand the garden. Most of the land we have is next to our house, so after this purchase we'll have 2.15 acres, I think. That doesn't sound like a lot to those of you with a real farm or who grew up on one, but I grew up in the Chicago suburbs, so for me, it's huge.
Erin Farmgirl #3762
"It is... through the world of the imagination which takes us beyond the restrictions of provable fact, that we touch the hem of truth." - Madeleine L'Engle |
True Blue Farmgirl
1509 Posts
Charlestown, IN
1509 Posts |
True Blue Farmgirl
7379 Posts

7379 Posts |
Posted - Feb 29 2016 : 1:18:05 PM
Erin, that is fantastic. That is more land then I have! I bet you are really going to enjoy your new space and being able to expand. What do you plan on growing in your expanded garden?
Alicia, let me know how the physical goes. How did your soap making go?
We had a fun weekend. We took the little one to see some elk. Even though he slept through the horse ride, I think he really had fun!.jpg?v 4200008)
Krista |
1422 Posts

1422 Posts |
Posted - Mar 01 2016 : 10:45:09 AM
What a fun group!! I'm under 35 so I'm definitely clicking Subscribe!! :)
Joyce Hein Farmgirl Sister #6071 |
True Blue Farmgirl
7379 Posts

7379 Posts |
Posted - Mar 01 2016 : 3:08:30 PM
Yeah! Welcome Joyce! Glad to have you join us!
Krista |
True Blue Farmgirl
626 Posts
626 Posts |
Posted - Mar 01 2016 : 3:16:16 PM
Yay! Hi Joyce! :)
Krista to be honest I'm the worst gardener! I have an herb garden that is mine, and I handle that pretty well. My husband is the real gardener. I was looking through our seeds the other day and we have many different tomatoes, broccoli, eggplant, cucumbers, peppers, different squash, lettuce, mesculin, beans.... I'm sure I'm forgetting some. All heirloom seeds. I take care of what happens after they grow, better than while they're growing :)
Erin Farmgirl #3762
"It is... through the world of the imagination which takes us beyond the restrictions of provable fact, that we touch the hem of truth." - Madeleine L'Engle |
True Blue Farmgirl
1509 Posts
Charlestown, IN
1509 Posts |
Posted - Mar 01 2016 : 7:43:22 PM
Hello Joyce!
My Soap- one of the boys pushed it on top and since it was wrapped in a towel, I didn't know. I rebatched it. Going to unmold in a bit!
We live on 2 acres now. Sadly it's almost all woods. Can't wait to stretch out on 46 acres!!
Many Blessings- Alicia #5232 Farmgirl Accessories and more! Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass; it's about learning to dance in the rain." |
True Blue Farmgirl
626 Posts
626 Posts |
Posted - Mar 02 2016 : 06:16:07 AM
Our 2+ acres are open, except for some maple trees in front of our house. I can't imagine 46 acres! Is most of it fields, or woods or a mix? Jason's stepdad has 80 acres of woods he's made a classified forest. We camp there every summer. I love it. Too much for me though. I like my little parcel. :) Although I would love to have a little woods to put a yurt in. That's my dream.
Erin Farmgirl #3762
"It is... through the world of the imagination which takes us beyond the restrictions of provable fact, that we touch the hem of truth." - Madeleine L'Engle |
True Blue Farmgirl
1509 Posts
Charlestown, IN
1509 Posts |
True Blue Farmgirl
1509 Posts
Charlestown, IN
1509 Posts |
Posted - Mar 02 2016 : 11:31:03 AM
I have 2 pictures of Google Maps, one is just more zoomed in.

The green line represents the original 20 acres we thought we MIGHT be able to afford, it has an 1830 cabin on it. We were the high bidders at the auction, but they opted to not sell, since bids were low on all (246 acres total was being sold, along with a Swiss Chalet, huge barn, and 2 other houses.) The pinkish line represents the additional lot we added on, so the green and pink are "our" 46 acres!
The blue circle is the cabin. The orange circle is the Swiss Chalet and Barn, orange lines and circle are all being transferred to my husband's dad. Between the two of us, we have JUST UNDER 90 acres.
Many Blessings- Alicia #5232 Farmgirl Accessories and more! Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass; it's about learning to dance in the rain." |
Edited by - DandeeRose on Mar 02 2016 11:32:09 AM |
True Blue Farmgirl
626 Posts
626 Posts |
Posted - Mar 02 2016 : 2:31:14 PM
That looks awesome! What are your plans for your new land?
Erin Farmgirl #3762
"It is... through the world of the imagination which takes us beyond the restrictions of provable fact, that we touch the hem of truth." - Madeleine L'Engle |
True Blue Farmgirl
1509 Posts
Charlestown, IN
1509 Posts |
Posted - Mar 02 2016 : 3:40:01 PM
Many things. We plan to be as diverse as possible! :) We will start with a really nice garden. Plenty to put up and maybe some extras to sell. Eventually, we will have CSAs, an Apple Orchard, blueberries, asparagus, meat chickens, layers, milk and milk products. We also plan to offer farm workshops, classes, day camps, events, etc... There are a few things in between that have been mentioned. Final stage is a Family Centered B&B in cabins scattered on the farm. Secluded and private (off grid as much as possible), yet hands on with fresh meals provided from farm produced foods. We also would like to have a few horses and do short led trail rides and wagon hay rides on the farm, possibly buggy rides in nearby areas.
Ultimately, we plan to produce as much of our our food as possible while providing small bits of income from many sources to support any other needs. Our family will all work together on the farm! We hope within 5 years, Matt will not have to work outside the home. :)
Many Blessings- Alicia #5232 Farmgirl Accessories and more! Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass; it's about learning to dance in the rain." |
True Blue Farmgirl
7379 Posts

7379 Posts |
Posted - Mar 02 2016 : 3:54:26 PM
Erin, that sounds like so much fun for camping. I am not sure how good I will be at gardening. I am growing my first box garden this year. I need to finalize what I want to plant so that I can start on my boxes.
Alicia, that is a lot of land! Any plans yet? Hopefully your next round of soap will turn out.
True Blue Farmgirl
1509 Posts
Charlestown, IN
1509 Posts |
True Blue Farmgirl
1509 Posts
Charlestown, IN
1509 Posts |
True Blue Farmgirl
752 Posts
752 Posts |
Posted - Mar 03 2016 : 12:19:51 AM
Wow Alicia that is awesome!! Some day we hope to do the same and have a diverse farm where we grow most of our own food plus a little to sell. We also want to raise almost all heritage breeds so we will sell breeder stock as well as meat animals (or eggs, or dairy).
Life is crazy as usual, I have to sick kids again this week (the other two, not the same two who were sick last week). And my to do list keeps getting longer. I wonder if I'll ever feel like I don't have more things to do than time to do them???? Probably not.
Sabrina Farmgirl Sister #3275 February 2016 Farmgirl of the Month
True Blue Farmgirl
626 Posts
626 Posts |
Posted - Mar 03 2016 : 03:06:48 AM
Alicia, those are some plans! Sounds like it will be a lot of fun. I'm really happy this is all working out for you.
Sabrina, I know how you feel. The days seem shorter when there is so much to do. I think it's worse right now because we're nearing the end of winter. Cabin fever is setting in. All the talk of gardening, and outdoor work makes me wish it was nice outside already. I know my kids are definitely feeling it. They can still go outside sometimes but it's so muddy and unpleasant right now, when it isn't frozen.
The past couple days though, when I get up and let the dogs out, I can tell the season is changing. It's cold, there is frost or snow, but the air feels different. I can feel spring in the air. That's a good feeling.
Erin Farmgirl #3762
"It is... through the world of the imagination which takes us beyond the restrictions of provable fact, that we touch the hem of truth." - Madeleine L'Engle |
1422 Posts

1422 Posts |
Posted - Mar 03 2016 : 05:57:24 AM
Alicia - that is so so neat!! I have to sound a lot like us :) We hope to raise all our own meat - plus some to sell, and we're going to experiment with growing our own grain, so we can make our own flour. I'd love to have a B&B...a true dream of mine! Same idea as yours...we hope to also be able to make all our own goat and cow cheese...use the milk for products and drinking. My husband owns his own trucking company, so our goal is that we can live off our land, and he would just work a couple days off-farm as he really likes driving truck and can't give it up completely ;-). Fun to see someone else out there with similar dreams!!
Sabrina - I'm praying for you!!
Joyce Hein Farmgirl Sister #6071 |
True Blue Farmgirl
3162 Posts

3162 Posts |
Posted - Mar 03 2016 : 06:30:52 AM
I think it is neat with so many of us having similar dreams! We would like to supply our own foods (fruit, veggies, meats, dairy, and eggs) along with having extras to sell, at a farm stand or the like. My oldest wants to grow herbs, both culinary and medicinal, and sell those. Our hope is to have chickens (meat and laying), ducks, turkeys, sheep, goats, jerseys, alpaca, and possibly a few horses. My 8 yo son wants to be in charge of the chickens and my 10 year old in charge of the sheep. My 7 yo wants to be in charge of milking the goats and jerseys. And the oldest (12 yo) wants to also take care of the veggie garden and horses. I knew there was a reason we had so many children ;)
We are still trying to get a rough timeline of what we want to add on when... We are looking at moving in August/September, so we will not get chickens or start a garden until Spring 2017. Not sure what to add after that. I'm thinking some type of dairy... but it will probably depend on the layout of the property and what we have as far as buildings and funds, lol.
We had talked about rabbits and pigs as well, for meat purposes, but we are still torn about it. The Levitical Law talks against both... and yes, I know later we were told we could eat all critters... but if you look at the scientific findings of why they were considered unclean and the issues that come with them, I am not sure I want to raise any... but rabbits multiply so quickly and give you quick meat, and I do enjoy my occasional pork. Oh the decisions...
~ Shannon, Sister # 5349 Farmgirl of the Month - January 2016 |
1422 Posts

1422 Posts |
Posted - Mar 03 2016 : 09:06:20 AM
Shannon - it is neat isn't it! We're in the process of getting things ready for a jersey and milking goats :) We also want to have a farm stand - we're in a huge tourist area - think Anne of Green we should be able to do well, I'm hoping!
Joyce Hein Farmgirl Sister #6071 |
True Blue Farmgirl
752 Posts
752 Posts |
Posted - Mar 03 2016 : 09:19:29 AM
Wow we all have such similar dreams!! Maybe this should be the "want to have our own farm" thread instead of the under 35 thread lol. I relate to everything y'all said!! Even Shannon being torn about pigs and rabbits. I think we will do pigs anyway because....bacon!! And really the research I've done it seems that the real issue with pigs is in what they are fed...they will eat anything so people feed them horrible stuff which ends up in the meat but if you feed them well the meat should be better. And...bacon. I'm not sure about rabbits though, I don't know what the health problems with their meat is I just don't know if I can butcher thumper lol. That said one of my focuses is fiber and so I want a few angora rabbits for the fiber. That may be the extent of rabbits for us. But we don't even have land yet or know when/where we will end up so who knows!! I also want to raise small plots of colored cotton to go with my fiber collection! :)
Sabrina Farmgirl Sister #3275 February 2016 Farmgirl of the Month
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