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True Blue Farmgirl

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Rozet Wyoming
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Posted - Apr 13 2017 :  12:19:54 PM  Show Profile
Hi all! Sorry I have MIA... I have been terribly sick, but I guess morning sickness will do that to you. Yp - expecting again. We are quite early - only about 8 weeks, due in November, but pretty excited. So far this pregnancy has been the most exhausting though!!! Most days I'm taking a nap when my children are! I'm extremely thankful for a teenager that doesn't nap and is willing to keep an eye on her little siblings if they get up before I!

~ Shannon, Sister # 5349
Farmgirl of the Month - January 2016
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True Blue Farmgirl

82 Posts

Chicago Illinois
82 Posts

Posted - Apr 13 2017 :  2:46:31 PM  Show Profile
Shannon - What wonderful news, Congratulations!!

I've been MIA too with getting ready to perform. I'm moving up quickly in my dance classes and my show is next week. People are actually paying money to come see this, so I'm starting to feel the pressure. I hope things start to slow down for me after the 22nd, but I'm worried it's just getting started, haha. I've never had anything I was so passionate about and focused on before :) I hope you all are well and are getting to enjoy some nice spring weather. We put our chicks outside today since it's nice - they're starting to get big and I cannot wait until they're outside all the time!

Farmgirl #6762
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True Blue Farmgirl

1509 Posts

Charlestown, IN
1509 Posts

Posted - Apr 13 2017 :  3:33:39 PM  Show Profile  Send DandeeRose a Yahoo! Message
Oh wow Shannon!!!! Yay!!!!

I am so behind on everything. Sorry I have been MIA. Life is chaotic, at best. lol!! Being spread between 2 places is so hard.

Yo will do great Nicole!

Here is what we have been up to.

Many Blessings- Alicia #5232 FGOTM May 2016
<3 OUR FARM <3 Farmgirl Accessories and more!
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass; it's about learning to dance in the rain."
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True Blue Farmgirl

7379 Posts

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Posted - Apr 14 2017 :  11:22:45 AM  Show Profile
Congratulations Shannon! How exciting! When in November are you due? Maybe your little one will share a birthday with Stryder Quinn!!

Nicole, that's so exciting! I bet you will do awesome with your dance performance! What kind of dance will you be performing?

Alicia, I will have to watch your video and catch up!

The boys and I have started going for walks in the morning with the neighbors. It's nice getting out and getting some fresh air as well as chatting with some friends. We also have a jam packed weekend full of activities with the family. In my down time I have been working on some blankets that I am crocheting for Christmas gifts. Also I'm getting ready to start my garden!

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1422 Posts

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Posted - Apr 14 2017 :  11:47:49 AM  Show Profile
I'm still alive....I promise....just super busy for another 3 weeks or so! Shannon - know I'm praying for you every day!!!

Joyce Hein
Farmgirl Sister #6071
FGOTM April 2016
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True Blue Farmgirl

1509 Posts

Charlestown, IN
1509 Posts

Posted - Apr 16 2017 :  3:04:54 PM  Show Profile  Send DandeeRose a Yahoo! Message
Happy Easter from the Winkler Homestead!!

Many Blessings- Alicia #5232 FGOTM May 2016
<3 OUR FARM <3 Farmgirl Accessories and more!
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass; it's about learning to dance in the rain."
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True Blue Farmgirl

7379 Posts

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Posted - Apr 17 2017 :  5:31:49 PM  Show Profile
Will be looking for you more in 3 weeks-ish, Joyce!

Super cute picture, Alicia! Hope you had a wonderful Easter.

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True Blue Farmgirl

7379 Posts

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Posted - Apr 20 2017 :  10:23:05 AM  Show Profile
Today is Lookalike day, so I dressed my boys in matching outfits! I should have snapped a picture before nap time! Have any of you found your lookalikes? My oldest is my mini me for sure!

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - May 10 2017 :  11:23:55 AM  Show Profile
It's been quite here for awhile. What's new with everyone?

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True Blue Farmgirl

7379 Posts

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Posted - Jun 03 2017 :  10:50:46 AM  Show Profile
Missing all you ladies! I know things have been super crazy busy for everyone.
Shannon- how are you feeling?
Joyce- have things settled down for you and your family?
Nicole- how was your dance performance? How are your chicks?
Alicia- how are things for you and your family? Still busy between 2 places?

I finally got my garden in a week ago and can't wait tell my veggies start coming on! My little guy is now sitting up and playing with his brother more. My heart melts when I watch them play! They will be the best of friends growing up. Our weather has finally decided to stay nice so we have been playing outside a lot.

Hope to hear from you all soon.

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True Blue Farmgirl

626 Posts

Monroeville IN
626 Posts

Posted - Jun 26 2017 :  08:52:39 AM  Show Profile
Wow it has been quiet here! I've been busy with baseball, gardening, vacationing, and sometimes I've had no internet!

My boys are in baseball 3 days a week so I'm running them around for that. We were on vacation a couple weeks ago in Chicago visiting my family. That was fun. We stayed with my sister in the city. The boys got to go to a Cubs game. They were beyond thrilled about that! I went to see Dave Matthews and Tim Reynolds with my sister at the end of the week. We do that every year usually in Indy, but that wasn't an option this year, so we went to Chicago instead.

We've been having the most random garden. I have tomatoes, peppers, and herbs I started from seed, but then Jason's aunt gave us all the tomatoes, peppers, basil, dill and chives that she had left from her greenhouse. Jason also planted zucchini, corn, and pole beans. It feels like we're going to have more than we know what to do with. I'm a little scared/excited for harvest time!

Whatever happened with our pocket letter idea? Did it fizzle? I'll try to be a little more regular on here!! :) As long as my internet cooperates!

Sister #3762
Farmgirl of the Month ~ March 2016
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jun 26 2017 :  12:54:56 PM  Show Profile
Glad to see you stop by Erin. I was starting to think this thread was coming to end. There is only so much I can talk to myself about! Lol. It sounds like you have been super busy. I think your garden sounds fabulous. Your going to love having that much food fresh from your garden. Are you going to try and can or save some of it? If you have a ton extra you could even try and sell it. My garden is a lot smaller this year. I have a lot on my plate that I didn't want to overwhelm myself with a lot going on in the garden. As far as the pocket letter goes, I wasn't getting responses from everyone and then shortly after, the thread just stopped. I am still more than happy to participate if everyone wants to. I think it would be fun. Good luck with your internet. I hope it will continue to work for you.

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True Blue Farmgirl

82 Posts

Chicago Illinois
82 Posts

Posted - Jun 26 2017 :  3:38:13 PM  Show Profile
Hello! I am still here. Life has been hectic. My performance was wonderful and I fell in love. I'll be going through teacher certification training in August so I can start teaching classes and I plan on competing next year, which is crazy and exciting. I NEVER thought I would try a pole fitness class and then I just fell in love. It's such a great community of people who are incredibly positive and supportive. I've also been doing the circus and aerial arts too (trapeze and silks). I'm definitely in the best shape of my life and the stronger I get the less pain I have with my fibromyalgia. I've probably done more self growth and grown more comfortable in my skin than I ever have in my life. But it's been incredibly busy. The chickens are wonderful. They love the yard and roam pretty freely all day since I work from home. They follow me everywhere I go around the yard right now.

Happy to see this group active again :)

Farmgirl #6762
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jun 27 2017 :  11:43:53 AM  Show Profile
Nicole, that is so exciting and it sounds like so much fun! Hearing your story really makes me want to find a studio that teaches that here. I would love to get in better shape and have fun doing it. I have been looking into taking a barre class but haven't found a place that stands out to me yet. I have a friend who wants to try with me, so that should be fun and not as scary. Is it hard to do the circus and aerial arts? How is work going? I bet the chickens are happy you stay home so they can be free. Hope your summer is off to a good start! Thanks for stopping by!

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True Blue Farmgirl

626 Posts

Monroeville IN
626 Posts

Posted - Jul 01 2017 :  07:04:34 AM  Show Profile
Krista, no! Let's not let it die!! Internet was spotty again this week. We figured out it's the wiring in the house. Jason rigged it up directly from the phone box outside through my kitchen window, so it works for now. Hopefully they can come next week to fix it for good. I am excited about the garden, and also a little nervous about processing it all! I plan to can as much as possible, and freeze some. We are going on vacation the second week of August and usually this isn't a good time as far as garden harvesting goes. But we'll come back with a bunch of blueberries too! So that will be fun.

Nicole those classes sound so fun! I am starting physical therapy for my diastasis recti on the 11th. I miss exercising a lot. I am a little hesitant to do too much now, because I don't want to make it worse. I can't wait to talk to them and find out what will be the best thing for me to do exercise wise. I have drastically changed my diet in the last month. Cut carbs, sugar, late night eating. I've lost 8 pounds, so I'm happy that's working slowly but surely!

For the pocket letter, how about if we say sign up by the 15th of this month, and the theme can be whatever you want it to be! I say we just go for it, and now is a good time since it's the 1st today. If it ends up just being you and I trading pocket letters Krista, that's ok! :) How does that sound?

I'm camping this weekend so I'll be offline for a few days. Have a safe and happy holiday weekend!!

Sister #3762
Farmgirl of the Month ~ March 2016
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1422 Posts

1422 Posts

Posted - Jul 01 2017 :  07:55:04 AM  Show Profile
Hello! I'm up for a pocket letter to mail by the end of the month. We just came home from my husband's work trip that I tagged along with the kids. We had to go to Ottawa to renew my passport/citizenship, and then we went to move some people from Ontario to PEI - 23 1/2 hour drive. VERY long, because I had to drive separate from him as he was driving his semi-truck with the trailer. My brother and his family live only an hour and a half from where the people were that were moving, so we spent one day with them. It was really nice, as my parents were visiting him as well. I'm glad to be back home now - catching up on housework, just need to wash windows Monday, and then teach for a couple of hours (piano) on Monday, and then hopefully the rest of the week I can craft and sew :) Today is Canada Day - and I'm just finishing up my cake, and then we'll be off to a BBQ! YAY! :D

Joyce Hein
Farmgirl Sister #6071
FGOTM April 2016
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jul 03 2017 :  8:57:31 PM  Show Profile
Erin, I don't want it to die either! So glad to see you feel the same way. Hopefully you guys can figure out the internet issue soon. It crazy how not having the internet can really mess with things. I do so much with the internet. Can you tell me a little more about diastasis recti? I did a quick google search and now wonder if that's why I still look pregnant and my little guy is 7 months! Lol! I had my boys back to back ( Tilton was only 2 months old when I became pregnant with Stryder) so I think that didn't help.

Sounds like a great plan for the pocket letter! Sign up by the 15. So far it looks like you, Joyce and me.

Joyce, we just applied for a passport on Thursday. It was quite the process but I'm excited! Happy Canada day! Hope you had a blast.

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True Blue Farmgirl

626 Posts

Monroeville IN
626 Posts

Posted - Jul 05 2017 :  12:17:09 PM  Show Profile
Krista, it very well could be what you have. I think it's pretty common to have some separation and it makes sense since you had them so close together. Your body didn't have much time to heal from the first one. This isn't technical, but a lot of times people measure it by how many fingers you can fit between your stomach muscles. Mine is really bad. When I lay down and try to do a sit up, there's just a lump that sticks out in the middle of my abdomen. I'm a little nervous to find out how bad it really is. I know from talking to one of my friends who had the same thing, that I'll have to have internal therapy using pressure points to try to fix it. That freaks me out a little but really at this point I'm willing to do whatever it takes to fix this. It's affecting my spacial perception, it hurts my back if I'm carrying Rory around. It just needs to be fixed, as much as it can be.

So we have 3 for pocket letter so far! It's a little weird doing it this way instead of on the swap section, but that's ok for this once don't you think?

Sister #3762
Farmgirl of the Month ~ March 2016
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jul 06 2017 :  10:53:34 AM  Show Profile
Very interesting. I'll have to set up an appointment with my doctor to see their opinion. If I do have it I don't think it's that bad. I'm sorry to hear it's causing so many problems for you. Hopefully you can get it figured out and fixed soon. Will the therapy hurt? Is that why you are freaked out? How is Rory doing? How old is he now?

I was mainly just trying to find a way to keep our group going and give us a fun way to connect out of the forum. And since it's only for us I think it's just fine but if we would like others to participate then it would be best to put it in the swap section. It's completely up to you and everyone else!

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True Blue Farmgirl

626 Posts

Monroeville IN
626 Posts

Posted - Jul 06 2017 :  12:28:28 PM  Show Profile
My friend that has already gone through this therapy said that it does hurt, but I don't think it's terrible or anything. I'm just uncomfortable with the thought of something so... invasive... I guess... It just freaks me out when I think about it. So I'll just not think about it too much, and probably it won't end up being as bad as I think it will! Rory is 14 months now. He's into everything. He's such a little climber! Thankfully he did not go camping with us. I would've been chasing him everywhere and not have had a moments peace. My mom came to watch him for a couple days. That was rough for him. He's never had anyone watch him overnight that wasn't me or Jason.

I think we can just keep the swap here for now. If we do any more, we can make them official! :)

Sister #3762
Farmgirl of the Month ~ March 2016
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1422 Posts

1422 Posts

Posted - Jul 07 2017 :  03:33:39 AM  Show Profile
Erin and Krista, I hope you guys get your health figured out soon. I will be praying for you both. Canada Day went well, I am glad to relax not week and not have much on my schedule. There are so many projects I want to work on. Y cow is due to calf Sunday, so I will keep you guys updated.

Joyce Hein
Farmgirl Sister #6071
FGOTM April 2016
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True Blue Farmgirl

626 Posts

Monroeville IN
626 Posts

Posted - Jul 07 2017 :  07:44:06 AM  Show Profile
Thanks Joyce! I hope the calfing goes well! I'm sure that's not the right way to say it... can you tell I've never had and livestock? Haha..

Sister #3762
Farmgirl of the Month ~ March 2016
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True Blue Farmgirl

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7379 Posts

Posted - Jul 07 2017 :  10:53:51 AM  Show Profile
Erin, I don't blame you! I bet you will do just fine. Let me know how it goes! Aww how cute. I can't believe it's already been 14 months. Even though it was rough for him I bet it was nice for you to have a break. I have been wanting to take my boys camping but I'm worried about what I will get myself into! Lol. Stryder actually began crawling yesterday so now I have two mobile babies. We have been lucky to hold out as long as we have with Tilton climbing. He is just figuring out how to climb along the sides of his crib. Thank goodness he is only trying to climb in not out, but my guess is once he figures that out he will climb out. May need to look into a toddler bed.

Thanks Joyce. I bet it's nice to finally slow down. You are such a busy woman. What projects do you plan on working on? Good luck with the new baby calf coming. I haven't had any livestock either so I'm not awear of the technical terms. I know my husband does a lot with livestock on his uncles farm. He's been talking of investing in some in the future, so I may eventually have livestock!

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jul 07 2017 :  10:55:40 AM  Show Profile
Oh I forgot to say- that works for me for the swap!!

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1422 Posts

1422 Posts

Posted - Jul 07 2017 :  2:49:34 PM  Show Profile
Organizing, cleaning, sewing, quilting and scrapbooking. My computer crashed this week - and they were unable to recover 2 1/2 years of photos. Big tears :(

Joyce Hein
Farmgirl Sister #6071
FGOTM April 2016
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