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True Blue Farmgirl
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Charlestown, IN
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True Blue Farmgirl
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Charlestown, IN
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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Apr 11 2016 : 11:49:16 AM
I wanted to share a bit of my thinking from this weekend. As I was rocking my baby in the rocking chair it got me thinking of how fast time goes. It seems like just yesterday he was born. Now he gabbers a lot, laughs, rolls over, has grown out of so many clothes, takes his naps in his crib instead of bassinet, etc. Where did the time go? Why has he grown so fast? I know that it's not going to slow down either. So I'm going to cherish and enjoy those moments when he wants me to hold him and rock him to sleep. And I'm going to hold him while he sleeps rather than lay him down because in no time he won't want me to do that. I wish I could freeze time and live like this forever but I'm so proud to see him learn new things and grow. I love being a mom and wouldn't change it for the world.
Krista |
1422 Posts

1422 Posts |
Posted - Apr 11 2016 : 4:30:38 PM
I love your thoughts, Krista. I long to have another baby....I tried to cherish each and every moment with my babies...I cried each time I knew was going to be their last nursing feed...I just love having babies and children. It's hard to believe my oldest is 10 now. I don't feel that old...but I guess I am.
Joyce Hein Farmgirl Sister #6071 |
True Blue Farmgirl
82 Posts
82 Posts |
Posted - Apr 12 2016 : 05:22:41 AM
Krista - I too have been feeling like time is slipping away. Spending a year living by yourself gives you lots of time to think about the bigger picture. I'm feeling homesick for my family and kicking myself for needing to get out of my hometown and spend so much time away from home. I think I'm also feeling like my time is running out to get pregnant. I know I'm still young, but so many of my peers have kids starting school so I feel that pressure all the time. It's funny how we can all have such different experiences in life but feel similarly. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
I'm still working on the socks, I'm so glad you all like them. I hope to have them done so we can deliver them in person this weekend. I'll post more pictures once they're knitted. We reserved a storage unit for May 15th, so it looks like this move is happening on the new timeline. I really hope I get out of the city this summer so I still have time to work in the garden. I'm worried about getting everything done in time and I hate moving, but I know it will be worth it in the long run.
Nicole Farmgirl #6762 |
True Blue Farmgirl
3162 Posts

3162 Posts |
Posted - Apr 12 2016 : 06:02:54 AM
Time... something you never seem to have enough of, and that seems to slip away so quickly! Krista I'm glad you are cherishing those moments now! With my oldest, I was in a different state of mind... one that was eager to see her newest development, and rushed the time away. With Emi, I still find I have to remind myself to cherish each moment, because there are so many of them needing me, and just one of me! This morning, as I held it close to me to nurse her, I reveled in the miracle of her! The rest of the children were still sleeping, so I really got to just focus on her... how her sweet little fingers wrapped around my hand, and she would look up at me and smile, while still eating. After she was fed, she curled up against me and drifted back to sleep. I just held her for awhile, before jumping in the shower and starting the day. Thank you for reminding me to take the time to enjoy!
Joyce - you are far from old!!! I am about to be 37 on Sunday... my oldest will be 13 the end of August. I had a dear friend that use to say you are only as old as you feel... so if you feel 18, then that is how old you are in spirit, which is more significant than your physical age! I'm glad I'm not the only one that cries each time my children wean.
Nicole - many of us could look in our past and find regrets. I hated moving to SC away from my family. But in all honesty, it was great for our family! Rather than have the regrets, decide what you want to change, if anything, and go for it in the present and future. God has big plans for each of us, so go for your dreams :)
~ Shannon, Sister # 5349 Farmgirl of the Month - January 2016 |
True Blue Farmgirl
7389 Posts

7389 Posts |
Posted - Apr 12 2016 : 12:56:57 PM
Joyce, it's such a wonderful feeling. You are far from old! I agree with Shannon. Don't let your age determine how old you feel. Just thinking about my baby being 10 seems like so far away, but really it's not. I know it seems silly but I'm ready for another baby!!
Nicole, don't you ever let the pressure of others bring you down. I have many friends who's children are in school and I barely have a 4 month old. I do know first hand how you feel though. It took me over 3 years to get pregnant and I had to have medical help in order to achieve pregnancy. My baby is a miracle baby. There are many days I feel like I will never provide my son with a sibling but I will try my hardest. Everything happens for a reason. I don't know your situation but stay positive and know I will be by your side! You will be a great mommy some day!
Shannon, I am so glad you were able to have one on one time with Emi today! Doesn't it just make your day? I can see how you felt with your oldest. I find myself doing that sometimes. I think society encourages us to rush things when there is no need. All good things come with time. Happy birthday on Sunday!
Krista |
True Blue Farmgirl
1509 Posts
Charlestown, IN
1509 Posts |
Posted - Apr 12 2016 : 5:24:30 PM
Girls! Reading these comments earlier today made me be just a bit more intentional today. <3 While dinner was simmering, I snuck a one-on-one cuddle in with my "baby", Sawyer, who is 3. :)
Many Blessings- Alicia #5232 Farmgirl Accessories and more! Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass; it's about learning to dance in the rain." |
True Blue Farmgirl
7389 Posts

7389 Posts |
Posted - Apr 14 2016 : 11:27:28 AM
Aww I love it!! Everyone is sneaking in some cuddle time!
Krista |
True Blue Farmgirl
7389 Posts

7389 Posts |
Posted - Apr 19 2016 : 6:17:32 PM
How is everyone doing? How is your week so far? I finally have completed my box for my garden and will be working on getting some things planted this week sometime. Pictures to come soon! I'm getting excited.
Krista |
True Blue Farmgirl
1509 Posts
Charlestown, IN
1509 Posts |
Posted - Apr 20 2016 : 7:50:16 PM
We are at the farm this week. Matt took his vacation to work on things around here. We aren't getting nearly what we hoped done, but this place s starting to look like a park!! <3 I'll post some pictures n a bit. I am WAY behind on my blog... :/
Many Blessings- Alicia #5232 Farmgirl Accessories and more! Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass; it's about learning to dance in the rain." |
True Blue Farmgirl
1509 Posts
Charlestown, IN
1509 Posts |
True Blue Farmgirl
7389 Posts

7389 Posts |
Posted - Apr 21 2016 : 3:58:45 PM
Alicia, looks like so much fun!
Krista |
1422 Posts

1422 Posts |
Posted - Apr 21 2016 : 4:19:23 PM
Love your pictures, Alicia!!
Joyce Hein Farmgirl Sister #6071 |
True Blue Farmgirl
1509 Posts
Charlestown, IN
1509 Posts |
True Blue Farmgirl
1509 Posts
Charlestown, IN
1509 Posts |
True Blue Farmgirl
752 Posts
752 Posts |
Posted - Apr 22 2016 : 10:33:38 AM
Hey everyone! I tried to catch up but I don't think I did a very good job. I'm praying for everyone though!!
I think we are all finally well for good! The baby is teething though so hubby and I are still lacking sleep.
My blog is in my signature lines. I haven't posted in a couple weeks but I'm trying to be more regular about it. I'm looking at all of yours.
Erin-praying for the rest of your pregnancy, your birth, and for a happy postpartum period. I've definitely struggled with postpartum issues and I can relate to pregnancies being harder as you get older!
Sabrina Farmgirl Sister #3275 February 2016 Farmgirl of the Month
True Blue Farmgirl
7389 Posts

7389 Posts |
Posted - Apr 22 2016 : 7:02:00 PM
Glad to have you back Sabrina!
My sweet little Border Collie, Adalyn, had surgery yesterday. She ruptured her acl and has been struggling to walk. So we decided to go through with the surgery. She is one tough cookie. But I have had my hands full. She has to be walked everywhere and taken special care of, so now I feel like I have two babies! It can take about 4 to 6 months for her to fully recover, but I feel like we have done the right thing.
Krista |
True Blue Farmgirl
82 Posts
82 Posts |
Posted - Apr 24 2016 : 2:52:30 PM
Krista - it's so hard when pets are sick or injured, I know you'll be able to nurse her back to health but 4 to 6 months sounds like a long time for her to be dependent on you. I'd do the same for my dog though. I'm sure she'll be back to her old self before you know it!
Sabrina - I'm glad you all are starting to feel better, this winter was just horrible for cold and flu season!
Alicia - your blog posts always make happy and I love seeing the joy you have with your family and nature. You really inspire me to keep working toward living the way I want to and getting out of the city.
I've been so distracted this past week. I've barely worked on my projects and I haven't been on here in several days. I had a muscle spasm in my back and have been taking it easy to recover. I did a lot of walking the past few days though to make up for the yoga I couldn't do with the pain. I'm better now. I did manage to plant some herbs, flowers, and leafy greens on the back porch this weekend. I hope to get the rest of the porch cleaned up and set up for the summer tonight. It's so rare to have good outdoor space in the city. I only get morning sun, but there are some flowers that survive and my herbs and lettuce always do great. It's finally warm enough by the lake to have a couple of windows open in the apartment, so I'm enjoying all the sounds of spring in the city. I spent way too much time watching television this week, so I plan on doing a lot of reading tonight to make up for it, haha.
I hope everyone has had a wonderful weekend.
Nicole Farmgirl #6762 |
True Blue Farmgirl
1509 Posts
Charlestown, IN
1509 Posts |
True Blue Farmgirl
1509 Posts
Charlestown, IN
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1422 Posts

1422 Posts |
Posted - Apr 24 2016 : 6:38:09 PM
FUN, Alicia!!!
So sorry to hear about your dear border collie, Krista :( Hoping she recovers soon!!
Joyce Hein Farmgirl Sister #6071 |
True Blue Farmgirl
1509 Posts
Charlestown, IN
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1422 Posts

1422 Posts |
Posted - Apr 25 2016 : 05:21:02 AM
Yay! Tell her happy birthday, Alicia :) I feel better! My daughter just turned 10, so I feel better that yours turned 14!! lol!
Joyce Hein Farmgirl Sister #6071 |
True Blue Farmgirl
7389 Posts

7389 Posts |
Posted - Apr 25 2016 : 11:39:07 AM
Nicole, I'm so sorry you were in pain but I'm glad you are doing better. Your outdoor space is sounding great. Hopefully it comes along great and you have a peaceful place to spend some time.
Alicia, congrats on winning a copy of Soil Sisters. I hope you enjoy it. Sweet! Tell her happy birthday!
My puppy is doing pretty good. We have been working on some rehab exercises and now she is slightly starting to walk on her leg. I am trying to keep her in a quite comfy space while she rests. We go back soon to remove the staples and then the doctor will tell me what additional rehab she needs.
Krista |
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